more wavy! never ends

This commit is contained in:
Raiden 2017-05-04 20:49:22 -04:00
parent 096b284b73
commit 6f26bba487
4 changed files with 116 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -96,3 +96,22 @@ Example:
Use `ALL_CAPS_UNDERSCORE` for constants, example:
### Bugs
If you come across a bug in the original code, please mark it in the comments with a bug name that begins with `BUG_`. Then, somewhere above the section or routine it's found in, put the same `BUG_xxxxx` name and describe it in more detail there. Example:
; BUG_wavy_column_bounds
; this should have checked > 1FC1 because the check
; aims to prevent corruption of anything outside of
; 1FC2-1FE1, but instead it checks >= 1FC1, so it
; DOES corrupt 1FC1, which is part of a different table
dec r11 ; $089E50 |\ wavy_column_loop exit condition:
bmi .wavy_loop_continue ; $089E51 | | wavy_width_counter has
nop ; $089E53 |/ exceeded width
iwt r0,#$1FC1 ; $089E54 |\ BUG_wavy_column_bounds
cmp r5 ; $089E57 | | screen bounds check for wavy column table
beq .flag_on_1FC2 ; $089E59 | | if wavy_column_address <= $1FC1
nop ; $089E5B | | then don't corrupt non-1FC2~1FE1 memory
bcs .check_end_of_1FC2 ; $089E5C | | so ignore flagging on
nop ; $089E5E |/ else flag on

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@ -10764,8 +10764,8 @@ CODE_01DA79:
STA !gsu_r8 ; $01DA84 |/ and r8
LDA $3B ; $01DA87 |\ camera Y
STA !gsu_r9 ; $01DA89 |/ -> r9
LDX #$08 ; $01DA8C |
LDA #$9DCE ; $01DA8E |
LDX #gsu_opt_moving_platforms>>16 ; $01DA8C |
LDA #gsu_opt_moving_platforms ; $01DA8E |
JSL r_gsu_init_1 ; $01DA91 |
SEP #$20 ; $01DA95 |
RTS ; $01DA97 |

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@ -5951,8 +5951,9 @@ CODE_089D9A:
db $04, $03 ; $089DCC |
; handles offset per tile for moving platforms
; and wavy effect (like in lava)
; parameters:
; r7: current Y offset timer
; r7: [wavy_time] current time for sinewave
; r8: camera X
; r9: camera Y
@ -5965,20 +5966,20 @@ gsu_opt_moving_platforms:
or r8 ; $089DDC |/ flagged on
iwt r2,#!s_opt_x_offsets_gsu ; $089DDD | beginning of OPT offset table
ibt r0,#$0000 ; $089DE0 |
iwt r5,#$1FC2 ; $089DE2 |
iwt r5,#!s_opt_columns_gsu ; $089DE2 |
ibt r12,#$0020 ; $089DE5 |\ begin loop $20 times
move r13,r15 ; $089DE7 |/
stb (r5) ; $089DE9 |\
inc r5 ; $089DEB | | loop through 2 tables
from r3 ; $089DEC | | clear out 1FC2 table
from r3 ; $089DEC | | clear out wavy_column table
stw (r2) ; $089DED | | with 00's
inc r2 ; $089DEE | | and store OPT_camera_x
loop ; $089DEF | | in every entry of
inc r2 ; $089DF0 | | OPT X offsets
stb (r5) ; $089DF1 |/ end .OPT_x_loop
iwt r4,#$1F72 ; $089DF3 | r4 = [current_wavy_entry]
iwt r4,#!s_opt_wavy_gsu ; $089DF3 | r4 = [current_wavy_entry]
from r8 ; $089DF6 |\
lsr ; $089DF7 | | [cam_x_tile]
lsr ; $089DF8 | | r3 = X tile (16 wide) of camera
@ -6028,94 +6029,104 @@ gsu_opt_moving_platforms:
move r5,r0 ; $089E2F | | [wavy_camrel_x_tile] r5 = cache this
add r11 ; $089E31 | | + wavy_width
cmp r6 ; $089E32 | | <= wavy_width_plus_16
beq .prep_1FC2 ; $089E34 | | tests within 16 tiles of camera
beq .prep_wavy_column ; $089E34 | | tests within 16 tiles of camera
nop ; $089E36 | | so, onscreen check
bcs .wavy_loop_continue ; $089E37 | | if so, run below else continue loop
nop ; $089E39 |/
iwt r0,#$1FC2 ; $089E3A |
ibt r1,#$0020 ; $089E3D |\ [end_of_1FC2_table]
iwt r0,#!s_opt_columns_gsu ; $089E3A |
ibt r1,#$0020 ; $089E3D |\ [end_of_wavy_column]
to r6 ; $089E3F | | $1FE2 -> r6
add r1 ; $089E40 |/
dec r5 ; $089E41 |\ [wavy_1FC2_address]
dec r5 ; $089E41 |\ [wavy_column_address]
with r5 ; $089E42 | | r5 = wavy_camrel_x_tile - 1
add r5 ; $089E43 | | * 2
to r5 ; $089E44 | | + $1FC2 (lines up with "camera X")
add r5 ; $089E45 |/ rel. 1FC2 addr from left x of rect.
to r5 ; $089E44 | | + $1FC2 (lines up with columns)
add r5 ; $089E45 |/ rel. wavy col. addr from left x of rect.
inc r11 ; $089E46 |\ [wavy_width_counter] init width count
with r11 ; $089E47 | | r11 = wavy_width + 1
add r11 ; $089E48 |/ * 2 because 16 vs. 8 bit tiles
from r8 ; $089E49 |\
and #8 ; $089E4A | | if high bit of camera X pixel
bne .nested_loop ; $089E4C | | is on - this means ???
inc r5 ; $089E4E |/ then only increment once
inc r5 ; $089E4F | else increment twice
from r8 ; $089E49 |\ if high bit of camera X pixel
and #8 ; $089E4A | | is on - this tests which 8-pixel
bne .wavy_column_loop ; $089E4C | | wide column we're in within the
inc r5 ; $089E4E | | 16-pixel chunk. increment one column
inc r5 ; $089E4F |/ vs. two columns depending
; at this point, nested loop from left to right X of rectangle
; flagging on all 1FC2 entries that fall within the X bounds
; flagging on all wavy columns that fall within the X bounds
; we ignore if we are BEFORE the $1FC2 address of the table
; and we exit loop upon reaching $1FE2, the end
dec r11 ; $089E50 |\ 1FC2_loop exit condition:
; BUG_wavy_column_bounds
; this should have checked > 1FC1 because the check
; aims to prevent corruption of anything outside of
; 1FC2-1FE1, but instead it checks >= 1FC1, so it
; DOES corrupt 1FC1, which is part of a different table
dec r11 ; $089E50 |\ wavy_column_loop exit condition:
bmi .wavy_loop_continue ; $089E51 | | wavy_width_counter has
nop ; $089E53 |/ exceeded width
iwt r0,#$1FC1 ; $089E54 |\
cmp r5 ; $089E57 | | screen bounds check for 1FC2 table
beq .flag_on_1FC2 ; $089E59 | | if wavy_1FC2_address < $1FC1
nop ; $089E5B | | then don't corrupt non-1FC2 memory
bcs .check_end_of_1FC2 ; $089E5C | | so ignore flagging on
iwt r0,#$1FC1 ; $089E54 |\ BUG_wavy_column_bounds
cmp r5 ; $089E57 | | screen bounds check for wavy column table
beq .flag_on_wavy_column ; $089E59 | | if wavy_column_address <= $1FC1
nop ; $089E5B | | then don't corrupt non-1FC2~1FE1 memory
bcs .check_end_of_wavy_column ; $089E5C | | so ignore flagging on
nop ; $089E5E |/ else flag on
ibt r0,#$0001 ; $089E5F |\ flag on current 8-pixel tile
stb (r5) ; $089E61 |/ for ???
ibt r0,#$0001 ; $089E5F |\ flag on current 8-pixel colunn
stb (r5) ; $089E61 |/ for "show wavy effect here"
from r5 ; $089E63 |\ another 1FC2_loop exit condition:
cmp r6 ; $089E64 | | if we've reached end_of_1FC2_table
bcc .1FC2_loop ; $089E66 | | which is right edge of screen,
from r5 ; $089E63 |\ another wavy_column_loop exit condition:
cmp r6 ; $089E64 | | if we've reached end_of_wavy_column
bcc .wavy_column_loop ; $089E66 | | which is right edge of screen,
inc r5 ; $089E68 |/ don't continue, else nested loop
; end of .1FC2_loop
; end of .wavy_column_loop
with r4 ; $089E69 |\ increment
add #4 ; $089E6A | | current_wavy_entry
loop ; $089E6C | | and loop
nop ; $089E6D |/ end .wavy_loop
iwt r0,#$2000 ; $089E6E |
to r9 ; $089E71 |
or r9 ; $089E72 |
ibt r0,#$FFF8 ; $089E73 |
and r8 ; $089E75 |
add r0 ; $089E76 |
to r7 ; $089E77 |
add r7 ; $089E78 |
iwt r0,#$00FF ; $089E79 |
and r7 ; $089E7C |
iwt r5,#$1FC2 ; $089E7D |
ibt r12,#$0021 ; $089E80 |
move r13,r15 ; $089E82 |
to r1 ; $089E84 |
add r0 ; $089E85 |
ldb (r5) ; $089E86 |
lob ; $089E88 |
bne .CODE_089E91 ; $089E89 |
nop ; $089E8B |
move r10,r9 ; $089E8C |
bra .CODE_089EBD ; $089E8E |
nop ; $089E90 |
iwt r0,#$0008 ; $089E91 |
romb ; $089E94 |
iwt r14,#sine_16 ; $089E96 |
with r14 ; $089E99 |
add r1 ; $089E9A |
getb ; $089E9B |
inc r14 ; $089E9C |
to r6 ; $089E9D |
getbh ; $089E9E |
iwt r0,#$2000 ; $089E6E |\ [OPT_camera_y]
to r9 ; $089E71 | | r9 = camera Y with BG1 OPT valid bit
or r9 ; $089E72 |/ flagged on
ibt r0,#$FFF8 ; $089E73 |\ [cam_X_plus_time]
and r8 ; $089E75 | | r7 = mask off last 3 bits of camera X
add r0 ; $089E76 | | (gets current 8-pixel column)
to r7 ; $089E77 | | * 2 + wavy_time
add r7 ; $089E78 |/
iwt r0,#$00FF ; $089E79 |\ [cam_X_plus_time_8]
and r7 ; $089E7C |/ r0 = get only pixels (byte)
iwt r5,#!s_opt_columns_gsu ; $089E7D |\
ibt r12,#$0021 ; $089E80 | | begin loop $21 times
move r13,r15 ; $089E82 |/ through s_opt_columns_gsu
to r1 ; $089E84 |\ [wavy_sine_X]
add r0 ; $089E85 |/ r1 = cam_X_plus_time_8 * 2
ldb (r5) ; $089E86 |\
lob ; $089E88 | | if current column is flagged on
bne .compute_wavy_sine ; $089E89 | | for wavy effect
nop ; $089E8B |/
move r10,r9 ; $089E8C |\ if not, set value to just be
bra .CODE_089EBD ; $089E8E | | current camera Y
nop ; $089E90 |/ and continue
iwt r0,#$0008 ; $089E91 |\
romb ; $089E94 | |
iwt r14,#sine_16 ; $089E96 | | [wavy_sine_value]
with r14 ; $089E99 | | r6 = 16-bit sine lookup
add r1 ; $089E9A | | of wavy_sine_X
getb ; $089E9B | |
inc r14 ; $089E9C | |
to r6 ; $089E9D | |
getbh ; $089E9E |/
iwt r0,#$0008 ; $089EA0 |
romb ; $089EA3 |
from r7 ; $089EA5 |
@ -6146,7 +6157,7 @@ gsu_opt_moving_platforms:
iwt r0,#$1EF0 ; $089EC4 |
from r10 ; $089EC7 |
stw (r0) ; $089EC8 |
bra .CODE_089ECF ; $089EC9 |
bra .wavy_OPT_offsets_loop_continue ; $089EC9 |
from r10 ; $089ECB |
@ -6154,17 +6165,19 @@ gsu_opt_moving_platforms:
inc r2 ; $089ECD |
inc r2 ; $089ECE |
with r8 ; $089ECF |
add #8 ; $089ED0 |
with r7 ; $089ED2 |
add #15 ; $089ED3 |
inc r7 ; $089ED5 |
iwt r0,#$00FF ; $089ED6 |
and r7 ; $089ED9 |
loop ; $089EDA |
inc r5 ; $089EDB |
iwt r5,#$1FC2 ; $089EDC |
with r8 ; $089ECF |\ camera X += 8
add #8 ; $089ED0 |/ next 8 pixel column
with r7 ; $089ED2 |\ cam_X_plus_time += 16
add #15 ; $089ED3 | | this goes to next 8-pixel
inc r7 ; $089ED5 |/ column (because we're * 2'd)
iwt r0,#$00FF ; $089ED6 |\ also reset cam_X_plus_time_8
and r7 ; $089ED9 |/ with new incremented camera
loop ; $089EDA |\ loop & next column in wavy_column
inc r5 ; $089EDB |/ end .wavy_OPT_offsets_loop
iwt r5,#!s_opt_columns_gsu ; $089EDC |
ibt r0,#$0000 ; $089EDF |
ibt r12,#$0020 ; $089EE1 |
move r13,r15 ; $089EE3 |
@ -6226,7 +6239,7 @@ gsu_opt_moving_platforms:
nop ; $089F37 |
iwt r0,#$1FC2 ; $089F38 |
iwt r0,#!s_opt_columns_gsu ; $089F38 |
ibt r1,#$0020 ; $089F3B |
to r6 ; $089F3D |
add r1 ; $089F3E |
@ -6306,7 +6319,7 @@ gsu_opt_moving_platforms:
loop ; $089F9F |
nop ; $089FA0 |
iwt r2,#$1F30 ; $089FA1 |
iwt r5,#$1FC2 ; $089FA4 |
iwt r5,#!s_opt_columns_gsu ; $089FA4 |
iwt r3,#$1EF0 ; $089FA7 |
iwt r0,#$2000 ; $089FAA |
lms r11,($0004) ; $089FAD |

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@ -462,6 +462,10 @@
!s_opt_y_offsets = $7F32
!s_opt_y_offsets_l = $701F32
!s_opt_wavy_gsu = $1F72
!s_opt_columns_gsu = $1FC2
!s_fuzzy_timer = $7FE8
!s_fuzzy_timer_l = $701FE8