- if (link == null) return null;
- decryptedLinks.add(createDownloadlink(link));
- } else if (parameter.indexOf("/directory-") != -1) {
- boolean cont = false;
- for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
- Form[] forms = br.getForms();
- if (forms != null && forms.length != 0 && forms[0] != null && br.getRegex(linkPattern).getColumn(0).length == 0 && !br.containsHTML("\\/img\\/button")) {
- Form captchaForm = forms[0];
- String captchaFileName = br.getRegex(strCaptchaPattern).getMatch(0);
- if (captchaFileName == null) { return null; }
- String captchaUrl = "http://rs-layer.com/" + captchaFileName;
- String captchaCode = getCaptchaCode(captchaUrl, param);
- captchaForm.put("captcha_input", captchaCode);
- br.submitForm(captchaForm);
- if (br.containsHTML("Sicherheitscode
war nicht korrekt")) {
- logger.info(JDL.L("plugins.decrypt.general.captchacodewrong", "Wrong CAPTCHA code"));
- continue;
- }
- if (br.containsHTML("Gültigkeit für den
ist abgelaufen")) {
- logger.info(JDL.L("plugins.decrypt.rslayer.captchaexpired", "CAPTCHA code is too old"));
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- cont = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (cont == false) { throw new DecrypterException(DecrypterException.CAPTCHA); }
- String layerLinks[] = br.getRegex(linkPattern).getColumn(0);
- System.out.println(layerLinks.length);
- if (layerLinks.length == 0) {
- if (!add_container(parameter, ".dlc", decryptedLinks)) {
- if (!add_container(parameter, ".rsdf", decryptedLinks)) {
- add_container(parameter, ".ccf", decryptedLinks);
- }
- }
- } else {
- progress.setRange(layerLinks.length);
- for (String element : layerLinks) {
- br.getPage("http://rs-layer.com/link-" + element + ".html");
- String link = Encoding.htmlDecode(br.getRegex("").getMatch(0));
- if (link != null) {
- if (link.startsWith("http://")) {
- decryptedLinks.add(createDownloadlink(Encoding.htmlDecode(link)));
- } else {
- String dllink = "http://rs-layer.com/" + link;
- br.getPage(dllink);
- String finallink = br.getRegex("src=\"(.*?)\"").getMatch(0);
- decryptedLinks.add(createDownloadlink(Encoding.htmlDecode(finallink)));
- }
- }
- progress.increase(1);
- }
- }
- }
- return decryptedLinks;
- }
- // private boolean isExternInterfaceActive() {
- // // DO NOT check for the plugin here. compatzibility reasons to 0.9*
- // // better: check port 9666 for a httpserver
- //
- // return true;
- // }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/jd/plugins/hoster/FileFeltoltoHu.java b/src/jd/plugins/hoster/FileFeltoltoHu.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08d670989b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jd/plugins/hoster/FileFeltoltoHu.java
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+//jDownloader - Downloadmanager
+//Copyright (C) 2010 JD-Team support@jdownloader.org
+//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+//(at your option) any later version.
+//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//GNU General Public License for more details.
+//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//along with this program. If not, see .
+package jd.plugins.hoster;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import jd.PluginWrapper;
+import jd.http.Browser;
+import jd.http.URLConnectionAdapter;
+import jd.nutils.encoding.Encoding;
+import jd.parser.Regex;
+import jd.plugins.DownloadLink;
+import jd.plugins.DownloadLink.AvailableStatus;
+import jd.plugins.HostPlugin;
+import jd.plugins.LinkStatus;
+import jd.plugins.PluginException;
+import jd.plugins.PluginForHost;
+import org.appwork.utils.formatter.SizeFormatter;
+@HostPlugin(revision = "$Revision$", interfaceVersion = 2, names = { "filefeltolto.hu" }, urls = { "http://(www\\.)?filefeltolto\\.hu/(letoltes/[a-z0-9]+/[^<>\"/]+|x/[a-z0-9]+|xvidplayer_gateway\\.php\\?fid=\\d+)" }, flags = { 0 })
+public class FileFeltoltoHu extends PluginForHost {
+ public FileFeltoltoHu(PluginWrapper wrapper) {
+ super(wrapper);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getAGBLink() {
+ return "http://filefeltolto.hu/terms";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public AvailableStatus requestFileInformation(DownloadLink link) throws IOException, PluginException {
+ this.setBrowserExclusive();
+ br.setFollowRedirects(true);
+ if (link.getDownloadURL().matches("http://(www\\.)?filefeltolto\\.hu/(letoltes/[a-z0-9]+/[^<>\"/]+|x/[a-z0-9]+)")) {
+ br.getPage(link.getDownloadURL());
+ if (br.containsHTML("A fájl nem létezik, vagy törölve lett szerzői jogsértő tartalom miatt")) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
+ String filename = br.getRegex("class=\"left\">Fájlnév([^<>\"]*?) | ").getMatch(0);
+ if (filename == null) filename = br.getRegex("([^<>\"]*?) letöltés :: FileFeltolto\\.hu").getMatch(0);
+ String filesize = br.getRegex("\\((\\d+ KB)\\)").getMatch(0);
+ if (filename == null || filesize == null) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ link.setName(Encoding.htmlDecode(filename.trim()));
+ link.setDownloadSize(SizeFormatter.getSize(filesize));
+ } else {
+ Browser br2 = br.cloneBrowser();
+ // In case the link redirects to the finallink
+ br2.setFollowRedirects(true);
+ URLConnectionAdapter con = null;
+ try {
+ con = br2.openGetConnection(link.getDownloadURL());
+ if (!con.getContentType().contains("html")) {
+ link.setDownloadSize(con.getLongContentLength());
+ link.setFinalFileName(Encoding.htmlDecode(getFileNameFromHeader(con).trim()));
+ } else {
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
+ }
+ return AvailableStatus.TRUE;
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ con.disconnect();
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return AvailableStatus.TRUE;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void handleFree(DownloadLink downloadLink) throws Exception, PluginException {
+ requestFileInformation(downloadLink);
+ String dllink = downloadLink.getDownloadURL();
+ if (downloadLink.getDownloadURL().matches("http://(www\\.)?filefeltolto\\.hu/letoltes/[a-z0-9]+/[^<>\"/]+")) {
+ // Try to skip waittime
+ final String fid = br.getRegex(".
+package jd.plugins.hoster;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.SortedMap;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import jd.PluginWrapper;
+import jd.config.Property;
+import jd.http.Browser;
+import jd.http.Cookie;
+import jd.http.Cookies;
+import jd.http.URLConnectionAdapter;
+import jd.nutils.encoding.Encoding;
+import jd.parser.Regex;
+import jd.parser.html.Form;
+import jd.parser.html.HTMLParser;
+import jd.plugins.Account;
+import jd.plugins.AccountInfo;
+import jd.plugins.DownloadLink;
+import jd.plugins.DownloadLink.AvailableStatus;
+import jd.plugins.HostPlugin;
+import jd.plugins.LinkStatus;
+import jd.plugins.Plugin;
+import jd.plugins.PluginException;
+import jd.plugins.PluginForHost;
+import jd.utils.JDUtilities;
+import jd.utils.locale.JDL;
+import org.appwork.utils.formatter.SizeFormatter;
+import org.appwork.utils.formatter.TimeFormatter;
+@HostPlugin(revision = "$Revision$", interfaceVersion = 2, names = { "vreer.com" }, urls = { "https?://(www\\.)?vreer\\.com/[a-z0-9]{12}" }, flags = { 2 })
+public class VreerCom extends PluginForHost {
+ private String correctedBR = "";
+ private static final String PASSWORDTEXT = "(
Password: Passwort: File Not Found<|>The file was removed by|Reason (of|for) deletion:\n)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)).matches()) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
+ if (correctedBR.contains(MAINTENANCE)) {
+ link.getLinkStatus().setStatusText(JDL.L("plugins.hoster.xfilesharingprobasic.undermaintenance", MAINTENANCEUSERTEXT));
+ return AvailableStatus.TRUE;
+ }
+ String filename = new Regex(correctedBR, "You have requested.*?https?://(www\\.)?" + this.getHost() + "/[A-Za-z0-9]{12}/(.*?)").getMatch(1);
+ if (filename == null) {
+ filename = new Regex(correctedBR, "fname\"( type=\"hidden\")? value=\"(.*?)\"").getMatch(1);
+ if (filename == null) {
+ filename = new Regex(correctedBR, "Download File(.*?)
+ if (filename == null) {
+ filename = new Regex(correctedBR, "(?i)(File)?name ?:? ?(<[^>]+> ?)+?([^<>\"\\']+)").getMatch(2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ String filesize = new Regex(correctedBR, "\\(([0-9]+ bytes)\\)").getMatch(0);
+ if (filesize == null) {
+ filesize = new Regex(correctedBR, "[ ]+\\(([^<>\"\\'/]+)\\)(.*?)").getMatch(0);
+ }
+ if (filename == null || filename.equals("")) {
+ if (correctedBR.contains("You have reached the download-limit")) {
+ logger.warning("Waittime detected, please reconnect to make the linkchecker work!");
+ return AvailableStatus.UNCHECKABLE;
+ }
+ logger.warning("The filename equals null, throwing \"plugin defect\" now...");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ }
+ filename = filename.replaceAll("(||\\.html)", "");
+ link.setProperty("plainfilename", filename);
+ link.setFinalFileName(filename.trim());
+ if (filesize != null && !filesize.equals("")) link.setDownloadSize(SizeFormatter.getSize(filesize));
+ return AvailableStatus.TRUE;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void handleFree(DownloadLink downloadLink) throws Exception, PluginException {
+ requestFileInformation(downloadLink);
+ doFree(downloadLink, true, -2, "freelink");
+ }
+ public void doFree(DownloadLink downloadLink, boolean resumable, int maxchunks, String directlinkproperty) throws Exception, PluginException {
+ String passCode = null;
+ String md5hash = new Regex(correctedBR, "MD5.*?.*?nowrap>(.*?)<").getMatch(0);
+ if (md5hash != null) {
+ md5hash = md5hash.trim();
+ logger.info("Found md5hash: " + md5hash);
+ downloadLink.setMD5Hash(md5hash);
+ }
+ String dllink = checkDirectLink(downloadLink, directlinkproperty);
+ /**
+ * Video links can already be found here, if a link is found here we can
+ * skip wait times and captchas
+ */
+ if (dllink == null) {
+ checkErrors(downloadLink, false, passCode);
+ if (correctedBR.contains("\"download1\"")) {
+ final String hash = new Regex(correctedBR, "name=\"hash\" value=\"([a-z0-9]+)\"").getMatch(0);
+ if (hash == null) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ waitTime(System.currentTimeMillis(), downloadLink);
+ postPage(br.getURL(), "op=download1&usr_login=&id=" + new Regex(downloadLink.getDownloadURL(), "/([A-Za-z0-9]{12})$").getMatch(0) + "&fname=" + Encoding.urlEncode(downloadLink.getStringProperty("plainfilename")) + "&hash=" + hash + "&referer=&method_free=Free+Download");
+ checkErrors(downloadLink, false, passCode);
+ }
+ dllink = getDllink();
+ }
+ if (dllink == null) {
+ Form dlForm = br.getFormbyProperty("name", "F1");
+ if (dlForm == null) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ dlForm.remove(null);
+ final long timeBefore = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ boolean password = false;
+ boolean skipWaittime = false;
+ if (new Regex(correctedBR, PASSWORDTEXT).matches()) {
+ password = true;
+ logger.info("The downloadlink seems to be password protected.");
+ }
+ /* Captcha START */
+ if (correctedBR.contains(";background:#ccc;text-align")) {
+ logger.info("Detected captcha method \"plaintext captchas\" for this host");
+ /** Captcha method by ManiacMansion */
+ String[][] letters = new Regex(Encoding.htmlDecode(br.toString()), "(\\d)").getMatches();
+ if (letters == null || letters.length == 0) {
+ logger.warning("plaintext captchahandling broken!");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ }
+ SortedMap capMap = new TreeMap();
+ for (String[] letter : letters) {
+ capMap.put(Integer.parseInt(letter[0]), letter[1]);
+ }
+ StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();
+ for (String value : capMap.values()) {
+ code.append(value);
+ }
+ dlForm.put("code", code.toString());
+ logger.info("Put captchacode " + code.toString() + " obtained by captcha metod \"plaintext captchas\" in the form.");
+ } else if (correctedBR.contains("/captchas/")) {
+ logger.info("Detected captcha method \"Standard captcha\" for this host");
+ String[] sitelinks = HTMLParser.getHttpLinks(br.toString(), null);
+ String captchaurl = null;
+ if (sitelinks == null || sitelinks.length == 0) {
+ logger.warning("Standard captcha captchahandling broken!");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ }
+ for (String link : sitelinks) {
+ if (link.contains("/captchas/")) {
+ captchaurl = link;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (captchaurl == null) {
+ logger.warning("Standard captcha captchahandling broken!");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ }
+ String code = getCaptchaCode("xfilesharingprobasic", captchaurl, downloadLink);
+ dlForm.put("code", code);
+ logger.info("Put captchacode " + code + " obtained by captcha metod \"Standard captcha\" in the form.");
+ } else if (new Regex(correctedBR, "(api\\.recaptcha\\.net|google\\.com/recaptcha/api/)").matches()) {
+ logger.info("Detected captcha method \"Re Captcha\" for this host");
+ PluginForHost recplug = JDUtilities.getPluginForHost("DirectHTTP");
+ jd.plugins.hoster.DirectHTTP.Recaptcha rc = ((DirectHTTP) recplug).getReCaptcha(br);
+ rc.setForm(dlForm);
+ String id = new Regex(correctedBR, "\\?k=([A-Za-z0-9%_\\+\\- ]+)\"").getMatch(0);
+ rc.setId(id);
+ rc.load();
+ File cf = rc.downloadCaptcha(getLocalCaptchaFile());
+ String c = getCaptchaCode(cf, downloadLink);
+ Form rcform = rc.getForm();
+ rcform.put("recaptcha_challenge_field", rc.getChallenge());
+ rcform.put("recaptcha_response_field", Encoding.urlEncode(c));
+ logger.info("Put captchacode " + c + " obtained by captcha metod \"Re Captcha\" in the form and submitted it.");
+ dlForm = rc.getForm();
+ /** wait time is often skippable for reCaptcha handling */
+ // skipWaittime = true;
+ }
+ /* Captcha END */
+ if (password) passCode = handlePassword(passCode, dlForm, downloadLink);
+ if (!skipWaittime) waitTime(timeBefore, downloadLink);
+ sendForm(dlForm);
+ logger.info("Submitted DLForm");
+ checkErrors(downloadLink, true, passCode);
+ dllink = getDllink();
+ if (dllink == null) {
+ logger.warning("Final downloadlink (String is \"dllink\") regex didn't match!");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ }
+ }
+ logger.info("Final downloadlink = " + dllink + " starting the download...");
+ dl = jd.plugins.BrowserAdapter.openDownload(br, downloadLink, dllink, resumable, maxchunks);
+ if (dl.getConnection().getContentType().contains("html")) {
+ logger.warning("The final dllink seems not to be a file!");
+ br.followConnection();
+ correctBR();
+ checkServerErrors();
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ }
+ downloadLink.setProperty(directlinkproperty, dllink);
+ if (passCode != null) downloadLink.setProperty("pass", passCode);
+ dl.startDownload();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getMaxSimultanFreeDownloadNum() {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /** Remove HTML code which could break the plugin */
+ public void correctBR() throws NumberFormatException, PluginException {
+ correctedBR = br.toString();
+ ArrayList someStuff = new ArrayList();
+ ArrayList regexStuff = new ArrayList();
+ regexStuff.add("<\\!(\\-\\-.*?\\-\\-)>");
+ regexStuff.add("(display: none;\">.*?)");
+ regexStuff.add("(visibility:hidden>.*?<)");
+ for (String aRegex : regexStuff) {
+ String lolz[] = br.getRegex(aRegex).getColumn(0);
+ if (lolz != null) {
+ for (String dingdang : lolz) {
+ someStuff.add(dingdang);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (String fun : someStuff) {
+ correctedBR = correctedBR.replace(fun, "");
+ }
+ }
+ public String getDllink() {
+ String dllink = br.getRedirectLocation();
+ if (dllink == null) {
+ dllink = new Regex(correctedBR, "dotted #bbb;padding.*?\"]*?)\"").getMatch(0);
+ if (dllink == null) {
+ String cryptedScripts[] = new Regex(correctedBR, "p\\}\\((.*?)\\.split\\('\\|'\\)").getColumn(0);
+ if (cryptedScripts != null && cryptedScripts.length != 0) {
+ for (String crypted : cryptedScripts) {
+ dllink = decodeDownloadLink(crypted);
+ if (dllink != null) break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return dllink;
+ }
+ private void getPage(String page) throws Exception {
+ br.getPage(page);
+ correctBR();
+ }
+ private void postPage(String page, String postdata) throws Exception {
+ br.postPage(page, postdata);
+ correctBR();
+ }
+ private void sendForm(Form form) throws Exception {
+ br.submitForm(form);
+ correctBR();
+ }
+ public void checkErrors(DownloadLink theLink, boolean checkAll, String passCode) throws NumberFormatException, PluginException {
+ if (checkAll) {
+ if (new Regex(correctedBR, PASSWORDTEXT).matches() || correctedBR.contains("Wrong password")) {
+ logger.warning("Wrong password, the entered password \"" + passCode + "\" is wrong, retrying...");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_RETRY, "Wrong password entered");
+ }
+ if (correctedBR.contains("Wrong captcha")) {
+ logger.warning("Wrong captcha or wrong password!");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_CAPTCHA);
+ }
+ if (correctedBR.contains("\">Skipped countdown<")) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_FATAL, "Fatal countdown error (countdown skipped)");
+ }
+ /** Wait time reconnect handling */
+ if (new Regex(correctedBR, "(You have reached the download\\-limit|You have to wait)").matches()) {
+ /** TODO: Improve those regexes */
+ String tmphrs = new Regex(correctedBR, "\\s+(\\d+)\\s+hours?").getMatch(0);
+ if (tmphrs == null) tmphrs = new Regex(correctedBR, "You have to wait.*?\\s+(\\d+)\\s+hours?").getMatch(0);
+ String tmpmin = new Regex(correctedBR, "\\s+(\\d+)\\s+minutes?").getMatch(0);
+ if (tmpmin == null) tmpmin = new Regex(correctedBR, "You have to wait.*?\\s+(\\d+)\\s+minutes?").getMatch(0);
+ String tmpsec = new Regex(correctedBR, "\\s+(\\d+)\\s+seconds?").getMatch(0);
+ String tmpdays = new Regex(correctedBR, "\\s+(\\d+)\\s+days?").getMatch(0);
+ if (tmphrs == null && tmpmin == null && tmpsec == null && tmpdays == null) {
+ logger.info("Waittime regexes seem to be broken");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_IP_BLOCKED, null, 60 * 60 * 1000l);
+ } else {
+ int minutes = 0, seconds = 0, hours = 0, days = 0;
+ if (tmphrs != null) hours = Integer.parseInt(tmphrs);
+ if (tmpmin != null) minutes = Integer.parseInt(tmpmin);
+ if (tmpsec != null) seconds = Integer.parseInt(tmpsec);
+ if (tmpdays != null) days = Integer.parseInt(tmpdays);
+ int waittime = ((days * 24 * 3600) + (3600 * hours) + (60 * minutes) + seconds + 1) * 1000;
+ logger.info("Detected waittime #2, waiting " + waittime + "milliseconds");
+ /** Not enough wait time to reconnect->Wait and try again */
+ if (waittime < 180000) { throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_HOSTER_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE, JDL.L("plugins.hoster.xfilesharingprobasic.allwait", ALLWAIT_SHORT), waittime); }
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_IP_BLOCKED, null, waittime);
+ }
+ }
+ if (correctedBR.contains("You're using all download slots for IP")) { throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_IP_BLOCKED, null, 10 * 60 * 1001l); }
+ if (correctedBR.contains("Error happened when generating Download Link")) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE, "Server error!", 10 * 60 * 1000l);
+ /** Error handling for only-premium links */
+ if (new Regex(correctedBR, "( can download files up to |Upgrade your account to download bigger files|>Upgrade your account to download larger files|>The file You requested reached max downloads limit for Free Users|Please Buy Premium To download this file<|This file reached max downloads limit)").matches()) {
+ String filesizelimit = new Regex(correctedBR, "You can download files up to(.*?)only").getMatch(0);
+ if (filesizelimit != null) {
+ filesizelimit = filesizelimit.trim();
+ logger.warning("As free user you can download files up to " + filesizelimit + " only");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_FATAL, "Free users can only download files up to " + filesizelimit);
+ } else {
+ logger.warning("Only downloadable via premium");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_FATAL, "Only downloadable via premium or registered");
+ }
+ }
+ if (correctedBR.contains(MAINTENANCE)) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE, JDL.L("plugins.hoster.xfilesharingprobasic.undermaintenance", MAINTENANCEUSERTEXT), 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000l);
+ }
+ public void checkServerErrors() throws NumberFormatException, PluginException {
+ if (new Regex(correctedBR, Pattern.compile("No file", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)).matches()) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_FATAL, "Server error");
+ if (new Regex(correctedBR, "(File Not Found|404 Not Found
)").matches()) {
+ logger.warning("Server says link offline, please recheck that!");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
+ }
+ }
+ private String decodeDownloadLink(String s) {
+ String decoded = null;
+ try {
+ Regex params = new Regex(s, "\\'(.*?[^\\\\])\\',(\\d+),(\\d+),\\'(.*?)\\'");
+ String p = params.getMatch(0).replaceAll("\\\\", "");
+ int a = Integer.parseInt(params.getMatch(1));
+ int c = Integer.parseInt(params.getMatch(2));
+ String[] k = params.getMatch(3).split("\\|");
+ while (c != 0) {
+ c--;
+ if (k[c].length() != 0) p = p.replaceAll("\\b" + Integer.toString(c, a) + "\\b", k[c]);
+ }
+ decoded = p;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ }
+ String finallink = null;
+ if (decoded != null) {
+ finallink = new Regex(decoded, "name=\"src\"value=\"(.*?)\"").getMatch(0);
+ if (finallink == null) {
+ finallink = new Regex(decoded, "type=\"video/divx\"src=\"(.*?)\"").getMatch(0);
+ if (finallink == null) {
+ finallink = new Regex(decoded, "\\.addVariable\\(\\'file\\',\\'(http://.*?)\\'\\)").getMatch(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return finallink;
+ }
+ private String handlePassword(String passCode, Form pwform, DownloadLink thelink) throws IOException, PluginException {
+ passCode = thelink.getStringProperty("pass", null);
+ if (passCode == null) passCode = Plugin.getUserInput("Password?", thelink);
+ pwform.put("password", passCode);
+ logger.info("Put password \"" + passCode + "\" entered by user in the DLForm.");
+ return Encoding.urlEncode(passCode);
+ }
+ private String checkDirectLink(DownloadLink downloadLink, String property) {
+ String dllink = downloadLink.getStringProperty(property);
+ if (dllink != null) {
+ try {
+ Browser br2 = br.cloneBrowser();
+ URLConnectionAdapter con = br2.openGetConnection(dllink);
+ if (con.getContentType().contains("html") || con.getLongContentLength() == -1) {
+ downloadLink.setProperty(property, Property.NULL);
+ dllink = null;
+ }
+ con.disconnect();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ downloadLink.setProperty(property, Property.NULL);
+ dllink = null;
+ }
+ }
+ return dllink;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public AccountInfo fetchAccountInfo(Account account) throws Exception {
+ AccountInfo ai = new AccountInfo();
+ try {
+ login(account, true);
+ } catch (PluginException e) {
+ account.setValid(false);
+ return ai;
+ }
+ String space = br.getRegex(Pattern.compile("Used space: | .*?([0-9\\.]+) of [0-9\\.]+ (Mb|GB)", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)).getMatch(0);
+ if (space != null) ai.setUsedSpace(space.trim() + " Mb");
+ account.setValid(true);
+ String availabletraffic = new Regex(correctedBR, "Traffic available.*?:([^<>\"\\']+)").getMatch(0);
+ if (availabletraffic != null && !availabletraffic.contains("nlimited") && !availabletraffic.equalsIgnoreCase(" Mb")) {
+ ai.setTrafficLeft(SizeFormatter.getSize(availabletraffic));
+ } else {
+ ai.setUnlimitedTraffic();
+ }
+ if (account.getBooleanProperty("nopremium")) {
+ ai.setStatus("Registered (free) User");
+ } else {
+ String expire = new Regex(correctedBR, Pattern.compile(" | Premium(\\-| )Account expires?: | .*?()?(\\d{1,2} [A-Za-z]+ \\d{4})()? | ", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)).getMatch(2);
+ if (expire == null) {
+ ai.setExpired(true);
+ account.setValid(false);
+ return ai;
+ } else {
+ expire = expire.replaceAll("(|)", "");
+ ai.setValidUntil(TimeFormatter.getMilliSeconds(expire, "dd MMMM yyyy", null));
+ }
+ ai.setStatus("Premium User");
+ }
+ return ai;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void handlePremium(DownloadLink link, Account account) throws Exception {
+ String passCode = null;
+ requestFileInformation(link);
+ login(account, false);
+ br.setFollowRedirects(false);
+ String dllink = null;
+ if (account.getBooleanProperty("nopremium")) {
+ getPage(link.getDownloadURL());
+ doFree(link, true, -2, "freelink2");
+ } else {
+ dllink = checkDirectLink(link, "premlink");
+ if (dllink == null) {
+ getPage(link.getDownloadURL());
+ checkErrors(link, true, passCode);
+ Form dlform = br.getFormbyProperty("name", "F1");
+ if (dlform == null) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ if (new Regex(correctedBR, PASSWORDTEXT).matches()) passCode = handlePassword(passCode, dlform, link);
+ sendForm(dlform);
+ dllink = getDllink();
+ checkErrors(link, true, passCode);
+ }
+ if (dllink == null) {
+ logger.warning("Final downloadlink (String is \"dllink\") regex didn't match!");
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ }
+ logger.info("Final downloadlink = " + dllink + " starting the download...");
+ dl = jd.plugins.BrowserAdapter.openDownload(br, link, dllink, true, -2);
+ if (dl.getConnection().getContentType().contains("html")) {
+ logger.warning("The final dllink seems not to be a file!");
+ br.followConnection();
+ correctBR();
+ checkServerErrors();
+ throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ }
+ if (passCode != null) link.setProperty("pass", passCode);
+ link.setProperty("premlink", dllink);
+ dl.startDownload();
+ }
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ private void login(Account account, boolean force) throws Exception {
+ synchronized (LOCK) {
+ try {
+ /** Load cookies */
+ br.setCookiesExclusive(true);
+ final Object ret = account.getProperty("cookies", null);
+ boolean acmatch = Encoding.urlEncode(account.getUser()).equals(account.getStringProperty("name", Encoding.urlEncode(account.getUser())));
+ if (acmatch) acmatch = Encoding.urlEncode(account.getPass()).equals(account.getStringProperty("pass", Encoding.urlEncode(account.getPass())));
+ if (acmatch && ret != null && ret instanceof HashMap, ?> && !force) {
+ final HashMap cookies = (HashMap) ret;
+ if (account.isValid()) {
+ for (final Map.Entry cookieEntry : cookies.entrySet()) {
+ final String key = cookieEntry.getKey();
+ final String value = cookieEntry.getValue();
+ this.br.setCookie(COOKIE_HOST, key, value);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ br.setCookie(COOKIE_HOST, "lang", "english");
+ account.setProperty("nopremium", "false");
+ getPage(COOKIE_HOST + "/login.html");
+ Form loginform = br.getForm(1);
+ if (loginform == null) loginform = br.getForm(0);
+ if (loginform == null) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PLUGIN_DEFECT);
+ loginform.put("login", Encoding.urlEncode(account.getUser()));
+ loginform.put("password", Encoding.urlEncode(account.getPass()));
+ sendForm(loginform);
+ if (br.getCookie(COOKIE_HOST, "login") == null || br.getCookie(COOKIE_HOST, "xfsts") == null) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PREMIUM, PluginException.VALUE_ID_PREMIUM_DISABLE);
+ getPage(COOKIE_HOST + "/?op=my_account");
+ if (!new Regex(correctedBR, "(Premium(\\-| )Account expire|Upgrade to premium|>Renew premium<)").matches()) throw new PluginException(LinkStatus.ERROR_PREMIUM, PluginException.VALUE_ID_PREMIUM_DISABLE);
+ if (!new Regex(correctedBR, "(Premium(\\-| )Account expire|>Renew premium<)").matches()) account.setProperty("nopremium", "true");
+ /** Save cookies */
+ final HashMap cookies = new HashMap();
+ final Cookies add = this.br.getCookies(COOKIE_HOST);
+ for (final Cookie c : add.getCookies()) {
+ cookies.put(c.getKey(), c.getValue());
+ }
+ account.setProperty("name", Encoding.urlEncode(account.getUser()));
+ account.setProperty("pass", Encoding.urlEncode(account.getPass()));
+ account.setProperty("cookies", cookies);
+ } catch (final PluginException e) {
+ account.setProperty("cookies", Property.NULL);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getMaxSimultanPremiumDownloadNum() {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void reset() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void resetDownloadlink(DownloadLink link) {
+ }
+ private void waitTime(long timeBefore, DownloadLink downloadLink) throws PluginException {
+ int passedTime = (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() - timeBefore) / 1000) - 1;
+ /** Ticket Time */
+ String ttt = new Regex(correctedBR, "id=\"countdown_str\">[^<>\"]+\"]+\"( class=\"[^<>\"]+\")?>([\n ]+)?(\\d+)([\n ]+)?").getMatch(2);
+ if (ttt == null) ttt = new Regex(correctedBR, "\">Wait (\\d+)").getMatch(0);
+ if (ttt != null) {
+ int tt = Integer.parseInt(ttt);
+ tt -= passedTime;
+ logger.info("Waittime detected, waiting " + ttt + " - " + passedTime + " seconds from now on...");
+ if (tt > 0) sleep(tt * 1000l, downloadLink);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file