
563 lines
27 KiB

import unittest
import os
import random
import binascii
from androguard.core import dex
from androguard.misc import AnalyzeAPK
test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
class MockClassManager():
def packer(self):
return dex.DalvikPacker(0x12345678)
def get_odex_format(self):
return False
class VMClassTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
test_apk_path = os.path.join(test_dir, 'data/APK/TestActivity.apk')
cls.a, cls.d, cls.dx = AnalyzeAPK(test_apk_path)
def testVMClass(self):
"""test number of ClassDefItems, StringDataItems, FieldIdItems, and MethodIdItems"""
num_class_def_items = 0
num_strings_data_items = 0
num_field_id_items = 0
num_method_id_items = 0
# the below field exists in the fieldIds list, but
# their class doesnt exist, this is bc its loaded at runtime
# 19 [FieldIdItem]: class_idx=0x13 type_idx=0x242 name_idx=0x1099
# classIdx = 0x13 = 19
# typeIdx = 0x242 = 578
# nameIdx = 0x1099 = 4249
# className = Landroid/app/Notification;
# typeName = [J
# fieldName = vibrate
# see DEX format spec
# field ids, type ids, and method ids references
# are not required to be defined in the dex since they can be resolved at runtime via shared library
for vm in self.dx.vms:
num_class_def_items += vm.get_len_classes() # ClassDefItems
num_strings_data_items += vm.get_len_strings() # StringDataItems
num_field_id_items += vm.get_len_fields() # FieldIdItems
num_method_id_items += vm.get_len_methods() # MethodIdItems
self.assertEqual(len(self.dx.vms), 1)
self.assertEqual(num_class_def_items, 340)
self.assertEqual(num_strings_data_items, 4329)
self.assertEqual(num_field_id_items, 865)
self.assertEqual(num_method_id_items, 3602)
def testAccessflags(self):
class_name_accessflag_map = {
'Ltests/androguard/TestLoops;': {
'access_flag': 0x1, # public
'methods': {
'<init>': 0x1 | 0x10000, # public | constructor
'testBreak': 0x1, # public
'testBreak2': 0x1,
'testBreak3': 0x1,
'testBreak4': 0x1,
'testBreakDoWhile': 0x1,
'testBreakMid': 0x1,
'testBreakbis': 0x1,
'testDiffWhileDoWhile': 0x1,
'testDoWhile': 0x1,
'testDoWhileTrue': 0x1,
'testFor': 0x1,
'testIrreducible': 0x1,
'testMultipleLoops': 0x1,
'testNestedLoops': 0x1,
'testReducible': 0x1,
'testWhile': 0x1,
'testWhile2': 0x1,
'testWhile3': 0x1,
'testWhile4': 0x1,
'testWhile5': 0x1,
'testWhileTrue': 0x1,
'fields': {
'Ltests/androguard/TestLoops$Loop;': {
'access_flag': 0x1, # public
'methods': {
'<init>': 0x4 | 0x10000 # protected | constructor
'fields': {
'i': 0x1 | 0x8, # public | static
'j': 0x1 | 0x8 # public | static
'Ltests/androguard/TestIfs;': {
'access_flag': 0x1, # public
'methods': {
'<init>': 0x1 | 0x10000, # public | constructor
'testIF': 0x1 | 0x8, # public | static
'testIF2': 0x1 | 0x8,
'testIF3': 0x1 | 0x8,
'testIF4': 0x1 | 0x8,
'testIF5': 0x1 | 0x8,
'testIfBool': 0x1 | 0x8,
'testShortCircuit': 0x1 | 0x8,
'testShortCircuit2': 0x1 | 0x8,
'testShortCircuit3': 0x1 | 0x8,
'testShortCircuit4': 0x1 | 0x8,
'testCFG': 0x1, # public
'testCFG2': 0x1
'fields': {
'P': 0x2, # private
'Q': 0x2,
'R': 0x2,
'S': 0x2
# ensure these classes exist in the Analysis
for expected_class_name in class_name_accessflag_map.keys():
# test access flags for classes
for expected_class_name, class_data in class_name_accessflag_map.items():
class_analysis = self.dx.get_class_analysis(expected_class_name)
class_access_flags = class_analysis.get_vm_class().get_access_flags()
self.assertEqual(class_access_flags, class_data['access_flag'])
# test access flags for methods
encoded_methods = class_analysis.get_vm_class().get_methods()
for expected_method_name, expected_access_flags in class_data['methods'].items():
# ensure this method is in the class
self.assertIn(expected_method_name, [ for method in encoded_methods])
# ensure access flags match
for method in encoded_methods:
if == expected_method_name:
self.assertEqual(method.get_access_flags(), expected_access_flags)
# test access flags for fields
encoded_fields = class_analysis.get_vm_class().get_fields()
for expected_field_name, expected_access_flags in class_data['fields'].items():
# ensure this field is in the class
self.assertIn(expected_field_name, [ for field in encoded_fields])
# ensure access flags match
for field in encoded_fields:
if == expected_field_name:
self.assertEqual(field.get_access_flags(), expected_access_flags)
class InstructionTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testInstructions(self):
"""Tests if all instructions are at least covered"""
# Set the seed here, so we have reproduceable results later
for op_value in range(0, 256):
ins = dex.DALVIK_OPCODES_FORMAT[op_value][0]
name = dex.DALVIK_OPCODES_FORMAT[op_value][1]
self.assertEqual(issubclass(ins, dex.Instruction), True)
# The Name should code for the length of the opcode
length = int(ins.__name__[11]) * 2
self.assertEqual(ins.length, length)
if name[0] == 'unused':
# unused instructions should raise an error on invocation
with self.assertRaises(dex.InvalidInstruction):
ins(MockClassManager(), bytearray([op_value, 0]))
# therefore, we can not test much else here...
# Test if instruction can be parsed
bytecode = bytearray([op_value] + [0] * (length - 1))
instruction = ins(MockClassManager(), bytecode)
self.assertIsInstance(instruction, dex.Instruction)
self.assertEqual(instruction.get_op_value(), op_value)
# And packed again
self.assertEqual(instruction.get_raw(), bytecode)
# Test with some pseudorandom stuff
if ins.__name__ in ['Instruction10x', 'Instruction20t', 'Instruction30t', 'Instruction32x',
# note this only works for certain opcode (which are not forced to 0 in certain places)
# Thus we need to make sure these places are zero.
# Instruction45cc: Has constrained regarding the parameter AA
bytecode = bytearray([op_value, 0] + [random.randint(0x00, 0xff) for _ in range(length - 2)])
bytecode = bytearray([op_value] + [random.randint(0x00, 0xff) for _ in range(length - 1)])
instruction = ins(MockClassManager(), bytecode)
self.assertIsInstance(instruction, dex.Instruction)
self.assertEqual(instruction.get_op_value(), op_value)
self.assertEqual(instruction.get_raw(), bytecode)
def testNOP(self):
"""test if NOP instructions are parsed"""
instruction = dex.Instruction10x(MockClassManager(), bytearray(b"\x00\x00"))
self.assertEqual(instruction.get_name(), "nop")
def testLinearSweep(self):
bytecode = bytearray(b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00")
instructions = ['nop', 'nop', 'nop', 'return-void']
l = 0
for ins in dex.LinearSweepAlgorithm.get_instructions(MockClassManager(), 4, bytecode, 0):
self.assertIsInstance(ins, dex.Instruction10x)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_length(), 2)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), instructions.pop(0))
l += ins.get_length()
self.assertEqual(instructions, [])
self.assertEqual(len(bytecode), l)
def testLinearSweepStrings(self):
# very basic function, strings and invokes
bytecode = bytearray(binascii.unhexlify('1A000F001A0100001A0214001A0311001A0415001A0413001A0508001A061200'
instructions = [
'const-string', 'const-string',
'const-string', 'const-string',
'const-string', 'const-string',
'const-string', 'const-string',
'const-string', 'const-string',
'sget-object', 'invoke-virtual',
'sget-object', 'invoke-virtual',
'sget-object', 'invoke-virtual',
'sget-object', 'invoke-virtual',
'sget-object', 'invoke-virtual',
'sget-object', 'invoke-virtual',
'sget-object', 'invoke-virtual',
'sget-object', 'invoke-virtual',
'sget-object', 'invoke-virtual',
'sget-object', 'invoke-virtual',
l = 0
for ins in dex.LinearSweepAlgorithm.get_instructions(MockClassManager(), 71, bytecode, 0):
self.assertIsInstance(ins, dex.Instruction)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), instructions.pop(0))
l += ins.get_length()
# check if all instructions were consumed
self.assertEqual(instructions, [])
# Check if all bytes are read
self.assertEqual(len(bytecode), l)
def testLinearSweepSwitch(self):
"""test if switch payloads are unpacked correctly"""
bytecode = bytearray(binascii.unhexlify('2B02140000001300110038030400130063000F001300170028F913002A0028F6'
instructions = [
l = 0
for ins in dex.LinearSweepAlgorithm.get_instructions(MockClassManager(), 30, bytecode, 0):
if len(instructions) > 1:
self.assertIsInstance(ins, dex.Instruction)
self.assertIsInstance(ins, dex.PackedSwitch)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), instructions.pop(0))
l += ins.get_length()
# check if all instructions were consumed
self.assertEqual(instructions, [])
self.assertEqual(len(bytecode), l)
def testLSAArrays(self):
"""Test if fill-array-data-payload is parsed"""
bytecode = bytearray(binascii.unhexlify('12412310030026002D0000005B30000012702300050026002B0000005B300300'
instructions = [
'const/4', 'new-array', 'fill-array-data', 'iput-object',
'const/4', 'new-array', 'fill-array-data', 'iput-object',
'const/4', 'new-array', 'fill-array-data', 'iput-object',
'new-array', 'fill-array-data', 'iput-object',
'const/4', 'new-array',
'const/4', 'const-string', 'aput-object',
'const/4', 'const-string', 'aput-object',
'nop', # alignment
'nop', # alignment
l = 0
# array information: (element_width, size)
arrays = [(1, 4), (4, 7), (2, 5), (2, 4)]
for ins in dex.LinearSweepAlgorithm.get_instructions(MockClassManager(), 90, bytecode, 0):
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), instructions.pop(0))
if ins.get_name() != 'fill-array-data-payload':
self.assertIsInstance(ins, dex.Instruction)
self.assertIsInstance(ins, dex.FillArrayData)
elem_size, size = arrays.pop(0)
self.assertEqual(ins.element_width, elem_size)
self.assertEqual(ins.size, size)
l += ins.get_length()
# check if all instructions were consumed
self.assertEqual(instructions, [])
self.assertEqual(arrays, [])
self.assertEqual(len(bytecode), l)
def testWrongInstructions(self):
"""Test if unknown instructions raise an InvalidInstruction error"""
with self.assertRaises(dex.InvalidInstruction):
ins = list(dex.LinearSweepAlgorithm.get_instructions(MockClassManager(), 1, bytearray(b"\xff\xab"), 0))
with self.assertRaises(dex.InvalidInstruction):
ins = list(dex.LinearSweepAlgorithm.get_instructions(MockClassManager(), 2, bytearray(b"\x00\x00"
b"\xff\xab"), 0))
def testIncompleteInstruction(self):
"""Test if incomplete bytecode log an error"""
# Test if instruction can be parsed
with self.assertRaises(dex.InvalidInstruction):
ins = list(
dex.LinearSweepAlgorithm.get_instructions(MockClassManager(), 5, bytearray(b"\x18\x01\xff\xff"), 0))
def testInstruction21h(self):
"""Test function of Instruction 21h used for const{,-wide}/high16"""
ins = dex.Instruction21h(MockClassManager(), bytearray([0x15, 0x00, 0x42, 0x11]))
self.assertEqual(ins.get_op_value(), 0x15)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_literals(), [0x11420000])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_operands(), [(dex.Operand.REGISTER, 0x00), (dex.Operand.LITERAL, 0x11420000)])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), 'const/high16')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_output(), 'v0, 289538048')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_raw(), bytearray([0x15, 0x00, 0x42, 0x11]))
ins = dex.Instruction21h(MockClassManager(), bytearray([0x19, 0x00, 0x42, 0x11]))
self.assertEqual(ins.get_op_value(), 0x19)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_literals(), [0x1142000000000000])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_operands(), [(dex.Operand.REGISTER, 0x00), (dex.Operand.LITERAL, 0x1142000000000000)])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), 'const-wide/high16')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_output(), 'v0, 1243556447107678208')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_raw(), bytearray([0x19, 0x00, 0x42, 0x11]))
ins = dex.Instruction21h(MockClassManager(), bytearray([0x19, 0x00, 0xbe, 0xff]))
self.assertEqual(ins.get_op_value(), 0x19)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_literals(), [-18577348462903296])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_operands(), [(dex.Operand.REGISTER, 0x00), (dex.Operand.LITERAL, -18577348462903296)])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), 'const-wide/high16')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_output(), 'v0, -18577348462903296')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_raw(), bytearray([0x19, 0x00, 0xbe, 0xff]))
def testInstruction51l(self):
"""test the functionality of const-wide"""
ins = dex.Instruction51l(MockClassManager(),
bytearray([0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]))
self.assertEqual(ins.get_op_value(), 0x18)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_literals(), [0])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_operands(), [(dex.Operand.REGISTER, 0x00), (dex.Operand.LITERAL, 0)])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), 'const-wide')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_output(), 'v0, 0')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_raw(), bytearray([0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]))
bytecode = bytearray([0x18, 0x00, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0x12, 0x34, 0x70])
ins = dex.Instruction51l(MockClassManager(), bytecode)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_op_value(), 0x18)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_literals(), [0x7034129078563412])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_operands(), [(dex.Operand.REGISTER, 0x00), (dex.Operand.LITERAL, 0x7034129078563412)])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), 'const-wide')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_output(), 'v0, 8085107642740388882')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_raw(), bytecode)
bytecode = bytearray([0x18, 0x00, 0xee, 0xcb, 0xa9, 0x87, 0x6f, 0xed, 0xcb, 0x8f])
ins = dex.Instruction51l(MockClassManager(), bytecode)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_op_value(), 0x18)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_literals(), [-8085107642740388882])
[(dex.Operand.REGISTER, 0x00), (dex.Operand.LITERAL, -8085107642740388882)])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), 'const-wide')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_output(), 'v0, -8085107642740388882')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_raw(), bytecode)
def testInstruction11n(self):
"""Test the functionality for Instruction 11n (only used for const/4)"""
tests = [
(0x00, 0, 0),
(0x13, 3, 1),
(0x10, 0, 1),
(0x11, 1, 1),
(0x71, 1, 7),
(0xF0, 0, -1),
(0x61, 1, 6),
(0xE6, 6, -2),
(0x86, 6, -8),
for args, reg, lit in tests:
ins = dex.Instruction11n(MockClassManager(), bytearray([0x12, args]))
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), 'const/4')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_literals(), [lit])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_raw(), bytearray([0x12, args]))
self.assertEqual(ins.get_operands(), [(dex.Operand.REGISTER, reg), (dex.Operand.LITERAL, lit)])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_output(), 'v{}, {}'.format(reg, lit))
def testInstruction21s(self):
"""Test functionality of Instruction 21s (const/16, const-wide/16)"""
# Both instructions have the same format, the difference is that they either write into 32bit or 64bit registers
# But this does not matter for us...
tests = [
([0x01, 0x0E, 0x00], 1, 0x0E),
([0x02, 0x10, 0x00], 2, 0x10),
([0x02, 0x0B, 0x00], 2, 0x0B),
([0x00, 0x02, 0x20], 0, 0x2002),
([0x00, 0x00, 0x10], 0, 0x1000),
([0x02, 0x18, 0xFC], 2, -0x3E8),
([0x00, 0x00, 0x80], 0, -0x8000),
([0x00, 0xFF, 0x7F], 0, 0x7FFF),
([0x00, 0x80, 0xFF], 0, -0x80),
for args, reg, lit in tests:
# const/16
bytecode = bytearray([0x13] + args)
ins = dex.Instruction21s(MockClassManager(), bytecode)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), 'const/16')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_literals(), [lit])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_raw(), bytecode)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_operands(), [(dex.Operand.REGISTER, reg), (dex.Operand.LITERAL, lit)])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_output(), 'v{}, {}'.format(reg, lit))
# const-wide/16
bytecode = bytearray([0x16] + args)
ins = dex.Instruction21s(MockClassManager(), bytecode)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), 'const-wide/16')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_literals(), [lit])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_raw(), bytecode)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_operands(), [(dex.Operand.REGISTER, reg), (dex.Operand.LITERAL, lit)])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_output(), 'v{}, {}'.format(reg, lit))
def testInstruction31i(self):
"""Test functionaltiy of Instruction31i (const, const-wide/32)"""
# const is often used to load resources...
tests = [
([0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x1F], 0, 0x1FFFFFFF),
([0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x07, 0x7F], 0, 0x7F070062),
([0x00, 0x74, 0x00, 0x07, 0x7F], 0, 0x7F070074),
# FIXME: test negative numbers
for args, reg, lit in tests:
# const
bytecode = bytearray([0x14] + args)
ins = dex.Instruction31i(MockClassManager(), bytecode)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), 'const')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_literals(), [lit])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_raw(), bytecode)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_operands(), [(dex.Operand.REGISTER, reg), (dex.Operand.LITERAL, lit)])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_output(), 'v{}, {}'.format(reg, lit))
# const-wide/32
bytecode = bytearray([0x17] + args)
ins = dex.Instruction31i(MockClassManager(), bytecode)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_name(), 'const-wide/32')
self.assertEqual(ins.get_literals(), [lit])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_raw(), bytecode)
self.assertEqual(ins.get_operands(), [(dex.Operand.REGISTER, reg), (dex.Operand.LITERAL, lit)])
self.assertEqual(ins.get_output(), 'v{}, {}'.format(reg, lit))
def testBrokenDex(self):
"""Test various broken DEX headers"""
# really not a dex file
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cnx:
self.assertIn('Header too small', str(cnx.exception))
# Adler32 will not match, zeroed out file
data_dex = binascii.unhexlify('6465780A303335001F6C4D5A6ACF889AF588F3237FC9F20B41F56A2408749D1B'
'090000001409000094140000340A0000' + ('00' * (7880 - 0x70)))
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cnx:
self.assertIn("Adler32", str(cnx.exception))
# A very very basic dex file (without a map)
# But should parse...
data_dex = binascii.unhexlify('6465780A30333500460A4882696E76616C6964696E76616C6964696E76616C69'
# Wrong header size
data_dex = binascii.unhexlify('6465780A30333500480A2C8D696E76616C6964696E76616C6964696E76616C69'
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cnx:
self.assertIn("Wrong header size", str(cnx.exception))
# Non integer version, but parse it
data_dex = binascii.unhexlify('6465780AFF00AB00460A4882696E76616C6964696E76616C6964696E76616C69'
# Big Endian file
data_dex = binascii.unhexlify('6465780A30333500460AF480696E76616C6964696E76616C6964696E76616C69'
with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as cnx:
self.assertIn("swapped endian tag", str(cnx.exception))
# Weird endian file
data_dex = binascii.unhexlify('6465780A30333500AB0BC3E4696E76616C6964696E76616C6964696E76616C69'
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cnx:
self.assertIn("Wrong endian tag", str(cnx.exception))
if __name__ == '__main__':