Swift binding (#1707)

* update const generator for swift

* groups constants by enum
* use pascal case for enum names
* use camel case for enum values
* values are always literals
* add extra options for some enums
* use different types for some enums
* generate option sets instead of enums for some types
* renaming constants according to regex pattern

* don't output documentation comments for non-exported defines

* add Swift binding to readme
This commit is contained in:
Jesús A. Álvarez 2020-11-25 07:41:10 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6a8406aff6
commit 4dd716c37e
2 changed files with 186 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -70,3 +70,7 @@ More bindings created & maintained by the community are available as followings.
- capstone-d: D binding (by Dimitri Bohlender)
- Swift binding (by Jesús A. Álvarez)

View File

@ -77,11 +77,118 @@ template = {
'comment_open': '(*',
'comment_close': ' *)',
'swift': {
'header': "// For Capstone Engine. AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT (%s)\n\n",
'footer': "",
'enum_doc': '/// %s\n',
'enum_header': 'public enum %s: %s {\n',
'enum_default_type': 'UInt32',
'enum_types': {
'UInt16': r'^\w+Reg$',
'UInt8': r'^\w+Grp$'
'option_set_header': 'public struct %s: OptionSet {\n public typealias RawValue = %s\n public let rawValue: RawValue\n public init(rawValue: RawValue) { self.rawValue = rawValue }\n',
'option_sets': {
'X86Eflags': 'UInt64',
'X86FpuFlags': 'UInt64',
'SparcHint': 'UInt32',
'M680xIdx': 'UInt8',
'M680xOpFlags': 'UInt8',
'rename': {
r'^M680X_(\w+_OP_IN_MNEM)$': r'M680X_OP_FLAGS_\1',
'option_format': ' public static let {option} = {type}(rawValue: {value})\n',
'enum_extra_options': {
# swift enum != OptionSet, so options must be specified
'ArmSysreg': {
'spsrCx': 'spsrC + spsrX',
'spsrCs': 'spsrC + spsrS',
'spsrXs': 'spsrX + spsrS',
'spsrCxs': 'spsrC + spsrX + spsrS',
'spsrCf': 'spsrC + spsrF',
'spsrXf': 'spsrX + spsrF',
'spsrCxf': 'spsrC + spsrX + spsrF',
'spsrSf': 'spsrS + spsrF',
'spsrCsf': 'spsrC + spsrS + spsrF',
'spsrXsf': 'spsrX + spsrS + spsrF',
'spsrCxsf': 'spsrC + spsrX + spsrS + spsrF',
'cpsrCx': 'cpsrC + cpsrX',
'cpsrCs': 'cpsrC + cpsrS',
'cpsrXs': 'cpsrX + cpsrS',
'cpsrCxs': 'cpsrC + cpsrX + cpsrS',
'cpsrCf': 'cpsrC + cpsrF',
'cpsrXf': 'cpsrX + cpsrF',
'cpsrCxf': 'cpsrC + cpsrX + cpsrF',
'cpsrSf': 'cpsrS + cpsrF',
'cpsrCsf': 'cpsrC + cpsrS + cpsrF',
'cpsrXsf': 'cpsrX + cpsrS + cpsrF',
'cpsrCxsf': 'cpsrC + cpsrX + cpsrS + cpsrF',
'enum_footer': '}\n\n',
'doc_line_format': ' /// %s\n',
'line_format': ' case %s = %s\n',
'dup_line_format': ' public static let %s = %s\n',
'out_file': './swift/Sources/Capstone/%sEnums.swift',
'reserved_words': [
'break', 'class', 'for', 'false', 'in', 'init', 'return', 'true'
'reserved_word_format': '`%s`',
# prefixes for constant filenames of all archs - case sensitive
'arm.h': 'Arm',
'arm64.h': 'Arm64',
'm68k.h': 'M68k',
'mips.h': 'Mips',
'x86.h': 'X86',
'ppc.h': 'Ppc',
'sparc.h': 'Sparc',
'systemz.h': 'Sysz',
'xcore.h': 'Xcore',
'tms320c64x.h': 'TMS320C64x',
'm680x.h': 'M680x',
'evm.h': 'Evm',
'mos65xx.h': 'Mos65xx',
'comment_open': '\t//',
'comment_close': '',
# markup for comments to be added to autogen files
MARKUP = '//>'
def camelize(name):
parts = name.split('_')
return parts[0].lower() + ''.join(map(str.capitalize, parts[1:]))
def pascalize(name):
parts = name.split('_')
return ''.join(map(str.capitalize, parts))
def pascalize_const(name):
parts = name.split('_',2)
match = re.match('^(CC|DISP|MOD|DIR|BCAST|RM|FLAGS|SIZE|BR_DISP_SIZE)_', parts[2])
if match:
parts = name.split('_', 2 + match.group(0).count('_'))
item = camelize(parts[-1])
if item[0].isdigit():
item = parts[-2].lower() + item
return (pascalize('_'.join(parts[0:-1])), item)
def enum_type(name, templ):
for enum_type, pattern in templ['enum_types'].items():
if re.match(pattern, name):
return enum_type
return templ['enum_default_type']
def write_enum_extra_options(outfile, templ, enum, enum_values):
if 'enum_extra_options' in templ and enum in templ['enum_extra_options']:
for name, value in templ['enum_extra_options'][enum].items():
if type(value) is str:
# evaluate within existing enum
value = eval(value, None, enum_values)
outfile.write((templ['line_format'] %(name, value)).encode("utf-8"))
def gen(lang):
global include, INCL_DIR
print('Generating bindings for', lang)
@ -96,6 +203,9 @@ def gen(lang):
outfile.write((templ['header'] % (prefix)).encode("utf-8"))
lines = open(INCL_DIR + target).readlines()
enums = {}
values = {}
doc_lines = []
count = 0
for line in lines:
@ -107,6 +217,13 @@ def gen(lang):
templ['comment_close']) ).encode("utf-8"))
if line.startswith('/// ') and 'enum_doc' in templ:
doc_lines.append(line[4: ])
elif line.startswith('}') or line.startswith('#'):
doc_lines = []
if line == '' or line.startswith('//'):
@ -155,8 +272,72 @@ def gen(lang):
if rhs[0].isalpha():
rhs = '_' + rhs
outfile.write((templ['line_format'] %(f[0].strip(), rhs)).encode("utf-8"))
if lang == 'swift':
value = eval(rhs, None, values)
exec('%s = %d' %(f[0].strip(), value), None, values)
value = rhs
name = f[0].strip()
if 'rename' in templ:
# constant renaming
for pattern, replacement in templ['rename'].items():
if re.match(pattern, name):
name = re.sub(pattern, replacement, name)
if 'enum_header' in templ:
# separate constants by enums based on name
enum, name = pascalize_const(name)
if enum not in enums:
if len(enums) > 0:
write_enum_extra_options(outfile, templ, last_enum, enums[last_enum])
last_enum = enum
if 'enum_doc' in templ:
for doc_line in doc_lines:
outfile.write((templ['enum_doc'] %(doc_line)).encode("utf-8"))
doc_lines = []
if 'option_sets' in templ and enum in templ['option_sets']:
outfile.write((templ['option_set_header'] %(enum, templ['option_sets'][enum])).encode("utf-8"))
outfile.write((templ['enum_header'] %(enum, enum_type(enum, templ))).encode("utf-8"))
enums[enum] = {}
if 'option_sets' in templ and enum in templ['option_sets']:
# option set format
line_format = templ['option_format'].format(option='%s',type=enum,value='%s')
if value == 0:
continue # skip empty option
# option set values need not be literals
value = rhs
elif 'dup_line_format' in templ and value in enums[enum].values():
# different format for duplicate values?
line_format = templ['dup_line_format']
line_format = templ['line_format']
enums[enum][name] = value
# escape reserved words
if 'reserved_words' in templ and name in templ['reserved_words']:
name = templ['reserved_word_format'] %(name)
# print documentation?
if 'doc_line_format' in templ and '///<' in line:
doc = line.split('///<')[1].strip()
outfile.write((templ['doc_line_format'] %(doc)).encode("utf-8"))
line_format = templ['line_format']
outfile.write((line_format %(name, value)).encode("utf-8"))
if 'enum_footer' in templ:
write_enum_extra_options(outfile, templ, enum, enums[enum])