
58 lines
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import unittest
from capstone import *
from capstone.arm64 import *
class ARM64BRAARegAccessTest(unittest.TestCase):
# These instructions should all have all their register operands being READ.
("5F 08 1F D6", "braaz x2"),
("11 0A 1F D7", "braa x16, x17"),
("1F 0C 1F D6", "brabz x0"),
("11 0E 1F D7", "brab x16, x17"),
def setUp(self):
self.insts = []
self.cs.detail = True
for pattern, asm in self.PATTERNS:
# Disassemble the instruction. Any error here means Capstone doesn't handle the instruction (maybe the wrong branch)
inst = next(self.cs.disasm(bytes.fromhex(pattern), 0))
expected_regs_read = list(map(lambda r: r.strip(', '), asm.split()[1:]))
expected_regs_written = [] # nothing written
expected_regs = [expected_regs_read, expected_regs_written]
self.insts.append((inst, asm, expected_regs))
def test_regs_access(self):
"""Check that the `regs_access` API provides correct data"""
for inst, asm, expected_regs in self.insts:
# Check that the instruction writes the first register operand and reads the second
for i, decoded_regs in enumerate(map(lambda l: list(map(self.cs.reg_name, l)), inst.regs_access())):
self.assertEqual(decoded_regs, expected_regs[i], "%s has %r %s registers instead of %r" % (asm, decoded_regs, ["read", "written"][i], expected_regs[i]))
def test_operands(self):
"""Check that the `operands` API provides correct data"""
for inst, asm, expected_regs in self.insts:
ops = inst.operands
expected_regs_read, expected_regs_written = expected_regs
self.assertEqual(len(expected_regs_written), 0)
#print("Ensuring %s has the following read registers: %r" % (asm, expected_regs_read))
self.assertEqual(len(ops), len(expected_regs_read))
for i, op in enumerate(ops):
self.assertEqual(op.type, CS_OP_REG, "%s has operand %d with invalid type" % (asm, i))
self.assertEqual(op.access, CS_AC_READ, "%s has operand %d with invalid access" % (asm, i))
if __name__ == '__main__':