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Common errors
Errors on Linux or OS X
Please make sure you have the appropriate QT version: https://www.qt.io/qt5-9/
OS X compiling issues
On Mac, QT5 apps fail to build on QtCreator if you have the libjpeg lib installed with brew. Run this command to workaround the issue:
sudo mv /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.dylib /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.dylib.not-found
If you encounter the Project ERROR: r_core development package not found
try one of this commands instead:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/bin/prefix/radare2/lib/pkgconfig qmake
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/cutter/radare2/pkgcfg qmake
(for modern version and if radare2 was installed like the submodule)
Compilation error
r_core development package not found
If you installed radare2 and still encounter this error, could be your PATH
environment variable is set improperly (doesn't contain /usr/local/bin
). That can be, for example, due to Qt Creator.app
being copied over to /Applications
To fix this, append:
to the PATH
variable within the Build Environment section in Qt Creator. See the screenshot below should you encounter any problems.
Or radare2 libs could be installed to /usr/lib/pkgconfig/
, so you can add variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH
with value /usr/lib/pkgconfig/
Keyboard layout issue
Some people report that they have keyboard issues. Usually it is because the Xorg layout is wrong. You can check it with:
setxkbmap -query
Most of the time using setxkbmap us
solves the issue, but it might not be enough and require some more advanced Xorg configuration.
See Compiling on Windows.