5 BuildFromSource
Marcin Dębiec edited this page 2018-06-02 10:03:05 +02:00

Environment Required

  1. Maven or Gradle
  2. Mercurial or Git
  3. JDK7+


  1. get source

    • by Mercurial

        hg clone -b 2.x http://hg.code.sf.net/p/dex2jar/code dex2jar-2.x
    • by Git

        git clone -b 2.x https://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jar.git dex2jar-2.x
  2. build the project

    • by Gradle

        cd dex2jar-2.x
        gradle clean distZip
        # if build successfull, the zip file is under dex-tools/build/distributions/

Other code mirrors

  1. Github https://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jar
  2. Bitbucket https://bitbucket.org/pxb1988/dex2jar
  3. SourceForge https://hg.code.sf.net/p/dex2jar/code
  4. Google Code https://code.google.com/p/dex2jar/ outdated