
339 lines
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2000-03-09 22:43:21 +00:00
use Cwd;
$build_depend=1; #depend or clobber
$build_tree = '';
$build_tag = '';
$build_name = '';
$build_continue = 0;
$no32 = 0;
$original_path = $ENV{'PATH'};
$early_exit = 1;
$doawt11 = 0;
$do_clobber = '';
$client_param = '';
if( $build_test ){
$dirname = ($build_depend?'dep':'clob');
$logfile = "${dirname}.log";
if( $build_depend ){
$clobber_str = 'depend';
else {
$clobber_str = 'clobber_all';
mkdir("$dirname", 0777);
chdir("$dirname") || die "couldn't cd to $dirname";
$start_dir = cwd;
$start_dir =~ s/\//\\/ ;
$last_time = 0;
print "starting dir is: $start_dir\n";
while( $early_exit ){
if( time - $last_time < (60 * $build_sleep) ){
$sleep_time = (60 * $build_sleep) - (time - $last_time);
print "\n\nSleeping $sleep_time seconds ...\n";
sleep( $sleep_time );
$last_time = time;
$start_time = time;
$start_time = adjust_start_time($start_time);
$start_time_str = `unix_date +"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"`;
# call setup_env here in the loop, to update MOZ_DATE with each pass.
# setup_env uses start_time_str for MOZ_DATE.
$cur_dir = cwd;
$cur_dir =~ s/\//\\/ ;
if( $cur_dir ne $start_dir ){
print "startdir: $start_dir, curdir $cur_dir\n";
die "curdir != startdir";
if ($build_test) {
$early_exit = 0; # stops this while loop after one pass.
# strip_conf fails to strip any variables from the real environemnt
# &strip_config;
# &restore_config;
sub setup32 {
local ($awt) = @_;
$ENV{"MOZ_BITS"} = '32';
$ENV{"OS_TARGET"} = 'WIN95';
$ENV{"PATH"} = $original_path;
$ENV{"_MSC_VER"} = '1200';
$moz_src = $ENV{'MOZ_SRC'} = $start_dir;
$build_name = 'Win32 VC6.0' . ($build_depend?'Depend':'Clobber');
$do_clobber = $clobber_str;
$logname = "win32.log";
sub do_build {
local ($pull, $do_clobber) = @_;
print "pull = $pull, do_clobber = $do_clobber\n";
print "opening log file ${logname}\n";
open( LOG, ">${logname}" ) || print "can't open $logname\n";
print LOG "current dir is: $cur_dir\n";
$build_status = 0;
if( $pull ){
if ( $build_tag eq '' ){
# print LOG "cvs -d %MOZ_CVSROOT% co -A mozilla/config 2>&1 |\n";
# open( PULL, "cvs -d %MOZ_CVSROOT% co -A mozilla/config 2>&1 |") || print "couldn't execute cvs\n";;
print LOG "cvs -d $moz_cvsroot co -A mozilla/client.mak 2>&1 |\n";
open( PULL, "cvs -d $moz_cvsroot co -A mozilla/client.mak 2>&1 |") || print "couldn't execute cvs\n";;
} else{
print LOG "cvs -d $moz_cvsroot co -A -r $build_tag mozilla/config 2>&1 |\n";
open( PULL, "cvs -d $moz_cvsroot co -A -r $build_tag mozilla/config 2>&1 |") || print "couldn't execute cvs\n";;
print LOG "cvs -d $moz_cvsroot co -A -r $build_tag mozilla/client.mak 2>&1 |\n";
open( PULL, "cvs -d $moz_cvsroot co -A -r $build_tag mozilla/client.mak 2>&1 |") || print "couldn't execute cvs\n";;
# tee the output
while( <PULL> ){
print $_;
print LOG $_;
close( PULL );
$build_status = $?;
chdir("$moz_src/mozilla") || die "couldn't chdir to '$moz_src/mozilla'";
# if( $do_clobber ne '' ){
# print LOG "nmake -f client.mak $do_clobber |\n";
# print "nmake -f client.mak $do_clobber |\n";
# open( CLOBBER, "nmake -f client.mak $do_clobber 2>&1 |") || print "couldn't execute nmake\n";;
# tee the output
# while( <CLOBBER> ){
# print $_;
# print LOG $_;
# }
# close( CLOBBER );
# }
if (!$pull) {
$client_param = $do_clobber . ' build_all';
else {
$client_param = 'pull_all ' . $do_clobber . ' build_all';
print LOG "nmake -f client.mak $client_param 2>&1 |\n";
open( BUILD, "nmake -f client.mak $client_param 2>&1 |");
# tee the output
while( <BUILD> ){
print $_;
print LOG $_;
close( BUILD );
$build_status |= $?;
$build_status_str = ( $build_status ? 'busted' : 'success' );
print LOG "\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: tree: $build_tree\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: builddate: $start_time\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: status: $build_status_str\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: build: $build_name\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: errorparser: windows\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: buildfamily: windows\n";
close( LOG );
system( "$nstools\\bin\\blat ${logname} -t tinderbox-daemon\" );
# we should save at least one log back
system("copy ${logname} last-${logname}");
sub cvs_time {
local( $ret_time );
($sec,$minute,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime( $_[0] );
$mon++; # month is 0 based.
sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:00",
$mon,$mday,$year,$hour,$minute );
sub start_build {
open( LOG, ">logfile" );
print LOG "\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: tree: $build_tree\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: builddate: $start_time\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: status: building\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: build: $build_name\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: errorparser: windows\n";
print LOG "tinderbox: buildfamily: windows\n";
print LOG "\n";
close( LOG );
system("$nstools\\bin\\blat logfile -t tinderbox-daemon\" );
sub parse_args {
if( @ARGV == 0 ){
$i = 0;
while( $i < @ARGV ){
if( $ARGV[$i] eq '--depend' ){
$build_depend = 1;
elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '--clobber' ){
$build_depend = 0;
elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '--continue' ){
$build_continue = 1;
elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '--test' ){
$build_test = 1;
elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '-tag' ){
$build_tag = $ARGV[$i];
if( $build_tag eq '' || $build_tag eq '-t'){
elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '-t' ){
$build_tree = $ARGV[$i];
if( $build_tree eq '' ){
if( $build_tree eq '' ){
sub usage {
die "usage: [--depend | --clobber] [--continue] [--test] [-tag TAGNAME] -t TREENAME\n";
sub setup_env {
# $ENV{"MOZ_DEBUG"} = '1';
$ENV{"MOZ_MFC"} = '1';
$ENV{"CVSROOT"} = '';
$moz_cvsroot = $ENV{"CVSROOT"};
# $ENV{"MOZ_EDITOR"} = '1';
$ENV{"VERBOSE"} = '1';
$nstools = $ENV{"MOZ_TOOLS"};
if( $nstools eq '' ){
print "warning: environment variable MOZ_TOOLS not set\n";
$ENV{"MOZ_TOOLS"} = 'C:\nstools';
$nstools = $ENV{"MOZ_TOOLS"};
print "using MOZ_TOOLS = $nstools \n";
# $msdev = $ENV{"MOZ_MSDEV"} = 'c:\msdev';
# if( $msdev eq '' ){
# die "error: environment variable MOZ_MSDEV not set\n";
# }
# $msvc = $ENV{"MOZ_MSVC"} = 'c:\msvc';
# if( $msvc eq '' ){
# die "error: environment variable MOZ_VC not set\n";
# }
if ( $build_tag ne '' ) {
$ENV{"MOZ_BRANCH"} = $build_tag;
$moz_src = $ENV{"MOZ_SRC"} = $start_dir;
# $ENV{"INCLUDE"}='c:\devstudio\vc\lib;C:\DevStudio\VC\INCLUDE;C:\DevStudio\VC\MFC\INCLUDE;C:\DevStudio\VC\lib;C:\DevStudio\VC\ATL\INCLUDE';
# $ENV{"LIB"}='C:\DevStudio\VC\MFC\LIB;C:\DevStudio\VC\lib';
# $ENV{"PATH"}='C:\DevStudio\SharedIDE\BIN;C:\DevStudio\VC\bin;C:\DevStudio\VC\lib;C:\DevStudio\VC\BIN\WINNT;.;%MOZ_TOOLS%\perl5\bin;C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;c:\usr\local\bin;%MOZ_TOOLS%\bin';
## We should pull by date to avoid mid-checkin disasters
$ENV{"MOZ_DATE"} = $start_time_str;
sub print_env {
local( $k, $v);
print LOG "\nEnvironment\n";
print "\nEnvironment\n";
for $k (sort keys %ENV){
$v = $ENV{$k};
print LOG " $k=$v\n";
print " $k=$v\n";
print LOG "\n";
print "\n";
system 'set';
sub strip_config {
sub restore_config {
sub adjust_start_time {
# Allows the start time to match up with the update times of a mirror.
my ($start_time) = @_;
# Since we are not pulling for cvs-mirror anymore, just round times
# to 1 minute intervals to make them nice and even.
my $cycle = 1 * 60; # Updates every 1 minutes.
my $begin = 0 * 60; # Starts 0 minutes after the hour.
my $lag = 0 * 60; # Takes 0 minute to update.
return int(($start_time - $begin - $lag) / $cycle) * $cycle + $begin;