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#!perl -w
# This script copies modified files from a source CVS tree to a destination
# tree. Modified files are detected by comparing their modification dates
# with the CVS Entries file.
# Modified files are copied in their entirety to the destination tree
# (no diffing is done). Files are only copied of the CVS version of the
# file is the same in both trees. If the destination file is modified
# already, it is backed up and replaced.
# To use this on your tree/platform, do the following:
# 1. Fix the !perl line, if necessary.
# 2. Fix $dirsep to be the directory separator on your platform.
# 3. Uncomment the appropriate $dst_linebreaks file specify what linebreaks
# you want for the copied files. This variable defines the *destination* linebreaks
# that you want your changes to be converted to.
# For example, if you have a linux volume
# mounted (via SAMBA perhaps) to your windows box where you've made changes to
# source files, you'd want $dst_linebreaks to be set for unix. This ensures that
# linebreaks are converted to the appropriate OS linebreak scheme for your *target* tree.
# 4. Set $src_tree and $dest_tree to point to the directories you want
# to sync up. These don't have to point to the root of the tree,
# but should be equivalent directories in the two trees.
# First version:
# Simon Fraser <>
use File::stat;
use Time::Local;
# change for your platform ('\' == windows, ':' == mac, '/' == unix)
$dirsep = "\\";
# Set this to the native OS of the *destination* tree
# $dst_linebreaks = pack("cc", 13); # Mac
#$dst_linebreaks = pack("cc", 13, 10); # DOS
$dst_linebreaks = pack("cc", 10); # UNIX
#change for your src and dest trees
$src_tree = "x:\\mozilla\\xpfe\\components";
$dest_tree = "h:\\builds\\mozilla\\xpfe\\components";
#// _copyFile. Copy file from src to dest, converting linebreaks if necessary
sub _copyFile($;$;$;$)
my($srcdir, $destdir, $file, $backup) = @_;
my($srcfile) = $srcdir.$dirsep.$file;
my($dstfile) = $destdir.$dirsep.$file;
if ($backup)
my($counter) = 0;
while (-f $dstfile."-".$counter)
$counter ++;
rename($dstfile, $dstfile."-".$counter) or die "Failed to rename file\n";
print "Copying $file over to dest\n";
my($newdest) = $dstfile."_temp";
open(SRCFILE, "< $srcfile") or die "Can't open source file $srcfile\n";
open(NEWDEST, "> $newdest") or die "Can't open dest file $newdest\n";
while (<SRCFILE>)
print NEWDEST $_.$dst_linebreaks;
if (!$backup) {
unlink($dstfile) or die "Failed to remove $dstfile\n";
rename($newdest, $dstfile) or die "Failed to rename $newdest\n";
#// _readCVSInfo. Suck in the CVS info from the Entries file
sub _readCVSInfo($)
my($cvsDir) = @_;
my($entries_file_name) = $cvsDir.$dirsep."CVS".$dirsep."Entries";
# print "Reading $entries_file_name\n";
open(ENTRIES, $entries_file_name) || die "Could not open file $entries_file_name";
# Read in the path if available
while (defined ($line = <ENTRIES>))
#parse out the line. Format is:
# files: /filename/version/date/options/tag
# dirs: D/dirname////
# dir? D
# because we might be reading an entries file from another platform, with
# different linebreaks, be anal about cleaning up $line.
if ($line =~ /^?\/(.+)\/(.+)\/(.+)\/(.*)\/(.*)?$/)
my($filename) = $1;
my($version) = $2;
my($date) = $3;
my($options) = $4;
my($tag) = $5;
my(%cvs_file) = (
"version" => $version,
"date" => $date,
"options" => $options,
"tag" => $tag
# print $filename." ".$version." ".$date." ".$options." ".$tag."\n";
$cvs_entries{$filename} = \%cvs_file;
close ENTRIES;
return %cvs_entries;
#// _fileIsModified. compare mod date with CVS entries to see if a file is modified
sub _fileIsModified($;$;$)
my($entries, $dir, $file) = @_;
my($abs_file) = $dir.$dirsep.$file;
if (exists($entries->{$file}))
my($date) = $entries->{$file}->{"date"};
# stat the file to get its date
my($file_data) = stat($abs_file) || die "Could not stat $file\n";
my($mod_string) = scalar(gmtime($file_data->mtime));
return ($mod_string ne $date);
return 0;
#// _processFile. args: entries hash, dir, filename
sub _processFile($;$;$;$;$)
my($src_entries, $dest_entries, $srcdir, $destdir, $file) = @_;
my($abs_file) = $srcdir.$dirsep.$file;
if (exists($src_entries->{$file}))
my($file_entry) = $src_entries->{$file};
my($version) = $file_entry->{"version"};
if (_fileIsModified($src_entries, $srcdir, $file))
my($rel_file) = $abs_file;
$rel_file =~ s/^$src_tree//;
# print "<22><>File $rel_file is modified\n";
# check CVS version in dest
my($dest_entry) = $dest_entries->{$file};
if ($dest_entry)
my($dest_version) = $dest_entry->{"version"};
my($versions_match) = ($version == $dest_version);
my($dest_modified) = _fileIsModified($dest_entries, $destdir, $file);
if ($versions_match)
# ok, we can copy the file over now, backing up dest if it is modified
_copyFile($srcdir, $destdir, $file, $dest_modified);
print "File $rel_file is version $version in the src tree, but $dest_version in dest. This file will not be copied.\n";
print "No CVS entry found in destination tree for $rel_file\n";
print "No entry for file $file\n";
#// _traverseDir. Traverse one dir, recurse for each found dir.
sub _traverseDir($;$)
my($srcdir, $destdir) = @_;
opendir(DIR, $srcdir) or die "Cannot open dir $srcdir\n";
my @files = readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
# suck in the CVS info for this dir, if there is a CVS dir
unless (-e $srcdir.$dirsep."CVS".$dirsep."Entries" && -e $destdir.$dirsep."CVS".$dirsep."Entries") {
print "$srcdir is not a CVS directory in both source and dest\n";
print " Doing $srcdir\n";
my(%src_entries) = _readCVSInfo($srcdir);
my(%dest_entries) = _readCVSInfo($destdir);
my $file;
foreach $file (@files)
my $filepath = $srcdir.$dirsep.$file;
if (-d $filepath)
if ($file ne "CVS") # ignore 'CVS' dirs
# print "Going into $filepath\n";
_traverseDir($filepath, $destdir.$dirsep.$file);
# process this file
_processFile(\%src_entries, \%dest_entries, $srcdir, $destdir, $file);
#// MigrateChanges
sub MigrateChanges($;$)
my($srcdir, $destdir) = @_;
# Check that src and dest exist
if (! -d $srcdir) {
die "Source directory $srcdir does not exist\n";
if (! -d $destdir) {
die "Dest directory $destdir does not exist\n";
print "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "Migrating changes from\n $srcdir\nto\n $destdir\n";
print "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
_traverseDir($srcdir, $destdir);
print "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
MigrateChanges($src_tree, $dest_tree);