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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is nsCursors.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Andrew Thompson.
* Portions created by the Andrew Thompson are Copyright (C) 2004
* Andrew Thompson. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#import "nsCursorManager.h"
#import "math.h"
static nsCursorManager *gInstance;
/*! @category nsCursorManager(PrivateMethods)
Private methods for the cursor manager class.
@interface nsCursorManager(PrivateMethods)
/*! @method getCursor:
@abstract Get a reference to the native Mac representation of a cursor.
@discussion Gets a reference to the Mac native implementation of a cursor.
If the cursor has been requested before, it is retreived from the cursor cache, otherwise is it created
and cached.
@param aCursor the cursor to get
@result the Mac native implementation of the cursor
- (nsMacCursor *) getCursor: (nsCursor) aCursor;
/*! @method createCursor:
@abstract Create a Mac native representation of a cursor.
@discussion Creates a version of the Mac native representation of this cursor suitable for use on this version of
Mac OS X
@param aCursor the cursor to create
@result the Mac native implementation of the cursor
+ (nsMacCursor *) createCursor: (enum nsCursor) aCursor;
/*! @method createNSCursor:orThemeCursor:
@abstract Creates the appropriate cursor implementation from the arguments.
@discussion Creates a native Mac cursor, using NSCursor if the cursor is available on this version of Mac OS X,
otherwise falls back to creating a traditional Carbon AppearanceManager ThemeCursor.
@param aPantherCursor selector indicating the NSCursor cursor to create if on Panther or later
@param aJaguarCursor the ThemeCursor to use as an alternative if running on Jaguar
@result the Mac native implementation of the cursor
+ (nsMacCursor *) createNSCursor: (SEL) aPantherCursor orThemeCursor: (ThemeCursor) aJaguarCursor;
/*! @method createNSCursor:orImageCursor:withHotspot:
@abstract Creates the appropriate cursor implementation from the arguments.
@discussion Creates a native Mac cursor, using NSCursor if the cursor is available on this version of Mac OS X,
otherwise falls back to creating an NSCursor instance from a custom image and hotspot.
@param aPantherCursor selector indicating the NSCursor cursor to create if on Panther or later
@param aImageName the name of the image to use for the cursor as the cursor on Jagua
@param aPoint the hotspot to use with the image to form a cursor on Jaguar
@result the Mac native implementation of the cursor
+ (nsMacCursor *) createNSCursor: (SEL) aPantherCursor orImageCursor: (NSString *) aImageName withHotspot: (NSPoint) aPoint;
/*! @function isPantherOrLater
@abstract Determine whether we are running on Panther (Mac OS X 10.3) or later
@result YES if the current operating system version is 10.3 or later, else NO
static BOOL isPantherOrLater();
static BOOL isPantherOrLater()
static PRBool gInitVer = PR_FALSE;
static PRBool gOnPantherOrLater = PR_FALSE;
long version;
OSErr err = ::Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &version);
gOnPantherOrLater = (err == noErr && version >= 0x00001030);
gInitVer = PR_TRUE;
return gOnPantherOrLater;
@implementation nsCursorManager
+ (nsCursorManager *) sharedInstance
if (gInstance == nil)
gInstance = [[nsCursorManager alloc] init];
return gInstance;
+ (void) dispose
[gInstance release];
gInstance = nil;
+ (nsMacCursor *) createCursor: (enum nsCursor) aCursor
case eCursor_standard:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithCursor: [NSCursor arrowCursor]];
case eCursor_wait:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithThemeCursor: kThemeWatchCursor];
case eCursor_select:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithCursor: [NSCursor IBeamCursor]];
case eCursor_hyperlink:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(pointingHandCursor) orThemeCursor: kThemePointingHandCursor];
case eCursor_crosshair:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(crosshairCursor) orThemeCursor: kThemeCrossCursor];
case eCursor_move:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(openHandCursor) orThemeCursor: kThemeOpenHandCursor];
case eCursor_help:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"help" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(1,1)];
case eCursor_copy:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithThemeCursor: kThemeCopyArrowCursor];
case eCursor_alias:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithThemeCursor: kThemeAliasArrowCursor];
case eCursor_context_menu:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithThemeCursor: kThemeContextualMenuArrowCursor];
case eCursor_cell:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithThemeCursor: kThemePlusCursor];
case eCursor_grab:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(openHandCursor) orThemeCursor: kThemeOpenHandCursor];
case eCursor_grabbing:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(closedHandCursor) orThemeCursor: kThemeClosedHandCursor];
case eCursor_spinning:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithResources: 200 lastFrame: 203]; // better than kThemeSpinningCursor
case eCursor_zoom_in:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"zoomIn" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(6,6)];
case eCursor_zoom_out:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"zoomOut" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(6,6)];
case eCursor_vertical_text:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"vtIBeam" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(7,8)];
case eCursor_all_scroll:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(openHandCursor) orThemeCursor: kThemeOpenHandCursor];
case eCursor_not_allowed:
case eCursor_no_drop:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithThemeCursor: kThemeNotAllowedCursor];
// Resize Cursors:
case eCursor_n_resize:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(resizeUpCursor) orImageCursor: @"arrowN" withHotspot: NSMakePoint(7,7)];
//North East
case eCursor_ne_resize:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"sizeNE" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(8,7)];
case eCursor_e_resize:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(resizeRightCursor) orThemeCursor: kThemeResizeRightCursor];
//South East
case eCursor_se_resize:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"sizeSE" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(8,8)];
case eCursor_s_resize:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(resizeDownCursor) orImageCursor: @"arrowS" withHotspot: NSMakePoint(7,7)];
//South West
case eCursor_sw_resize:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"sizeSW" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(6,8)];
case eCursor_w_resize:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(resizeLeftCursor) orThemeCursor: kThemeResizeLeftCursor];
//North West
case eCursor_nw_resize:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"sizeNW" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(7,7)];
//North & South
case eCursor_ns_resize:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(resizeUpDownCursor) orImageCursor: @"sizeNS" withHotspot: NSMakePoint(7,7)];
//East & West
case eCursor_ew_resize:
return [nsCursorManager createNSCursor: @selector(resizeLeftRightCursor) orThemeCursor: kThemeResizeLeftRightCursor];
//North East & South West
case eCursor_nesw_resize:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"sizeNESW" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(8,8)];
//North West & South East
case eCursor_nwse_resize:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"sizeNWSE" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(8,8)];
//Column Resize
case eCursor_col_resize:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"colResize" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(8,8)];
//Row Resize
case eCursor_row_resize:
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: @"rowResize" hotSpot: NSMakePoint(8,8)];
return [nsMacCursor cursorWithCursor: [NSCursor arrowCursor]];
+ (nsMacCursor *) createNSCursor: (SEL) aPantherCursor orThemeCursor: (ThemeCursor) aJaguarCursor
return isPantherOrLater() ? [nsMacCursor cursorWithCursor: [NSCursor performSelector: aPantherCursor]] :
[nsMacCursor cursorWithThemeCursor: aJaguarCursor];
+ (nsMacCursor *) createNSCursor: (SEL) aPantherCursor orImageCursor: (NSString *) aImageName withHotspot: (NSPoint) aPoint
return isPantherOrLater() ? [nsMacCursor cursorWithCursor: [NSCursor performSelector: aPantherCursor]] :
[nsMacCursor cursorWithImageNamed: aImageName hotSpot: aPoint];
- (id) init
if ( (self = [super init]) )
mCursors = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 25];
return self;
- (void) setCursor: (enum nsCursor) aCursor
if (aCursor != mCurrentCursor)
[[self getCursor: mCurrentCursor] unset];
[[self getCursor: aCursor] set];
mCurrentCursor = aCursor;
- (nsMacCursor *) getCursor: (enum nsCursor) aCursor
nsMacCursor * result = [mCursors objectForKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt: aCursor]];
if ( result == nil )
result = [nsCursorManager createCursor: aCursor];
[mCursors setObject: result forKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt: aCursor]];
return result;
- (void) dealloc
[[self getCursor: mCurrentCursor] unset];
[mCursors release];
[super dealloc];