
239 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "nsRefPtrHashtable.h"
#include "mozilla/ReentrantMonitor.h"
#include "DeviceStorage.h"
#include "CameraControlImpl.h"
#include "CameraCommon.h"
#include "GonkCameraHwMgr.h"
#include "GonkCameraParameters.h"
#include <media/MediaProfiles.h>
#include <camera/Camera.h>
#include "GonkRecorder.h"
#include "FallbackCameraPlatform.h"
class nsITimer;
namespace android {
class GonkCameraHardware;
class GonkRecorder;
class GonkCameraSource;
namespace mozilla {
namespace layers {
class TextureClient;
class ImageContainer;
class Image;
class nsGonkCameraControl : public CameraControlImpl
nsGonkCameraControl(uint32_t aCameraId);
void OnAutoFocusMoving(bool aIsMoving);
void OnAutoFocusComplete(bool aSuccess, bool aExpired);
void OnFacesDetected(camera_frame_metadata_t* aMetaData);
void OnTakePictureComplete(uint8_t* aData, uint32_t aLength);
void OnTakePictureError();
void OnRateLimitPreview(bool aLimit);
void OnPoster(void* aData, uint32_t aLength);
void OnNewPreviewFrame(layers::TextureClient* aBuffer);
void OnRecorderEvent(int msg, int ext1, int ext2);
void OnSystemError(CameraControlListener::SystemContext aWhere, nsresult aError);
// See ICameraControl.h for getter/setter return values.
virtual nsresult Set(uint32_t aKey, const nsAString& aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Get(uint32_t aKey, nsAString& aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Set(uint32_t aKey, double aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Get(uint32_t aKey, double& aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Set(uint32_t aKey, int32_t aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Get(uint32_t aKey, int32_t& aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Set(uint32_t aKey, int64_t aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Get(uint32_t aKey, int64_t& aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Set(uint32_t aKey, bool aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Get(uint32_t aKey, bool& aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Set(uint32_t aKey, const Size& aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Get(uint32_t aKey, Size& aValue) override;
virtual nsresult Set(uint32_t aKey, const nsTArray<Region>& aRegions) override;
virtual nsresult Get(uint32_t aKey, nsTArray<Region>& aRegions) override;
virtual nsresult SetLocation(const Position& aLocation) override;
virtual nsresult Get(uint32_t aKey, nsTArray<Size>& aSizes) override;
virtual nsresult Get(uint32_t aKey, nsTArray<nsString>& aValues) override;
virtual nsresult Get(uint32_t aKey, nsTArray<double>& aValues) override;
virtual nsresult GetRecorderProfiles(nsTArray<nsString>& aProfiles) override;
virtual ICameraControl::RecorderProfile*
GetProfileInfo(const nsAString& aProfile) override;
nsresult PushParameters();
nsresult PullParameters();
using CameraControlImpl::OnRateLimitPreview;
using CameraControlImpl::OnNewPreviewFrame;
using CameraControlImpl::OnAutoFocusComplete;
using CameraControlImpl::OnFacesDetected;
using CameraControlImpl::OnTakePictureComplete;
using CameraControlImpl::OnConfigurationChange;
using CameraControlImpl::OnUserError;
typedef nsTArray<Size>::index_type SizeIndex;
virtual void BeginBatchParameterSet() override;
virtual void EndBatchParameterSet() override;
nsresult Initialize();
nsresult ValidateConfiguration(const Configuration& aConfig, Configuration& aValidatedConfig);
nsresult SetConfigurationInternal(const Configuration& aConfig);
nsresult SetPictureConfiguration(const Configuration& aConfig);
nsresult SetVideoConfiguration(const Configuration& aConfig);
nsresult StartInternal(const Configuration* aInitialConfig);
nsresult StartPreviewInternal();
nsresult StopInternal();
template<class T> nsresult SetAndPush(uint32_t aKey, const T& aValue);
// See CameraControlImpl.h for these methods' return values.
virtual nsresult StartImpl(const Configuration* aInitialConfig = nullptr) override;
virtual nsresult SetConfigurationImpl(const Configuration& aConfig) override;
virtual nsresult StopImpl() override;
virtual nsresult StartPreviewImpl() override;
virtual nsresult StopPreviewImpl() override;
virtual nsresult AutoFocusImpl() override;
virtual nsresult StartFaceDetectionImpl() override;
virtual nsresult StopFaceDetectionImpl() override;
virtual nsresult TakePictureImpl() override;
virtual nsresult StartRecordingImpl(DeviceStorageFileDescriptor* aFileDescriptor,
const StartRecordingOptions* aOptions = nullptr) override;
virtual nsresult StopRecordingImpl() override;
virtual nsresult PauseRecordingImpl() override;
virtual nsresult ResumeRecordingImpl() override;
virtual nsresult ResumeContinuousFocusImpl() override;
virtual nsresult PushParametersImpl() override;
virtual nsresult PullParametersImpl() override;
nsresult SetupRecording(int aFd, int aRotation, uint64_t aMaxFileSizeBytes,
uint64_t aMaxVideoLengthMs);
nsresult SetupRecordingFlash(bool aAutoEnableLowLightTorch);
nsresult SelectCaptureAndPreviewSize(const Size& aPreviewSize, const Size& aCaptureSize,
const Size& aMaxSize, uint32_t aCaptureSizeKey);
nsresult MaybeAdjustVideoSize();
nsresult PausePreview();
nsresult GetSupportedSize(const Size& aSize, const nsTArray<Size>& supportedSizes, Size& best);
void CreatePoster(layers::Image* aImage, uint32_t aWidth, uint32_t aHeight, int32_t aRotation);
nsresult LoadRecorderProfiles();
static PLDHashOperator Enumerate(const nsAString& aProfileName,
RecorderProfile* aProfile,
void* aUserArg);
friend class SetPictureSize;
friend class SetThumbnailSize;
nsresult SetPictureSize(const Size& aSize);
nsresult SetPictureSizeImpl(const Size& aSize);
nsresult SetThumbnailSize(const Size& aSize);
nsresult UpdateThumbnailSize();
nsresult SetThumbnailSizeImpl(const Size& aSize);
friend class android::GonkCameraSource;
android::sp<android::GonkCameraHardware> GetCameraHw();
int32_t RationalizeRotation(int32_t aRotation);
uint32_t mCameraId;
android::sp<android::GonkCameraHardware> mCameraHw;
Size mLastThumbnailSize;
Size mLastRecorderSize;
Size mRequestedPreviewSize;
uint32_t mPreviewFps;
bool mResumePreviewAfterTakingPicture;
bool mFlashSupported;
bool mLuminanceSupported;
bool mAutoFlashModeOverridden;
bool mSeparateVideoAndPreviewSizesSupported;
Atomic<uint32_t> mDeferConfigUpdate;
GonkCameraParameters mParams;
Bug 1207245 - part 6 - rename nsRefPtr<T> to RefPtr<T>; r=ehsan; a=Tomcat The bulk of this commit was generated with a script, executed at the top level of a typical source code checkout. The only non-machine-generated part was modifying MFBT's to reflect the new naming. CLOSED TREE makes big refactorings like this a piece of cake. # The main substitution. find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.mm' -o -name '*.idl'| \ xargs perl -p -i -e ' s/nsRefPtr\.h/RefPtr\.h/g; # handle includes s/nsRefPtr ?</RefPtr</g; # handle declarations and variables ' # Handle a special friend declaration in gfx/layers/AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize.h. perl -p -i -e 's/::nsRefPtr;/::RefPtr;/' gfx/layers/AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize.h # Handle nsRefPtr.h itself, a couple places that define constructors # from nsRefPtr, and code generators specially. We do this here, rather # than indiscriminantly s/nsRefPtr/RefPtr/, because that would rename # things like nsRefPtrHashtable. perl -p -i -e 's/nsRefPtr/RefPtr/g' \ mfbt/nsRefPtr.h \ xpcom/glue/nsCOMPtr.h \ xpcom/base/OwningNonNull.h \ ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ \ ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ \ dom/bindings/ \ python/lldbutils/lldbutils/ # In our indiscriminate substitution above, we renamed # nsRefPtrGetterAddRefs, the class behind getter_AddRefs. Fix that up. find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.idl' | \ xargs perl -p -i -e 's/nsRefPtrGetterAddRefs/RefPtrGetterAddRefs/g' if [ -d .git ]; then git mv mfbt/nsRefPtr.h mfbt/RefPtr.h else hg mv mfbt/nsRefPtr.h mfbt/RefPtr.h fi --HG-- rename : mfbt/nsRefPtr.h => mfbt/RefPtr.h
2015-10-18 01:24:48 -04:00
RefPtr<mozilla::layers::ImageContainer> mImageContainer;
Bug 1207245 - part 6 - rename nsRefPtr<T> to RefPtr<T>; r=ehsan; a=Tomcat The bulk of this commit was generated with a script, executed at the top level of a typical source code checkout. The only non-machine-generated part was modifying MFBT's to reflect the new naming. CLOSED TREE makes big refactorings like this a piece of cake. # The main substitution. find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.mm' -o -name '*.idl'| \ xargs perl -p -i -e ' s/nsRefPtr\.h/RefPtr\.h/g; # handle includes s/nsRefPtr ?</RefPtr</g; # handle declarations and variables ' # Handle a special friend declaration in gfx/layers/AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize.h. perl -p -i -e 's/::nsRefPtr;/::RefPtr;/' gfx/layers/AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize.h # Handle nsRefPtr.h itself, a couple places that define constructors # from nsRefPtr, and code generators specially. We do this here, rather # than indiscriminantly s/nsRefPtr/RefPtr/, because that would rename # things like nsRefPtrHashtable. perl -p -i -e 's/nsRefPtr/RefPtr/g' \ mfbt/nsRefPtr.h \ xpcom/glue/nsCOMPtr.h \ xpcom/base/OwningNonNull.h \ ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ \ ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ \ dom/bindings/ \ python/lldbutils/lldbutils/ # In our indiscriminate substitution above, we renamed # nsRefPtrGetterAddRefs, the class behind getter_AddRefs. Fix that up. find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.idl' | \ xargs perl -p -i -e 's/nsRefPtrGetterAddRefs/RefPtrGetterAddRefs/g' if [ -d .git ]; then git mv mfbt/nsRefPtr.h mfbt/RefPtr.h else hg mv mfbt/nsRefPtr.h mfbt/RefPtr.h fi --HG-- rename : mfbt/nsRefPtr.h => mfbt/RefPtr.h
2015-10-18 01:24:48 -04:00
RefPtr<android::GonkRecorder> mRecorder;
// Touching mRecorder happens inside this monitor because the destructor
// can run on any thread, and we need to be able to clean up properly if
// GonkCameraControl goes away.
ReentrantMonitor mRecorderMonitor;
// Supported recorder profiles
nsRefPtrHashtable<nsStringHashKey, RecorderProfile> mRecorderProfiles;
Bug 1207245 - part 6 - rename nsRefPtr<T> to RefPtr<T>; r=ehsan; a=Tomcat The bulk of this commit was generated with a script, executed at the top level of a typical source code checkout. The only non-machine-generated part was modifying MFBT's to reflect the new naming. CLOSED TREE makes big refactorings like this a piece of cake. # The main substitution. find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.mm' -o -name '*.idl'| \ xargs perl -p -i -e ' s/nsRefPtr\.h/RefPtr\.h/g; # handle includes s/nsRefPtr ?</RefPtr</g; # handle declarations and variables ' # Handle a special friend declaration in gfx/layers/AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize.h. perl -p -i -e 's/::nsRefPtr;/::RefPtr;/' gfx/layers/AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize.h # Handle nsRefPtr.h itself, a couple places that define constructors # from nsRefPtr, and code generators specially. We do this here, rather # than indiscriminantly s/nsRefPtr/RefPtr/, because that would rename # things like nsRefPtrHashtable. perl -p -i -e 's/nsRefPtr/RefPtr/g' \ mfbt/nsRefPtr.h \ xpcom/glue/nsCOMPtr.h \ xpcom/base/OwningNonNull.h \ ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ \ ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ \ dom/bindings/ \ python/lldbutils/lldbutils/ # In our indiscriminate substitution above, we renamed # nsRefPtrGetterAddRefs, the class behind getter_AddRefs. Fix that up. find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.idl' | \ xargs perl -p -i -e 's/nsRefPtrGetterAddRefs/RefPtrGetterAddRefs/g' if [ -d .git ]; then git mv mfbt/nsRefPtr.h mfbt/RefPtr.h else hg mv mfbt/nsRefPtr.h mfbt/RefPtr.h fi --HG-- rename : mfbt/nsRefPtr.h => mfbt/RefPtr.h
2015-10-18 01:24:48 -04:00
RefPtr<DeviceStorageFile> mVideoFile;
nsString mFileFormat;
Atomic<bool> mCapturePoster;
int32_t mVideoRotation;
bool mAutoFocusPending;
nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mAutoFocusCompleteTimer;
int32_t mAutoFocusCompleteExpired;
// Guards against calling StartPreviewImpl() while in OnTakePictureComplete().
ReentrantMonitor mReentrantMonitor;
nsGonkCameraControl(const nsGonkCameraControl&) = delete;
nsGonkCameraControl& operator=(const nsGonkCameraControl&) = delete;
// camera driver callbacks
void OnRateLimitPreview(nsGonkCameraControl* gc, bool aLimit);
void OnTakePictureComplete(nsGonkCameraControl* gc, uint8_t* aData, uint32_t aLength);
void OnTakePictureError(nsGonkCameraControl* gc);
void OnAutoFocusComplete(nsGonkCameraControl* gc, bool aSuccess);
void OnAutoFocusMoving(nsGonkCameraControl* gc, bool aIsMoving);
void OnFacesDetected(nsGonkCameraControl* gc, camera_frame_metadata_t* aMetaData);
void OnNewPreviewFrame(nsGonkCameraControl* gc, layers::TextureClient* aBuffer);
void OnShutter(nsGonkCameraControl* gc);
void OnSystemError(nsGonkCameraControl* gc,
CameraControlListener::SystemContext aWhere,
int32_t aArg1, int32_t aArg2);
} // namespace mozilla