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1998-06-12 18:55:52 +00:00
# $Id: genxref,v 1.5 1999/07/22 19:58:11 terry%mozilla.org Exp $
# genxref.pl -- Finds identifiers in a set of C files using an
# extremely fuzzy algorithm. It sort of works.
# Arne Georg Gleditsch <argggh@ifi.uio.no>
# Per Kristian Gjermshus <pergj@ifi.uio.no>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# TODO: ns/cmd/xfe/src/MozillaApp.h, XFE_MozillaApp
use lib 'lib/';
use integer;
use DB_File;
%itype = (('macro', 'M'),
('typedef', 'T'),
('struct', 'S'),
('enum', 'E'),
('union', 'U'),
('function', 'F'),
('funcprot', 'f'),
('class', 'C'), # (C++)
('classforw', 'c'), # (C++)
1999-01-21 00:42:26 +00:00
('var', 'V'),
('interface', 'I'));
# ('reference', 'R')
@reserved = ('auto', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'const', 'continue',
'default', 'do', 'double', 'else', 'enum', 'extern',
'float', 'for', 'goto', 'if', 'int', 'long', 'register',
'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static',
'struct', 'switch', 'typedef', 'union', 'unsigned',
'void', 'volatile', 'while', 'fortran', 'asm',
'inline', 'operator',
'class', # (C++)
# Her b<>r vi ha flere av disse:
$ident = '\~?_*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*';
$realpath = $ARGV[0];
$realpath ||= '.';
$realpath .= '/';
sub wash {
my $towash = $_[0];
$towash =~ s/[^\n]+//gs;
sub stripodd {
my $tostrip = $_[0];
while ($tostrip =~ s/\{([^\{\}]*)\}/
"\05".&wash($1)/ges) {}
$tostrip =~ s/\05/\{\}/gs;
$tostrip =~ s/[\{\}]//gs;
sub classes {
my @c = (shift =~ /($ident)\s*(?:$|,)/gm);
if (@c) {
return(join(":", @c)."::");
} else {
1999-01-21 00:42:26 +00:00
sub c_clean {
my $contents = $_[0];
# Find macro (un)definitions.
$l = 0;
foreach ($contents =~ /^(.*)/gm) {
if (/^[ \t]*\#\s*(define|undef)\s+($ident)/o) {
$xref{$2} .= "$itype{'macro'}$fnum:$l\t";
# We want to do some funky heuristics with preprocessor blocks
# later, so mark them. (FIXME: #elif)
$contents =~ s/^[ \t]*\#\s*if.*/\01/gm;
$contents =~ s/^[ \t]*\#\s*else.*/\02/gm;
$contents =~ s/^[ \t]*\#\s*endif.*/\03/gm;
# Strip all preprocessor directives.
$contents =~ s/^[ \t]*\#(.*)//gm;
# Now, remove all odd block markers ({,}) we find inside
# #else..#endif blocks. (And pray they matched one in the
# preceding #if..#else block.)
while ($contents =~ s/\02([^\01\02\03]*\03)/&stripodd($1)/ges ||
$contents =~ s/\01([^\01\02\03]*)\03/$1/gs) {}
while ($contents =~ /([\01\02\03\04\05])/gs) {
print(STDERR "\t ** stray ".($1 eq "\01"
? "#if"
: ($1 eq "\02"
? "#else"
: ($1 eq "\03"
? "#endif"
: "control sequence"
)." found.\n");
$contents =~ s/[\01\02\03\04\05]//gs;
# Remove all but outermost blocks. (No local variables.)
while ($contents =~ s/\{([^\{\}]*)\}/
"\05".&wash($1)/ges) {}
$contents =~ s/\05/\{\}/gs;
# This operator-stuff messes things up. (C++)
$contents =~ s/operator[\<\>\=\!\+\-\*\%\/]{1,2}/operator/g;
# Ranges are uninteresting (and confusing).
$contents =~ s/\[.*?\]//gs;
# And so are assignments.
$contents =~ s/\=(.*?);/";".&wash($1)/ges;
return $contents;
sub java_clean {
my $contents = $_[0];
while ($contents =~ s/(\{[^\{]*)\{([^\{\}]*)\}/
$1."\05".&wash($2)/ges) {}
$contents =~ s/\05/\{\}/gs;
# Remove imports
$contents =~ s/^\s*import.*;//gm;
# Remove packages
$contents =~ s/^\s*package.*;//gm;
return $contents;
sub c_classes {
my $contents = $_[0];
# Find struct, enum and union definitions.
$contents =~ s/((struct|enum|union)\s+($ident|)\s*({}|(;)))/
"$2 ".($3 ? "\01".$itype{$2}.$3."\02 " : "").$5.&wash($1)/goes;
# Find class definitions. (C++)
$contents =~ s/((class)\s+($ident)\s*(:[^;\{]*|)({}|(;)))/
"$2 "."\01".$itype{$2.($6 ? 'forw' : '')}.
&classes($4).$3."\02 ".$6.&wash($1)/goes;
return $contents;
sub java_classes {
my $contents = $_[0];
# Find Java classes
$contents =~ s/((class)\s+($ident)\s*(extends\s+([\.\w]+)\s*|)(implements\s+([\.\w]+)|))/
"$2 "."\01".$itype{$2}.&classes($5.", ".$7).$3."\02 ".
# Find Java interfaces
$contents =~ s/((interface)\s+($ident)\s*(extends\s+([\.\w]+)|))/
"$2 "."\01".$itype{$2}.&classes($5).$3."\02 ".&wash($1)/goes;
return $contents;
sub findident {
print(STDERR "Starting pass 1: Collect identifier definitions.\n");
$start = time;
$fnum = 0; $defs = 0;
foreach $f (@f) {
$f =~ s/^$realpath//o;
1999-01-21 00:42:26 +00:00
$java = $ft[$fnum];
$fileidx{++$fnum} = $f;
open(SRCFILE, $realpath.$f);
$_ = $/; undef($/); $contents = <SRCFILE>; $/ = $_;
"(Pass 1) $f (",length($contents),
"), file $fnum of ",$#f+1,"...\n");
# Remove comments.
$contents =~ s/\/\*(.*?)\*\//&wash($1)/ges;
$contents =~ s/\/\/[^\n]*//g; # C++
# Unwrap continunation lines.
$contents =~ s/\\\s*\n/$1\05/gs;
while ($contents =~ s/\05([^\n\05]+)\05/$1\05\05/gs) {}
$contents =~ s/(\05+)([^\n]*)/"$2"."\n" x length($1)/gse;
1999-01-21 00:42:26 +00:00
if ($java) {
$contents = java_clean($contents);
} else {
$contents = c_clean($contents);
# Remove nested parentheses.
while ($contents =~ s/\(([^\)]*)\(/\($1\05/g ||
$contents =~ s/\05([^\(\)]*)\)/ $1 /g) {}
# Some heuristics here: Try to recognize "code" and delete
# everything up to the next block delimiter.
# $contents =~ s/([\;\}\{])(\s*$ident\s*\([^\)]*\)[^\{\}]*)/
# "$1".&wash($2)/goes;
# $contents =~ s/([\;\{])(\s*\**$ident\s*\=[^\{\}]*)/
# "$1".&wash($2)/goes;
# Parentheses containing commas are probably not interesting.
$contents =~ s/\(([^\)]*\,[^\)]*)\)/
# From here on, \01 and \02 are used to encapsulate found
# identifiers,
1999-01-21 00:42:26 +00:00
if ($java) {
$contents = java_classes($contents);
} else {
$contents = c_classes($contents);
@contents = split(/[;\}]/, $contents);
$contents = '';
foreach (@contents) {
1999-01-21 00:42:26 +00:00
if (!$java) {
if (/$ident[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ident/) { # It takes two, baby.
$t = /^\s*typedef/s; # Is this a type definition?
s/($ident(?:\s*::\s*$ident|)) # ($1) Match the identifier
([\s\)]* # ($2) Tokens allowed after identifier
(\([^\)]*\) # ($3) Function parameters?
(?:\s*:[^\{]*|) # inheritage specification (C++)
|) # No function parameters
\s*($|,|\{))/ # ($4) Allowed termination chars.
"\01". # identifier marker
($t # if type definition...
? $itype{'typedef'} # ..mark as such
: ($3 # $3 is empty unless function definition.
? ($4 eq '{' # Terminating token indicates
? $itype{'function'} # function or
: $itype{'funcprot'}) # function prototype.
: $itype{'var'}) # Variable.
)."$1\02 ".&wash($2)/goesx;
} else {
"\01".($2 eq '{' ? $itype{'function'} : $itype{'funcprot'})."$1\02 ".
"\01".$itype{'var'}."$1\02 ".&wash($2)/goesx;
$contents .= $_;
$l = 0;
foreach ($contents =~ /^(.*)/gm) {
while (/\01(.)(?:(.+?)\s*::\s*|)($ident)\02/go) {
$xref{$3} .= "$1$fnum:$l".($2 ? ":$2" : "")."\t";
# S<> juksar me litt.
foreach (@reserved) {
"Completed pass 1 (",(time-$start),"s):",
" $defs definitions found.\n\n");
sub findusage {
print(STDERR "Starting pass 2: Generate reference statistics.\n");
$start = time;
$fnum = 0; $refs = 0;
foreach $f (@f) {
$f =~ s/^$realpath//o;
$lcount = 0;
%tref = ();
open(SRCFILE, $realpath.$f);
$_ = $/; undef($/); $contents = <SRCFILE>; $/ = $_;
"(Pass 2) $f (",length($contents),
"), file $fnum of ",$#f+1,"...\n");
# Remove comments
$contents =~ s/\/\*(.*?)\*\//&wash($1)/ges;
$contents =~ s/\/\/[^\n]*//g;
# Remove include statements
$contents =~ s/^[ \t]*\#include[ \t]+[^\n]*//gm;
# FIXME: "var"
@lines = split(/\n/, $contents);
foreach $line (@lines) {
foreach ($line =~ /(?:^|[^a-zA-Z_\#])($ident)\b/og) {
$tref{$_} .= "$lcount," if $xref{$_};
while (($a, $b) = each(%tref)) {
$xref{$a} .= "R$fnum:$b\t";
"Completed pass 2 (",(time-$start),"s):",
"$refs references to known identifiers found.\n\n");
sub dumpdb {
print(STDERR "Starting pass 3: Dump database to disk.\n");
$start = time;
tie (%xrefdb, "DB_File" , "xref.out.$$", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0664, $DB_HASH)
|| die("Could not open \"xref\" for writing");
$i = 0;
while (($k, $v) = each(%xref)) {
$xrefdb{$k} = $v;
unless ($i % 100) {
print(STDERR "(Pass 3) identifier $i of maximum $defs...\n");
rename("xref.out.$$", "xref") || die "Couldn't rename xref.out.$$ to xref";
"Completed pass 3 (",(time-$start),"s):",
"Information on $i identifiers dumped to disk.\n\n");
tie (%fileidx, "DB_File", "fileidx.out.$$", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0660, $DB_HASH)
|| die("Could not open \"fileidx.out.$$\" for writing");
open(FILES, "find $realpath -print |");
while (<FILES>) {
1999-04-26 19:52:55 +00:00
if (/\.([ch]|cpp?|idl|cc)$/i) {
1999-01-21 00:42:26 +00:00
push(@f, $_);
push(@t, 0);
if (/\.(java)$/i) {
push(@f, $_);
push(@ft, 1);
1999-04-26 19:52:55 +00:00
# push(@f, $_) if /\.([ch]|cpp?|idl|cc|java)$/i; # Duplicated in lib/LXR/Common.pm
rename("fileidx.out.$$", "fileidx")
|| die "Couldn't rename fileidx.out.$$ to fileidx";