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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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2012-05-21 11:12:37 +00:00
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_ContentParent_h
#define mozilla_dom_ContentParent_h
#include "mozilla/dom/PContentParent.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/nsIContentParent.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/gfxVarReceiver.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/GPUProcessListener.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/FileUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/HalTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/LinkedList.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReportingProcess.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "ContentProcessHost.h"
#include "nsDataHashtable.h"
#include "nsPluginTags.h"
#include "nsFrameMessageManager.h"
#include "nsHashKeys.h"
#include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsIThreadInternal.h"
#include "nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback.h"
#include "nsIDOMGeoPositionErrorCallback.h"
#include "nsRefPtrHashtable.h"
#include "PermissionMessageUtils.h"
#include "DriverCrashGuard.h"
// These must match the similar ones in E10SUtils.jsm.
// Process names as reported by about:memory are defined in
// ContentChild:RecvRemoteType. Add your value there too or it will be called
// "Web Content".
#define FILE_REMOTE_TYPE "file"
#define EXTENSION_REMOTE_TYPE "extension"
#define PRIVILEGED_REMOTE_TYPE "privileged"
// This must start with the DEFAULT_REMOTE_TYPE above.
#define LARGE_ALLOCATION_REMOTE_TYPE "webLargeAllocation"
class nsConsoleService;
class nsIContentProcessInfo;
class nsICycleCollectorLogSink;
class nsIDumpGCAndCCLogsCallback;
class nsITabParent;
class nsITimer;
class ParentIdleListener;
class nsIWidget;
namespace mozilla {
class PRemoteSpellcheckEngineParent;
#if defined(XP_LINUX) && defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX)
class SandboxBroker;
class SandboxBrokerPolicyFactory;
class PreallocatedProcessManagerImpl;
using mozilla::loader::PScriptCacheParent;
namespace embedding {
class PrintingParent;
namespace ipc {
class CrashReporterHost;
class OptionalURIParams;
class PFileDescriptorSetParent;
class URIParams;
class TestShellParent;
#ifdef FUZZING
class ProtocolFuzzerHelper;
} // namespace ipc
namespace jsipc {
class PJavaScriptParent;
} // namespace jsipc
namespace layers {
struct TextureFactoryIdentifier;
} // namespace layers
namespace layout {
class PRenderFrameParent;
} // namespace layout
namespace dom {
class Element;
class TabParent;
class ClonedMessageData;
class MemoryReport;
class TabContext;
class ContentBridgeParent;
class GetFilesHelper;
class MemoryReportRequestHost;
class ContentParent final : public PContentParent
, public nsIContentParent
, public nsIObserver
, public nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback
, public nsIDOMGeoPositionErrorCallback
, public nsIInterfaceRequestor
, public gfx::gfxVarReceiver
, public mozilla::LinkedListElement<ContentParent>
, public gfx::GPUProcessListener
, public mozilla::MemoryReportingProcess
typedef mozilla::ipc::OptionalURIParams OptionalURIParams;
typedef mozilla::ipc::PFileDescriptorSetParent PFileDescriptorSetParent;
typedef mozilla::ipc::TestShellParent TestShellParent;
typedef mozilla::ipc::URIParams URIParams;
typedef mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfo PrincipalInfo;
typedef mozilla::dom::ClonedMessageData ClonedMessageData;
friend class ContentProcessHost;
friend class mozilla::PreallocatedProcessManagerImpl;
#ifdef FUZZING
friend class mozilla::ipc::ProtocolFuzzerHelper;
virtual bool IsContentParent() const override { return true; }
* Create a subprocess suitable for use later as a content process.
static already_AddRefed<ContentParent> PreallocateProcess();
* Start up the content-process machinery. This might include
* scheduling pre-launch tasks.
static void StartUp();
/** Shut down the content-process machinery. */
static void ShutDown();
static uint32_t GetPoolSize(const nsAString& aContentProcessType);
static uint32_t GetMaxProcessCount(const nsAString& aContentProcessType);
static bool IsMaxProcessCountReached(const nsAString& aContentProcessType);
static void ReleaseCachedProcesses();
* Picks a random content parent from |aContentParents| with a given |aOpener|
* respecting the index limit set by |aMaxContentParents|.
* Returns null if non available.
static already_AddRefed<ContentParent>
MinTabSelect(const nsTArray<ContentParent*>& aContentParents,
ContentParent* aOpener,
int32_t maxContentParents);
* Get or create a content process for:
* 1. browser iframe
* 2. remote xul <browser>
* 3. normal iframe
static already_AddRefed<ContentParent>
GetNewOrUsedBrowserProcess(const nsAString& aRemoteType,
hal::ProcessPriority aPriority =
ContentParent* aOpener = nullptr,
bool aPreferUsed = false);
* Get or create a content process for a JS plugin. aPluginID is the id of the JS plugin
* (@see nsFakePlugin::mId). There is a maximum of one process per JS plugin.
static already_AddRefed<ContentParent>
GetNewOrUsedJSPluginProcess(uint32_t aPluginID,
const hal::ProcessPriority& aPriority);
* Get or create a content process for the given TabContext. aFrameElement
* should be the frame/iframe element with which this process will
* associated.
static TabParent*
CreateBrowser(const TabContext& aContext,
Element* aFrameElement,
ContentParent* aOpenerContentParent,
TabParent* aSameTabGroupAs,
uint64_t aNextTabParentId);
static void GetAll(nsTArray<ContentParent*>& aArray);
static void GetAllEvenIfDead(nsTArray<ContentParent*>& aArray);
const nsAString& GetRemoteType() const;
virtual void DoGetRemoteType(nsAString& aRemoteType, ErrorResult& aError) const override
aRemoteType = GetRemoteType();
enum CPIteratorPolicy {
class ContentParentIterator {
ContentParent* mCurrent;
CPIteratorPolicy mPolicy;
ContentParentIterator(CPIteratorPolicy aPolicy, ContentParent* aCurrent)
: mCurrent(aCurrent),
ContentParentIterator begin()
// Move the cursor to the first element that matches the policy.
while (mPolicy != eAll && mCurrent && !mCurrent->mIsAlive) {
mCurrent = mCurrent->LinkedListElement<ContentParent>::getNext();
return *this;
ContentParentIterator end()
return ContentParentIterator(mPolicy, nullptr);
const ContentParentIterator& operator++()
do {
mCurrent = mCurrent->LinkedListElement<ContentParent>::getNext();
} while (mPolicy != eAll && mCurrent && !mCurrent->mIsAlive);
return *this;
bool operator!=(const ContentParentIterator& aOther)
MOZ_ASSERT(mPolicy == aOther.mPolicy);
return mCurrent != aOther.mCurrent;
ContentParent* operator*()
return mCurrent;
static ContentParentIterator AllProcesses(CPIteratorPolicy aPolicy)
ContentParent* first =
sContentParents ? sContentParents->getFirst() : nullptr;
return ContentParentIterator(aPolicy, first);
static bool IgnoreIPCPrincipal();
static void NotifyUpdatedDictionaries();
static void NotifyUpdatedFonts();
#if defined(XP_WIN)
* Windows helper for firing off an update window request to a plugin
* instance.
* aWidget - the eWindowType_plugin_ipc_chrome widget associated with
* this plugin window.
static void SendAsyncUpdate(nsIWidget* aWidget);
// Let managees query if it is safe to send messages.
bool IsDestroyed() const { return !mIPCOpen; }
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvCreateChildProcess(const IPCTabContext& aContext,
const hal::ProcessPriority& aPriority,
const TabId& aOpenerTabId,
const TabId& aTabId,
ContentParentId* aCpId,
bool* aIsForBrowser) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvBridgeToChildProcess(const ContentParentId& aCpId,
Endpoint<PContentBridgeParent>* aEndpoint) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvCreateGMPService() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvLoadPlugin(const uint32_t& aPluginId, nsresult* aRv,
uint32_t* aRunID,
Endpoint<PPluginModuleParent>* aEndpoint) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvMaybeReloadPlugins() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvConnectPluginBridge(const uint32_t& aPluginId,
nsresult* aRv,
Endpoint<PPluginModuleParent>* aEndpoint) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvUngrabPointer(const uint32_t& aTime) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRemovePermission(const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal,
const nsCString& aPermissionType,
nsresult* aRv) override;
* MessageManagerCallback methods that we override.
virtual bool DoLoadMessageManagerScript(const nsAString& aURL,
bool aRunInGlobalScope) override;
virtual nsresult DoSendAsyncMessage(JSContext* aCx,
const nsAString& aMessage,
StructuredCloneData& aData,
JS::Handle<JSObject *> aCpows,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal) override;
/** Notify that a tab is beginning its destruction sequence. */
static void NotifyTabDestroying(const TabId& aTabId,
const ContentParentId& aCpId);
/** Notify that a tab was destroyed during normal operation. */
void NotifyTabDestroyed(const TabId& aTabId,
bool aNotifiedDestroying);
TestShellParent* CreateTestShell();
bool DestroyTestShell(TestShellParent* aTestShell);
TestShellParent* GetTestShellSingleton();
jsipc::CPOWManager* GetCPOWManager() override;
static void
UnregisterRemoteFrame(const TabId& aTabId,
const ContentParentId& aCpId,
bool aMarkedDestroying);
void ReportChildAlreadyBlocked();
bool RequestRunToCompletion();
void UpdateCookieStatus(nsIChannel *aChannel);
bool IsAvailable() const
return mIsAvailable;
bool IsAlive() const override;
virtual bool IsForBrowser() const override
return mIsForBrowser;
virtual bool IsForJSPlugin() const override
return mJSPluginID != nsFakePluginTag::NOT_JSPLUGIN;
ContentProcessHost* Process() const
return mSubprocess;
ContentParent* Opener() const
return mOpener;
nsIContentProcessInfo* ScriptableHelper() const
return mScriptableHelper;
bool NeedsPermissionsUpdate(const nsACString& aPermissionKey) const;
* Kill our subprocess and make sure it dies. Should only be used
* in emergency situations since it bypasses the normal shutdown
* process.
* WARNING: aReason appears in telemetry, so any new value passed in requires
* data review.
void KillHard(const char* aWhy);
ContentParentId ChildID() const override { return mChildID; }
* Get a user-friendly name for this ContentParent. We make no guarantees
* about this name: It might not be unique, apps can spoof special names,
* etc. So please don't use this name to make any decisions about the
* ContentParent based on the value returned here.
void FriendlyName(nsAString& aName, bool aAnonymize = false);
virtual void OnChannelError() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvInitCrashReporter(Shmem&& aShmem, const NativeThreadId& aThreadId) override;
virtual PNeckoParent* AllocPNeckoParent() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvPNeckoConstructor(PNeckoParent* aActor) override
return PContentParent::RecvPNeckoConstructor(aActor);
virtual PPrintingParent* AllocPPrintingParent() override;
virtual bool DeallocPPrintingParent(PPrintingParent* aActor) override;
#if defined(NS_PRINTING)
* @return the PrintingParent for this ContentParent.
already_AddRefed<embedding::PrintingParent> GetPrintingParent();
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvInitStreamFilter(const uint64_t& aChannelId,
const nsString& aAddonId,
InitStreamFilterResolver&& aResolver) override;
virtual PChildToParentStreamParent* AllocPChildToParentStreamParent() override;
virtual bool
DeallocPChildToParentStreamParent(PChildToParentStreamParent* aActor) override;
virtual PParentToChildStreamParent*
SendPParentToChildStreamConstructor(PParentToChildStreamParent*) override;
virtual PFileDescriptorSetParent*
SendPFileDescriptorSetConstructor(const FileDescriptor&) override;
virtual PParentToChildStreamParent* AllocPParentToChildStreamParent() override;
virtual bool
DeallocPParentToChildStreamParent(PParentToChildStreamParent* aActor) override;
virtual PHalParent* AllocPHalParent() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvPHalConstructor(PHalParent* aActor) override
return PContentParent::RecvPHalConstructor(aActor);
virtual PHeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent*
AllocPHeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent() override;
virtual PJavaScriptParent*
AllocPJavaScriptParent() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvPJavaScriptConstructor(PJavaScriptParent* aActor) override
return PContentParent::RecvPJavaScriptConstructor(aActor);
virtual PRemoteSpellcheckEngineParent* AllocPRemoteSpellcheckEngineParent() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRecordingDeviceEvents(const nsString& aRecordingStatus,
const nsString& aPageURL,
const bool& aIsAudio,
const bool& aIsVideo) override;
bool CycleCollectWithLogs(bool aDumpAllTraces,
nsICycleCollectorLogSink* aSink,
nsIDumpGCAndCCLogsCallback* aCallback);
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvUnregisterRemoteFrame(const TabId& aTabId,
const ContentParentId& aCpId,
const bool& aMarkedDestroying) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyTabDestroying(const TabId& aTabId,
const ContentParentId& aCpId) override;
nsTArray<TabContext> GetManagedTabContext();
virtual POfflineCacheUpdateParent*
AllocPOfflineCacheUpdateParent(const URIParams& aManifestURI,
const URIParams& aDocumentURI,
const PrincipalInfo& aLoadingPrincipalInfo,
const bool& aStickDocument) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvPOfflineCacheUpdateConstructor(POfflineCacheUpdateParent* aActor,
const URIParams& aManifestURI,
const URIParams& aDocumentURI,
const PrincipalInfo& aLoadingPrincipal,
const bool& stickDocument) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPOfflineCacheUpdateParent(POfflineCacheUpdateParent* aActor) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvSetOfflinePermission(const IPC::Principal& principal) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvFinishShutdown() override;
void MaybeInvokeDragSession(TabParent* aParent);
virtual PContentPermissionRequestParent*
AllocPContentPermissionRequestParent(const InfallibleTArray<PermissionRequest>& aRequests,
const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal,
const bool& aIsTrusted,
const TabId& aTabId) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPContentPermissionRequestParent(PContentPermissionRequestParent* actor) override;
virtual bool HandleWindowsMessages(const Message& aMsg) const override;
void ForkNewProcess(bool aBlocking);
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvCreateWindow(PBrowserParent* aThisTabParent,
PBrowserParent* aNewTab,
layout::PRenderFrameParent* aRenderFrame,
const uint32_t& aChromeFlags,
const bool& aCalledFromJS,
const bool& aPositionSpecified,
const bool& aSizeSpecified,
const OptionalURIParams& aURIToLoad,
const nsCString& aFeatures,
const nsCString& aBaseURI,
const float& aFullZoom,
const IPC::Principal& aTriggeringPrincipal,
const uint32_t& aReferrerPolicy,
CreateWindowResolver&& aResolve) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvCreateWindowInDifferentProcess(
PBrowserParent* aThisTab,
const uint32_t& aChromeFlags,
const bool& aCalledFromJS,
const bool& aPositionSpecified,
const bool& aSizeSpecified,
const OptionalURIParams& aURIToLoad,
const nsCString& aFeatures,
const nsCString& aBaseURI,
const float& aFullZoom,
const nsString& aName,
const IPC::Principal& aTriggeringPrincipal,
const uint32_t& aReferrerPolicy) override;
static bool AllocateLayerTreeId(TabParent* aTabParent, layers::LayersId* aId);
static void
BroadcastBlobURLRegistration(const nsACString& aURI,
BlobImpl* aBlobImpl,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
ContentParent* aIgnoreThisCP = nullptr);
static void
BroadcastBlobURLUnregistration(const nsACString& aURI,
ContentParent* aIgnoreThisCP = nullptr);
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvStoreAndBroadcastBlobURLRegistration(const nsCString& aURI,
const IPCBlob& aBlob,
const Principal& aPrincipal) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvUnstoreAndBroadcastBlobURLUnregistration(const nsCString& aURI) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvGetA11yContentId(uint32_t* aContentId) override;
Bug 1303060: Changes to a11y to enable the serving of a COM handler; r=tbsaunde MozReview-Commit-ID: GTQF3x1pBtX A general outline of the COM handler (a.k.a. the "smart proxy"): COM handlers are pieces of code that are loaded by the COM runtime along with a proxy and are layered above that proxy. This enables the COM handler to interpose itself between the caller and the proxy, thus providing the opportunity for the handler to manipulate an interface's method calls before those calls reach the proxy. Handlers are regular COM components that live in DLLs and are declared in the Windows registry. In order to allow for the specifying of a handler (and an optional payload to be sent with the proxy), the mscom library allows its clients to specify an implementation of the IHandlerProvider interface. IHandlerProvider consists of 5 functions: * GetHandler returns the CLSID of the component that should be loaded into the COM client's process. If GetHandler returns a failure code, then no handler is loaded. * GetHandlerPayloadSize and WriteHandlerPayload are for obtaining the payload data. These calls are made on a background thread but need to do their work on the main thread. We declare the payload struct in IDL. MIDL generates two functions, IA2Payload_Encode and IA2Payload_Decode, which are used by mscom::StructToStream to read and write that struct to and from buffers. * The a11y payload struct also includes an interface, IGeckoBackChannel, that allows the handler to communicate directly with Gecko. IGeckoBackChannel currently provides two methods: one to allow the handler to request fresh cache information, and the other to provide Gecko with its IHandlerControl interface. * MarshalAs accepts an IID that specifies the interface that is about to be proxied. We may want to send a more sophisticated proxy than the one that is requested. The desired IID is returned by this function. In the case of a11y interfaces, we should always return IAccessible2_3 if we are asked for one of its parent interfaces. This allows us to eliminate round trips to resolve more sophisticated interfaces later on. * NewInstance, which is needed to ensure that all descendent proxies are also imbued with the same handler code. The main focus of this patch is as follows: 1. Provide an implementation of the IHandlerProvider interface; 2. Populate the handler payload (ie, the cache) with data; 3. Modify CreateHolderFromAccessible to specify the HandlerPayload object; 4. Receive the IHandlerControl interface from the handler DLL and move it into the chrome process. Some more information about IHandlerControl: There is one IHandlerControl per handler DLL instance. It is the interface that we call in Gecko when we need to dispatch an event to the handler. In order to ensure that events are dispatched in the correct order, we need to dispatch those events from the chrome main thread so that they occur in sequential order with calls to NotifyWinEvent. --HG-- extra : rebase_source : acb44dead7cc5488424720e1bf58862b7b30374f
2017-04-04 21:23:55 +00:00
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvA11yHandlerControl(const uint32_t& aPid,
const IHandlerControlHolder& aHandlerControl) override;
virtual int32_t Pid() const override;
// PURLClassifierParent.
virtual PURLClassifierParent*
AllocPURLClassifierParent(const Principal& aPrincipal,
const bool& aUseTrackingProtection,
bool* aSuccess) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvPURLClassifierConstructor(PURLClassifierParent* aActor,
const Principal& aPrincipal,
const bool& aUseTrackingProtection,
bool* aSuccess) override;
// PURLClassifierLocalParent.
virtual PURLClassifierLocalParent*
AllocPURLClassifierLocalParent(const URIParams& aURI,
const nsCString& aTables) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvPURLClassifierLocalConstructor(PURLClassifierLocalParent* aActor,
const URIParams& aURI,
const nsCString& aTables) override;
virtual PLoginReputationParent*
AllocPLoginReputationParent(const URIParams& aURI) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvPLoginReputationConstructor(PLoginReputationParent* aActor,
const URIParams& aURI) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPLoginReputationParent(PLoginReputationParent* aActor) override;
virtual bool SendActivate(PBrowserParent* aTab) override
return PContentParent::SendActivate(aTab);
virtual bool SendDeactivate(PBrowserParent* aTab) override
return PContentParent::SendDeactivate(aTab);
virtual bool
DeallocPURLClassifierLocalParent(PURLClassifierLocalParent* aActor) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPURLClassifierParent(PURLClassifierParent* aActor) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvClassifyLocal(const URIParams& aURI,
const nsCString& aTables,
nsresult* aRv,
nsTArray<nsCString>* aResults) override;
// Use the PHangMonitor channel to ask the child to repaint a tab.
void PaintTabWhileInterruptingJS(TabParent* aTabParent, bool aForceRepaint, uint64_t aLayerObserverEpoch);
// This function is called when we are about to load a document from an
// HTTP(S), FTP or wyciwyg channel for a content process. It is a useful
// place to start to kick off work as early as possible in response to such
// document loads.
nsresult AboutToLoadHttpFtpWyciwygDocumentForChild(nsIChannel* aChannel);
nsresult TransmitPermissionsForPrincipal(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
void OnCompositorDeviceReset() override;
virtual PClientOpenWindowOpParent*
AllocPClientOpenWindowOpParent(const ClientOpenWindowArgs& aArgs) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPClientOpenWindowOpParent(PClientOpenWindowOpParent* aActor) override;
static hal::ProcessPriority GetInitialProcessPriority(Element* aFrameElement);
// Control the priority of the IPC messages for input events.
void SetInputPriorityEventEnabled(bool aEnabled);
bool IsInputPriorityEventEnabled()
return mIsInputPriorityEventEnabled;
static bool IsInputEventQueueSupported();
void OnChannelConnected(int32_t pid) override;
virtual void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why) override;
bool ShouldContinueFromReplyTimeout() override;
void OnVarChanged(const GfxVarUpdate& aVar) override;
void OnCompositorUnexpectedShutdown() override;
* A map of the remote content process type to a list of content parents
* currently available to host *new* tabs/frames of that type.
* If a content process is identified as troubled or dead, it will be
* removed from this list, but will still be in the sContentParents list for
* the GetAll/GetAllEvenIfDead APIs.
static nsClassHashtable<nsStringHashKey, nsTArray<ContentParent*>>* sBrowserContentParents;
static nsTArray<ContentParent*>* sPrivateContent;
static nsDataHashtable<nsUint32HashKey, ContentParent*> *sJSPluginContentParents;
static StaticAutoPtr<LinkedList<ContentParent> > sContentParents;
static ContentBridgeParent* CreateContentBridgeParent(const TabContext& aContext,
const hal::ProcessPriority& aPriority,
const TabId& aOpenerTabId,
const TabId& aTabId);
// Hide the raw constructor methods since we don't want client code
// using them.
virtual PBrowserParent* SendPBrowserConstructor(
PBrowserParent* actor,
const TabId& aTabId,
const TabId& aSameTabGroupsAs,
const IPCTabContext& context,
const uint32_t& chromeFlags,
const ContentParentId& aCpId,
const bool& aIsForBrowser) override;
using PContentParent::SendPTestShellConstructor;
// Set aLoadUri to true to load aURIToLoad and to false to only create the
// window. aURIToLoad should always be provided, if available, to ensure
// compatibility with GeckoView.
CommonCreateWindow(PBrowserParent* aThisTab,
bool aSetOpener,
const uint32_t& aChromeFlags,
const bool& aCalledFromJS,
const bool& aPositionSpecified,
const bool& aSizeSpecified,
nsIURI* aURIToLoad,
const nsCString& aFeatures,
const nsCString& aBaseURI,
const float& aFullZoom,
uint64_t aNextTabParentId,
const nsString& aName,
nsresult& aResult,
nsCOMPtr<nsITabParent>& aNewTabParent,
bool* aWindowIsNew,
nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
uint32_t aReferrerPolicy,
bool aLoadUri);
explicit ContentParent(int32_t aPluginID)
: ContentParent(nullptr, EmptyString(), aPluginID)
ContentParent(ContentParent* aOpener,
const nsAString& aRemoteType)
: ContentParent(aOpener, aRemoteType, nsFakePluginTag::NOT_JSPLUGIN)
ContentParent(ContentParent* aOpener,
const nsAString& aRemoteType,
int32_t aPluginID);
// Launch the subprocess and associated initialization.
// Returns false if the process fails to start.
bool LaunchSubprocess(hal::ProcessPriority aInitialPriority = hal::PROCESS_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND);
// Common initialization after sub process launch.
void InitInternal(ProcessPriority aPriority);
virtual ~ContentParent();
void Init();
// Some information could be sent to content very early, it
// should be send from this function. This function should only be
// called after the process has been transformed to browser.
void ForwardKnownInfo();
* We might want to reuse barely used content processes if certain criteria are met.
bool TryToRecycle();
* Removing it from the static array so it won't be returned for new tabs in
* GetNewOrUsedBrowserProcess.
void RemoveFromList();
* Decide whether the process should be kept alive even when it would normally
* be shut down, for example when all its tabs are closed.
bool ShouldKeepProcessAlive() const;
* Mark this ContentParent as "troubled". This means that it is still alive,
* but it won't be returned for new tabs in GetNewOrUsedBrowserProcess.
void MarkAsTroubled();
* Mark this ContentParent as dead for the purposes of Get*().
* This method is idempotent.
void MarkAsDead();
* How we will shut down this ContentParent and its subprocess.
enum ShutDownMethod
// Send a shutdown message and wait for FinishShutdown call back.
// Close the channel ourselves and let the subprocess clean up itself.
// Close the channel with error and let the subprocess clean up itself.
* Exit the subprocess and vamoose. After this call IsAlive()
* will return false and this ContentParent will not be returned
* by the Get*() funtions. However, the shutdown sequence itself
* may be asynchronous.
* If aMethod is CLOSE_CHANNEL_WITH_ERROR and this is the first call
* to ShutDownProcess, then we'll close our channel using CloseWithError()
* rather than vanilla Close(). CloseWithError() indicates to IPC that this
* is an abnormal shutdown (e.g. a crash).
void ShutDownProcess(ShutDownMethod aMethod);
// Perform any steps necesssary to gracefully shtudown the message
// manager and null out mMessageManager.
void ShutDownMessageManager();
// Start the force-kill timer on shutdown.
void StartForceKillTimer();
void OnGenerateMinidumpComplete(bool aDumpResult);
// Ensure that the permissions for the giben Permission key are set in the
// content process.
// See nsIPermissionManager::GetPermissionsForKey for more information on
// these keys.
void EnsurePermissionsByKey(const nsCString& aKey);
static void ForceKillTimerCallback(nsITimer* aTimer, void* aClosure);
static bool AllocateLayerTreeId(ContentParent* aContent,
TabParent* aTopLevel, const TabId& aTabId,
layers::LayersId* aId);
* Get or create the corresponding content parent array to |aContentProcessType|.
static nsTArray<ContentParent*>& GetOrCreatePool(const nsAString& aContentProcessType);
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvInitBackground(Endpoint<mozilla::ipc::PBackgroundParent>&& aEndpoint) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvAddMemoryReport(const MemoryReport& aReport) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvFinishMemoryReport(const uint32_t& aGeneration) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvAddPerformanceMetrics(nsTArray<PerformanceInfo>&& aMetrics) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPJavaScriptParent(mozilla::jsipc::PJavaScriptParent*) override;
2013-09-07 06:19:53 +00:00
virtual bool
DeallocPRemoteSpellcheckEngineParent(PRemoteSpellcheckEngineParent*) override;
virtual PBrowserParent* AllocPBrowserParent(const TabId& aTabId,
const TabId& aSameTabGroupAs,
const IPCTabContext& aContext,
const uint32_t& aChromeFlags,
const ContentParentId& aCpId,
const bool& aIsForBrowser) override;
virtual bool DeallocPBrowserParent(PBrowserParent* frame) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvPBrowserConstructor(PBrowserParent* actor,
const TabId& tabId,
const TabId& sameTabGroupAs,
const IPCTabContext& context,
const uint32_t& chromeFlags,
const ContentParentId& cpId,
const bool& isForBrowser) override;
virtual PIPCBlobInputStreamParent*
SendPIPCBlobInputStreamConstructor(PIPCBlobInputStreamParent* aActor,
const nsID& aID,
const uint64_t& aSize) override;
virtual PIPCBlobInputStreamParent*
AllocPIPCBlobInputStreamParent(const nsID& aID,
const uint64_t& aSize) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPIPCBlobInputStreamParent(PIPCBlobInputStreamParent* aActor) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvIsSecureURI(const uint32_t& aType, const URIParams& aURI,
const uint32_t& aFlags,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
bool* aIsSecureURI) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvAccumulateMixedContentHSTS(const URIParams& aURI,
const bool& aActive,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes) override;
virtual bool DeallocPHalParent(PHalParent*) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPHeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent(PHeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent*) override;
virtual PCycleCollectWithLogsParent*
AllocPCycleCollectWithLogsParent(const bool& aDumpAllTraces,
const FileDescriptor& aGCLog,
const FileDescriptor& aCCLog) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPCycleCollectWithLogsParent(PCycleCollectWithLogsParent* aActor) override;
virtual PTestShellParent* AllocPTestShellParent() override;
virtual bool DeallocPTestShellParent(PTestShellParent* shell) override;
virtual PScriptCacheParent*
AllocPScriptCacheParent(const FileDescOrError& cacheFile,
const bool& wantCacheData) override;
virtual bool DeallocPScriptCacheParent(PScriptCacheParent* shell) override;
virtual bool DeallocPNeckoParent(PNeckoParent* necko) override;
virtual PPSMContentDownloaderParent*
AllocPPSMContentDownloaderParent(const uint32_t& aCertType) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPPSMContentDownloaderParent(PPSMContentDownloaderParent* aDownloader) override;
virtual PExternalHelperAppParent*
AllocPExternalHelperAppParent(const OptionalURIParams& aUri,
const nsCString& aMimeContentType,
const nsCString& aContentDisposition,
const uint32_t& aContentDispositionHint,
const nsString& aContentDispositionFilename,
const bool& aForceSave,
const int64_t& aContentLength,
const bool& aWasFileChannel,
const OptionalURIParams& aReferrer,
PBrowserParent* aBrowser) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPExternalHelperAppParent(PExternalHelperAppParent* aService) override;
virtual PHandlerServiceParent* AllocPHandlerServiceParent() override;
virtual bool DeallocPHandlerServiceParent(PHandlerServiceParent*) override;
virtual PMediaParent* AllocPMediaParent() override;
virtual bool DeallocPMediaParent(PMediaParent* aActor) override;
virtual PPresentationParent* AllocPPresentationParent() override;
virtual bool DeallocPPresentationParent(PPresentationParent* aActor) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvPPresentationConstructor(PPresentationParent* aActor) override;
virtual PSpeechSynthesisParent* AllocPSpeechSynthesisParent() override;
virtual bool
DeallocPSpeechSynthesisParent(PSpeechSynthesisParent* aActor) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvPSpeechSynthesisConstructor(PSpeechSynthesisParent* aActor) override;
virtual PWebBrowserPersistDocumentParent*
AllocPWebBrowserPersistDocumentParent(PBrowserParent* aBrowser,
const uint64_t& aOuterWindowID) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPWebBrowserPersistDocumentParent(PWebBrowserPersistDocumentParent* aActor) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetGfxVars(InfallibleTArray<GfxVarUpdate>* aVars) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvReadFontList(InfallibleTArray<FontListEntry>* retValue) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvSetClipboard(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
const bool& aIsPrivateData,
const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal,
const uint32_t& aContentPolicyType,
const int32_t& aWhichClipboard) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetClipboard(nsTArray<nsCString>&& aTypes,
const int32_t& aWhichClipboard,
IPCDataTransfer* aDataTransfer) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvEmptyClipboard(const int32_t& aWhichClipboard) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvClipboardHasType(nsTArray<nsCString>&& aTypes,
const int32_t& aWhichClipboard,
bool* aHasType) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvPlaySound(const URIParams& aURI) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvBeep() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvPlayEventSound(const uint32_t& aEventId) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetSystemColors(const uint32_t& colorsCount,
InfallibleTArray<uint32_t>* colors) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetIconForExtension(const nsCString& aFileExt,
const uint32_t& aIconSize,
InfallibleTArray<uint8_t>* bits) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetShowPasswordSetting(bool* showPassword) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvStartVisitedQuery(const URIParams& uri) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvVisitURI(const URIParams& uri,
const OptionalURIParams& referrer,
const uint32_t& flags) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvSetURITitle(const URIParams& uri,
const nsString& title) override;
bool HasNotificationPermission(const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal);
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvShowAlert(nsIAlertNotification* aAlert) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvCloseAlert(const nsString& aName,
const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvDisableNotifications(const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvOpenNotificationSettings(const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvLoadURIExternal(const URIParams& uri,
PBrowserParent* windowContext) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvExtProtocolChannelConnectParent(const uint32_t& registrarId) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvSyncMessage(const nsString& aMsg,
const ClonedMessageData& aData,
InfallibleTArray<CpowEntry>&& aCpows,
const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal,
nsTArray<StructuredCloneData>* aRetvals) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRpcMessage(const nsString& aMsg,
const ClonedMessageData& aData,
InfallibleTArray<CpowEntry>&& aCpows,
const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal,
nsTArray<StructuredCloneData>* aRetvals) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvAsyncMessage(const nsString& aMsg,
InfallibleTArray<CpowEntry>&& aCpows,
const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal,
const ClonedMessageData& aData) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvAddGeolocationListener(const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal,
const bool& aHighAccuracy) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRemoveGeolocationListener() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvSetGeolocationHigherAccuracy(const bool& aEnable) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvConsoleMessage(const nsString& aMessage) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvScriptError(const nsString& aMessage,
const nsString& aSourceName,
const nsString& aSourceLine,
const uint32_t& aLineNumber,
const uint32_t& aColNumber,
const uint32_t& aFlags,
const nsCString& aCategory,
const bool& aIsFromPrivateWindow) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvScriptErrorWithStack(const nsString& aMessage,
const nsString& aSourceName,
const nsString& aSourceLine,
const uint32_t& aLineNumber,
const uint32_t& aColNumber,
const uint32_t& aFlags,
const nsCString& aCategory,
const bool& aIsFromPrivateWindow,
const ClonedMessageData& aStack) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvScriptErrorInternal(const nsString& aMessage,
const nsString& aSourceName,
const nsString& aSourceLine,
const uint32_t& aLineNumber,
const uint32_t& aColNumber,
const uint32_t& aFlags,
const nsCString& aCategory,
const bool& aIsFromPrivateWindow,
const ClonedMessageData* aStack = nullptr);
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvPrivateDocShellsExist(const bool& aExist) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvFirstIdle() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvDeviceReset() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvKeywordToURI(const nsCString& aKeyword,
nsString* aProviderName,
RefPtr<nsIInputStream>* aPostData,
OptionalURIParams* aURI) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyKeywordSearchLoading(const nsString &aProvider,
const nsString &aKeyword) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvCopyFavicon(const URIParams& aOldURI,
const URIParams& aNewURI,
const IPC::Principal& aLoadingPrincipal,
const bool& aInPrivateBrowsing) override;
virtual void ProcessingError(Result aCode, const char* aMsgName) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvAllocateLayerTreeId(const ContentParentId& aCpId,
const TabId& aTabId,
layers::LayersId* aId) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvDeallocateLayerTreeId(const ContentParentId& aCpId,
const layers::LayersId& aId) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGraphicsError(const nsCString& aError) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvBeginDriverCrashGuard(const uint32_t& aGuardType,
bool* aOutCrashed) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvEndDriverCrashGuard(const uint32_t& aGuardType) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvAddIdleObserver(const uint64_t& observerId,
const uint32_t& aIdleTimeInS) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRemoveIdleObserver(const uint64_t& observerId,
const uint32_t& aIdleTimeInS) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvBackUpXResources(const FileDescriptor& aXSocketFd) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvRequestAnonymousTemporaryFile(const uint64_t& aID) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvCreateAudioIPCConnection(CreateAudioIPCConnectionResolver&& aResolver) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvKeygenProcessValue(const nsString& oldValue, const nsString& challenge,
const nsString& keytype, const nsString& keyparams,
nsString* newValue) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvKeygenProvideContent(nsString* aAttribute,
nsTArray<nsString>* aContent) override;
virtual PFileDescriptorSetParent*
AllocPFileDescriptorSetParent(const mozilla::ipc::FileDescriptor&) override;
virtual bool
DeallocPFileDescriptorSetParent(PFileDescriptorSetParent*) override;
virtual PWebrtcGlobalParent* AllocPWebrtcGlobalParent() override;
virtual bool DeallocPWebrtcGlobalParent(PWebrtcGlobalParent *aActor) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvUpdateDropEffect(const uint32_t& aDragAction,
const uint32_t& aDropEffect) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvShutdownProfile(const nsCString& aProfile) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetGraphicsDeviceInitData(ContentDeviceData* aOut) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetAndroidSystemInfo(AndroidSystemInfo* aInfo) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyBenchmarkResult(const nsString& aCodecName,
const uint32_t& aDecodeFPS) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyPushObservers(const nsCString& aScope,
const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal,
const nsString& aMessageId) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyPushObserversWithData(const nsCString& aScope,
const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal,
const nsString& aMessageId,
InfallibleTArray<uint8_t>&& aData) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyPushSubscriptionChangeObservers(const nsCString& aScope,
const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyPushSubscriptionModifiedObservers(const nsCString& aScope,
const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyLowMemory() override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetFilesRequest(const nsID& aID,
const nsString& aDirectoryPath,
const bool& aRecursiveFlag) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvDeleteGetFilesRequest(const nsID& aID) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
RecvFileCreationRequest(const nsID& aID, const nsString& aFullPath,
const nsString& aType, const nsString& aName,
const bool& aLastModifiedPassed,
const int64_t& aLastModified,
const bool& aExistenceCheck,
const bool& aIsFromNsIFile) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvAccumulateChildHistograms(
InfallibleTArray<HistogramAccumulation>&& aAccumulations) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvAccumulateChildKeyedHistograms(
InfallibleTArray<KeyedHistogramAccumulation>&& aAccumulations) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvUpdateChildScalars(
InfallibleTArray<ScalarAction>&& aScalarActions) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvUpdateChildKeyedScalars(
InfallibleTArray<KeyedScalarAction>&& aScalarActions) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRecordChildEvents(
nsTArray<ChildEventData>&& events) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRecordDiscardedData(
const DiscardedData& aDiscardedData) override;
virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvBHRThreadHang(
const HangDetails& aHangDetails) override;
// Notify the ContentChild to enable the input event prioritization when
// initializing.
void MaybeEnableRemoteInputEventQueue();
void SendGetFilesResponseAndForget(const nsID& aID,
const GetFilesResponseResult& aResult);
bool SendRequestMemoryReport(const uint32_t& aGeneration,
const bool& aAnonymize,
const bool& aMinimizeMemoryUsage,
const MaybeFileDesc& aDMDFile) override;
bool CanCommunicateWith(ContentParentId aOtherProcess);
// If you add strong pointers to cycle collected objects here, be sure to
// release these objects in ShutDownProcess. See the comment there for more
// details.
ContentProcessHost* mSubprocess;
const TimeStamp mLaunchTS; // used to calculate time to start content process
TimeStamp mActivateTS;
ContentParent* mOpener;
nsString mRemoteType;
ContentParentId mChildID;
int32_t mGeolocationWatchID;
// This contains the id for the JS plugin (@see nsFakePluginTag) if this is the
// ContentParent for a process containing iframes for that JS plugin.
// If this is not a ContentParent for a JS plugin then it contains the value
// nsFakePluginTag::NOT_JSPLUGIN.
int32_t mJSPluginID;
nsCString mKillHardAnnotation;
// After we initiate shutdown, we also start a timer to ensure
// that even content processes that are 100% blocked (say from
// SIGSTOP), are still killed eventually. This task enforces that
// timer.
nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mForceKillTimer;
// How many tabs we're waiting to finish their destruction
// sequence. Precisely, how many TabParents have called
// NotifyTabDestroying() but not called NotifyTabDestroyed().
int32_t mNumDestroyingTabs;
// True only while this process is in "good health" and may be used for
// new remote tabs.
bool mIsAvailable;
// True only while remote content is being actively used from this process.
// After mIsAlive goes to false, some previously scheduled IPC traffic may
// still pass through.
bool mIsAlive;
bool mIsForBrowser;
// These variables track whether we've called Close() and KillHard() on our
// channel.
bool mCalledClose;
bool mCalledKillHard;
bool mCreatedPairedMinidumps;
bool mShutdownPending;
bool mIPCOpen;
// True if the input event queue on the main thread of the content process is
// enabled.
bool mIsRemoteInputEventQueueEnabled;
// True if we send input events with input priority. Otherwise, we send input
// events with normal priority.
bool mIsInputPriorityEventEnabled;
RefPtr<nsConsoleService> mConsoleService;
nsConsoleService* GetConsoleService();
nsCOMPtr<nsIContentProcessInfo> mScriptableHelper;
nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver>> mIdleListeners;
#ifdef MOZ_X11
// Dup of child's X socket, used to scope its resources to this
// object instead of the child process's lifetime.
ScopedClose mChildXSocketFdDup;
PProcessHangMonitorParent* mHangMonitorActor;
UniquePtr<gfx::DriverCrashGuard> mDriverCrashGuard;
UniquePtr<MemoryReportRequestHost> mMemoryReportRequest;
#if defined(XP_LINUX) && defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX)
mozilla::UniquePtr<SandboxBroker> mSandboxBroker;
static mozilla::UniquePtr<SandboxBrokerPolicyFactory>
RefPtr<embedding::PrintingParent> mPrintingParent;
// This hashtable is used to run GetFilesHelper objects in the parent process.
// GetFilesHelper can be aborted by receiving RecvDeleteGetFilesRequest.
nsRefPtrHashtable<nsIDHashKey, GetFilesHelper> mGetFilesPendingRequests;
nsTHashtable<nsCStringHashKey> mActivePermissionKeys;
nsTArray<nsCString> mBlobURLs;
UniquePtr<mozilla::ipc::CrashReporterHost> mCrashReporter;
static uint64_t sNextTabParentId;
static nsDataHashtable<nsUint64HashKey, TabParent*> sNextTabParents;
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
class ParentIdleListener : public nsIObserver
friend class mozilla::dom::ContentParent;
ParentIdleListener(mozilla::dom::ContentParent* aParent,
uint64_t aObserver, uint32_t aTime)
: mParent(aParent), mObserver(aObserver), mTime(aTime)
virtual ~ParentIdleListener() {}
Bug 1207245 - part 6 - rename nsRefPtr<T> to RefPtr<T>; r=ehsan; a=Tomcat The bulk of this commit was generated with a script, executed at the top level of a typical source code checkout. The only non-machine-generated part was modifying MFBT's to reflect the new naming. CLOSED TREE makes big refactorings like this a piece of cake. # The main substitution. find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.mm' -o -name '*.idl'| \ xargs perl -p -i -e ' s/nsRefPtr\.h/RefPtr\.h/g; # handle includes s/nsRefPtr ?</RefPtr</g; # handle declarations and variables ' # Handle a special friend declaration in gfx/layers/AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize.h. perl -p -i -e 's/::nsRefPtr;/::RefPtr;/' gfx/layers/AtomicRefCountedWithFinalize.h # Handle nsRefPtr.h itself, a couple places that define constructors # from nsRefPtr, and code generators specially. We do this here, rather # than indiscriminantly s/nsRefPtr/RefPtr/, because that would rename # things like nsRefPtrHashtable. perl -p -i -e 's/nsRefPtr/RefPtr/g' \ mfbt/nsRefPtr.h \ xpcom/glue/nsCOMPtr.h \ xpcom/base/OwningNonNull.h \ ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ \ ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ \ dom/bindings/ \ python/lldbutils/lldbutils/ # In our indiscriminate substitution above, we renamed # nsRefPtrGetterAddRefs, the class behind getter_AddRefs. Fix that up. find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.idl' | \ xargs perl -p -i -e 's/nsRefPtrGetterAddRefs/RefPtrGetterAddRefs/g' if [ -d .git ]; then git mv mfbt/nsRefPtr.h mfbt/RefPtr.h else hg mv mfbt/nsRefPtr.h mfbt/RefPtr.h fi --HG-- rename : mfbt/nsRefPtr.h => mfbt/RefPtr.h
2015-10-18 05:24:48 +00:00
RefPtr<mozilla::dom::ContentParent> mParent;
uint64_t mObserver;
uint32_t mTime;
#endif // mozilla_dom_ContentParent_h