
492 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['NetworkStatsDB'];
const DEBUG = false;
function debug(s) { dump("-*- NetworkStatsDB: " + s + "\n"); }
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
const DB_NAME = "net_stats";
const DB_VERSION = 3;
const STORE_NAME = "net_stats";
// Constant defining the maximum values allowed per interface. If more, older
// will be erased.
const VALUES_MAX_LENGTH = 6 * 30;
// Constant defining the rate of the samples. Daily.
const SAMPLE_RATE = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
this.NetworkStatsDB = function NetworkStatsDB() {
if (DEBUG) {
NetworkStatsDB.prototype = {
__proto__: IndexedDBHelper.prototype,
dbNewTxn: function dbNewTxn(txn_type, callback, txnCb) {
function successCb(result) {
txnCb(null, result);
function errorCb(error) {
txnCb(error, null);
return this.newTxn(txn_type, STORE_NAME, callback, successCb, errorCb);
upgradeSchema: function upgradeSchema(aTransaction, aDb, aOldVersion, aNewVersion) {
if (DEBUG) {
debug("upgrade schema from: " + aOldVersion + " to " + aNewVersion + " called!");
let db = aDb;
let objectStore;
for (let currVersion = aOldVersion; currVersion < aNewVersion; currVersion++) {
if (currVersion == 0) {
* Create the initial database schema.
objectStore = db.createObjectStore(STORE_NAME, { keyPath: ["connectionType", "timestamp"] });
objectStore.createIndex("connectionType", "connectionType", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("timestamp", "timestamp", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("rxBytes", "rxBytes", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("txBytes", "txBytes", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("rxTotalBytes", "rxTotalBytes", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("txTotalBytes", "txTotalBytes", { unique: false });
if (DEBUG) {
debug("Created object stores and indexes");
} else if (currVersion == 2) {
// In order to support per-app traffic data storage, the original
// objectStore needs to be replaced by a new objectStore with new
// key path ("appId") and new index ("appId").
// Also, since now networks are identified by their
// [networkId, networkType] not just by their connectionType,
// to modify the keyPath is mandatory to delete the object store
// and create it again. Old data is going to be deleted because the
// networkId for each sample can not be set.
objectStore = db.createObjectStore(STORE_NAME, { keyPath: ["appId", "network", "timestamp"] });
objectStore.createIndex("appId", "appId", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("network", "network", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("networkType", "networkType", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("timestamp", "timestamp", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("rxBytes", "rxBytes", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("txBytes", "txBytes", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("rxTotalBytes", "rxTotalBytes", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("txTotalBytes", "txTotalBytes", { unique: false });
if (DEBUG) {
debug("Created object stores and indexes for version 3");
importData: function importData(aStats) {
let stats = { appId: aStats.appId,
network: [aStats.networkId, aStats.networkType],
timestamp: aStats.timestamp,
rxBytes: aStats.rxBytes,
txBytes: aStats.txBytes,
rxTotalBytes: aStats.rxTotalBytes,
txTotalBytes: aStats.txTotalBytes };
return stats;
exportData: function exportData(aStats) {
let stats = { appId: aStats.appId,
timestamp: aStats.timestamp,
rxBytes: aStats.rxBytes,
txBytes: aStats.txBytes,
rxTotalBytes: aStats.rxTotalBytes,
txTotalBytes: aStats.txTotalBytes };
return stats;
normalizeDate: function normalizeDate(aDate) {
// Convert to UTC according to timezone and
// filter timestamp to get SAMPLE_RATE precission
let timestamp = aDate.getTime() - aDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
timestamp = Math.floor(timestamp / SAMPLE_RATE) * SAMPLE_RATE;
return timestamp;
saveStats: function saveStats(aStats, aResultCb) {
let timestamp = this.normalizeDate(;
let stats = { appId: aStats.appId,
networkId: aStats.networkId,
networkType: aStats.networkType,
timestamp: timestamp,
rxBytes: (aStats.appId == 0) ? 0 : aStats.rxBytes,
txBytes: (aStats.appId == 0) ? 0 : aStats.txBytes,
rxTotalBytes: (aStats.appId == 0) ? aStats.rxBytes : 0,
txTotalBytes: (aStats.appId == 0) ? aStats.txBytes : 0 };
stats = this.importData(stats);
this.dbNewTxn("readwrite", function(aTxn, aStore) {
if (DEBUG) {
debug("Filtered time: " + new Date(timestamp));
debug("New stats: " + JSON.stringify(stats));
let request = aStore.index("network").openCursor(, "prev");
request.onsuccess = function onsuccess(event) {
let cursor =;
if (!cursor) {
// Empty, so save first element.
// There could be a time delay between the point when the network
// interface comes up and the point when the database is initialized.
// In this short interval some traffic data are generated but are not
// registered by the first sample.
if (stats.appId == 0) {
stats.rxBytes = stats.rxTotalBytes;
stats.txBytes = stats.txTotalBytes;
this._saveStats(aTxn, aStore, stats);
if (stats.appId != cursor.value.appId) {
// There are old samples
if (DEBUG) {
debug("Last value " + JSON.stringify(cursor.value));
// Remove stats previous to now - VALUE_MAX_LENGTH
this._removeOldStats(aTxn, aStore, stats.appId,, stats.timestamp);
// Process stats before save
this._processSamplesDiff(aTxn, aStore, cursor, stats);
}.bind(this), aResultCb);
* This function check that stats are saved in the database following the sample rate.
* In this way is easier to find elements when stats are requested.
_processSamplesDiff: function _processSamplesDiff(aTxn, aStore, aLastSampleCursor, aNewSample) {
let lastSample = aLastSampleCursor.value;
// Get difference between last and new sample.
let diff = (aNewSample.timestamp - lastSample.timestamp) / SAMPLE_RATE;
if (diff % 1) {
// diff is decimal, so some error happened because samples are stored as a multiple
throw new Error("Error processing samples");
if (DEBUG) {
debug("New: " + aNewSample.timestamp + " - Last: " +
lastSample.timestamp + " - diff: " + diff);
// If the incoming data is obtained from netd (|newSample.appId| is 0),
// the new |txBytes|/|rxBytes| is assigend by the differnce between the new
// |txTotalBytes|/|rxTotalBytes| and the last |txTotalBytes|/|rxTotalBytes|.
// Else, the incoming data is per-app data (|newSample.appId| is not 0),
// the |txBytes|/|rxBytes| is directly the new |txBytes|/|rxBytes|.
if (aNewSample.appId == 0) {
let rxDiff = aNewSample.rxTotalBytes - lastSample.rxTotalBytes;
let txDiff = aNewSample.txTotalBytes - lastSample.txTotalBytes;
if (rxDiff < 0 || txDiff < 0) {
rxDiff = aNewSample.rxTotalBytes;
txDiff = aNewSample.txTotalBytes;
aNewSample.rxBytes = rxDiff;
aNewSample.txBytes = txDiff;
if (diff == 1) {
// New element.
// If the incoming data is per-data data, new |rxTotalBytes|/|txTotalBytes|
// needs to be obtained by adding new |rxBytes|/|txBytes| to last
// |rxTotalBytes|/|txTotalBytes|.
if (aNewSample.appId != 0) {
aNewSample.rxTotalBytes = aNewSample.rxBytes + lastSample.rxTotalBytes;
aNewSample.txTotalBytes = aNewSample.txBytes + lastSample.txTotalBytes;
this._saveStats(aTxn, aStore, aNewSample);
if (diff > 1) {
// Some samples lost. Device off during one or more samplerate periods.
// Time or timezone changed
// Add lost samples with 0 bytes and the actual one.
if (diff > VALUES_MAX_LENGTH) {
let data = [];
for (let i = diff - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
let time = aNewSample.timestamp - SAMPLE_RATE * (i + 1);
let sample = { appId: aNewSample.appId,
timestamp: time,
rxBytes: 0,
txBytes: 0,
rxTotalBytes: lastSample.rxTotalBytes,
txTotalBytes: lastSample.txTotalBytes };
this._saveStats(aTxn, aStore, data);
if (diff == 0 || diff < 0) {
// New element received before samplerate period.
// It means that device has been restarted (or clock / timezone change).
// Update element.
// If diff < 0, clock or timezone changed back. Place data in the last sample.
lastSample.rxBytes += aNewSample.rxBytes;
lastSample.txBytes += aNewSample.txBytes;
// If incoming data is obtained from netd, last |rxTotalBytes|/|txTotalBytes|
// needs to get updated by replacing the new |rxTotalBytes|/|txTotalBytes|.
if (aNewSample.appId == 0) {
lastSample.rxTotalBytes = aNewSample.rxTotalBytes;
lastSample.txTotalBytes = aNewSample.txTotalBytes;
} else {
// Else, the incoming data is per-app data, old |rxTotalBytes|/
// |txTotalBytes| needs to get updated by adding the new
// |rxBytes|/|txBytes| to last |rxTotalBytes|/|txTotalBytes|.
lastSample.rxTotalBytes += aNewSample.rxBytes;
lastSample.txTotalBytes += aNewSample.txBytes;
if (DEBUG) {
debug("Update: " + JSON.stringify(lastSample));
let req = aLastSampleCursor.update(lastSample);
_saveStats: function _saveStats(aTxn, aStore, aNetworkStats) {
if (DEBUG) {
debug("_saveStats: " + JSON.stringify(aNetworkStats));
if (Array.isArray(aNetworkStats)) {
let len = aNetworkStats.length - 1;
for (let i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
} else {
_removeOldStats: function _removeOldStats(aTxn, aStore, aAppId, aNetwork, aDate) {
// Callback function to remove old items when new ones are added.
let filterDate = aDate - (SAMPLE_RATE * VALUES_MAX_LENGTH - 1);
let lowerFilter = [aAppId, aNetwork, 0];
let upperFilter = [aAppId, aNetwork, filterDate];
let range = IDBKeyRange.bound(lowerFilter, upperFilter, false, false);
let lastSample = null;
let self = this;
aStore.openCursor(range).onsuccess = function(event) {
var cursor =;
if (cursor) {
lastSample = cursor.value;
// If all samples for a network are removed, an empty sample
// has to be saved to keep the totalBytes in order to compute
// future samples because system counters are not set to 0.
// Thus, if there are no samples left, the last sample removed
// will be saved again after setting its bytes to 0.
let request = aStore.index("network").openCursor(aNetwork);
request.onsuccess = function onsuccess(event) {
let cursor =;
if (!cursor && lastSample != null) {
let timestamp = new Date();
timestamp = self.normalizeDate(timestamp);
lastSample.timestamp = timestamp;
lastSample.rxBytes = 0;
lastSample.txBytes = 0;
self._saveStats(aTxn, aStore, lastSample);
clearInterfaceStats: function clearInterfaceStats(aNetwork, aResultCb) {
let network = [, aNetwork.type];
let self = this;
// Clear and save an empty sample to keep sync with system counters
this.dbNewTxn("readwrite", function(aTxn, aStore) {
let sample = null;
let request = aStore.index("network").openCursor(network, "prev");
request.onsuccess = function onsuccess(event) {
let cursor =;
if (cursor) {
if (!sample) {
sample = cursor.value;
if (sample) {
let timestamp = new Date();
timestamp = self.normalizeDate(timestamp);
sample.timestamp = timestamp;
sample.appId = 0;
sample.rxBytes = 0;
sample.txBytes = 0;
self._saveStats(aTxn, aStore, sample);
}, aResultCb);
clearStats: function clearStats(aNetworks, aResultCb) {
let index = 0;
let stats = [];
let self = this;
let callback = function(aError, aResult) {
if (!aError && index < aNetworks.length) {
self.clearInterfaceStats(aNetworks[index], callback);
aResultCb(aError, aResult);
if (!aNetworks[index]) {
aResultCb(null, true);
this.clearInterfaceStats(aNetworks[index], callback);
find: function find(aResultCb, aNetwork, aStart, aEnd, aAppId, aManifestURL) {
let offset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
let start = this.normalizeDate(aStart);
let end = this.normalizeDate(aEnd);
if (DEBUG) {
debug("Find samples for appId: " + aAppId + " network " +
JSON.stringify(aNetwork) + " from " + start + " until " + end);
debug("Start time: " + new Date(start));
debug("End time: " + new Date(end));
this.dbNewTxn("readonly", function(aTxn, aStore) {
let network = [, aNetwork.type];
let lowerFilter = [aAppId, network, start];
let upperFilter = [aAppId, network, end];
let range = IDBKeyRange.bound(lowerFilter, upperFilter, false, false);
let data = [];
if (!aTxn.result) {
aTxn.result = {};
let request = aStore.openCursor(range).onsuccess = function(event) {
var cursor =;
if (cursor){
data.push({ rxBytes: cursor.value.rxBytes,
txBytes: cursor.value.txBytes,
date: new Date(cursor.value.timestamp + offset) });
// When requested samples (start / end) are not in the range of now and
// now - VALUES_MAX_LENGTH, fill with empty samples.
this.fillResultSamples(start + offset, end + offset, data);
aTxn.result.manifestURL = aManifestURL; = aNetwork;
aTxn.result.start = aStart;
aTxn.result.end = aEnd; = data;
}.bind(this), aResultCb);
* Fill data array (samples from database) with empty samples to match
* requested start / end dates.
fillResultSamples: function fillResultSamples(aStart, aEnd, aData) {
if (aData.length == 0) {
aData.push({ rxBytes: undefined,
txBytes: undefined,
date: new Date(aStart) });
while (aStart < aData[0].date.getTime()) {
aData.unshift({ rxBytes: undefined,
txBytes: undefined,
date: new Date(aData[0].date.getTime() - SAMPLE_RATE) });
while (aEnd > aData[aData.length - 1].date.getTime()) {
aData.push({ rxBytes: undefined,
txBytes: undefined,
date: new Date(aData[aData.length - 1].date.getTime() + SAMPLE_RATE) });
get sampleRate () {
get maxStorageSamples () {
logAllRecords: function logAllRecords(aResultCb) {
this.dbNewTxn("readonly", function(aTxn, aStore) {
aStore.mozGetAll().onsuccess = function onsuccess(event) {
aTxn.result =;
}, aResultCb);