
795 lines
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Raw Normal View History

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Places code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Google Inc.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Brett Wilson <> (original author)
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
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* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* The definitions of objects that make up a history query result set. This file
* should only be included by nsNavHistory.h, include that if you want these
* classes.
#ifndef nsNavHistoryResult_h_
#define nsNavHistoryResult_h_
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsInterfaceHashtable.h"
#include "nsDataHashtable.h"
class nsNavHistory;
class nsNavHistoryResult;
class nsIDateTimeFormat;
class nsIWritablePropertyBag;
class nsNavHistoryQuery;
class nsNavHistoryQueryOptions;
class nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode;
class nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode;
class nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode;
class nsNavHistoryVisitResultNode;
* hashkey wrapper using PRInt64 KeyType
* @see nsTHashtable::EntryType for specification
* This just truncates the 64-bit int to a 32-bit one for using a hash number.
* It is used for bookmark folder IDs, which should be way less than 2^32.
class nsTrimInt64HashKey : public PLDHashEntryHdr
typedef const PRInt64& KeyType;
typedef const PRInt64* KeyTypePointer;
nsTrimInt64HashKey(KeyTypePointer aKey) : mValue(*aKey) { }
nsTrimInt64HashKey(const nsTrimInt64HashKey& toCopy) : mValue(toCopy.mValue) { }
~nsTrimInt64HashKey() { }
KeyType GetKey() const { return mValue; }
KeyTypePointer GetKeyPointer() const { return &mValue; }
PRBool KeyEquals(KeyTypePointer aKey) const { return *aKey == mValue; }
static KeyTypePointer KeyToPointer(KeyType aKey) { return &aKey; }
static PLDHashNumber HashKey(KeyTypePointer aKey)
{ return NS_STATIC_CAST(PRUint32, (*aKey) & PR_UINT32_MAX); }
const PRInt64 mValue;
// Declare methods for implementing nsINavBookmarkObserver
// and nsINavHistoryObserver (some methods, such as BeginUpdateBatch overlap)
NS_IMETHOD OnVisit(nsIURI* aURI, PRInt64 aVisitId, PRTime aTime, \
PRInt64 aSessionId, PRInt64 aReferringId, \
PRUint32 aTransitionType); \
NS_IMETHOD OnTitleChanged(nsIURI* aURI, const nsAString& aPageTitle, \
const nsAString& aUserTitle, \
PRBool aIsUserTitleChanged); \
NS_IMETHOD OnClearHistory(); \
NS_IMETHOD OnPageChanged(nsIURI *aURI, PRUint32 aWhat, \
const nsAString &aValue);
// nsNavHistoryResultNode
// This is the base class for every node in a result set. The result itself
// is a node (nsNavHistoryResult inherits from this), as well as every
// leaf and branch on the tree.
{0x54b61d38, 0x57c1, 0x11da, {0x95, 0xb8, 0x00, 0x13, 0x21, 0xc9, 0xf6, 0x9e}}
// These are all the simple getters, they can be used for the result node
// implementation and all subclasses. More complex are GetIcon, GetParent
// (which depends on the definition of container result node), and GetUri
// (which is overridded for lazy construction for some containers).
NS_IMETHOD GetTitle(nsACString& aTitle) \
{ aTitle = mTitle; return NS_OK; } \
NS_IMETHOD GetAccessCount(PRUint32* aAccessCount) \
{ *aAccessCount = mAccessCount; return NS_OK; } \
NS_IMETHOD GetTime(PRTime* aTime) \
{ *aTime = mTime; return NS_OK; } \
NS_IMETHOD GetIndentLevel(PRUint32* aIndentLevel) \
{ *aIndentLevel = mIndentLevel; return NS_OK; } \
NS_IMETHOD GetViewIndex(PRInt32* aViewIndex) \
{ *aViewIndex = mViewIndex; return NS_OK; } \
NS_IMETHOD SetViewIndex(PRInt32 aViewIndex) \
{ mViewIndex = aViewIndex; return NS_OK; }
// This is used by the base classes instead of
// NS_FORWARD_NSINAVHISTORYRESULTNODE(nsNavHistoryResultNode) because they
// need to redefine GetType and GetUri rather than forwarding them. This
// implements all the simple getters instead of forwarding because they are so
// short and we can save a virtual function call.
// (GetUri is redefined only by QueryResultNode and FolderResultNode because
// the queries might not necessarily be parsed. The rest just return the node's
// buffer.)
NS_IMETHOD GetIcon(nsIURI** aIcon) \
{ return nsNavHistoryResultNode::GetIcon(aIcon); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetParent(nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode** aParent) \
{ return nsNavHistoryResultNode::GetParent(aParent); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetPropertyBag(nsIWritablePropertyBag** aBag) \
{ return nsNavHistoryResultNode::GetPropertyBag(aBag); }
class nsNavHistoryResultNode : public nsINavHistoryResultNode
nsNavHistoryResultNode(const nsACString& aURI, const nsACString& aTitle,
PRUint32 aAccessCount, PRTime aTime,
const nsACString& aIconURI);
virtual ~nsNavHistoryResultNode() {}
NS_IMETHOD GetIcon(nsIURI** aIcon);
NS_IMETHOD GetParent(nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode** aParent);
NS_IMETHOD GetPropertyBag(nsIWritablePropertyBag** aBag);
NS_IMETHOD GetType(PRUint32* type)
{ *type = nsNavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_URI; return NS_OK; }
NS_IMETHOD GetUri(nsACString& aURI)
{ aURI = mURI; return NS_OK; }
virtual void OnRemoving();
nsNavHistoryResult* GetResult();
nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* GetGeneratingOptions();
// These functions test the type. We don't use a virtual function since that
// would take a vtable slot for every one of (potentially very many) nodes.
// Note that GetType() already has a vtable slot because its on the iface.
PRBool IsTypeContainer(PRUint32 type) {
return (type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_HOST ||
type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_REMOTE_CONTAINER ||
type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_QUERY ||
type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER);
PRBool IsContainer() {
PRUint32 type;
return IsTypeContainer(type);
static PRBool IsTypeQuerySubcontainer(PRUint32 type) {
// Tests containers that are inside queries that really belong to the query
// itself, and is used when recursively updating a query. This currently
// includes only host containers, but may be extended to support things
// like days or other criteria. It doesn't include other queries and folders.
return (type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_HOST);
PRBool IsQuerySubcontainer() {
PRUint32 type;
return IsTypeQuerySubcontainer(type);
static PRBool IsTypeURI(PRUint32 type) {
return (type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_URI ||
type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_VISIT ||
type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_FULL_VISIT);
PRBool IsURI() {
PRUint32 type;
return IsTypeURI(type);
static PRBool IsTypeVisit(PRUint32 type) {
return (type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_VISIT ||
type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_FULL_VISIT);
PRBool IsVisit() {
PRUint32 type;
return IsTypeVisit(type);
static PRBool IsTypeFolder(PRUint32 type) {
return (type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER);
PRBool IsFolder() {
PRUint32 type;
return IsTypeFolder(type);
static PRBool IsTypeQuery(PRUint32 type) {
return (type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_QUERY);
PRBool IsQuery() {
PRUint32 type;
return IsTypeQuery(type);
PRBool IsSeparator() {
PRUint32 type;
return (type == nsINavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_SEPARATOR);
nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode* GetAsContainer() {
NS_ASSERTION(IsContainer(), "Not a container");
return NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode*, this);
nsNavHistoryVisitResultNode* GetAsVisit() {
NS_ASSERTION(IsVisit(), "Not a visit");
return NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(nsNavHistoryVisitResultNode*, this);
nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode* GetAsFolder() {
NS_ASSERTION(IsFolder(), "Not a folder");
return NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode*, this);
nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode* GetAsQuery() {
NS_ASSERTION(IsQuery(), "Not a query");
return NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode*, this);
nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode* mParent;
nsCString mURI; // not necessarily valid for containers, call GetUri
nsCString mTitle;
PRUint32 mAccessCount;
PRInt64 mTime;
nsCString mFaviconURI;
// The indent level of this node. The root node will have a value of -1. The
// root's children will have a value of 0, and so on.
PRInt32 mIndentLevel;
// Value used by the view for whatever it wants. For the built-in tree view,
// this is the index into the result's mVisibleElements list of this element.
// This is -1 if it is invalid. For items, >= 0 can be used to determine if
// the node is visible in the list or not. For folders, call IsVisible, since
// they can be the root node which is not itself visible, but its children
// are.
PRInt32 mViewIndex;
#ifndef MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH
// nsNavHistoryVisitResultNode
NS_IMETHOD GetUri(nsACString& aURI) { aURI = mURI; return NS_OK; } \
NS_IMETHOD GetSessionId(PRInt64* aSessionId) \
{ *aSessionId = mSessionId; return NS_OK; }
class nsNavHistoryVisitResultNode : public nsNavHistoryResultNode,
public nsINavHistoryVisitResultNode
nsNavHistoryVisitResultNode(const nsACString& aURI, const nsACString& aTitle,
PRUint32 aAccessCount, PRTime aTime,
const nsACString& aIconURI, PRInt64 aSession);
NS_IMETHOD GetType(PRUint32* type)
{ *type = nsNavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_VISIT; return NS_OK; }
PRInt64 mSessionId;
// nsNavHistoryFullVisitResultNode
NS_IMETHOD GetVisitId(PRInt64 *aVisitId) \
{ *aVisitId = mVisitId; return NS_OK; } \
NS_IMETHOD GetReferringVisitId(PRInt64 *aReferringVisitId) \
{ *aReferringVisitId = mReferringVisitId; return NS_OK; } \
NS_IMETHOD GetTransitionType(PRInt32 *aTransitionType) \
{ *aTransitionType = mTransitionType; return NS_OK; }
class nsNavHistoryFullVisitResultNode : public nsNavHistoryVisitResultNode,
public nsINavHistoryFullVisitResultNode
const nsACString& aURI, const nsACString& aTitle, PRUint32 aAccessCount,
PRTime aTime, const nsACString& aIconURI, PRInt64 aSession,
PRInt64 aVisitId, PRInt64 aReferringVisitId, PRInt32 aTransitionType);
NS_IMETHOD GetType(PRUint32* type)
{ *type = nsNavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_FULL_VISIT; return NS_OK; }
PRInt64 mVisitId;
PRInt64 mReferringVisitId;
PRInt32 mTransitionType;
// nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode
// This is the base class for all nodes that can have children. It is
// overridden for nodes that are dynamically populated such as queries and
// folders. It is used directly for simple containers such as host groups
// in history views.
// derived classes each provide their own implementation of has children and
// forward the rest to us using this macro
NS_IMETHOD GetContainerOpen(PRBool *aContainerOpen) \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::GetContainerOpen(aContainerOpen); } \
NS_IMETHOD SetContainerOpen(PRBool aContainerOpen) \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::SetContainerOpen(aContainerOpen); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetChildCount(PRUint32 *aChildCount) \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::GetChildCount(aChildCount); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetChild(PRUint32 index, nsINavHistoryResultNode **_retval) \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::GetChild(index, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetRemoteContainerType(nsACString& aRemoteContainerType) \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::GetRemoteContainerType(aRemoteContainerType); } \
NS_IMETHOD AppendURINode(const nsACString& aURI, const nsACString& aTitle, PRUint32 aAccessCount, PRTime aTime, const nsACString& aIconURI, nsINavHistoryResultNode **_retval) \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::AppendURINode(aURI, aTitle, aAccessCount, aTime, aIconURI, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD AppendVisitNode(const nsACString& aURI, const nsACString & aTitle, PRUint32 aAccessCount, PRTime aTime, const nsACString & aIconURI, PRInt64 aSession, nsINavHistoryVisitResultNode **_retval) \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::AppendVisitNode(aURI, aTitle, aAccessCount, aTime, aIconURI, aSession, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD AppendFullVisitNode(const nsACString& aURI, const nsACString & aTitle, PRUint32 aAccessCount, PRTime aTime, const nsACString & aIconURI, PRInt64 aSession, PRInt64 aVisitId, PRInt64 aReferringVisitId, PRInt32 aTransitionType, nsINavHistoryFullVisitResultNode **_retval) \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::AppendFullVisitNode(aURI, aTitle, aAccessCount, aTime, aIconURI, aSession, aVisitId, aReferringVisitId, aTransitionType, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD AppendContainerNode(const nsACString & aTitle, const nsACString & aIconURI, PRUint32 aContainerType, const nsACString & aRemoteContainerType, nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode **_retval) \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::AppendContainerNode(aTitle, aIconURI, aContainerType, aRemoteContainerType, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD AppendQueryNode(const nsACString& aQueryURI, const nsACString & aTitle, const nsACString & aIconURI, nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode **_retval) \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::AppendQueryNode(aQueryURI, aTitle, aIconURI, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD AppendFolderNode(PRInt64 aFolderId, nsINavHistoryFolderResultNode **_retval) \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::AppendFolderNode(aFolderId, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD ClearContents() \
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::ClearContents(); }
{ 0x6e3bf8d3, 0x22aa, 0x4065, { 0x86, 0xbc, 0x37, 0x46, 0xb5, 0xb3, 0x2c, 0xe8 } }
class nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode : public nsNavHistoryResultNode,
public nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode
const nsACString& aURI, const nsACString& aTitle,
const nsACString& aIconURI, PRUint32 aContainerType,
PRBool aReadOnly, const nsACString& aRemoteContainerType);
NS_IMETHOD GetType(PRUint32* type)
{ *type = mContainerType; return NS_OK; }
NS_IMETHOD GetUri(nsACString& aURI)
{ aURI = mURI; return NS_OK; }
virtual void OnRemoving();
PRBool AreChildrenVisible();
// overridded by descendents to populate
virtual nsresult OpenContainer();
nsresult CloseContainer(PRBool aUpdateView = PR_TRUE);
// this points to the result that owns this container. All containers have
// their result pointer set so we can quickly get to the result without having
// to walk the tree. Yet, this also saves us from storing a million pointers
// for every leaf node to the result.
nsNavHistoryResult* mResult;
// for example, RESULT_TYPE_HOST. Query and Folder results override GetType
// so this is not used, but is still kept in sync.
PRUint32 mContainerType;
// when there are children, this stores the open state in the tree
// this is set to the default in the constructor
PRBool mExpanded;
// Filled in by the result type generator in nsNavHistory
nsCOMArray<nsNavHistoryResultNode> mChildren;
PRBool mChildrenReadOnly;
// ID of a remote container interface that we can use GetService to get.
// This is empty to indicate there is no remote container service for this
// container (the common case).
nsCString mRemoteContainerType;
void FillStats();
void ReverseUpdateStats(PRInt32 aAccessCountChange);
// sorting
typedef nsCOMArray<nsNavHistoryResultNode>::nsCOMArrayComparatorFunc SortComparator;
virtual PRUint32 GetSortType();
static SortComparator GetSortingComparator(PRUint32 aSortType);
virtual void RecursiveSort(nsICollation* aCollation,
SortComparator aComparator);
PRUint32 FindInsertionPoint(nsNavHistoryResultNode* aNode, SortComparator aComparator);
PRBool DoesChildNeedResorting(PRUint32 aIndex, SortComparator aComparator);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) SortComparison_TitleLess(
nsNavHistoryResultNode* a, nsNavHistoryResultNode* b, void* closure);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) SortComparison_TitleGreater(
nsNavHistoryResultNode* a, nsNavHistoryResultNode* b, void* closure);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) SortComparison_DateLess(
nsNavHistoryResultNode* a, nsNavHistoryResultNode* b, void* closure);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) SortComparison_DateGreater(
nsNavHistoryResultNode* a, nsNavHistoryResultNode* b, void* closure);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) SortComparison_URILess(
nsNavHistoryResultNode* a, nsNavHistoryResultNode* b, void* closure);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) SortComparison_URIGreater(
nsNavHistoryResultNode* a, nsNavHistoryResultNode* b, void* closure);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) SortComparison_VisitCountLess(
nsNavHistoryResultNode* a, nsNavHistoryResultNode* b, void* closure);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) SortComparison_VisitCountGreater(
nsNavHistoryResultNode* a, nsNavHistoryResultNode* b, void* closure);
// finding children: THESE DO NOT ADDREF
nsNavHistoryResultNode* FindChildURI(nsIURI* aURI, PRUint32* aNodeIndex)
nsCAutoString spec;
if (NS_FAILED(aURI->GetSpec(spec)))
return PR_FALSE;
return FindChildURI(spec, aNodeIndex);
nsNavHistoryResultNode* FindChildURI(const nsACString& aSpec,
PRUint32* aNodeIndex);
nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode* FindChildFolder(PRInt64 aFolderId,
PRUint32* aNodeIndex);
nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode* FindChildContainerByName(const nsACString& aTitle,
PRUint32* aNodeIndex);
// returns the index of the given node, -1 if not found
PRInt32 FindChild(nsNavHistoryResultNode* aNode)
{ return mChildren.IndexOf(aNode); }
nsresult InsertChildAt(nsNavHistoryResultNode* aNode, PRInt32 aIndex,
PRBool aIsTemporary = PR_FALSE);
nsresult InsertSortedChild(nsNavHistoryResultNode* aNode,
PRBool aIsTemporary = PR_FALSE);
void MergeResults(nsCOMArray<nsNavHistoryResultNode>* aNodes);
nsresult ReplaceChildURIAt(PRUint32 aIndex, nsNavHistoryResultNode* aNode);
nsresult RemoveChildAt(PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool aIsTemporary = PR_FALSE);
PRBool CanRemoteContainersChange();
void RecursiveFindURIs(PRBool aOnlyOne,
nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode* aContainer,
const nsCString& aSpec,
nsCOMArray<nsNavHistoryResultNode>* aMatches);
void UpdateURIs(PRBool aRecursive, PRBool aOnlyOne, PRBool aUpdateSort,
const nsCString& aSpec,
void (*aCallback)(nsNavHistoryResultNode*,void*),
void* aClosure);
nsresult ChangeTitles(nsIURI* aURI, const nsACString& aNewTitle,
PRBool aRecursive, PRBool aOnlyOne);
// nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode
// Overridden container type for complex queries over history and/or
// bookmarks. This keeps itself in sync by listening to history and
// bookmark notifications.
class nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode : public nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode,
public nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode
nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode(const nsACString& aQueryURI,
const nsACString& aTitle,
const nsACString& aIconURI);
nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode(const nsACString& aTitle,
const nsACString& aIconURI,
const nsCOMArray<nsNavHistoryQuery>& aQueries,
nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions);
NS_IMETHOD GetType(PRUint32* type)
{ *type = nsNavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_QUERY; return NS_OK; }
NS_IMETHOD GetUri(nsACString& aURI); // does special lazy creation
NS_IMETHOD GetHasChildren(PRBool* aHasChildren);
NS_IMETHOD GetChildrenReadOnly(PRBool *aChildrenReadOnly)
{ return nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::GetChildrenReadOnly(aChildrenReadOnly); }
PRBool CanExpand();
virtual nsresult OpenContainer();
virtual void OnRemoving();
// this constructs lazily mURI from mQueries and mOptions, call
// VerifyQueriesSerialized either this or mQueries/mOptions should be valid
nsresult VerifyQueriesSerialized();
// these may be constructed lazily from mURI, call VerifyQueriesParsed
// either this or mURI should be valid
nsCOMArray<nsNavHistoryQuery> mQueries;
nsCOMPtr<nsNavHistoryQueryOptions> mOptions;
PRUint32 mLiveUpdate; // one of QUERYUPDATE_* in nsNavHistory.h
PRBool mHasSearchTerms;
nsresult VerifyQueriesParsed();
// this indicates whether the query contents are valid, they don't go away
// after the container is closed until a notification comes in
PRBool mContentsValid;
PRBool mBatchInProgress;
nsresult FillChildren();
void ClearChildren(PRBool unregister);
nsresult Refresh();
virtual PRUint32 GetSortType();
// nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode
// Overridden container type for bookmark folders. It will keep the contents
// of the folder in sync with the bookmark service.
class nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode : public nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode,
public nsINavHistoryFolderResultNode
nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode(const nsACString& aTitle,
nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* options,
PRInt64 aFolderId,
const nsACString& aRemoteContainerType);
NS_IMETHOD GetType(PRUint32* type)
{ *type = nsNavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER; return NS_OK; }
NS_IMETHOD GetUri(nsACString& aURI);
NS_IMETHOD GetHasChildren(PRBool* aHasChildren);
NS_IMETHOD GetChildrenReadOnly(PRBool *aChildrenReadOnly);
NS_IMETHOD GetFolderId(PRInt64* aFolderId)
{ *aFolderId = mFolderId; return NS_OK; }
virtual nsresult OpenContainer();
// This object implements a bookmark observer interface without deriving from
// the bookmark observers. This is called from the result's actual observer
// and it knows all observers are FolderResultNodes
virtual void OnRemoving();
// Override the sorting implementation to remove separators if we are sorted.
virtual void RecursiveSort(nsICollation* aCollation,
SortComparator aComparator);
// this indicates whether the folder contents are valid, they don't go away
// after the container is closed until a notification comes in
PRBool mContentsValid;
nsCOMPtr<nsNavHistoryQueryOptions> mOptions;
PRInt64 mFolderId;
nsresult FillChildren();
void ClearChildren(PRBool aUnregister);
nsresult Refresh();
PRBool StartIncrementalUpdate();
// nsNavHistorySeparatorResultNode
// Separator result nodes do not hold any data.
class nsNavHistorySeparatorResultNode : public nsNavHistoryResultNode
NS_IMETHOD GetType(PRUint32* type)
{ *type = nsNavHistoryResultNode::RESULT_TYPE_SEPARATOR; return NS_OK; }
// nsNavHistoryResultTreeViewer
class nsNavHistoryResultTreeViewer : public nsINavHistoryResultTreeViewer,
public nsITreeView
virtual ~nsNavHistoryResultTreeViewer() {}
nsRefPtr<nsNavHistoryResult> mResult;
nsCOMPtr<nsITreeBoxObject> mTree; // will be null when no tree attached
nsCOMPtr<nsITreeSelection> mSelection; // may be null
PRBool mCollapseDuplicates;
// This value indicates whether we should try to compute session boundaries.
// It is cached so we don't have to compute it every time we want to get a
// row style.
PRBool mShowSessions;
void ComputeShowSessions();
// This list is used to map rows to nodes.
typedef nsTArray< nsCOMPtr<nsNavHistoryResultNode> > VisibleList;
VisibleList mVisibleElements;
nsresult BuildVisibleList();
nsresult BuildVisibleSection(nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode* aContainer,
VisibleList* aVisible,
PRUint32 aVisibleStartIndex);
PRUint32 CountVisibleRowsForItem(nsNavHistoryResultNode* aNode);
nsresult RefreshVisibleSection(nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode* aContainer);
PRBool CanCollapseDuplicates(nsNavHistoryResultNode* aTop,
nsNavHistoryResultNode* aNext,
PRUint32* aShowThisOne);
// external observers
nsMaybeWeakPtrArray<nsINavHistoryResultViewObserver> mObservers;
nsresult FinishInit();
// columns
enum ColumnType { Column_Unknown = -1, Column_Title, Column_URI, Column_Date,
Column_VisitCount };
ColumnType GetColumnType(nsITreeColumn* col);
ColumnType SortTypeToColumnType(PRUint32 aSortType,
PRBool* aDescending = nsnull);
nsresult FormatFriendlyTime(PRTime aTime, nsAString& aResult);
// nsNavHistoryResult
// nsNavHistory creates this object and fills in mChildren (by getting
// it through GetTopLevel()). Then FilledAllResults() is called to finish
// object initialization.
// This object implements nsITreeView so you can just set it to a tree
// view and it will work. This object also observes the necessary history
// and bookmark events to keep itself up-to-date.
{ 0x455d1d40, 0x1b9b, 0x40e6, { 0xa6, 0x41, 0x8b, 0xb7, 0xe8, 0x82, 0x23, 0x87 } }
class nsNavHistoryResult : public nsSupportsWeakReference,
public nsINavHistoryResult,
public nsINavBookmarkObserver,
public nsINavHistoryObserver
static nsresult NewHistoryResult(nsINavHistoryQuery** aQueries,
PRUint32 aQueryCount,
nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions,
nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode* aRoot,
nsNavHistoryResult** result);
// the tree viewer can go faster if it can bypass XPCOM
friend class nsNavHistoryResultTreeViewer;
nsresult PropertyBagFor(nsISupports* aObject,
nsIWritablePropertyBag** aBag);
void AddEverythingObserver(nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode* aNode);
void AddBookmarkObserver(nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode* aNode, PRInt64 aFolder);
void RemoveEverythingObserver(nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode* aNode);
void RemoveBookmarkObserver(nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode* aNode, PRInt64 aFolder);
// returns the view. NOT-ADDREFED. May be NULL if there is no view
nsINavHistoryResultViewer* GetView() const
{ return mView; }
// two-stage init, use NewHistoryResult to construct
nsNavHistoryResult(nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode* mRoot);
nsresult Init(nsINavHistoryQuery** aQueries,
PRUint32 aQueryCount,
nsNavHistoryQueryOptions *aOptions);
nsRefPtr<nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode> mRootNode;
nsCOMArray<nsINavHistoryQuery> mQueries;
nsCOMPtr<nsNavHistoryQueryOptions> mOptions;
// One of nsNavHistoryQueryOptions.SORY_BY_* This is initialized to mOptions.sortingMode,
// but may be overridden if the user clicks on one of the columns.
PRUint32 mSortingMode;
nsCOMPtr<nsINavHistoryResultViewer> mView;
// property bags for all result nodes, see PropertyBagFor
nsInterfaceHashtable<nsISupportsHashKey, nsIWritablePropertyBag> mPropertyBags;
// node observers
PRBool mIsHistoryObserver;
PRBool mIsBookmarksObserver;
nsTArray<nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode*> mEverythingObservers;
typedef nsTArray<nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode*> FolderObserverList;
nsDataHashtable<nsTrimInt64HashKey, FolderObserverList* > mBookmarkObservers;
FolderObserverList* BookmarkObserversForId(PRInt64 aFolderId, PRBool aCreate);
void RecursiveExpandCollapse(nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode* aContainer,
PRBool aExpand);
void InvalidateTree();
#endif // nsNavHistoryResult_h_