2008-10-21 16:41:28 -04:00
< html >
< head >
< title > Test HTML serializer with entities< / title >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js" > < / script >
< link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" / >
< / head >
< body >
< a target = "_blank" href = "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=424359" > Mozilla Bug < / a >
< p id = "display" > < / p >
< div id = "content" style = "display: none" >
< iframe id = "testframe" src = "file_htmlserializer_2.html" >
< / iframe >
< / div >
< pre id = "test" >
< script class = "testbody" type = "text/javascript" >
function loadFileContent(aFile, aCharset) {
//if(aAsIso == undefined) aAsIso = false;
if(aCharset == undefined)
aCharset = 'UTF-8';
var baseUri = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1']
baseUri.spec = window.location.href;
var ios = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1']
var chann = ios.newChannel(aFile, aCharset, baseUri);
var cis = Components.interfaces.nsIConverterInputStream;
var inputStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1"]
inputStream.init(chann.open(), aCharset, 1024, cis.DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER);
var str = {}, content = '';
while (inputStream.readString(4096, str) != 0) {
content += str.value;
return content;
2009-12-21 13:39:00 +02:00
function isRoughly(actual, expected, message) {
return is(actual.replace("< !DOCTYPE HTML", "< !DOCTYPE html"),
2008-10-21 16:41:28 -04:00
function testHtmlSerializer_1 () {
const de = Components.interfaces.nsIDocumentEncoder
var encoder = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/layout/documentEncoder;1?type=text/html"]
var doc = $("testframe").contentDocument;
var out, expected;
// in the following tests, we must use the OutputLFLineBreak flag, to avoid
// to have the default line break of the platform in the result, so the test
// can pass on all platform
//------------ OutputEncodeW3CEntities
encoder.init(doc, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputEncodeW3CEntities);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = loadFileContent("file_htmlserializer_2_entw3c.html");
2009-12-21 13:39:00 +02:00
isRoughly(out, expected, "test OutputEncodeW3CEntities");
2008-10-21 16:41:28 -04:00
//------------ OutputEncodeBasicEntities
encoder.init(doc, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputEncodeBasicEntities);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = loadFileContent("file_htmlserializer_2_basic.html");
2009-12-21 13:39:00 +02:00
isRoughly(out, expected, "test OutputEncodeBasicEntities");
2008-10-21 16:41:28 -04:00
//------------ OutputEncodeLatin1Entities
encoder.init(doc, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputEncodeLatin1Entities);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = loadFileContent("file_htmlserializer_2_latin1.html");
2009-12-21 13:39:00 +02:00
isRoughly(out, expected, "test OutputEncodeLatin1Entities");
2008-10-21 16:41:28 -04:00
//------------ OutputEncodeHTMLEntities
encoder.init(doc, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputEncodeHTMLEntities);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = loadFileContent("file_htmlserializer_2_enthtml.html");
2009-12-21 13:39:00 +02:00
isRoughly(out, expected, "test OutputEncodeHTMLEntities");
2008-10-21 16:41:28 -04:00
2009-04-25 12:00:14 +03:00
// tests on the serialization of selections
var node = document.getElementById('draggable');
var select = window.getSelection();
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = 'This is a < em > draggable< / em > bit of text.';
is(out, expected, "test selection");
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = 'This is a < em > draggable< / em > bit of text.';
is(out, expected, "test container node");
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
2010-04-03 14:51:17 +02:00
expected = "< div id = \"draggable\" ondragstart = \"doDragStartSelection(event)\" > This is a < em > draggable< / em > bit of text.< / div > ";
2009-04-25 12:00:14 +03:00
is(out, expected, "test node");
node = document.getElementById('aList');
var select = window.getSelection();
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
2010-04-03 14:51:17 +02:00
expected = '\n < li > Lorem ipsum dolor< / li > \n < li > sit amet, < strong > consectetuer< / strong > < / li > \n < li > adipiscing elit< / li > \n < li > Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class< / li > \n < li > aptent taciti< / li > \n';
2009-04-25 12:00:14 +03:00
is(out, expected, "test list selection");
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
2010-04-03 14:51:17 +02:00
expected = '\n < li > Lorem ipsum dolor< / li > \n < li > sit amet, < strong > consectetuer< / strong > < / li > \n < li > adipiscing elit< / li > \n < li > Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class< / li > \n < li > aptent taciti< / li > \n';
2009-04-25 12:00:14 +03:00
is(out, expected, "test list container node");
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
2010-04-03 14:51:17 +02:00
expected = "< ol id = \"aList\" > \n < li > Lorem ipsum dolor< / li > \n < li > sit amet, < strong > consectetuer< / strong > < / li > \n < li > adipiscing elit< / li > \n < li > Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class< / li > \n < li > aptent taciti< / li > \n< / ol > ";
2009-04-25 12:00:14 +03:00
is(out, expected, "test list node");
var liList = node.getElementsByTagName("li");
var range = document.createRange();
// selection start at the first child of the ol, and end after the element ol
range.setStart(node, 1);
range.setEnd(node.parentNode, 2);
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
2010-04-03 14:51:17 +02:00
expected = '< ol id = "aList" > < li > Lorem ipsum dolor< / li > \n < li > sit amet, < strong > consectetuer< / strong > < / li > \n < li > adipiscing elit< / li > \n < li > Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class< / li > \n < li > aptent taciti< / li > \n< / ol > ';
2009-04-25 12:00:14 +03:00
is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection start at the first child of the ol, and end after the element ol");
// selection start at the third child of the ol, and end after the element ol
range.setStart(node, 3);
range.setEnd(node.parentNode, 2);
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
2010-04-03 14:51:17 +02:00
expected = '< ol id = "aList" > < li > sit amet, < strong > consectetuer< / strong > < / li > \n < li > adipiscing elit< / li > \n < li > Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class< / li > \n < li > aptent taciti< / li > \n< / ol > ';
2009-04-25 12:00:14 +03:00
is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection start at the third child of the ol, and end after the element ol");
// selection start at the third child of the ol, and end after the element ol + ol start at the value 5
range.setStart(node, 3);
range.setEnd(node.parentNode, 2);
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
2010-04-03 14:51:17 +02:00
expected = '< ol start = "5" id = "aList" > < li > sit amet, < strong > consectetuer< / strong > < / li > \n < li > adipiscing elit< / li > \n < li > Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class< / li > \n < li > aptent taciti< / li > \n< / ol > ';
2009-04-25 12:00:14 +03:00
is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection start at the third child of the ol, and end after the element ol + ol start at the value 5");
// selection contains only some child of the ol
range.setStart(node, 3);
range.setEnd(node, 5);
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< li > sit amet, < strong > consectetuer< / strong > < / li > \n ';
is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection contains only some child of the ol");
// selection contains only some child of the ol + ol start at the value 5
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< li > sit amet, < strong > consectetuer< / strong > < / li > \n ';
is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection contains only some child of the ol + ol start at the value 5");
// selection contains only some child of the ol + a value is set on the first li
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< li > sit amet, < strong > consectetuer< / strong > < / li > \n ';
is(out, expected, "test list selection with range: selection contains only some child of the ol + ol start at the value 5");
// test on short attributes
node = document.getElementById('shortattr1');
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly | de.OutputRaw);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< input id = "shortattr1" checked = "checked" value = "" disabled = "disabled" ismap = "ismap" readonly = "readonly" foo = "" > ';
is(out, expected, "test short attr #1");
node = document.getElementById('shortattr2');
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly | de.OutputRaw);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< ol id = "shortattr2" compact = "compact" > < li > < / li > < / ol > ';
is(out, expected, "test short attr #2");
node = document.getElementById('shortattr3');
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly | de.OutputRaw);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< object id = "shortattr3" declare = "declare" > < / object > ';
is(out, expected, "test short attr #3");
node = document.getElementById('shortattr4');
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly | de.OutputRaw);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< script id = "shortattr4" defer = "defer" > < / ' + ' s c r i p t > ' ;
is(out, expected, "test short attr #4");
node = document.getElementById('shortattr5');
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly | de.OutputRaw);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< select id = "shortattr5" multiple = "multiple" > < option selected = "selected" > aaa< / option > < / select > ';
is(out, expected, "test short attr #5");
node = document.getElementById('shortattr6');
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly | de.OutputRaw);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< hr id = "shortattr6" noshade = "noshade" > ';
is(out, expected, "test short attr #6");
node = document.getElementById('shortattr7');
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly | de.OutputRaw);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< div id = "shortattr7" > < foo checked = "" value = "" disabled = "" ismap = "" readonly = "" > < / foo > < / div > ';
is(out, expected, "test short attr #7");
// test on _moz and -moz attr
node = document.getElementById('mozattr');
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly | de.OutputRaw);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< div id = "mozattr" __moz_b = "b" > lorem ipsum< / div > ';
is(out, expected, "test -moz/_moz attr");
encoder.init(document, "text/html", de.OutputLFLineBreak | de.OutputSelectionOnly | de.OutputRaw);
out = encoder.encodeToString();
expected = '< div __moz_e = "bare" _-moz_d = "bard" id = "mozattr" __moz_b = "b" > lorem ipsum< / div > ';
is(out, expected, "test -moz/_moz attr #2");
2008-10-21 16:41:28 -04:00
< / script >
< / pre >
2009-04-25 12:00:14 +03:00
< div style = "display: none" >
< div id = "draggable" ondragstart = "doDragStartSelection(event)" > This is a < em > draggable< / em > bit of text.< / div >
< / div >
< div style = "display: none" >
< ol id = "aList" >
< li > Lorem ipsum dolor< / li >
< li > sit amet, < strong > consectetuer< / strong > < / li >
< li > adipiscing elit< / li >
< li > Nam eu sapien. Sed viverra lacus. Donec quis ipsum. Nunc cursus aliquet lectus. Nunc vitae eros. Class< / li >
< li > aptent taciti< / li >
< / ol >
<!-- test for some short attr -->
< div id = "shortattr" >
< input id = "shortattr1" checked = "" value = "" disabled = "" ismap = "" readonly = "" foo = "" >
< ol id = "shortattr2" compact = "" > < li > < / li > < / ol >
< object id = "shortattr3" declare = "" > < / object >
< script id = "shortattr4" defer = "" > < / script >
< select id = "shortattr5" multiple = "" > < option selected = "" > aaa< / option > < / select >
< hr noshade = "" id = "shortattr6" >
< div id = "shortattr7" > < foo checked = "" value = "" disabled = "" ismap = "" readonly = "" > < / div >
< div id = "mozattr" _moz_a = "a" __moz_b = "b" > lorem ipsum< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2008-10-21 16:41:28 -04:00
< / body >
< / html >