Bug 1299978 - Reupload parents of revived bookmarks and buffer folder deletion during sync r=markh,rnewman

MozReview-Commit-ID: BDfp5FffCWh

extra : rebase_source : 0caecb27d753577373e150dd770370bd328dbe32
This commit is contained in:
Thom Chiovoloni 2016-10-05 14:04:50 -04:00
parent 43af4edf06
commit 0117e0cf73
6 changed files with 506 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -1278,6 +1278,16 @@ SyncEngine.prototype = {
// By default, assume there's no dupe items for the engine
// Called when the server has a record marked as deleted, but locally we've
// changed it more recently than the deletion. If we return false, the
// record will be deleted locally. If we return true, we'll reupload the
// record to the server -- any extra work that's needed as part of this
// process should be done at this point (such as mark the record's parent
// for reuploading in the case of bookmarks).
_shouldReviveRemotelyDeletedRecord(remoteItem) {
return true;
_deleteId: function (id) {
@ -1353,15 +1363,18 @@ SyncEngine.prototype = {
"exists and isn't modified.");
return true;
this._log.trace("Incoming record is deleted but we had local changes.");
// TODO As part of bug 720592, determine whether we should do more here.
// In the case where the local changes are newer, it is quite possible
// that the local client will restore data a remote client had tried to
// delete. There might be a good reason for that delete and it might be
// enexpected for this client to restore that data.
this._log.trace("Incoming record is deleted but we had local changes. " +
"Applying the youngest record.");
return remoteIsNewer;
if (remoteIsNewer) {
this._log.trace("Remote record is newer -- deleting local record.");
return true;
// If the local record is newer, we defer to individual engines for
// how to handle this. By default, we revive the record.
let willRevive = this._shouldReviveRemotelyDeletedRecord(item);
this._log.trace("Local record is newer -- reviving? " + willRevive);
return !willRevive;
// At this point the incoming record is not for a deletion and must have

View File

@ -472,15 +472,71 @@ BookmarksEngine.prototype = {
this._store._childrenToOrder = {};
_deletePending() {
// Delete pending items -- See the comment above BookmarkStore's deletePending
let newlyModified = Async.promiseSpinningly(this._store.deletePending());
let now = this._tracker._now();
this._log.debug("Deleted pending items", newlyModified);
for (let modifiedSyncID of newlyModified) {
if (!this._modified.has(modifiedSyncID)) {
this._modified.set(modifiedSyncID, { timestamp: now, deleted: false });
// We avoid reviving folders since reviving them properly would require
// reviving their children as well. Unfortunately, this is the wrong choice
// in the case of a bookmark restore where wipeServer failed -- if the
// server has the folder as deleted, we *would* want to reupload this folder.
// This is mitigated by the fact that we move any undeleted children to the
// grandparent when deleting the parent.
_shouldReviveRemotelyDeletedRecord(item) {
let kind = Async.promiseSpinningly(
if (kind === PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.KINDS.FOLDER) {
return false;
// In addition to preventing the deletion of this record (handled by the caller),
// we need to mark the parent of this record for uploading next sync, in order
// to ensure its children array is accurate.
let modifiedTimestamp = this._modified.getModifiedTimestamp(item.id);
if (!modifiedTimestamp) {
// We only expect this to be called with items locally modified, so
// something strange is going on - play it safe and don't revive it.
this._log.error("_shouldReviveRemotelyDeletedRecord called on unmodified item: " + item.id);
return false;
let localID = this._store.idForGUID(item.id);
let localParentID = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(localID);
let localParentSyncID = this._store.GUIDForId(localParentID);
this._log.trace(`Reviving item "${item.id}" and marking parent ${localParentSyncID} as modified.`);
if (!this._modified.has(localParentSyncID)) {
this._modified.set(localParentSyncID, {
timestamp: modifiedTimestamp,
deleted: false
return true
_processIncoming: function (newitems) {
try {
SyncEngine.prototype._processIncoming.call(this, newitems);
} finally {
// Reorder children.
delete this._store._childrenToOrder;
try {
} finally {
// Reorder children.
delete this._store._childrenToOrder;
@ -657,7 +713,8 @@ BookmarksEngine.prototype = {
function BookmarksStore(name, engine) {
Store.call(this, name, engine);
this._foldersToDelete = new Set();
this._atomsToDelete = new Set();
// Explicitly nullify our references to our cached services so we don't leak
Svc.Obs.add("places-shutdown", function() {
for (let query in this._stmts) {
@ -732,14 +789,18 @@ BookmarksStore.prototype = {
remove: function BStore_remove(record) {
try {
let info = Async.promiseSpinningly(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.remove(record.id));
if (info) {
this._log.debug(`Removed item ${record.id} with type ${record.type}`);
} catch (ex) {
// Likely already removed.
this._log.debug(`Error removing ${record.id}`, ex);
if (PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.isRootSyncID(record.id)) {
this._log.warn("Refusing to remove special folder " + record.id);
let recordKind = Async.promiseSpinningly(
let isFolder = recordKind === PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.KINDS.FOLDER;
this._log.trace(`Buffering removal of item "${record.id}" of type "${recordKind}".`);
if (isFolder) {
} else {
@ -762,6 +823,132 @@ BookmarksStore.prototype = {
// There's some complexity here around pending deletions. Our goals:
// - Don't delete any bookmarks a user has created but not explicitly deleted
// (This includes any bookmark that was not a child of the folder at the
// time the deletion was recorded, and also bookmarks restored from a backup).
// - Don't undelete any bookmark without ensuring the server structure
// includes it (see `BookmarkEngine.prototype._shouldReviveRemotelyDeletedRecord`)
// This leads the following approach:
// - Additions, moves, and updates are processed before deletions.
// - To do this, all deletion operations are buffered during a sync. Folders
// we plan on deleting have their sync id's stored in `this._foldersToDelete`,
// and non-folders we plan on deleting have their sync id's stored in
// `this._atomsToDelete`.
// - The exception to this is the moves that occur to fix the order of bookmark
// children, which are performed after we process deletions.
// - Non-folders are deleted before folder deletions, so that when we process
// folder deletions we know the correct state.
// - Remote deletions always win for folders, but do not result in recursive
// deletion of children. This is a hack because we're not able to distinguish
// between value changes and structural changes to folders, and we don't even
// have the old server record to compare to. See `BookmarkEngine`'s
// `_shouldReviveRemotelyDeletedRecord` method.
// - When a folder is deleted, its remaining children are moved in order to
// their closest living ancestor. If this is interrupted (unlikely, but
// possible given that we don't perform this operation in a transaction),
// we revive the folder.
// - Remote deletions can lose for non-folders, but only until we handle
// bookmark restores correctly (removing stale state from the server -- this
// is to say, if bug 1230011 is fixed, we should never revive bookmarks).
deletePending: Task.async(function* deletePending() {
yield this._deletePendingAtoms();
let guidsToUpdate = yield this._deletePendingFolders();
return guidsToUpdate;
clearPendingDeletions() {
_deleteAtom: Task.async(function* _deleteAtom(syncID) {
try {
let info = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.remove(syncID, {
preventRemovalOfNonEmptyFolders: true
this._log.trace(`Removed item ${syncID} with type ${info.type}`);
} catch (ex) {
// Likely already removed.
this._log.trace(`Error removing ${syncID}`, ex);
_deletePendingAtoms() {
return Promise.all(
.map(syncID => this._deleteAtom(syncID)));
// Returns an array of sync ids that need updates.
_deletePendingFolders: Task.async(function* _deletePendingFolders() {
// To avoid data loss, we don't want to just delete the folder outright,
// so we buffer folder deletions and process them at the end (now).
// At this point, any member in the folder that remains is either a folder
// pending deletion (which we'll get to in this function), or an item that
// should not be deleted. To avoid deleting these items, we first move them
// to the parent of the folder we're about to delete.
let needUpdate = new Set();
for (let syncId of this._foldersToDelete) {
let childSyncIds = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetchChildSyncIds(syncId);
if (!childSyncIds.length) {
// No children -- just delete the folder.
yield this._deleteAtom(syncId)
// We could avoid some redundant work here by finding the nearest
// grandparent who isn't present in `this._toDelete`...
let grandparentSyncId = this.GUIDForId(
this._log.trace(`Moving ${childSyncIds.length} children of "${syncId}" to ` +
`grandparent "${grandparentSyncId}" before deletion.`);
// Move children out of the parent and into the grandparent
yield Promise.all(childSyncIds.map(child => PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
syncId: child,
parentSyncId: grandparentSyncId
// Delete the (now empty) parent
try {
yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.remove(syncId, {
preventRemovalOfNonEmptyFolders: true
} catch (e) {
// We failed, probably because someone added something to this folder
// between when we got the children and now (or the database is corrupt,
// or something else happened...) This is unlikely, but possible. To
// avoid corruption in this case, we need to reupload the record to the
// server.
// (Ideally this whole operation would be done in a transaction, and this
// wouldn't be possible).
// Add children (for parentid) and grandparent (for children list) to set
// of records needing an update, *unless* they're marked for deletion.
if (!this._foldersToDelete.has(grandparentSyncId)) {
for (let childSyncId of childSyncIds) {
if (!this._foldersToDelete.has(childSyncId)) {
return [...needUpdate];
changeItemID: function BStore_changeItemID(oldID, newID) {
this._log.debug("Changing GUID " + oldID + " to " + newID);
@ -874,6 +1061,7 @@ BookmarksStore.prototype = {
wipe: function BStore_wipe() {
Async.promiseSpinningly(Task.spawn(function* () {
// Save a backup before clearing out all bookmarks.
yield PlacesBackups.create(null, true);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{ "tests": [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
* The list of phases mapped to their corresponding profiles. The object
* here must be in strict JSON format, as it will get parsed by the Python
* testrunner (no single quotes, extra comma's, etc).
var phases = { "phase1": "profile1",
"phase2": "profile2",
"phase3": "profile1",
"phase4": "profile2" };
// the initial list of bookmarks to add to the browser
var bookmarksInitial = {
"menu": [
{ folder: "foldera" },
{ folder: "folderb" },
{ folder: "folderc" },
{ folder: "folderd" },
"menu/foldera": [{ uri: "http://www.cnn.com", title: "CNN" }],
"menu/folderb": [{ uri: "http://www.apple.com", title: "Apple", tags: [] }],
"menu/folderc": [{ uri: "http://www.yahoo.com", title: "Yahoo" }],
"menu/folderd": []
// a list of bookmarks to delete during a 'delete' action on P2
var bookmarksToDelete = {
"menu": [
{ folder: "foldera" },
{ folder: "folderb" },
"menu/folderc": [{ uri: "http://www.yahoo.com", title: "Yahoo" }],
// the modifications to make on P1, after P2 has synced, but before P1 has gotten
// P2's changes
var bookmarkMods = {
"menu": [
{ folder: "foldera" },
{ folder: "folderb" },
{ folder: "folderc" },
{ folder: "folderd" },
// we move this child out of its folder (p1), after deleting the folder (p2)
// and expect the child to come back to p2 after sync.
"menu/foldera": [{
uri: "http://www.cnn.com",
title: "CNN",
changes: { location: "menu/folderd" }
// we rename this child (p1) after deleting the folder (p2), and expect the child
// to be moved into great grandparent (menu)
"menu/folderb": [{
uri: "http://www.apple.com",
title: "Apple",
tags: [],
changes: { title: "Mac" }
// we move this child (p1) after deleting the child (p2) and expect it to survive
"menu/folderc": [{
uri: "http://www.yahoo.com",
title: "Yahoo",
changes: { location: "menu/folderd" }
"menu/folderd": []
// a list of bookmarks to delete during a 'delete' action
var bookmarksToDelete = {
"menu": [
{ folder: "foldera" },
{ folder: "folderb" },
"menu/folderc": [
{ uri: "http://www.yahoo.com", title: "Yahoo" },
// expected bookmark state after conflict resolution
var bookmarksExpected = {
"menu": [
{ folder: "folderc" },
{ folder: "folderd" },
{ uri: "http://www.apple.com", title: "Mac", },
"menu/folderc": [],
"menu/folderd": [
{ uri: "http://www.cnn.com", title: "CNN" },
{ uri: "http://www.yahoo.com", title: "Yahoo" }
// Add bookmarks to profile1 and sync.
Phase("phase1", [
[Bookmarks.add, bookmarksInitial],
[Bookmarks.verify, bookmarksInitial],
[Bookmarks.verify, bookmarksInitial],
// Sync to profile2 and verify that the bookmarks are present. Delete
// bookmarks/folders, verify that it's not present, and sync
Phase("phase2", [
[Bookmarks.verify, bookmarksInitial],
[Bookmarks.delete, bookmarksToDelete],
[Bookmarks.verifyNot, bookmarksToDelete],
// Using profile1, modify the bookmarks, and sync *after* the modification,
// and then sync again to propagate the reconciliation changes.
Phase("phase3", [
[Bookmarks.verify, bookmarksInitial],
[Bookmarks.modify, bookmarkMods],
[Bookmarks.verify, bookmarksExpected],
[Bookmarks.verifyNot, bookmarksToDelete],
// Back in profile2, do a sync and verify that we're in the expected state
Phase("phase4", [
[Bookmarks.verify, bookmarksExpected],
[Bookmarks.verifyNot, bookmarksToDelete],

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ tracker.persistChangedIDs = false;
var fxuri = Utils.makeURI("http://getfirefox.com/");
var tburi = Utils.makeURI("http://getthunderbird.com/");
add_test(function test_ignore_specials() {
add_task(function* test_ignore_specials() {
_("Ensure that we can't delete bookmark roots.");
// Belt...
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ add_test(function test_ignore_specials() {
do_check_neq(null, store.idForGUID("toolbar"));
yield store.deletePending();
// Ensure that the toolbar exists.
do_check_neq(null, store.idForGUID("toolbar"));
@ -39,11 +40,11 @@ add_test(function test_ignore_specials() {
// Braces...
yield store.deletePending();
do_check_neq(null, store.idForGUID("toolbar"));
add_test(function test_bookmark_create() {
@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ add_test(function test_folder_createRecord() {
add_test(function test_deleted() {
add_task(function* test_deleted() {
try {
_("Create a bookmark that will be deleted.");
let bmk1_id = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ add_test(function test_deleted() {
let record = new PlacesItem("bookmarks", bmk1_guid);
record.deleted = true;
yield store.deletePending();
_("Ensure it has been deleted.");
let error;
try {
@ -271,7 +272,6 @@ add_test(function test_deleted() {
} finally {
_("Clean up.");
@ -428,6 +428,106 @@ add_test(function test_empty_query_doesnt_die() {
function assertDeleted(id) {
let error;
try {
} catch (e) {
error = e;
equal(error.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE)
add_task(function* test_delete_buffering() {
try {
_("Create a folder with two bookmarks.");
let folder = new BookmarkFolder("bookmarks", "testfolder-1");
folder.parentName = "Bookmarks Toolbar";
folder.parentid = "toolbar";
folder.title = "Test Folder";
let fxRecord = new Bookmark("bookmarks", "get-firefox1");
fxRecord.bmkUri = fxuri.spec;
fxRecord.title = "Get Firefox!";
fxRecord.parentName = "Test Folder";
fxRecord.parentid = "testfolder-1";
let tbRecord = new Bookmark("bookmarks", "get-tndrbrd1");
tbRecord.bmkUri = tburi.spec;
tbRecord.title = "Get Thunderbird!";
tbRecord.parentName = "Test Folder";
tbRecord.parentid = "testfolder-1";
let folderId = store.idForGUID(folder.id);
let fxRecordId = store.idForGUID(fxRecord.id);
let tbRecordId = store.idForGUID(tbRecord.id);
_("Check everything was created correctly.");
equal(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(fxRecordId), folderId);
equal(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(tbRecordId), folderId);
_("Delete the folder and one bookmark.");
let deleteFolder = new PlacesItem("bookmarks", "testfolder-1");
deleteFolder.deleted = true;
let deleteFxRecord = new PlacesItem("bookmarks", "get-firefox1");
deleteFxRecord.deleted = true;
_("Check that we haven't deleted them yet, but that the deletions are queued");
// these will throw if we've deleted them
equal(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(fxRecordId), folderId);
_("Process pending deletions and ensure that the right things are deleted.");
let updatedGuids = yield store.deletePending();
deepEqual(updatedGuids.sort(), ["get-tndrbrd1", "toolbar"]);
} finally {
_("Clean up.");
function run_test() {

View File

@ -132,19 +132,27 @@ const BookmarkSyncUtils = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks = Object.freeze({
* Removes an item from the database.
* Removes an item from the database. Options are passed through to
* PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove.
remove: Task.async(function* (syncId) {
remove: Task.async(function* (syncId, options = {}) {
let guid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(syncId);
if (guid in ROOT_GUID_TO_SYNC_ID) {
BookmarkSyncLog.warn(`remove: Refusing to remove root ${syncId}`);
return null;
return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(guid, {
return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(guid, Object.assign({}, options, {
source: SOURCE_SYNC,
* Returns true for sync IDs that are considered roots.
isRootSyncID(syncID) {
return ROOT_SYNC_ID_TO_GUID.hasOwnProperty(syncID);
* Changes the GUID of an existing item. This method only allows Places GUIDs
* because root sync IDs cannot be changed.
@ -310,6 +318,30 @@ const BookmarkSyncUtils = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks = Object.freeze({
return item;
* Get the sync record kind for the record with provided sync id.
* @param syncId
* Sync ID for the item in question
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves with the sync record kind (e.g.
* something under `PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.KIND`), or
* with `null` if no item with that guid exists.
* @throws if `guid` is invalid.
getKindForSyncId(syncId) {
let guid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(syncId);
return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch(guid)
.then(item => {
if (!item) {
return null;
return getKindForItem(item)
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "BookmarkSyncLog", () => {