Bug 1039965 - Avoid slop in JS arrays. r=bhackett,terrence.

This patch changes JS array resizing to always allocate power-of-two sized slot
requests. Previously it would mostly make slight-more-than-power-of-two sized
requests, which cause lots of slop.

Also, shrinkElements() now only does a reallocation if it would result in going
down a size class. E.g. if you pop all the elements from a 1000-element array,
it would realloc 999, then 998, then 997, all the way down the minimum size.
Now it does 512, then 256, down to the minimum size (which is 8).

I confirmed with DMD that the element allocations now have zero slop. This
reduces peak RSS loading a couple of large PDF files (four times each) with
pdf.js by 10s of MiBs.

extra : rebase_source : 942c11de724843aa582e3a17b02043458a57e594
This commit is contained in:
Nicholas Nethercote 2014-07-17 21:14:20 -07:00
parent 082b872d01
commit 0e1cc95b5f
3 changed files with 122 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "jsobjinlines.h"
#include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h"
#include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "mozilla/TemplateLib.h"
@ -3210,90 +3211,162 @@ ReallocateElements(ThreadSafeContext *cx, JSObject *obj, ObjectElements *oldHead
newCount * sizeof(HeapSlot)));
// Round up |count| to one of our standard slot counts. Up to 1 mebislot (i.e.
// 1,048,576 slots) the slot count is always a power-of-two:
// 8, 16, 32, 64, ..., 256 Ki, 512 Ki, 1 Mi
// Beyond that, we use this formula:
// count(n+1) = Math.ceil(count(n) * 1.125)
// where |count(n)| is the size of the nth bucket measured in MiSlots.
// These counts lets us add N elements to an array in amortized O(N) time.
// Having the second class means that for bigger arrays the constant factor is
// higher, but we waste less space.
/* static */ uint32_t
JSObject::goodAllocated(uint32_t n)
static const uint32_t Mebi = 1024 * 1024;
// This table was generated with this JavaScript code and a small amount
// subsequent reformatting:
// for (let n = 1, i = 0; i < 57; i++) {
// print((n * 1024 * 1024) + ', ');
// n = Math.ceil(n * 1.125);
// }
// print('0');
// The final element is a sentinel value.
static const uint32_t BigBuckets[] = {
1048576, 2097152, 3145728, 4194304, 5242880, 6291456, 7340032, 8388608,
9437184, 11534336, 13631488, 15728640, 17825792, 20971520, 24117248,
27262976, 31457280, 35651584, 40894464, 46137344, 52428800, 59768832,
68157440, 77594624, 88080384, 99614720, 112197632, 126877696,
143654912, 162529280, 183500800, 206569472, 232783872, 262144000,
295698432, 333447168, 375390208, 422576128, 476053504, 535822336,
602931200, 678428672, 763363328, 858783744, 966787072, 1088421888,
1224736768, 1377828864, 1550843904, 1744830464, 1962934272, 2208301056,
2485125120, 2796552192, 3146776576, 3541041152, 3984588800, 0
// This code relies very much on |n| being a uint32_t.
if (n < Mebi) {
n = RoundUpPow2(n);
if (n < JSObject::SLOT_CAPACITY_MIN)
} else {
uint32_t i = 0;
while (true) {
uint32_t b = BigBuckets[i++];
if (b >= n) {
// Found the first bucket greater than or equal to |n|.
n = b;
} else if (b == 0) {
// Hit the end; return the maximum possible n.
n = 0xffffffff;
return n;
JSObject::growElements(ThreadSafeContext *cx, uint32_t newcap)
JSObject::growElements(ThreadSafeContext *cx, uint32_t reqCapacity)
* When an object with CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX or fewer elements needs to
* grow, double its capacity, to add N elements in amortized O(N) time.
* Above this limit, grow by 12.5% each time. Speed is still amortized
* O(N), with a higher constant factor, and we waste less space.
static const size_t CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX = 1024 * 1024;
static const size_t CAPACITY_CHUNK = CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX / sizeof(Value);
uint32_t oldCapacity = getDenseCapacity();
JS_ASSERT(oldCapacity < reqCapacity);
uint32_t oldcap = getDenseCapacity();
JS_ASSERT(oldcap <= newcap);
using mozilla::CheckedInt;
uint32_t nextsize = (oldcap <= CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX)
? oldcap * 2
: oldcap + (oldcap >> 3);
CheckedInt<uint32_t> checkedOldAllocated =
CheckedInt<uint32_t>(oldCapacity) + ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
CheckedInt<uint32_t> checkedReqAllocated =
CheckedInt<uint32_t>(reqCapacity) + ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
if (!checkedOldAllocated.isValid() || !checkedReqAllocated.isValid())
return false;
uint32_t actualCapacity;
uint32_t reqAllocated = checkedReqAllocated.value();
uint32_t oldAllocated = checkedOldAllocated.value();
uint32_t newAllocated;
if (is<ArrayObject>() && !as<ArrayObject>().lengthIsWritable()) {
JS_ASSERT(newcap <= as<ArrayObject>().length());
JS_ASSERT(reqCapacity <= as<ArrayObject>().length());
// Preserve the |capacity <= length| invariant for arrays with
// non-writable length. See also js::ArraySetLength which initially
// enforces this requirement.
actualCapacity = newcap;
newAllocated = reqAllocated;
} else {
actualCapacity = Max(newcap, nextsize);
if (actualCapacity >= CAPACITY_CHUNK)
actualCapacity = JS_ROUNDUP(actualCapacity, CAPACITY_CHUNK);
else if (actualCapacity < SLOT_CAPACITY_MIN)
actualCapacity = SLOT_CAPACITY_MIN;
/* Don't let nelements get close to wrapping around uint32_t. */
if (actualCapacity >= NELEMENTS_LIMIT || actualCapacity < oldcap || actualCapacity < newcap)
return false;
// Check that the oldAllocated is good, i.e. is a value that
// goodAllocated() or JSObject::createArray() would produce.
JS_ASSERT(oldAllocated == goodAllocated(oldAllocated) ||
(oldAllocated <= MAX_FIXED_SLOTS && (oldAllocated % 2 == 0)));
newAllocated = goodAllocated(reqAllocated);
uint32_t newCapacity = newAllocated - ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
JS_ASSERT(newCapacity > oldCapacity && newCapacity >= reqCapacity);
// Don't let nelements get close to wrapping around uint32_t.
if (newCapacity >= NELEMENTS_LIMIT)
return false;
uint32_t initlen = getDenseInitializedLength();
uint32_t oldAllocated = oldcap + ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
uint32_t newAllocated = actualCapacity + ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
ObjectElements *newheader;
if (hasDynamicElements()) {
newheader = ReallocateElements(cx, this, getElementsHeader(), oldAllocated, newAllocated);
if (!newheader)
return false; /* Leave elements as its old size. */
return false; // Leave elements at its old size.
} else {
newheader = AllocateElements(cx, this, newAllocated);
if (!newheader)
return false; /* Leave elements as its old size. */
return false; // Leave elements at its old size.
js_memcpy(newheader, getElementsHeader(),
(ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER + initlen) * sizeof(Value));
newheader->capacity = actualCapacity;
newheader->capacity = newCapacity;
elements = newheader->elements();
Debug_SetSlotRangeToCrashOnTouch(elements + initlen, actualCapacity - initlen);
Debug_SetSlotRangeToCrashOnTouch(elements + initlen, newCapacity - initlen);
return true;
JSObject::shrinkElements(ThreadSafeContext *cx, uint32_t newcap)
JSObject::shrinkElements(ThreadSafeContext *cx, uint32_t reqCapacity)
uint32_t oldcap = getDenseCapacity();
JS_ASSERT(newcap <= oldcap);
// Don't shrink elements below the minimum capacity.
if (oldcap <= SLOT_CAPACITY_MIN || !hasDynamicElements())
if (!hasDynamicElements())
newcap = Max(newcap, SLOT_CAPACITY_MIN);
uint32_t oldCapacity = getDenseCapacity();
JS_ASSERT(reqCapacity < oldCapacity);
uint32_t oldAllocated = oldcap + ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
uint32_t newAllocated = newcap + ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
uint32_t oldAllocated = oldCapacity + ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
uint32_t reqAllocated = reqCapacity + ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
// Check that the oldAllocated is good, i.e. is a value that
// goodAllocated() would produce.
JS_ASSERT(oldAllocated == goodAllocated(oldAllocated));
uint32_t newAllocated = goodAllocated(reqAllocated);
if (newAllocated == oldAllocated)
return; // Leave elements at its old size.
MOZ_ASSERT(newAllocated > ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER);
uint32_t newCapacity = newAllocated - ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
ObjectElements *newheader = ReallocateElements(cx, this, getElementsHeader(),
oldAllocated, newAllocated);
@ -3302,7 +3375,7 @@ JSObject::shrinkElements(ThreadSafeContext *cx, uint32_t newcap)
return; // Leave elements at its old size.
newheader->capacity = newcap;
newheader->capacity = newCapacity;
elements = newheader->elements();

View File

@ -602,6 +602,7 @@ class JSObject : public js::ObjectImpl
return true;
static uint32_t goodAllocated(uint32_t count);
bool growElements(js::ThreadSafeContext *cx, uint32_t newcap);
void shrinkElements(js::ThreadSafeContext *cx, uint32_t cap);
void setDynamicElements(js::ObjectElements *header) {

View File

@ -206,11 +206,6 @@ class ObjectElements
/* 'length' property of array objects, unused for other objects. */
uint32_t length;
void staticAsserts() {
static_assert(sizeof(ObjectElements) == VALUES_PER_HEADER * sizeof(Value),
"Elements size and values-per-Elements mismatch");
bool shouldConvertDoubleElements() const {
@ -254,9 +249,14 @@ class ObjectElements
static bool ConvertElementsToDoubles(JSContext *cx, uintptr_t elements);
// This is enough slots to store an object of this class. See the static
// assertion below.
static const size_t VALUES_PER_HEADER = 2;
static_assert(ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER * sizeof(HeapSlot) == sizeof(ObjectElements),
"ObjectElements doesn't fit in the given number of slots");
/* Shared singleton for objects with no elements. */
extern HeapSlot *const emptyObjectElements;