mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:40:42 +00:00
bug 7243. Rewrote FixedTableLayoutStrategy::AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths
This commit is contained in:
@ -233,7 +233,8 @@ BasicTableLayoutStrategy::~BasicTableLayoutStrategy()
PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize,
PRInt32 aNumCols)
PRInt32 aNumCols,
nscoord aMaxWidth)
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
nsIFrame* tablePIF = nsnull;
@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize,
mCols = mTableFrame->GetEffectiveCOLSAttribute();
// Step 1 - assign the width of all fixed-width columns
// set aMaxElementSize here because we compute mMinTableWidth in AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths
if (nsnull != aMaxElementSize) {
@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ nscoord BasicTableLayoutStrategy::CalcHorizontalPadding(PRInt32 aColX)
// Step 1 - assign the width of all fixed-width columns, all other columns get there max,
// and calculate min/max table width
PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths()
PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths(nscoord aMaxWidth)
TDBG_SP("** %p: AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths **\n", mTableFrame);
nsVoidArray *spanList = nsnull;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public:
* @param aMaxElementSize [OUT] if not null, the max element size is computed and returned in this param
* @param aNumCols the total number of columns in the table
virtual PRBool Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize, PRInt32 aNumCols);
virtual PRBool Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize, PRInt32 aNumCols, nscoord aMaxSize);
/** compute the max element size of the table.
* assumes that Initialize has been called
@ -123,10 +123,12 @@ protected:
* Computes the minimum and maximum table widths.
* Set column width information in each column frame and in the table frame.
* @param aMaxWidth - the computed width of the table or
* UNCONSTRAINED_SIZE if an auto width table
* @return PR_TRUE if all is well, PR_FALSE if there was an unrecoverable error
virtual PRBool AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths();
virtual PRBool AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths(nscoord aComputedWidth);
/** compute the min and max width of this table. Assumes AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths
* has been called. Sets mMinTableWidth and mMaxTableWidth as a side effect.
@ -73,109 +73,135 @@ PRBool FixedTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnWidths(nsIStyleContext *aTableStyl
return result;
/* assign the width of all columns
* assign the width of all columns
* if there is a colframe with a width attribute, use it as the column width
* otherwise if there is a cell in the first row and it has a width attribute, use it
* if this cell includes a colspan, width is divided equally among spanned columns
* otherwise the cell get a proportion of the remaining space
* as determined by the table width attribute. If no table width attribute, it gets 0 width
PRBool FixedTableLayoutStrategy::AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths()
PRBool FixedTableLayoutStrategy::AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths(nscoord aComputedWidth)
NS_ASSERTION(aComputedWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE, "bad computed width");
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf ("** %p: AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths **\n", mTableFrame);
PRInt32 colIndex;
PRInt32 specifiedColumns=0; // the number of columns whose width is given
nscoord totalWidth = 0; // the sum of the widths of the columns whose width is given
PRBool * autoWidthColumns = new PRBool[mNumCols];
nsCRT::memset(autoWidthColumns, PR_TRUE, mNumCols*sizeof(PRBool));
const nsStylePosition* tablePosition;
mTableFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)tablePosition);
PRBool tableIsFixedWidth = eStyleUnit_Coord == tablePosition->mWidth.GetUnit() ||
eStyleUnit_Percent == tablePosition->mWidth.GetUnit();
const nsStyleSpacing* tableSpacing;
mTableFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Spacing, (const nsStyleStruct*&)tableSpacing);
nsMargin borderPadding;
tableSpacing->CalcBorderPaddingFor(mTableFrame, borderPadding);
PRInt32 colX;
// availWidth is used as the basis for percentage width columns. It is aComputedWidth
// minus table border, padding, & cellspacing
nscoord availWidth = aComputedWidth - borderPadding.left - borderPadding.right -
((mNumCols + 1) * mTableFrame->GetCellSpacingX());
PRInt32 specifiedCols = 0; // the number of columns whose width is given
nscoord totalColWidth = 0; // the sum of the widths of the columns
nscoord* colWidths = new PRBool[mNumCols];
nsCRT::memset(colWidths, -1, mNumCols*sizeof(nscoord));
// for every column, determine it's specified width
for (colIndex = 0; colIndex<mNumCols; colIndex++)
for (colX = 0; colX < mNumCols; colX++) {
// Get column information
nsTableColFrame *colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(colIndex);
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=colFrame, "bad col frame");
nsTableColFrame* colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(colX);
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != colFrame, "bad col frame");
// Get the columns's style
const nsStylePosition* colPosition;
colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition);
// Get fixed column width if it has one
if (eStyleUnit_Coord==colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit())
nscoord colWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue();
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colWidth);
totalWidth += colWidth;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf ("from col, col %d set to width %d\n", colIndex, colWidth);
// get the fixed width if available
if (eStyleUnit_Coord == colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
colWidths[colX] = colPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue();
} // get the percentage width
else if (eStyleUnit_Percent == colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
float percent = colPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue();
colWidths[colX] = NSToCoordRound(percent * (float)availWidth);
nsTableCellFrame *cellFrame = mTableFrame->GetCellFrameAt(0, colIndex);
if (nsnull!=cellFrame)
else { // get width from the cell
nsTableCellFrame* cellFrame = mTableFrame->GetCellFrameAt(0, colX);
if (nsnull != cellFrame) {
// Get the cell's style
const nsStylePosition* cellPosition;
cellFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)cellPosition);
// Get fixed column width if it has one
if (eStyleUnit_Coord==cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit())
PRInt32 colSpan = mTableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(colIndex, cellFrame);
nscoord effectiveWidth = cellPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue()/colSpan;
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, effectiveWidth);
totalWidth += effectiveWidth;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf ("from cell, col %d set to width %d\n", colIndex, effectiveWidth);
PRInt32 colSpan = mTableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(colX, cellFrame);
// Get fixed cell width if available
if (eStyleUnit_Coord == cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
colWidths[colX] = cellPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue() / colSpan;
else if (eStyleUnit_Percent == cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
float percent = cellPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue();
colWidths[colX] = NSToCoordRound(percent * (float)availWidth / (float)colSpan);
if (colWidths[colX] >= 0) {
totalColWidth += colWidths[colX];
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf ("col %d set to width %d\n", colX, colWidths[colX]);
// for every column that did not have a specified width, compute its width from the remaining space
if (mNumCols > specifiedColumns)
// Get the table's style
const nsStylePosition* tablePosition;
mTableFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)tablePosition);
if (eStyleUnit_Coord==tablePosition->mWidth.GetUnit())
nscoord specifiedTableWidth = tablePosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue();
nscoord remainingTableWidth = specifiedTableWidth - totalWidth;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf ("%p: specifiedTW=%d, remainingTW=%d\n",
mTableFrame, specifiedTableWidth, remainingTableWidth);
if (0<remainingTableWidth)
nscoord widthPerColumn = remainingTableWidth/(mNumCols-specifiedColumns);
for (colIndex = 0; colIndex<mNumCols; colIndex++)
if (PR_TRUE==autoWidthColumns[colIndex])
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, widthPerColumn);
totalWidth += widthPerColumn;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf ("auto col %d set to width %d\n", colIndex, widthPerColumn);
nscoord lastColAllocated = -1;
nscoord remainingWidth = availWidth - totalColWidth;
if (tableIsFixedWidth && (0 < remainingWidth)) {
if (mNumCols > specifiedCols) {
// allocate the extra space to the columns which have no width specified
if (PR_TRUE == gsDebug) printf ("%p: remainingTW=%d\n", mTableFrame, remainingWidth);
nscoord colAlloc = NSToCoordRound( ((float)remainingWidth) / (((float)mNumCols) - ((float)specifiedCols)));
for (colX = 0; colX < mNumCols; colX++) {
if (-1 == colWidths[colX]) {
colWidths[colX] = colAlloc;
totalColWidth += colAlloc;
lastColAllocated = colX;
if (PR_TRUE == gsDebug) printf ("auto col %d set to width %d\n", colX, colAlloc);
else { // allocate the extra space to the columns which have width specified
float divisor = (float)totalColWidth;
for (colX = 0; colX < mNumCols; colX++) {
if (colWidths[colX] > 0) {
nscoord colAlloc = NSToCoordRound(remainingWidth * colWidths[colX] / divisor);
colWidths[colX] += colAlloc;
totalColWidth += colAlloc;
lastColAllocated = colX;
if (PR_TRUE == gsDebug) printf ("col %d set to width %d\n", colX, colWidths[colX]);
// min/MaxTW is max of (specified table width, sum of specified column(cell) widths)
mMinTableWidth = mMaxTableWidth = totalWidth;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf ("%p: aMinTW=%d, aMaxTW=%d\n", mTableFrame, mMinTableWidth, mMaxTableWidth);
nscoord overAllocation = (availWidth >= 0)
? totalColWidth - availWidth : 0;
// set the column widths
for (colX = 0; colX < mNumCols; colX++) {
if (colWidths[colX] < 0)
colWidths[colX] = 0;
// if there was too much allocated due to rounding, remove it from the last col
if ((colX == lastColAllocated) && (overAllocation != 0)) {
colWidths[colX] += overAllocation;
colWidths[colX] = PR_MAX(0, colWidths[colX]);
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colX, colWidths[colX]);
// min/max TW is min/max of (specified table width, sum of specified column(cell) widths)
mMinTableWidth = mMaxTableWidth = totalColWidth;
if (PR_TRUE == gsDebug) printf ("%p: aMinTW=%d, aMaxTW=%d\n", mTableFrame, mMinTableWidth, mMaxTableWidth);
// clean up
if (nsnull!=autoWidthColumns)
delete [] autoWidthColumns;
if (nsnull != colWidths) {
delete [] colWidths;
return PR_TRUE;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ protected:
* @return PR_TRUE if all is well, PR_FALSE if there was an unrecoverable error
virtual PRBool AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths();
virtual PRBool AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths(nscoord aComputedWidth);
@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ public:
/** call once every time any table thing changes (content, structure, or style)
* @param aMaxElementSize [OUT] if not null, the max element size is computed and returned in this param
* @param aNumCols the total number of columns in the table
* @param aComputedWidth the computed size of the table
virtual PRBool Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize, PRInt32 aNumCols)=0;
virtual PRBool Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize, PRInt32 aNumCols, nscoord aComputedWidth)=0;
/** compute the max-element-size for the table
* @param aMaxElementSize [OUT] width field set to the min legal width of the table
@ -2497,7 +2497,7 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
if (nsnull!=mTableLayoutStrategy)
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug || PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("TIF Reflow: Re-init layout strategy\n");
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, GetColCount());
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, GetColCount(), aReflowState.computedWidth);
mColumnWidthsValid=PR_TRUE; //so we don't do this a second time below
@ -2506,7 +2506,7 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug || PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("TIF Reflow: Re-init layout strategy\n");
if (nsnull!=mTableLayoutStrategy)
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, GetColCount());
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, GetColCount(), aReflowState.computedWidth);
@ -3972,17 +3972,22 @@ void nsTableFrame::BalanceColumnWidths(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
this, maxWidth, aMaxSize.width, aMaxSize.height);
// based on the compatibility mode, create a table layout strategy
if (nsnull==mTableLayoutStrategy)
if (nsnull == mTableLayoutStrategy) {
nsCompatibility mode;
if (PR_FALSE==RequiresPass1Layout())
mTableLayoutStrategy = new FixedTableLayoutStrategy(this);
mTableLayoutStrategy = new BasicTableLayoutStrategy(this, eCompatibility_NavQuirks == mode);
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aMaxElementSize, GetColCount());
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aMaxElementSize, GetColCount(), aReflowState.computedWidth);
// fixed-layout tables need to reinitialize the layout strategy. When there are scroll bars
// reflow gets called twice and the 2nd time has the correct space available.
else if (!RequiresPass1Layout()) {
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aMaxElementSize, GetColCount(), aReflowState.computedWidth);
mTableLayoutStrategy->BalanceColumnWidths(mStyleContext, aReflowState, maxWidth);
@ -233,7 +233,8 @@ BasicTableLayoutStrategy::~BasicTableLayoutStrategy()
PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize,
PRInt32 aNumCols)
PRInt32 aNumCols,
nscoord aMaxWidth)
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
nsIFrame* tablePIF = nsnull;
@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize,
mCols = mTableFrame->GetEffectiveCOLSAttribute();
// Step 1 - assign the width of all fixed-width columns
// set aMaxElementSize here because we compute mMinTableWidth in AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths
if (nsnull != aMaxElementSize) {
@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ nscoord BasicTableLayoutStrategy::CalcHorizontalPadding(PRInt32 aColX)
// Step 1 - assign the width of all fixed-width columns, all other columns get there max,
// and calculate min/max table width
PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths()
PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths(nscoord aMaxWidth)
TDBG_SP("** %p: AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths **\n", mTableFrame);
nsVoidArray *spanList = nsnull;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public:
* @param aMaxElementSize [OUT] if not null, the max element size is computed and returned in this param
* @param aNumCols the total number of columns in the table
virtual PRBool Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize, PRInt32 aNumCols);
virtual PRBool Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize, PRInt32 aNumCols, nscoord aMaxSize);
/** compute the max element size of the table.
* assumes that Initialize has been called
@ -123,10 +123,12 @@ protected:
* Computes the minimum and maximum table widths.
* Set column width information in each column frame and in the table frame.
* @param aMaxWidth - the computed width of the table or
* UNCONSTRAINED_SIZE if an auto width table
* @return PR_TRUE if all is well, PR_FALSE if there was an unrecoverable error
virtual PRBool AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths();
virtual PRBool AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths(nscoord aComputedWidth);
/** compute the min and max width of this table. Assumes AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths
* has been called. Sets mMinTableWidth and mMaxTableWidth as a side effect.
@ -73,109 +73,135 @@ PRBool FixedTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnWidths(nsIStyleContext *aTableStyl
return result;
/* assign the width of all columns
* assign the width of all columns
* if there is a colframe with a width attribute, use it as the column width
* otherwise if there is a cell in the first row and it has a width attribute, use it
* if this cell includes a colspan, width is divided equally among spanned columns
* otherwise the cell get a proportion of the remaining space
* as determined by the table width attribute. If no table width attribute, it gets 0 width
PRBool FixedTableLayoutStrategy::AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths()
PRBool FixedTableLayoutStrategy::AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths(nscoord aComputedWidth)
NS_ASSERTION(aComputedWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE, "bad computed width");
if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf ("** %p: AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths **\n", mTableFrame);
PRInt32 colIndex;
PRInt32 specifiedColumns=0; // the number of columns whose width is given
nscoord totalWidth = 0; // the sum of the widths of the columns whose width is given
PRBool * autoWidthColumns = new PRBool[mNumCols];
nsCRT::memset(autoWidthColumns, PR_TRUE, mNumCols*sizeof(PRBool));
const nsStylePosition* tablePosition;
mTableFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)tablePosition);
PRBool tableIsFixedWidth = eStyleUnit_Coord == tablePosition->mWidth.GetUnit() ||
eStyleUnit_Percent == tablePosition->mWidth.GetUnit();
const nsStyleSpacing* tableSpacing;
mTableFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Spacing, (const nsStyleStruct*&)tableSpacing);
nsMargin borderPadding;
tableSpacing->CalcBorderPaddingFor(mTableFrame, borderPadding);
PRInt32 colX;
// availWidth is used as the basis for percentage width columns. It is aComputedWidth
// minus table border, padding, & cellspacing
nscoord availWidth = aComputedWidth - borderPadding.left - borderPadding.right -
((mNumCols + 1) * mTableFrame->GetCellSpacingX());
PRInt32 specifiedCols = 0; // the number of columns whose width is given
nscoord totalColWidth = 0; // the sum of the widths of the columns
nscoord* colWidths = new PRBool[mNumCols];
nsCRT::memset(colWidths, -1, mNumCols*sizeof(nscoord));
// for every column, determine it's specified width
for (colIndex = 0; colIndex<mNumCols; colIndex++)
for (colX = 0; colX < mNumCols; colX++) {
// Get column information
nsTableColFrame *colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(colIndex);
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=colFrame, "bad col frame");
nsTableColFrame* colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(colX);
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != colFrame, "bad col frame");
// Get the columns's style
const nsStylePosition* colPosition;
colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition);
// Get fixed column width if it has one
if (eStyleUnit_Coord==colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit())
nscoord colWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue();
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colWidth);
totalWidth += colWidth;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf ("from col, col %d set to width %d\n", colIndex, colWidth);
// get the fixed width if available
if (eStyleUnit_Coord == colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
colWidths[colX] = colPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue();
} // get the percentage width
else if (eStyleUnit_Percent == colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
float percent = colPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue();
colWidths[colX] = NSToCoordRound(percent * (float)availWidth);
nsTableCellFrame *cellFrame = mTableFrame->GetCellFrameAt(0, colIndex);
if (nsnull!=cellFrame)
else { // get width from the cell
nsTableCellFrame* cellFrame = mTableFrame->GetCellFrameAt(0, colX);
if (nsnull != cellFrame) {
// Get the cell's style
const nsStylePosition* cellPosition;
cellFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)cellPosition);
// Get fixed column width if it has one
if (eStyleUnit_Coord==cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit())
PRInt32 colSpan = mTableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(colIndex, cellFrame);
nscoord effectiveWidth = cellPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue()/colSpan;
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, effectiveWidth);
totalWidth += effectiveWidth;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf ("from cell, col %d set to width %d\n", colIndex, effectiveWidth);
PRInt32 colSpan = mTableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(colX, cellFrame);
// Get fixed cell width if available
if (eStyleUnit_Coord == cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
colWidths[colX] = cellPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue() / colSpan;
else if (eStyleUnit_Percent == cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) {
float percent = cellPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue();
colWidths[colX] = NSToCoordRound(percent * (float)availWidth / (float)colSpan);
if (colWidths[colX] >= 0) {
totalColWidth += colWidths[colX];
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf ("col %d set to width %d\n", colX, colWidths[colX]);
// for every column that did not have a specified width, compute its width from the remaining space
if (mNumCols > specifiedColumns)
// Get the table's style
const nsStylePosition* tablePosition;
mTableFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)tablePosition);
if (eStyleUnit_Coord==tablePosition->mWidth.GetUnit())
nscoord specifiedTableWidth = tablePosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue();
nscoord remainingTableWidth = specifiedTableWidth - totalWidth;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf ("%p: specifiedTW=%d, remainingTW=%d\n",
mTableFrame, specifiedTableWidth, remainingTableWidth);
if (0<remainingTableWidth)
nscoord widthPerColumn = remainingTableWidth/(mNumCols-specifiedColumns);
for (colIndex = 0; colIndex<mNumCols; colIndex++)
if (PR_TRUE==autoWidthColumns[colIndex])
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, widthPerColumn);
totalWidth += widthPerColumn;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf ("auto col %d set to width %d\n", colIndex, widthPerColumn);
nscoord lastColAllocated = -1;
nscoord remainingWidth = availWidth - totalColWidth;
if (tableIsFixedWidth && (0 < remainingWidth)) {
if (mNumCols > specifiedCols) {
// allocate the extra space to the columns which have no width specified
if (PR_TRUE == gsDebug) printf ("%p: remainingTW=%d\n", mTableFrame, remainingWidth);
nscoord colAlloc = NSToCoordRound( ((float)remainingWidth) / (((float)mNumCols) - ((float)specifiedCols)));
for (colX = 0; colX < mNumCols; colX++) {
if (-1 == colWidths[colX]) {
colWidths[colX] = colAlloc;
totalColWidth += colAlloc;
lastColAllocated = colX;
if (PR_TRUE == gsDebug) printf ("auto col %d set to width %d\n", colX, colAlloc);
else { // allocate the extra space to the columns which have width specified
float divisor = (float)totalColWidth;
for (colX = 0; colX < mNumCols; colX++) {
if (colWidths[colX] > 0) {
nscoord colAlloc = NSToCoordRound(remainingWidth * colWidths[colX] / divisor);
colWidths[colX] += colAlloc;
totalColWidth += colAlloc;
lastColAllocated = colX;
if (PR_TRUE == gsDebug) printf ("col %d set to width %d\n", colX, colWidths[colX]);
// min/MaxTW is max of (specified table width, sum of specified column(cell) widths)
mMinTableWidth = mMaxTableWidth = totalWidth;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf ("%p: aMinTW=%d, aMaxTW=%d\n", mTableFrame, mMinTableWidth, mMaxTableWidth);
nscoord overAllocation = (availWidth >= 0)
? totalColWidth - availWidth : 0;
// set the column widths
for (colX = 0; colX < mNumCols; colX++) {
if (colWidths[colX] < 0)
colWidths[colX] = 0;
// if there was too much allocated due to rounding, remove it from the last col
if ((colX == lastColAllocated) && (overAllocation != 0)) {
colWidths[colX] += overAllocation;
colWidths[colX] = PR_MAX(0, colWidths[colX]);
mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colX, colWidths[colX]);
// min/max TW is min/max of (specified table width, sum of specified column(cell) widths)
mMinTableWidth = mMaxTableWidth = totalColWidth;
if (PR_TRUE == gsDebug) printf ("%p: aMinTW=%d, aMaxTW=%d\n", mTableFrame, mMinTableWidth, mMaxTableWidth);
// clean up
if (nsnull!=autoWidthColumns)
delete [] autoWidthColumns;
if (nsnull != colWidths) {
delete [] colWidths;
return PR_TRUE;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ protected:
* @return PR_TRUE if all is well, PR_FALSE if there was an unrecoverable error
virtual PRBool AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths();
virtual PRBool AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths(nscoord aComputedWidth);
@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ public:
/** call once every time any table thing changes (content, structure, or style)
* @param aMaxElementSize [OUT] if not null, the max element size is computed and returned in this param
* @param aNumCols the total number of columns in the table
* @param aComputedWidth the computed size of the table
virtual PRBool Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize, PRInt32 aNumCols)=0;
virtual PRBool Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize, PRInt32 aNumCols, nscoord aComputedWidth)=0;
/** compute the max-element-size for the table
* @param aMaxElementSize [OUT] width field set to the min legal width of the table
@ -2497,7 +2497,7 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
if (nsnull!=mTableLayoutStrategy)
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug || PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("TIF Reflow: Re-init layout strategy\n");
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, GetColCount());
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, GetColCount(), aReflowState.computedWidth);
mColumnWidthsValid=PR_TRUE; //so we don't do this a second time below
@ -2506,7 +2506,7 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug || PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("TIF Reflow: Re-init layout strategy\n");
if (nsnull!=mTableLayoutStrategy)
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, GetColCount());
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, GetColCount(), aReflowState.computedWidth);
@ -3972,17 +3972,22 @@ void nsTableFrame::BalanceColumnWidths(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
this, maxWidth, aMaxSize.width, aMaxSize.height);
// based on the compatibility mode, create a table layout strategy
if (nsnull==mTableLayoutStrategy)
if (nsnull == mTableLayoutStrategy) {
nsCompatibility mode;
if (PR_FALSE==RequiresPass1Layout())
mTableLayoutStrategy = new FixedTableLayoutStrategy(this);
mTableLayoutStrategy = new BasicTableLayoutStrategy(this, eCompatibility_NavQuirks == mode);
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aMaxElementSize, GetColCount());
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aMaxElementSize, GetColCount(), aReflowState.computedWidth);
// fixed-layout tables need to reinitialize the layout strategy. When there are scroll bars
// reflow gets called twice and the 2nd time has the correct space available.
else if (!RequiresPass1Layout()) {
mTableLayoutStrategy->Initialize(aMaxElementSize, GetColCount(), aReflowState.computedWidth);
mTableLayoutStrategy->BalanceColumnWidths(mStyleContext, aReflowState, maxWidth);
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