Bug 115642: Use XML for buglists, and lots of other goodies. This makes the Bugzilla.bm module actually work now. :)

Patch primarily by Jake Steenhagen <jake@bugzilla.org> and Bradley Baetz <bbaetz@acm.org>
r= justdave
This commit is contained in:
justdave%syndicomm.com 2004-01-21 07:45:39 +00:00
parent 09ebc1d823
commit 10486f21a3

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(BotModules);
use XML::LibXML;
# there is a minor error in this module: bugsHistory->$target->$bug is
# accessed even when bugsHistory->$target doesn't yet exist. XXX
@ -64,7 +66,12 @@ sub Told {
$/osix) {
my $target = $event->{'target'};
my $bug = $1;
$self->FetchBug($event, $bug, 'bugs', 0, 0);
# Single bugs use xml.cgi, because then we get error messages
if ($bug =~ m/^\d+$/) {
$self->FetchBug($event, $bug, 'bug', 0, 0);
} else {
$self->FetchBug($event, $bug, 'bugs', 0, 0);
$self->{'bugsHistory'}->{$target}->{$bug} = $event->{'time'} if $bug =~ m/^[0-9]+$/os;
} elsif ($message =~ m/^\s*bug-?total\s+(.+?)\s*$/osi) {
$self->FetchBug($event, $1, 'total', 0, 0);
@ -128,7 +135,7 @@ sub CheckForBugs {
} while (defined($bug));
if ($bugsToFetch ne '') {
$self->FetchBug($event, $bugsToFetch, 'bugs', $skipURI, 1);
$self->FetchBug($event, $bugsToFetch, 'bug', $skipURI, 1);
return $bugsFound;
@ -176,92 +183,260 @@ sub Saw {
sub FetchBug {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $bugParams, $type, $skipURI, $skipZaroo) = @_;
my ($event, $bugParams, $subtype, $skipURI, $skipZaroo) = @_;
my $uri;
if ($type eq 'dwim') {
my $type;
if ($subtype eq 'bug') {
$uri = "$self->{'bugsURI'}xml.cgi?id=".join(',',split(' ',$bugParams));
$type = 'xml';
} elsif ($subtype eq 'dwim') {
# XXX should escape query string
$uri = "$self->{'bugsURI'}buglist.cgi?$self->{'bugsDWIMQueryDefault'}".join(',',split(' ',$bugParams));
$type = 'bugs';
$uri = "$self->{'bugsURI'}buglist.cgi?format=rdf&$self->{'bugsDWIMQueryDefault'}".join(',',split(' ',$bugParams));
$subtype = 'bugs';
$type = 'buglist';
} else {
$uri = "$self->{'bugsURI'}buglist.cgi?bug_id=".join(',',split(' ',$bugParams));
$uri = "$self->{'bugsURI'}buglist.cgi?format=rdf&bug_id=".join(',',split(' ',$bugParams));
$type = 'buglist';
$self->getURI($event, $uri, 'bugs', $type, $skipURI, $skipZaroo);
$self->getURI($event, $uri, $type, $subtype, $skipURI, $skipZaroo);
sub GotURI {
my $self = shift;
my ($event, $uri, $output, $type, $subtype, $skipURI, $skipZaroo) = @_;
if ($type eq 'bugs') {
my @bugs;
# Bugzilla really needs a LIMIT option
my $maxRes;
if ($event->{'channel'}) {
$maxRes = 5;
} else {
$maxRes = 20;
my $truncated = 0;
if ($type eq 'buglist') {
# We asked for rdf, but old versions won't know how to do that
# So lets do some simple sniffing, until mozbot gives us a way
# to find out the server's returned mime type
my $format;
if ($output =~ /^<\?xml /) {
$type = 'rdf';
} else {
$type = 'html';
my $lots;
my $bugCount;
if ($type eq 'html') {
my $lots;
my @qp;
# magicness
{ no warnings; # this can go _very_ wrong easily
$lots = ($output !~ m/<FORM\s+METHOD=POST\s+ACTION="long_list.cgi">/osi); # if we got truncated, then this will be missing
$output =~ s/<\/TABLE><TABLE .+?<\/A><\/TH>//gosi;
(undef, $output) = split(/Summary<\/A><\/TH>/osi, $output);
($output, undef) = split(/<\/TABLE>/osi, $output);
$output =~ s/[\n\r]//gosi;
@qp = split(/<TR VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=LEFT CLASS=[-A-Za-z0-9]+ ><TD>/osi, $output); }
$lots = ($output !~ m/<FORM\s+METHOD=POST\s+ACTION="long_list.cgi">/osi); # if we got truncated, then this will be missing
# loop through output, constructing output string
my @output;
unless (@qp) {
unless ($skipZaroo) {
@output = ('Zarro boogs found.');
} else {
@output = ();
# Instead of relying on being able to accurately count the
# number of bugs (which we can't do if there are more than
# 199), use the number that bugzilla tells us.
if ($output =~ /(One|\d+) bugs? found/o) {
$bugCount = $1;
if ($bugCount eq "One") {
$bugCount = 1;
$output =~ s/<\/TABLE><TABLE .+?<\/A><\/TH>//gosi;
(undef, $output) = split(/Summary<\/A><\/TH>/osi, $output);
($output, undef) = split(/<\/TABLE>/osi, $output);
$output =~ s/[\n\r]//gosi;
@qp = split(m/<TR VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=LEFT CLASS=[-A-Za-z0-9]+(?: style='.*?')?\s*?><TD>/osi, $output);
if (scalar(@qp) == 0) {
$bugCount = 0;
if (!$lots && $subtype eq 'bugs') {
if (scalar(@qp) > $maxRes) {
$truncated = 1;
@qp = @qp[0..$maxRes-1];
} else {
if ($lots) {
@output = ('Way too many bugs found. I gave up so as to not run out of memory. Try to narrow your search or something!');
$subtype = 'lots';
} elsif ($#qp > 1) {
@output = ($#qp.' bugs found.'); # @qp will contain one more item than there are bugs
if ((@qp > 5) and ($event->{'channel'}) and ($subtype ne 'total')) {
$output[0] .= ' Five shown, please message me for the complete list.';
@qp = @qp[0..4];
if ($subtype eq 'bugs') {
local $" = ', ';
foreach (@qp) {
if ($_) {
# more magic
if (my @d = m|<A HREF="show_bug.cgi\?id=([0-9]+)">\1</A> <td class=severity><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=priority><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=platform><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=owner><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=status><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=resolution><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=summary>(.*)|osi) {
# bugid severity priority platform owner status resolution subject
my $bugid = shift @d;
if ($skipURI) {
push(@output, $self->unescapeXML("Bug $bugid: @d"));
} else {
push(@output, $self->unescapeXML("Bug $self->{'bugsURI'}show_bug.cgi?id=$bugid @d"));
$output[$#output] =~ s/, (?:, )+/, /gosi;
$self->{'bugsHistory'}->{$event->{'target'}}->{$d[0]} = $event->{'time'};
foreach (@qp) {
if ($_) {
# more magic
if (my @d = m|<A HREF="show_bug.cgi\?id=([0-9]+)">\1</A> <td class=severity><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=priority><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=platform><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=owner><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=status><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=resolution><nobr>(.*?)</nobr><td class=summary>(.*)|osi) {
# bugid severity priority platform owner status resolution subject
my %bug;
($bug{'id'}, $bug{'severity'}, $bug{'priority'}, $bug{'platform'}, $bug{'owner'}, $bug{'status'}, $bug{'resolution'}, $bug{'summary'}) = @d;
push (@bugs, \%bug);
} elsif ($type eq 'xml') {
# We came from xml.cgi
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $tree = $parser->parse_string($output);
my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
my $prefix;
if (grep {$_ eq $event->{'from'}} @{$self->{'skipPrefixFor'}}) {
# they don't want to have the report prefixed with their name
$prefix = '';
} else {
$prefix = "$event->{'from'}: ";
my @xml_bugs = $root->getElementsByTagName('bug');
$bugCount = scalar(@xml_bugs);
if (scalar(@xml_bugs) > $maxRes) {
$truncated = 1;
@xml_bugs = @xml_bugs[0..$maxRes-1];
# now send out the output
foreach (@output) {
$self->say($event, "$prefix$_");
# OK, xml.cgi uses different names to the query stuff
# Take a deep breath, and use a mapping for the fields we
# care about
my %fieldMap = (
'bug_id' => 'id',
'bug_severity' => 'severity',
'priority' => 'priority',
'target_milestone' => 'target_milestone',
'assigned_to' => 'owner',
'bug_status' => 'status',
'resolution' => 'resolution',
'short_desc' => 'summary'
foreach my $xml_bug(@xml_bugs) {
my %bug = {};
my $error = $xml_bug->getAttribute('error');
if (!defined $error) {
foreach my $field (keys %fieldMap) {
my @arr = $xml_bug->getElementsByTagName($field);
if (@arr) {
my $str = $arr[0]->getFirstChild->getData();
$bug{$fieldMap{$field}} = $str;
else {
my @arr = $xml_bug->getElementsByTagName('bug_id');
$bug{'id'} = $arr[0]->getFirstChild->getData();
$bug{'error'} = $error;
push @bugs, \%bug;
} elsif ($type eq 'rdf') {
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $tree = $parser->parse_string($output);
my $root = $tree->getDocumentElement;
my @rdf_bugs = $root->getElementsByTagName('bz:bug');
$bugCount = scalar(@rdf_bugs);
if (scalar(@rdf_bugs) > $maxRes) {
$truncated = 1;
@rdf_bugs = @rdf_bugs[0..$maxRes-1];
foreach my $rdf_bug (@rdf_bugs) {
my %bug = {};
my @children = $rdf_bug->getChildnodes();
foreach my $child (@children) {
next if ($child->getLocalName() eq 'text');
my $field = $child->getLocalName();
if ($child->getFirstChild()) {
my $val = $child->getFirstChild->getData();
$bug{$field} = $val;
push @bugs, \%bug;
} else {
return $self->SUPER::GotURI(@_);
# construct the response's preamble
my $preamble;
if ($bugCount == 0 && !$skipZaroo) {
$preamble = 'Zarro boogs found.';
} else {
my $bugCountStr;
if ($bugCount) {
$bugCountStr = "$bugCount bug" . ($bugCount == 1 ? '' : 's')
. " found";
if ($subtype eq 'total') {
$self->say($event, $bugCountStr);
if ($lots) {
$preamble = $bugCountStr ? "$bugCountStr, which is too many for me to handle without running out of memory."
: 'Way too many bugs found. I gave up so as to not run out of memory.';
$preamble .= "$bugCountStr Try to narrow your search or something!";
$subtype = 'lots';
} elsif ($subtype ne 'bug' && $bugCount > 1) {
$preamble = $bugCountStr;
if ($truncated) {
if ($event->{'channel'}) {
$preamble .= '. Five shown, please message me for more.';
} else {
$preamble .= '. Will only show 20 results, please use the Bugzilla query form if you want more.';
my $prefix;
if (grep {$_ eq $event->{'from'}} @{$self->{'skipPrefixFor'}}) {
# they don't want to have the report prefixed with their name
$prefix = '';
} else {
$prefix = "$event->{'from'}: ";
if ($preamble) {
$self->say($event, "$prefix$preamble");
my $bug_link = $skipURI ? "" : "$self->{'bugsURI'}show_bug.cgi?id=";
# now send out the output
foreach my $bug (@bugs) {
if (!defined $bug->{'error'}) {
# Bugzilla doesn't give the TM by default, and we can't
# change this without using cookies, which aren't supported
# by the mozbot API. Later versions allow us to use a query param
# but we can't detect that that was accepted, which would break
# the HTML parsing
# xml.cgi gives us everything, so we can print this if we got
# results from there
# Maybe the list of columns to display could be a var, one day, after
# installations from source before Dec 2001 are no longer supported,
# or we can pass cookies
$self->say($event, $prefix .
"Bug $bug_link$bug->{'id'} " .
substr($bug->{'severity'}, 0, 3) . ", " .
$bug->{'priority'} . ", " .
($bug->{'target_milestone'} ? "$bug->{'target_milestone'}, " : "") .
$bug->{'owner'} . ", " .
substr($bug->{'status'}, 0, 4) .
($bug->{'resolution'} ? " " . $bug->{'resolution'} : "") . ", " .
substr($bug->{'summary'}, 0, 100));
} elsif ($bug->{'error'} eq 'NotFound') {
unless($skipZaroo) {
$self->say($event, $prefix . "Bug $bug->{'id'} was not found.");
} elsif ($bug->{'error'} eq 'NotPermitted') {
$self->say($event, $prefix . "Bug $bug_link$bug->{'id'} is not accessible");
} else {
unless($skipZaroo) {
$self->say($prefix . "Error accessing bug $bug->{'id'}: $bug->{'error'}");
sub ignoringCommentsTo {