mirror of
synced 2024-11-25 13:51:41 +00:00
Bug 789261 - Enable WebIDL bindings for Window. r=bz.
--HG-- extra : rebase_source : ae0d50133962c86ecdb7bf60f5ec8d359f681ac0
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,11 +16,8 @@ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=931768
ok(false, "Calling openDialog from unprivileged script should throw.");
} catch (e) {
// FIXME e should be a ReferenceError once we switch Window to new WebIDL bindings
ok(e.name == "SecurityError",
"openDialog shouldn't be callable to unprivileged script.");
todo(e instanceof ReferenceError,
"openDialog shouldn't be available to unprivileged script.");
ok(e instanceof ReferenceError,
"openDialog shouldn't be available to unprivileged script.");
@ -217,7 +217,6 @@ DOMInterfaces = {
'ChromeWindow': {
'concrete': False,
'register': False,
'ChromeWorker': {
@ -1556,10 +1555,7 @@ DOMInterfaces = {
'Window': {
'nativeType': 'nsGlobalWindow',
# When turning on Window, remember to drop the "'register': False"
# from ChromeWindow.
'hasXPConnectImpls': True,
'register': False,
'binaryNames': {
'postMessage': 'postMessageMoz',
@ -7,4 +7,3 @@ support-files =
skip-if = true # bug 859075
@ -2,29 +2,6 @@
"EventTarget method: addEventListener": true,
"EventTarget method: removeEventListener": true,
"EventTarget method: dispatchEvent": true,
"Window method: close": true,
"Window method: stop": true,
"Window method: focus": true,
"Window method: blur": true,
"Window method: open": true,
"Window method: alert": true,
"Window method: confirm": true,
"Window method: prompt": true,
"Window method: print": true,
"Window method: showModalDialog": true,
"Window method: postMessage": true,
"Window method: btoa": true,
"Window method: atob": true,
"Window method: setTimeout": true,
"Window method: clearTimeout": true,
"Window method: setInterval": true,
"Window method: clearInterval": true,
"Window method: getSelection": true,
"Window method: getComputedStyle": true,
"Window method: matchMedia": true,
"Window method: scroll": true,
"Window method: scrollTo": true,
"Window method: scrollBy": true,
"Window readonly attribute: history": true,
"Window readonly attribute: parent": true,
"Window readonly attribute: frameElement": true,
@ -44,93 +21,12 @@
"Window readonly attribute: screenY": true,
"Window readonly attribute: outerWidth": true,
"Window readonly attribute: outerHeight": true,
"Window attribute: name": true,
"Window attribute: status": true,
"Window attribute: opener": true,
"Window attribute: onabort": true,
"Window attribute: onafterprint": true,
"Window attribute: onbeforeprint": true,
"Window attribute: onbeforeunload": true,
"Window attribute: onblur": true,
"Window attribute: oncancel": true,
"Window attribute: oncanplay": true,
"Window attribute: oncanplaythrough": true,
"Window attribute: onchange": true,
"Window attribute: onclick": true,
"Window attribute: onclose": true,
"Window attribute: oncontextmenu": true,
"Window attribute: oncuechange": true,
"Window attribute: ondblclick": true,
"Window attribute: ondrag": true,
"Window attribute: ondragend": true,
"Window attribute: ondragenter": true,
"Window attribute: ondragleave": true,
"Window attribute: ondragover": true,
"Window attribute: ondragstart": true,
"Window attribute: ondrop": true,
"Window attribute: ondurationchange": true,
"Window attribute: onemptied": true,
"Window attribute: onended": true,
"Window attribute: onerror": true,
"Window attribute: onfocus": true,
"Window attribute: onhashchange": true,
"Window attribute: oninput": true,
"Window attribute: oninvalid": true,
"Window attribute: onkeydown": true,
"Window attribute: onkeypress": true,
"Window attribute: onkeyup": true,
"Window attribute: oncancel": true,
"Window attribute: onclose": true,
"Window attribute: oncuechange": true,
"Window attribute: onmousewheel": true,
"Window attribute: onload": true,
"Window attribute: onloadeddata": true,
"Window attribute: onloadedmetadata": true,
"Window attribute: onloadstart": true,
"Window attribute: onmessage": true,
"Window attribute: onmousedown": true,
"Window attribute: onmousemove": true,
"Window attribute: onmouseout": true,
"Window attribute: onmouseover": true,
"Window attribute: onmouseup": true,
"Window attribute: onmousewheel": true,
"Window attribute: onoffline": true,
"Window attribute: ononline": true,
"Window attribute: onpause": true,
"Window attribute: onplay": true,
"Window attribute: onplaying": true,
"Window attribute: onpagehide": true,
"Window attribute: onpageshow": true,
"Window attribute: onpopstate": true,
"Window attribute: onprogress": true,
"Window attribute: onratechange": true,
"Window attribute: onreset": true,
"Window attribute: onresize": true,
"Window attribute: onscroll": true,
"Window attribute: onseeked": true,
"Window attribute: onseeking": true,
"Window attribute: onselect": true,
"Window attribute: onshow": true,
"Window attribute: onstalled": true,
"Window attribute: onstorage": true,
"Window attribute: onsubmit": true,
"Window attribute: onsuspend": true,
"Window attribute: ontimeupdate": true,
"Window attribute: onunload": true,
"Window attribute: onvolumechange": true,
"Window attribute: onwaiting": true,
"Window unforgeable attribute: window": true,
"Window unforgeable attribute: document": true,
"Window unforgeable attribute: location": true,
"Window unforgeable attribute: top": true,
"Window replaceable attribute: self": true,
"Window replaceable attribute: locationbar": true,
"Window replaceable attribute: menubar": true,
"Window replaceable attribute: personalbar": true,
"Window replaceable attribute: scrollbars": true,
"Window replaceable attribute: statusbar": true,
"Window replaceable attribute: toolbar": true,
"Window replaceable attribute: frames": true,
"Window replaceable attribute: length": true,
"constructor": true
"Window unforgeable attribute: top": true
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"Window.prototype": true,
"EventTarget.prototype": true,
"Object.prototype": true
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=870423
check(window, sowin, 'Window', function(win) { return win; });
check(window, sowin, 'Location', function(win) { return win.location; });
todo(xowin instanceof Window, "Cross-origin instanceof should work");
ok(xowin instanceof Window, "Cross-origin instanceof should work");
todo(xowin.location instanceof Location, "Cross-origin instanceof should work");
@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ pref("dom.webapps.useCurrentProfile", false);
pref("dom.cycle_collector.incremental", true);
pref("dom.window_experimental_bindings", false);
pref("dom.window_experimental_bindings", true);
// Parsing perf prefs. For now just mimic what the old code did.
#ifndef XP_WIN
Reference in New Issue
Block a user