servo: Merge #1254 - Rule hash (from pcwalton:rule-hash); r=pcwalton

This is @pradeep90's PR with one little optimization.

Source-Revision: 76b367ceb66e9ceef5c5a710543925bd13e2c7fb
This commit is contained in:
Patrick Walton 2013-11-13 20:13:34 -08:00
parent bce26ac3fa
commit 15b3dee022
3 changed files with 351 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
* file, You can obtain one at */
use std::ascii::StrAsciiExt;
use std::hashmap::HashMap;
use extra::arc::Arc;
use extra::sort::tim_sort;
@ -21,96 +22,285 @@ pub enum StylesheetOrigin {
pub struct Stylist {
priv ua_rules: PerOriginRules,
priv author_rules: PerOriginRules,
priv user_rules: PerOriginRules,
/// Map node attributes to Rules whose last simple selector starts with them.
/// e.g.,
/// "p > img" would go into the set of Rules corresponding to the
/// element "img"
/// "a .foo .bar.baz" would go into the set of Rules corresponding to
/// the class "bar"
/// Because we match Rules right-to-left (i.e., moving up the tree
/// from a node), we need to compare the last simple selector in the
/// Rule with the node.
/// So, if a node has ID "id1" and classes "foo" and "bar", then all
/// the rules it matches will have their last simple selector starting
/// either with "#id1" or with ".foo" or with ".bar".
/// Hence, the union of the rules keyed on each of node's classes, ID,
/// element name, etc. will contain the Rules that actually match that
/// node.
pub struct SelectorMap {
// TODO: Tune the initial capacity of the HashMap
// FIXME: Use interned strings
priv id_hash: HashMap<~str, ~[Rule]>,
priv class_hash: HashMap<~str, ~[Rule]>,
priv element_hash: HashMap<~str, ~[Rule]>,
// For Rules that don't have ID, class, or element selectors.
priv universal_rules: ~[Rule],
impl SelectorMap {
fn new() -> SelectorMap {
SelectorMap {
id_hash: HashMap::new(),
class_hash: HashMap::new(),
element_hash: HashMap::new(),
universal_rules: ~[],
/// Append to `rule_list` all Rules in `self` that match node.
/// Extract matching rules as per node's ID, classes, tag name, etc..
/// Sort the Rules at the end to maintain cascading order.
fn get_all_matching_rules<N: TreeNode<T>, T: TreeNodeRefAsElement<N, E>, E: ElementLike>(
&self, node: &T,
pseudo_element: Option<PseudoElement>,
matching_rules_list: &mut [~[Rule]],
list_index: uint) {
let init_len = matching_rules_list[list_index].len();
static WHITESPACE: &'static [char] = &'static [' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\x0C'];
do node.with_imm_element_like |element: &E| {
match element.get_attr("id") {
Some(id) => SelectorMap::get_matching_rules_from_hash(
node, pseudo_element, &self.id_hash, id, &mut matching_rules_list[list_index]),
None => {}
match element.get_attr("class") {
Some(ref class_attr) => {
for class in class_attr.split_iter(WHITESPACE) {
node, pseudo_element, &self.class_hash, class, &mut matching_rules_list[list_index]);
None => {}
node, pseudo_element, &self.element_hash,
// HTML elements in HTML documents must be matched case-insensitively
// TODO: case-sensitivity depends on the document type
&mut matching_rules_list[list_index]);
node, pseudo_element, self.universal_rules, &mut matching_rules_list[list_index]);
// Sort only the rules we just added.
fn get_matching_rules_from_hash<N: TreeNode<T>, T: TreeNodeRefAsElement<N, E>, E: ElementLike>(
node: &T,
pseudo_element: Option<PseudoElement>,
hash: &HashMap<~str, ~[Rule]>,
key: &str,
matching_rules: &mut ~[Rule]) {
match hash.find(&key.to_str()) {
Some(rules) => SelectorMap::get_matching_rules(node, pseudo_element, *rules,
None => {}
/// Return rules in `rules` that match `node`.
fn get_matching_rules<N: TreeNode<T>, T: TreeNodeRefAsElement<N, E>, E: ElementLike>(
node: &T,
pseudo_element: Option<PseudoElement>,
rules: &[Rule],
matching_rules: &mut ~[Rule]) {
for rule in rules.iter() {
if matches_selector(&rule.selector, node, pseudo_element) {
// TODO: Is the cloning inefficient?
/// Insert rule into the correct hash.
/// Order in which to try: id_hash, class_hash, element_hash, universal_rules.
fn insert(&mut self, rule: Rule) {
// TODO: Can we avoid the repeated clones? (IMHO, the clone()
// is required because Arc makes Rule non-copyable)
match SelectorMap::get_id_name(rule.clone()) {
Some(id_name) => {
// TODO: Is this is a wasteful allocation of a list (~[rule])?
|_, v| v.push(rule.clone()));
None => {}
match SelectorMap::get_class_name(rule.clone()) {
Some(class_name) => {
|_, v| v.push(rule.clone()));
None => {}
match SelectorMap::get_element_name(rule.clone()) {
Some(element_name) => {
|_, v| v.push(rule.clone()));
None => {}
/// Retrieve the first ID name in Rule, or None otherwise.
fn get_id_name(rule: Rule) -> Option<~str> {
let selector = rule.selector;
let simple_selector_sequence = &selector.compound_selectors.simple_selectors;
for ss in simple_selector_sequence.iter() {
match *ss {
// TODO: Implement case-sensitivity based on the document type and quirks mode
IDSelector(ref id) => return Some(id.clone()),
_ => {}
return None
/// Retrieve the FIRST class name in Rule, or None otherwise.
fn get_class_name(rule: Rule) -> Option<~str> {
let simple_selector_sequence = &rule.selector.compound_selectors.simple_selectors;
for ss in simple_selector_sequence.iter() {
match *ss {
// TODO: Implement case-sensitivity based on the document type and quirks mode
ClassSelector(ref class) => return Some(class.clone()),
_ => {}
return None
/// Retrieve the name if it is a type selector, or None otherwise.
fn get_element_name(rule: Rule) -> Option<~str> {
let simple_selector_sequence = &rule.selector.compound_selectors.simple_selectors;
for ss in simple_selector_sequence.iter() {
match *ss {
// HTML elements in HTML documents must be matched case-insensitively
// TODO: case-sensitivity depends on the document type
LocalNameSelector(ref name) => return Some(name.to_ascii_lower()),
_ => {}
return None
pub struct Stylist {
priv ua_rule_map: PerOriginSelectorMap,
priv author_rule_map: PerOriginSelectorMap,
priv user_rule_map: PerOriginSelectorMap,
priv stylesheet_index: uint,
impl Stylist {
pub fn new() -> Stylist {
Stylist {
ua_rules: PerOriginRules::new(),
author_rules: PerOriginRules::new(),
user_rules: PerOriginRules::new(),
ua_rule_map: PerOriginSelectorMap::new(),
author_rule_map: PerOriginSelectorMap::new(),
user_rule_map: PerOriginSelectorMap::new(),
stylesheet_index: 0u,
pub fn add_stylesheet(&mut self, stylesheet: Stylesheet, origin: StylesheetOrigin) {
let rules = match origin {
UserAgentOrigin => &mut self.ua_rules,
AuthorOrigin => &mut self.author_rules,
UserOrigin => &mut self.user_rules,
let rule_map = match origin {
UserAgentOrigin => &mut self.ua_rule_map,
AuthorOrigin => &mut self.author_rule_map,
UserOrigin => &mut self.user_rule_map,
let mut added_normal_declarations = false;
let mut added_important_declarations = false;
let mut style_rule_index = 0u;
// Take apart the StyleRule into individual Rules and insert
// them into the SelectorMap of that priority.
macro_rules! append(
($priority: ident, $flag: ident) => {
if style_rule.declarations.$priority.len() > 0 {
$flag = true;
for selector in style_rule.selectors.iter() {
// TODO: avoid copying?
rules.$priority.push(Rule {
selector: selector.clone(),
declarations: Arc::new(style_rule.declarations.$priority.clone()),
let device = &Device { media_type: Screen }; // TODO, use Print when printing
do iter_style_rules(stylesheet.rules.as_slice(), device) |style_rule| {
append!(normal, added_normal_declarations);
append!(important, added_important_declarations);
// These sorts need to be stable
// Do not sort already-sorted unchanged vectors
if added_normal_declarations {
if added_important_declarations {
pub fn get_applicable_declarations<N: TreeNode<T>, T: TreeNodeRefAsElement<N, E>, E: ElementLike>(
&self, element: &T, style_attribute: Option<&PropertyDeclarationBlock>,
pseudo_element: Option<PseudoElement>) -> ~[Arc<~[PropertyDeclaration]>] {
assert!(style_attribute.is_none() || pseudo_element.is_none(),
"Style attributes do not apply to pseudo-elements")
let mut applicable_declarations = ~[]; // TODO: use an iterator?
macro_rules! append(
($rules: expr) => {
for rule in $rules.iter() {
if matches_selector::<N, T, E>(&rule.selector, element, pseudo_element) {
rule_map.$priority.insert(Rule {
selector: selector.clone(),
declarations: Arc::new(style_rule.declarations.$priority.clone()),
index: style_rule_index,
stylesheet_index: self.stylesheet_index,
// In cascading order
let device = &Device { media_type: Screen }; // TODO, use Print when printing
do iter_style_rules(stylesheet.rules.as_slice(), device) |style_rule| {
append!(normal, added_normal_declarations);
append!(important, added_important_declarations);
style_rule_index += 1u;
self.stylesheet_index += 1;
pub fn get_applicable_declarations<N: TreeNode<T>, T: TreeNodeRefAsElement<N, E>, E: ElementLike>(
&self, element: &T, style_attribute: Option<&PropertyDeclarationBlock>,
pseudo_element: Option<PseudoElement>) -> ~[Arc<~[PropertyDeclaration]>] {
assert!(style_attribute.is_none() || pseudo_element.is_none(),
"Style attributes do not apply to pseudo-elements");
// In cascading order
let rule_map_list = [&self.ua_rule_map.normal,
// TODO: Make this a stack-allocated vector
let mut matching_rules_list: [~[Rule], ..6] = [~[], ~[], ~[], ~[], ~[], ~[]];
for (i, rule_map) in rule_map_list.iter().enumerate() {
rule_map.get_all_matching_rules(element, pseudo_element, matching_rules_list, i);
// Keeping this as a separate step because we will need it for further
// optimizations regarding grouping of Rules having the same Selector.
let declarations_list =
|rules||r| r.declarations.clone()));
let mut applicable_declarations = ~[];
applicable_declarations.push_all_move(declarations_list.slice(0, 3).concat_vec());
// Style attributes have author origin but higher specificity than style rules.
// TODO: avoid copying?|sa| applicable_declarations.push(Arc::new(sa.normal.clone())));
// TODO: avoid copying?
applicable_declarations.push_all_move(declarations_list.slice(3, 4).concat_vec());|sa| applicable_declarations.push(Arc::new(sa.important.clone())));
applicable_declarations.push_all_move(declarations_list.slice(4, 6).concat_vec());
@ -129,17 +319,36 @@ impl PerOriginRules {
struct PerOriginSelectorMap {
normal: SelectorMap,
important: SelectorMap,
impl PerOriginSelectorMap {
fn new() -> PerOriginSelectorMap {
PerOriginSelectorMap { normal: SelectorMap::new(), important:SelectorMap::new() }
struct Rule {
selector: Selector,
declarations: Arc<~[PropertyDeclaration]>,
// Index of the parent StyleRule in the parent Stylesheet (useful for
// breaking ties while cascading).
index: uint,
// Index of the parent stylesheet among all the stylesheets
stylesheet_index: uint,
impl Ord for Rule {
fn lt(&self, other: &Rule) -> bool {
self.selector.specificity < other.selector.specificity
let this_rank = (self.selector.specificity, self.stylesheet_index, self.index);
let other_rank = (other.selector.specificity, other.stylesheet_index, other.index);
this_rank < other_rank
@ -148,7 +357,7 @@ impl Ord for Rule {
fn matches_selector<N: TreeNode<T>, T: TreeNodeRefAsElement<N, E>, E: ElementLike>(
selector: &Selector, element: &T, pseudo_element: Option<PseudoElement>) -> bool {
selector.pseudo_element == pseudo_element &&
matches_compound_selector::<N, T, E>(&selector.compound_selectors, element)
matches_compound_selector::<N, T, E>(&selector.compound_selectors, element)
fn matches_compound_selector<N: TreeNode<T>, T: TreeNodeRefAsElement<N, E>, E: ElementLike>(
@ -312,3 +521,69 @@ fn match_attribute<N: TreeNode<T>, T: TreeNodeRefAsElement<N, E>, E: ElementLike
fn get_rules(css_string: &str) -> ~[~[Rule]] {
let device = &Device { media_type: Screen };
let sheet = Stylesheet::from_str(css_string);
let mut index = 0u;
let mut results = ~[];
do iter_style_rules(sheet.rules.as_slice(), device) |style_rule| {
results.push(style_rule.selectors.iter().map(|s| Rule {
selector: s.clone(),
declarations: Arc::new(style_rule.declarations.normal.clone()),
index: index,
stylesheet_index: 0u,
index += 1u;
/// Helper method to get some Rules from selector strings.
/// Each sublist of the result contains the Rules for one StyleRule.
fn get_mock_rules(css_selectors: &[&str]) -> ~[~[Rule]] {
let css_string =|s| s + " { color: red; } ").concat();
fn test_rule_ordering_same_specificity(){
let rules_list = get_mock_rules(["a.intro", "img.sidebar"]);
let rule1 = rules_list[0][0].clone();
let rule2 = rules_list[1][0].clone();
assert!(rule1 < rule2, "The rule that comes later should win.");
fn test_get_id_name(){
let rules_list = get_mock_rules([".intro", "#top"]);
assert_eq!(SelectorMap::get_id_name(rules_list[0][0].clone()), None);
assert_eq!(SelectorMap::get_id_name(rules_list[1][0].clone()), Some(~"top"));
fn test_get_class_name(){
let rules_list = get_mock_rules(["", "#top"]);
assert_eq!(SelectorMap::get_class_name(rules_list[0][0].clone()), Some(~"intro"));
assert_eq!(SelectorMap::get_class_name(rules_list[1][0].clone()), None);
fn test_get_element_name(){
let rules_list = get_mock_rules(["", "#top", "IMG", "ImG"]);
assert_eq!(SelectorMap::get_element_name(rules_list[0][0].clone()), Some(~"img"));
assert_eq!(SelectorMap::get_element_name(rules_list[1][0].clone()), None);
assert_eq!(SelectorMap::get_element_name(rules_list[2][0].clone()), Some(~"img"));
assert_eq!(SelectorMap::get_element_name(rules_list[3][0].clone()), Some(~"img"));
fn test_insert(){
let rules_list = get_mock_rules(["", "#top"]);
let mut selector_map = SelectorMap::new();
assert_eq!(1, selector_map.id_hash.find(&~"top").unwrap()[0].index);
assert_eq!(0, selector_map.class_hash.find(&~"intro").unwrap()[0].index);

View File

@ -80,7 +80,10 @@ pub struct AttrSelector {
type Iter = iter::Peekable<ComponentValue, vec::MoveIterator<ComponentValue>>;
// None means invalid selector
/// Parse a comma-separated list of Selectors.
/// aka Selector Group in
/// Return the Selectors or None if there is an invalid selector.
pub fn parse_selector_list(input: ~[ComponentValue], namespaces: &NamespaceMap)
-> Option<~[Selector]> {
let iter = &mut input.move_iter().peekable();
@ -108,7 +111,10 @@ pub fn parse_selector_list(input: ~[ComponentValue], namespaces: &NamespaceMap)
// None means invalid selector
/// Build up a Selector.
/// selector : simple_selector_sequence [ combinator simple_selector_sequence ]* ;
/// None means invalid selector.
fn parse_selector(iter: &mut Iter, namespaces: &NamespaceMap)
-> Option<Selector> {
let (first, pseudo_element) = match parse_simple_selectors(iter, namespaces) {
@ -201,7 +207,11 @@ fn compute_specificity(mut selector: &CompoundSelector,
// None means invalid selector
/// simple_selector_sequence
/// : [ type_selector | universal ] [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo | negation ]*
/// | [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo | negation ]+
/// None means invalid selector
fn parse_simple_selectors(iter: &mut Iter, namespaces: &NamespaceMap)
-> Option<(~[SimpleSelector], Option<PseudoElement>)> {
let mut empty = true;

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ use media_queries;
pub struct Stylesheet {
/// List of rules in the order they were found (important for
/// cascading order)
rules: ~[CSSRule],
namespaces: NamespaceMap,