Make the user agent in the about dialog be selectable. Thanks to Kevnin Teuscher for helping me

get this working.
This commit is contained in: 2003-07-14 21:12:28 +00:00
parent 7cb43b4c54
commit 1a7f085a66

View File

@ -57,25 +57,35 @@
function onLoad() {
var versionField = document.getElementById("versionField");
var hidversionField = document.getElementById("hidversionField");
var brandShortNameEl = document.getElementById("brandShortName");
versionField.value = brandShortNameEl.firstChild.nodeValue + ' ' + navigator.vendorSub + ' (' + navigator.productSub + ')';
versionField.size = versionField.value.length - 5; // total hack..we are calculating a length that is too long,
// which keeps the text box from looking centered in the dialog.
hidversionField.value = brandShortNameEl.firstChild.nodeValue + ' ' + navigator.vendorSub + ' (' + navigator.productSub + ')';
versionField.value = hidversionField.value;
versionField.width = hidversionField.width;
<vbox align="center" flex="1">
<image src="chrome://messenger/content/about-thunderbird.png"/>
<separator class="thin"/>
<label value="&brandShortName;" style="font-weight: bold;"/>
<label id="versionField"/>
<label id="hidversionField" style="padding: 0px; visibility: hidden; font-weight: bold;"/>
<textbox id="versionField" readonly="true" class="plain" style="padding-left: 6px !important; font-weight: bold;" tabindex="2"/>
<separator class="thin"/>
<html:a href="&copyrightLink;" style="display: block; color: blue; text-decoration: underline;">&copyright;</html:a>
<html:a href="&copyrightLink;" style="display: block; color: blue; text-decoration: underline;" tabindex="3">&copyright;</html:a>
<separator class="groove"/>
<!-- Localizable strings (from .dtd) -->
<strings style="display:none;">
<string id="brandShortName">&brandShortName;</string>