Bug 381603 - Adapt to download manager changes. r=mconnor

This commit is contained in:
sdwilsh@shawnwilsher.com 2007-05-29 19:59:57 -07:00
parent 6e2d7bc42f
commit 1dfba6879b

View File

@ -1582,74 +1582,46 @@ SessionStoreService.prototype = {
retryDownloads: function sss_retryDownloads(aWindow) {
var downloadManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/download-manager;1"].
var rdfService = Cc["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"].
var ioService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].
var rdfContainer = Cc["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"].
var datasource = downloadManager.datasource;
var database = downloadManager.DBConnection;
try {
rdfContainer.Init(datasource, rdfService.GetResource("NC:DownloadsRoot"));
catch (ex) { // missing downloads datasource
// iterate through all downloads currently available in the RDF store
// and restart the ones which were in progress before the crash
var downloads = rdfContainer.GetElements();
while (downloads.hasMoreElements()) {
var download = downloads.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFResource);
// restart only if the download's in progress
var node = datasource.GetTarget(download, rdfService.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#DownloadState"), true);
if (node) {
if (!node || node.Value != Ci.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING) {
var stmt = database.createStatement("SELECT source, target, id " +
"FROM moz_downloads " +
"WHERE state = ?1");
stmt.bindInt32Parameter(0, Ci.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING);
var dls = [];
// restart all downloads that were in progress before the crash
while (stmt.executeStep()) {
// URL being downloaded
node = datasource.GetTarget(download, rdfService.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#URL"), true);
var url = node.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFResource).Value;
var url = stmt.getUTF8String(0);
// location where download's being saved
node = datasource.GetTarget(download, rdfService.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#File"), true);
var savedTo = stmt.getUTF8String(1);
var savedToURI = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].
newURI(savedTo, null, null);
savedTo = savedToURI.path;
var dl = { id: stmt.getInt64(2), url: url, savedTo: savedTo };
// nsIRDFResource.Value is a string that's a URI; the downloads.rdf from
// which this was created will have a string in one of the following two
// forms, depending on platform:
// /home/lumpy/dogtreat.txt
// C:\lumpy\dogtreat.txt
// During RDF loading, the string *appears* to be converted to a URL if
// necessary. Strings in the first form are not URLs and are converted to
// file: URLs; strings in the latter form seem to be treated as if they
// already are URLs and thus are not modified. Consequently, on platforms
// where paths aren't URLs, we need to extract the path from the file:
// URL.
// See also bug 335725, bug 239948, and bug 349971.
var savedTo = node.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFResource).Value;
try {
var savedToURI = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].
newURI(savedTo, null, null);
if (savedToURI.schemeIs("file"))
savedTo = savedToURI.path;
catch (e) { /* not a URI, assume it was a string of form #1 */ }
// We need to remove it from the database otherwise it just sits there
stmt = database.createStatement("DELETE FROM moz_downloads " +
"WHERE state = ?1");
stmt.bindInt32Parameter(0, Ci.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING);
for (var i = dls.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var linkChecker = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/urichecker;1"].
linkChecker.init(ioService.newURI(url, null, null));
linkChecker.init(ioService.newURI(dls[i].url, null, null));
linkChecker.loadFlags = Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BACKGROUND;
linkChecker.asyncCheck(new AutoDownloader(url, savedTo, aWindow), null);
linkChecker.asyncCheck(new AutoDownloader(dls[i].url, dls[i].savedTo, aWindow),