Bug 1131544 - Change TelemetrySession.jsm to conform to the latest main ping specification. r=gfritzsche

This commit is contained in:
Alessio Placitelli 2015-02-24 15:33:47 +01:00
parent 159334c163
commit 1ea05c55c5
2 changed files with 222 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -12,11 +12,13 @@ const Cu = Components.utils;
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/debug.js", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.jsm", this);
const IS_CONTENT_PROCESS = (function() {
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ const IS_CONTENT_PROCESS = (function() {
// When modifying the payload in incompatible ways, please bump this version number
const PING_TYPE_MAIN = "main";
const RETENTION_DAYS = 14;
@ -62,6 +64,8 @@ const PREF_ASYNC_PLUGIN_INIT = "dom.ipc.plugins.asyncInit";
const MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_PAYLOAD = "Telemetry:Payload";
const SESSION_STATE_FILE_NAME = "session-state.json";
// Do not gather data more than once a minute
// Delay before intializing telemetry (ms)
@ -115,6 +119,8 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "UpdateChannel",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "TelemetryEnvironment",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CommonUtils",
function generateUUID() {
let str = Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator).generateUUID().toString();
@ -216,6 +222,95 @@ let processInfo = {
* This object allows the serialisation of asynchronous tasks. This is particularly
* useful to serialise write access to the disk in order to prevent race conditions
* to corrupt the data being written.
* We are using this to synchronize saving to the file that TelemetrySession persists
* its state in.
let gStateSaveSerializer = {
_queuedOperations: [],
_queuedInProgress: false,
_log: Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix(LOGGER_NAME, LOGGER_PREFIX),
* Enqueues an operation to a list to serialise their execution in order to prevent race
* conditions. Useful to serialise access to disk.
* @param {Function} aFunction The task function to enqueue. It must return a promise.
* @return {Promise} A promise resolved when the enqueued task completes.
enqueueTask: function (aFunction) {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
this._queuedOperations.push([aFunction, resolve, reject]));
if (this._queuedOperations.length == 1) {
return promise;
* Make sure to flush all the pending operations.
* @return {Promise} A promise resolved when all the pending operations have completed.
flushTasks: function () {
let dummyTask = () => new Promise(resolve => resolve());
return this.enqueueTask(dummyTask);
* Pop a task from the queue, executes it and continue to the next one.
* This function recursively pops all the tasks.
_popAndPerformQueuedOperation: function () {
if (!this._queuedOperations.length || this._queuedInProgress) {
this._log.trace("_popAndPerformQueuedOperation - Performing queued operation.");
let [func, resolve, reject] = this._queuedOperations.shift();
let promise;
try {
this._queuedInProgress = true;
promise = func();
} catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("_popAndPerformQueuedOperation - Queued operation threw during execution. ",
this._queuedInProgress = false;
if (!promise || typeof(promise.then) != "function") {
let msg = "Queued operation did not return a promise: " + func;
this._log.warn("_popAndPerformQueuedOperation - " + msg);
this._queuedInProgress = false;
reject(new Error(msg));
promise.then(result => {
this._log.trace("_popAndPerformQueuedOperation - Queued operation completed.");
this._queuedInProgress = false;
error => {
this._log.warn("_popAndPerformQueuedOperation - Failure when performing queued operation.",
this._queuedInProgress = false;
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TelemetrySession"];
this.TelemetrySession = Object.freeze({
@ -277,6 +372,8 @@ this.TelemetrySession = Object.freeze({
* Used only for testing purposes.
reset: function() {
Impl._subsessionCounter = 0;
Impl._profileSubsessionCounter = 0;
return this.setup();
@ -325,25 +422,33 @@ let Impl = {
_initialized: false,
_log: null,
_prevValues: {},
// Generate a unique id once per session so the server can cope with
// duplicate submissions.
_uuid: generateUUID(),
// Regex that matches histograms we care about during startup.
// Keep this in sync with gen-histogram-bucket-ranges.py.
_startupHistogramRegex: /SQLITE|HTTP|SPDY|CACHE|DNS/,
_slowSQLStartup: {},
_prevSession: null,
_hasWindowRestoredObserver: false,
_hasXulWindowVisibleObserver: false,
_startupIO : {},
// The previous build ID, if this is the first run with a new build.
// Undefined if this is not the first run, or the previous build ID is unknown.
_previousBuildID: undefined,
// Null if this is the first run, or the previous build ID is unknown.
_previousBuildId: null,
// Telemetry payloads sent by child processes.
// Each element is in the format {source: <weak-ref>, payload: <object>},
// where source is a weak reference to the child process,
// and payload is the telemetry payload from that child process.
_childTelemetry: [],
// Generate a unique id once per session so the server can cope with duplicate
// submissions, orphaning and other oddities. The id is shared across subsessions.
_sessionId: generateUUID(),
// Random subsession id.
_subsessionId: null,
// Subsession id of the previous subsession (even if it was in a different session),
// null on first run.
_previousSubsessionId: null,
// The running no. of subsessions since the start of the browser session
_subsessionCounter: 0,
// The running no. of all subsessions for the whole profile life time
_profileSubsessionCounter: 0,
// Date of the last session split
_subsessionStartDate: null,
// The timer used for daily collections.
@ -608,37 +713,39 @@ let Impl = {
getMetadata: function getMetadata(reason) {
this._log.trace("getMetadata - Reason " + reason);
let sessionStartDate = toLocalTimeISOString(truncateToDays(this._sessionStartDate));
let subsessionStartDate = toLocalTimeISOString(truncateToDays(this._subsessionStartDate));
// Compute the subsession length in milliseconds, then convert to seconds.
let subsessionLength =
Math.floor((Policy.now() - this._subsessionStartDate.getTime()) / 1000);
let ai = Services.appinfo;
let ret = {
reason: reason,
OS: ai.OS,
appVersion: ai.version, // TODO: In Environment, but needed for |submissionPath|
appName: ai.name, // TODO: In Environment, but needed for |submissionPath|
appBuildID: ai.appBuildID, // TODO: In Environment, but needed for |submissionPath|
appUpdateChannel: UpdateChannel.get(), // TODO: In Environment, but needed for |submissionPath|
platformBuildID: ai.platformBuildID,
asyncPluginInit: Preferences.get(PREF_ASYNC_PLUGIN_INIT, false)
asyncPluginInit: Preferences.get(PREF_ASYNC_PLUGIN_INIT, false),
// Date.getTimezoneOffset() unintuitively returns negative values if we are ahead of
// UTC and vice versa (e.g. -60 for UTC+1). We invert the sign here.
timezoneOffset: -this._subsessionStartDate.getTimezoneOffset(),
previousBuildId: this._previousBuildId,
sessionId: this._sessionId,
subsessionId: this._subsessionId,
previousSubsessionId: this._previousSubsessionId,
subsessionCounter: this._subsessionCounter,
profileSubsessionCounter: this._profileSubsessionCounter,
sessionStartDate: sessionStartDate,
subsessionStartDate: subsessionStartDate,
subsessionLength: subsessionLength,
// In order to share profile data, the appName used for Metro Firefox is "Firefox",
// (the same as desktop Firefox). We set it to "MetroFirefox" here in order to
// differentiate telemetry pings sent by desktop vs. metro Firefox.
if(Services.metro && Services.metro.immersive) {
ret.appName = "MetroFirefox";
if (this._previousBuildID) {
ret.previousBuildID = this._previousBuildID;
// TODO: Remove this when bug 1124128 lands.
if (this._addons)
ret.addons = this._addons;
// TODO: Remove this when bug 1124128 lands.
let flashVersion = this.getFlashVersion();
if (flashVersion)
ret.flashVersion = flashVersion;
@ -828,11 +935,6 @@ let Impl = {
payloadObj.slowSQLStartup = this._slowSQLStartup;
let clientID = TelemetryPing.clientID;
if (clientID && Preferences.get(PREF_FHR_UPLOAD_ENABLED, false)) {
payloadObj.clientID = clientID;
if (this._childTelemetry.length) {
payloadObj.childPayloads = this.getChildPayloads();
@ -840,6 +942,17 @@ let Impl = {
return payloadObj;
* Start a new subsession.
startNewSubsession: function () {
this._subsessionStartDate = Policy.now();
this._previousSubsessionId = this._subsessionId;
this._subsessionId = generateUUID();
getSessionPayload: function getSessionPayload(reason, clearSubsession) {
this._log.trace("getSessionPayload - reason: " + reason + ", clearSubsession: " + clearSubsession);
@ -847,8 +960,11 @@ let Impl = {
let info = !IS_CONTENT_PROCESS ? this.getMetadata(reason) : null;
let payload = this.assemblePayloadWithMeasurements(measurements, info, reason, clearSubsession);
if (clearSubsession) {
this._subsessionStartDate = Policy.now();
if (!IS_CONTENT_PROCESS && clearSubsession) {
// Persist session data to disk (don't wait until it completes).
let sessionData = this._getSessionDataObject();
gStateSaveSerializer.enqueueTask(() => this._saveSessionData(sessionData));
@ -941,8 +1057,10 @@ let Impl = {
return Promise.resolve();
this._sessionStartDate = Policy.now();
this._subsessionStartDate = this._sessionStartDate;
// startNewSubsession sets |_subsessionStartDate| to the current date/time. Use
// the very same value for |_sessionStartDate|.
this._sessionStartDate = this._subsessionStartDate;
// Initialize some probes that are kept in their own modules
this._thirdPartyCookies = new ThirdPartyCookieProbe();
@ -950,12 +1068,11 @@ let Impl = {
// Record old value and update build ID preference if this is the first
// run with a new build ID.
let previousBuildID = Preferences.get(PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID, undefined);
let previousBuildId = Preferences.get(PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID, null);
let thisBuildID = Services.appinfo.appBuildID;
// If there is no previousBuildID preference, this._previousBuildID remains
// undefined so no value is sent in the telemetry metadata.
if (previousBuildID != thisBuildID) {
this._previousBuildID = previousBuildID;
// If there is no previousBuildId preference, we send null to the server.
if (previousBuildId != thisBuildID) {
this._previousBuildId = previousBuildId;
Preferences.set(PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID, thisBuildID);
@ -986,6 +1103,12 @@ let Impl = {
try {
this._initialized = true;
let hasLoaded = yield this._loadSessionData();
if (!hasLoaded) {
// We could not load a valid session data file. Create one.
yield this._saveSessionData(this._getSessionDataObject()).catch(() =>
this._log.error("setupChromeProcess - Could not write session data to disk."));
@ -1284,7 +1407,9 @@ let Impl = {
if (Telemetry.canSend || testing) {
return this.savePendingPings().then(reset);
return this.savePendingPings()
.then(() => gStateSaveSerializer.flushTasks())
@ -1357,6 +1482,61 @@ let Impl = {
return promise;
* Loads session data from the session data file.
* @return {Promise<boolean>} A promise which is resolved with a true argument when
* loading has completed, with false otherwise.
_loadSessionData: Task.async(function* () {
let dataFile = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "datareporting",
// Try to load the "profileSubsessionCounter" from the state file.
try {
let data = yield CommonUtils.readJSON(dataFile);
if (data &&
"profileSubsessionCounter" in data &&
typeof(data.profileSubsessionCounter) == "number" &&
"previousSubsessionId" in data) {
this._previousSubsessionId = data.previousSubsessionId;
// Add |_subsessionCounter| to the |_profileSubsessionCounter| to account for
// new subsession while loading still takes place. This will always be exactly
// 1 - the current subsessions.
this._profileSubsessionCounter = data.profileSubsessionCounter +
return true;
} catch (e) {
this._log.info("_loadSessionData - Cannot load session data file " + dataFile, e);
return false;
* Get the session data object to serialise to disk.
_getSessionDataObject: function() {
return {
previousSubsessionId: this._previousSubsessionId,
profileSubsessionCounter: this._profileSubsessionCounter,
* Saves session data to disk.
_saveSessionData: Task.async(function* (sessionData) {
let dataDir = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "datareporting");
yield OS.File.makeDir(dataDir);
let filePath = OS.Path.join(dataDir, SESSION_STATE_FILE_NAME);
try {
yield CommonUtils.writeJSON(sessionData, filePath);
} catch(e) {
this._log.error("_saveSessionData - Failed to write session data to " + filePath, e);
_onEnvironmentChange: function() {
let payload = this.getSessionPayload(REASON_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE, true);

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Structure::
reason: <string>, // what triggered this ping: "saved-session", "environment-change", "shutdown", ...
revision: <string>, // the Histograms.json revision
timezoneOffset: <number>, // time-zone offset from UTC, in minutes, for the current locale
previousBuildId: <string>,
previousBuildId: <string>, // null if this is the first run, or the previous build ID is unknown
sessionId: <uuid>, // random session id, shared by subsessions
subsessionId: <uuid>, // random subsession id