mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 01:10:22 +00:00
updated WidgetStateManager class (not currently used in builds)
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
* - in: string frame id/name set of iframe, pageMap showing navigation of wizard
* - out: nothing (object)
function WidgetStateManager( frame_id )
function WidgetStateManager( frame_id, panelPrefix, panelSuffix )
// data members
@ -36,16 +36,22 @@ function WidgetStateManager( frame_id )
* page2 => id1 => value1
* page2 => id2 => value2
this.PageData = [];
this.content_frame = window.frames[frame_id];
this.PageData = [];
this.content_frame = window.frames[frame_id];
this.panelPrefix = ( panelPrefix ) ? panelPrefix : null;
this.panelSuffix = ( panelSuffix ) ? panelSuffix : null;
// member functions
this.SavePageData = WSM_SavePageData;
this.SetPageData = WSM_SetPageData;
this.GetTagFromURL = WSM_GetTagFromURL;
this.GetURLFromTag = WSM_GetURLFromTag;
this.toString = WSM_toString;
this.ConvertToArray = WSM_ConvertToArray;
this.SavePageData = WSM_SavePageData;
this.SetPageData = WSM_SetPageData;
this.GetTagFromURL = WSM_GetTagFromURL;
this.GetURLFromTag = WSM_GetURLFromTag;
this.toString = WSM_toString;
this.AddAttributes = WSM_AddAttributes;
this.ElementIsIgnored = WSM_ElementIsIgnored;
this.HasValidElements = WSM_HasValidElements;
this.LookupElement = WSM_LookupElement;
/** void SavePageData() ;
@ -57,63 +63,79 @@ function WidgetStateManager( frame_id )
* - in: nothing
* - out: nothing
function WSM_SavePageData( currentPageTag )
function WSM_SavePageData( currentPageTag, optAttributes, exclElements, inclElements )
// 11/26/99: changing this to support the saving of an optional number of extra
// attributes other than the default value. these attributes are specified as
// strings in an array passed in as the second parameter. these values are stored
// in the table associated with the element:
// this.wsm.PageData[pageTag][element][id] - id of element (default)
// this.wsm.PageData[pageTag][element][value] - value of element (default)
// this.wsm.PageData[pageTag][element][foo] - optional attribute (default)
// 11/27/99: changing this to support the exclusion of specified elements.
// typically this is includes fieldsets, legends and labels. These are default
// and do not need to be passed.
if( !currentPageTag )
var currentPageTag = this.GetTagFromURL( this.content_frame.location.href, this.panelPrefix, this.panelSuffix, true );
var doc = this.content_frame.document;
this.PageData[currentPageTag] = [];
if( this.content_frame.GetFields ) {
// data user-provided from GetFields function
var data = this.content_frame.GetFields();
this.PageData[currentPageTag] = this.content_frame.GetFields(); // user GetFields function
var string = "";
for( var i in this.PageData[currentPageTag] )
string += "element: " + i + "\n";
else {
// autosave data from form fields in the document
var fields = doc.getElementsByTagName("FORM")[0].elements;
var data = [];
for( var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ )
data[i] = [];
var formElement = fields[i];
data[i][0] = formElement.id;
var elementEntry = this.PageData[currentPageTag][formElement.id] = [];
// check to see if element is excluded
if( !this.ElementIsIgnored( formElement, exclElements ) )
elementEntry.excluded = false;
elementEntry.excluded = true;
if( formElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "select" ) { // select & combo
// data[i][0] = formElement.getAttribute("id");
// here's a bug. this gives errors, even though this style of thing works
// in 4.x
// data[i][1] = formElement.options[formElement.options.selectedIndex].value;
// dump("*** CURRSELECT:: VALUE: " + data[i][1] + "\n");
/* commenting out until select fields work properly, or someone tells me how
to do this (also, is it better to store .value, or .text?):
var value = formElement.options[formElement.options.selectedIndex].value;
this.AddAttributes( formElement, elementEntry, value, optAttributes );
else if( formElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea" ) { // textarea
data[i][0] = currTextArea.getAttribute("id");
data[i][1] = currTextArea.value;
else if( formElement.type == "checkbox" || formElement.type == "radio" ) {
// form element is a checkbox or a radio group item
data[i][1] = formElement.checked;
else if( formElement.type == "checkbox" || formElement.type == "radio")
this.AddAttributes( formElement, elementEntry, "checked", optAttributes );
else if( formElement.type == "text" &&
formElement.getAttribute( "datatype" ) == "nsIFileSpec" ) {
if( formElement.value ) {
var progId = "component://netscape/filespec";
var filespec = Components.classes[progId].createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIFileSpec );
filespec.nativePath = formElement.value;
data[i][1] = filespec;
} else
data[i][1] = null;
else {
// generic form element: text, password field, buttons, textareas, etc
data[i][1] = formElement.value;
formElement.getAttribute( "datatype" ) == "nsIFileSpec" &&
formElement.value ) {
try {
var filespec = Components.classes["component://netscape/filespec"].createInstance();
filespec = filespec.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIFileSpec );
catch(e) {
dump("*** Failed to create filespec object\n");
filespec.nativePath = formElement.value;
this.AddAttributes( formElement, elementEntry, filespec, optAttributes )
this.AddAttributes( formElement, elementEntry, "value", optAttributes ); // generic
elementEntry.nodeName = formElement.nodeName;
// trees are not supported here as they are too complex and customisable
// to provide default handling for.
this.PageData[currentPageTag] = [];
if( data.length ) {
for( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
this.PageData[currentPageTag][data[i][0]] = data[i][1];
this.PageData[currentPageTag]["nodata"] = true; // no fields or functions
if( !this.HasValidElements( this.PageData[currentPageTag] ) )
this.PageData[currentPageTag].nodata = true; // page has no (valid) elements
/** void SetPageData() ;
@ -124,74 +146,83 @@ function WSM_SavePageData( currentPageTag )
* - in: nothing.
* - out: nothing.
function WSM_SetPageData( currentPageTag )
function WSM_SetPageData( currentPageTag, hasExtraAttributes )
if( !currentPageTag )
var currentPageTag = this.GetTagFromURL( this.content_frame.location.href, this.panelPrefix, this.panelSuffix, true );
var doc = this.content_frame.document;
if ( this.PageData[currentPageTag] != undefined ) {
if ( !this.PageData[currentPageTag]["nodata"] ) {
for( var i in this.PageData[currentPageTag] ) {
var value = this.PageData[currentPageTag][i];
if( this.content_frame.SetFields ) {
// user-provided SetFields function
this.content_frame.SetFields( i, this.PageData[currentPageTag][i] );
if ( this.PageData[currentPageTag] != undefined && !this.PageData[currentPageTag]["nodata"] ) {
for( var i in this.PageData[currentPageTag] ) {
if( this.PageData[currentPageTag][i].excluded || !i )
continue; // element is excluded, goto next
var id = this.PageData[currentPageTag][i].id;
var value = this.PageData[currentPageTag][i].value;
if( this.content_frame.SetFields && !hasExtraAttributes )
this.content_frame.SetFields( id, value ); // user provided setfields
else if( this.content_frame.SetFields && hasExtraAttributes )
this.content_frame.SetFields( id, value, this.PageData[currentPageTag][i]); // SetFields + attrs
else { // automated data provision
var formElement = doc.getElementById( i );
if( hasExtraAttributes ) { // if extra attributes are set, set them
for( var attName in this.PageData[currentPageTag][i] )
// for each attribute set for this element
if( attName == "value" || attName == "id" )
continue; // don't set value/id (value = default, id = dangerous)
var attValue = this.PageData[currentPageTag][i][attName];
formElement.setAttribute( attName, attValue );
else {
// automated data provision
// plundering code liberally from AccountManager.js
var formElement = doc.getElementById( i );
if( formElement && formElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input" ) {
if( formElement.type == "checkbox" || formElement.type == "radio" ) {
// formElement is something interesting like a checkbox or radio
if( value == undefined )
formElement.checked = formElement.defaultChecked;
else {
if( formElement.getAttribute( "reversed" ) )
formElement.checked = !value;
formElement.checked = value;
else if( formElement.type == "text" &&
formElement.getAttribute( "datatype" ) == "nsIFileSpec" ) {
// formElement has something to do with fileSpec. looked important
if( value ) {
var filespec = value.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIFileSpec );
try {
formElement.value = filespec.nativePath;
catch( ex ) {
dump("Still need to fix uninitialized filespec problem!\n");
formElement.value = formElement.defaultValue;
// default "value" attributes
if( formElement && formElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input" ) {
if( formElement.type == "checkbox" || formElement.type == "radio" ) {
if( value == undefined )
formElement.checked = formElement.defaultChecked;
else {
// some other type of form element
if( value == undefined )
formElement.value = formElement.defaultValue;
if( formElement.getAttribute( "reversed" ) )
formElement.checked = !value;
formElement.value = value;
formElement.checked = value;
else if( formElement && formElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "select" ) {
// select the option element that has the value that matches data[i][1]
/* commenting out while select widgets appear to be broken
if( formElement.hasChildNodes() ) {
for( var j = 0; j < formElement.childNodes.length; j++ ) {
var currNode = formElement.childNodes[i];
if( currNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "option" ) {
if( currNode.getAttribute("value") == value )
currNode.selected = true;
else if( formElement.type == "text" &&
formElement.getAttribute( "datatype" ) == "nsIFileSpec" ) {
// formElement has something to do with fileSpec. looked important
if( value ) {
var filespec = value.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIFileSpec );
try {
formElement.value = filespec.nativePath;
catch( ex ) {
dump("Still need to fix uninitialized filespec problem!\n");
formElement.value = formElement.defaultValue;
else { // some other type of form element
if( value == undefined )
formElement.value = formElement.defaultValue;
formElement.value = value;
else if( formElement && formElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "select" ) {
/* commenting this out until select widgets work properly
for ( var k = 0; k < formElement.options.length; k++ )
if( formElement.options[k].value == value )
formElement.options[k].selected = true;
else if( formElement && formElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea" ) {
formElement.value = value;
else if( formElement && formElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea" )
formElement.value = value;
@ -202,9 +233,12 @@ function WSM_SetPageData( currentPageTag )
* - in: string url representing the complete location of the page.
* - out: string tag representing the specific page to be loaded
function WSM_GetTagFromURL( url, prefix, suffix )
function WSM_GetTagFromURL( url, prefix, suffix, mode )
return url.substring( prefix.length, url.lastIndexOf(suffix) );
if( mode )
return url.substring( prefix.length, url.lastIndexOf(suffix) );
return url.substring( url.lastIndexOf(prefix) + 1, url.lastIndexOf(suffix) );
/** string GetUrlFromTag( string tag, string prefix, string postfix ) ;
@ -226,19 +260,92 @@ function WSM_toString()
var string = "";
for( var i in this.PageData ) {
for( var k in this.PageData[i] ) {
string += "WSM.PageData[" + i + "][" + k + "] : " + this.PageData[i][k] + ";\n";
for( var j in this.PageData[i] ) {
for( var k in this.PageData[i][j] ) {
string += "WSM.PageData[" + i + "][" + j + "][" + k + "] : " + this.PageData[i][j][k] + ";\n";
return string;
function WSM_ConvertToArray( nodeList )
/** void AddAttributes( DOMElement formElement, AssocArray elementEntry,
String valueAttribute, StringArray optAttributes ) ;
* - purpose: adds name/value entries to associative array.
* - in: formElement - element to add attributes from
* - elementEntry - the associative array to add data to
* - valueAttribute - string representing which attribute represents
* - value (e.g. "value", "checked")
* - optAttributes - array of extra attributes to store.
* - out: nothing;
function WSM_AddAttributes( formElement, elementEntry, valueAttribute, optAttributes )
var retArray = [];
for( var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++ )
retArray[i] = nodeList[i];
elementEntry.value = formElement[valueAttribute]; // get the value (e.g. "checked")
if( optAttributes ) { // if we've got optional attributes, add em
for(var k = 0; k < optAttributes.length; k++ )
attValue = formElement.getAttribute( optAttributes[k] );
if( attValue )
elementEntry[optAttributes[k]] = attValue;
return retArray;
/** string ElementIsIgnored( DOMElement element, StringArray exclElements ) ;
* - purpose: check to see if the current element is one of the ignored elements
* - in: element - element to check,
* - exclElements - array of string ignored attribute nodeNames;
* - out: boolean if element is ignored (true) or not (false);
function WSM_ElementIsIgnored( element, exclElements )
for( var i = 0; i < exclElements.length; i++ )
if( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == exclElements[i] )
return true;
return false;
/** string HasValidElements( AssocArray dataStore ) ;
* - purpose: checks to see if there are any elements on this page that are
* - valid.
* - in: associative array representing the page;
* - out: boolean whether or not valid elements are present (true) or not (false);
function WSM_HasValidElements( dataStore )
for( var i in dataStore )
if( !dataStore[i].excluded )
return true;
return false;
function WSM_LookupElement( element, lookby, property )
for(var i in this.PageData )
for( var j in this.PageData[i] )
lookby = "id"; // search by id by default
if( j[lookby] == element && !property )
return j;
else if( j[lookby] == element ) {
var container = [];
for( var k = 0; k < property.length; k++ )
container[k] = this.PageData[i][k][property[k]];
return container; // only support one single match per hash just now
/* it will be dark soon */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user