Bug 327053 (make history DB cache persistent between transactions r=bryner) and

bug 328327 (remove vacuuming r=annie.sullivan).
This commit is contained in:
brettw%gmail.com 2006-02-23 18:38:24 +00:00
parent f9148b34a2
commit 1f3329817f
2 changed files with 45 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -359,6 +359,17 @@ nsNavHistory::Init()
// nsNavHistory::InitDB
// sqlite page caches are discarded when a statement is complete. This sucks
// for things like history queries where we do many small reads. This means
// that for every small transaction, we have to re-read from disk (or the OS
// cache) all pages associated with that transaction.
// To get around this, we keep a different connection. This dummy connection
// has a statement that stays open and thus keeps is pager cache in memory.
// When the shared pager cache is enabled before either connection has been
// opened (this is done by the storage service on DB init), our main
// connection will get the same pager cache, which will be persisted.
nsNavHistory::InitDB(PRBool *aDoImport)
@ -380,7 +391,17 @@ nsNavHistory::InitDB(PRBool *aDoImport)
rv = mDBService->OpenDatabase(dbFile, getter_AddRefs(mDBConn));
// dummy DB (see comment above function) and statement that stays open
rv = mDBService->OpenDatabase(dbFile, getter_AddRefs(mDummyDBConn));
rv = mDummyDBConn->CreateStatement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(
"SELECT rowid FROM sqlite_master LIMIT 1"), getter_AddRefs(mDummyStatement));
PRBool dummyHasResults;
rv = mDummyStatement->ExecuteStep(&dummyHasResults);
// ...now forget about that statement, keeping it open
// the favicon tables must be initialized, since we depend on those in
// some of our queries
rv = nsFaviconService::InitTables(mDBConn);
@ -831,15 +852,14 @@ PRBool nsNavHistory::IsURIStringVisited(const nsACString& aURIString)
PRBool hasMore = PR_FALSE;
rv = mDBGetURLPageInfo->ExecuteStep(&hasMore);
if (! hasMore)
return PR_FALSE;
// Actually get the result to make sure the visit count > 0. there are
// several ways that we can get pages with visit counts of 0, and those
// should not count.
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageValueArray> row = do_QueryInterface(
mDBGetURLPageInfo, &rv);
PRInt32 visitCount;
rv = row->GetInt32(kGetInfoIndex_VisitCount, &visitCount);
rv = mDBGetURLPageInfo->GetInt32(kGetInfoIndex_VisitCount, &visitCount);
return visitCount > 0;
@ -875,13 +895,20 @@ PRBool nsNavHistory::IsURIStringVisited(const nsACString& aURIString)
// In some cases, you can get dangling ones, (referencing a folder that
// was deleted, for example) but that should be rare and insignificant.
// Compressing space is extremely slow, so it is optional. I don't think
// it's very critical. Maybe we should just do it every X times the app
// exits. I'm unsure if the freed up space is always lost, or whether it
// will be used when new stuff is added.
// Some times we may want to vacuum which will defragment the database and
// return any unused space to the filesystem. This operation can be
// extremely slow (sometimes 1 minute) and we don't do it now. Deleted data
// is overwritten with 0s by sqlite since we use SQLITE_SECURE_DELETE
// (in the sqlite makefile). Perhaps we should expose a way to do that.
// Implementation note if we do a vacuum: There can not be any active
// statements for the vacuuming to work. This includes the dummy database.
// To make this work you would have to complete the dummy statement (and
// possibly detach the connection), do the vacuum, and then re-attach
// everything.
nsNavHistory::VacuumDB(PRTime aTimeAgo, PRBool aCompress)
nsNavHistory::VacuumDB(PRTime aTimeAgo)
nsresult rv;
@ -933,18 +960,6 @@ nsNavHistory::VacuumDB(PRTime aTimeAgo, PRBool aCompress)
// compress the tables
if (aCompress) {
#ifdef DEBUG
PRBool inProgress = PR_FALSE;
rv = mDBConn->GetTransactionInProgress(&inProgress);
NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Can't get transaction status");
NS_ASSERTION(! inProgress, "You must not have a transaction in progress to vacuum!");
rv = mDBConn->ExecuteSimpleSQL(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("VACUUM"));
return NS_OK;
@ -2209,7 +2224,7 @@ nsNavHistory::RemoveAllPages()
// expire everything, compress DB (compression is slow, but since the user
// requested it, they either want the disk space or to cover their tracks).
VacuumDB(0, PR_TRUE);
// notify observers
ENUMERATE_WEAKARRAY(mObservers, nsINavHistoryObserver, OnClearHistory())
@ -2574,7 +2589,7 @@ nsNavHistory::Observe(nsISupports *aSubject, const char *aTopic,
// FIXME: should we compress sometimes? It's slow, so we shouldn't do it
// every time.
VacuumDB(expireUsecsAgo, PR_FALSE);
} else if (nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic, "nsPref:changed") == 0) {

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
// Size of visit count boost to give to urls which are sites or paths
// set to use more optimized (in-memory database) link coloring
@ -327,6 +327,10 @@ protected:
nsresult InitMemDB();
// this statement is kept open to persist the cache, see InitDB
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection> mDummyDBConn;
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> mDummyStatement;
nsresult AddVisitChain(nsIURI* aURI, PRBool aToplevel, PRBool aRedirect,
nsIURI* aReferrer, PRInt64* aVisitID,
PRInt64* aSessionID);
@ -338,7 +342,7 @@ protected:
PRBool FindLastVisit(nsIURI* aURI, PRInt64* aVisitID,
PRInt64* aSessionID);
PRBool IsURIStringVisited(const nsACString& url);
nsresult VacuumDB(PRTime aTimeAgo, PRBool aCompress);
nsresult VacuumDB(PRTime aTimeAgo);
nsresult LoadPrefs();
// Current time optimization