Remove post-mozilla that's no longer used, since is used for Win32 release builds now (and has been for quite a while).

This commit is contained in: 2005-01-02 17:26:25 +00:00
parent c07a5a0699
commit 1f7eebc44c

View File

@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
# This script gets called after a full mozilla build & test.
# packages and delivers mozilla bits
# Assumptions:
# no objdir
# mozilla tree
# produced builds get put in Topsrcdir/installer/sea
use strict;
package PostMozilla;
sub talkbackProcessing {
my ($mozilla_build_dir, $cacheit) = @_;
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "make -C $mozilla_build_dir/mozilla deliver";
sub packit {
my ($packaging_dir, $package_location, $url, $stagedir) = @_;
my $status;
$ENV{INSTALLER_URL} = "$url/windows-xpi";
TinderUtils::print_log "INSTALLER_URL is " . $ENV{INSTALLER_URL} . "\n";
# the one operation we care about saving status of
$status = TinderUtils::run_shell_command "make -C $packaging_dir installer";
#my $dos_stagedir = `cygpath -w $stagedir`;
#chomp ($dos_stagedir);
mkdir $stagedir, 0775;
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "cp -r $package_location/xpi $stagedir/windows-xpi";
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "cp $package_location/sea/*.exe $package_location/stub/*.exe $stagedir/";
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "make -C $packaging_dir";
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "cp $package_location/../*.zip $stagedir/";
# need to reverse status, since it's a "unix" truth value, where 0 means
# success
return ($status)?0:1;
sub pad_digit {
my ($digit) = @_;
if ($digit < 10) { return "0" . $digit };
return $digit;
sub pushit {
my ($ssh_server,$upload_path,$upload_directory,$cachebuild) = @_;
unless ( -d $upload_directory) {
TinderUtils::print_log "No $upload_directory to upload\n";
return 0;
# need to convert the path in case we're using activestate perl
$upload_directory = `cygpath -u $upload_directory`;
my $short_ud = `basename $upload_directory`;
chomp ($short_ud);
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "ssh -1 -l $Settings::ssh_user $ssh_server mkdir -p $upload_path";
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "scp -oProtocol=1 -r $upload_directory $Settings::ssh_user\@$ssh_server:$upload_path";
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "ssh -1 -l $Settings::ssh_user $ssh_server chmod -R 775 $upload_path/$short_ud";
if ($cachebuild) {
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "ssh -1 -l $Settings::ssh_user $ssh_server cp -pf $upload_path/$short_ud/* $upload_path/latest-$Settings::milestone/";
return 1;
# Cache builds in a dated directory if:
# * The hour of the day is $Settings::build_hour or higher
# (set in
# -and-
# * the "last-built" file indicates a day before today's date
sub cacheit {
my ($c_hour, $c_yday, $target_hour, $last_build_day) = @_;
TinderUtils::print_log "c_hour = $c_hour\n";
TinderUtils::print_log "c_yday = $c_yday\n";
TinderUtils::print_log "last_build_day = $last_build_day\n";
if (($c_hour > $target_hour) &&
(($last_build_day < $c_yday) || ($c_yday == 0))) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub reportRelease {
my ($url, $datestamp) = @_;
my $donemessage = "\n" .
"Win32 Mozilla Build available at: \n" .
"$url \n";
open(TMPMAIL, ">tmpmail.txt");
print TMPMAIL "$donemessage \n";
TinderUtils::print_log ("$donemessage \n");
my $subject = "[build] $datestamp Mozilla Win32 Build Complete";
system("$Settings::blat tmpmail.txt -to $Settings::notify_list -s \"$subject\"");
unlink "tmpmail.txt";
return (("success", "$url"));
sub returnStatus{
# expects an array, if no package is uploaded,
# a single-element array with 'busted', 'testfailed', or 'success' works.
my ($logtext, @status) = @_;
TinderUtils::print_log "$logtext\n";
return @status;
sub main {
# Get build directory from caller.
my ($mozilla_build_dir) = @_;
TinderUtils::print_log "Post-Build packaging/uploading commencing.\n";
unless ( -e $mozilla_build_dir) {
TinderUtils::print_log "No $mozilla_build_dir to make packages in.\n";
return (("testfailed")) ;
#$mozilla_build_dir = `cygpath $mozilla_build_dir`; # cygnusify the path
#chop $mozilla_build_dir; # remove whitespace
#unless ( -e $mozilla_build_dir) {
#TinderUtils::print_log "No cygnified $mozilla_build_dir to make packages in.\n";
#return (("testfailed")) ;
# set up variables with default values
my $last_build_day = 0;
# need to modify the settings from
my $package_creation_path = $mozilla_build_dir . "/" . $Settings::package_creation_path;
my $package_location = $mozilla_build_dir . "/" . $Settings::package_location;
my $upload_file = $mozilla_build_dir . "/" . $Settings::upload_file;
my $ftp_path = $Settings::ftp_path;
my $url_path = $Settings::url_path;
my ($c_hour,$c_day,$c_month,$c_year,$c_yday) = (localtime(time))[2,3,4,5,7];
$c_year = $c_year + 1900; # ftso perl
$c_month = $c_month + 1; # ftso perl
$c_hour = pad_digit($c_hour);
$c_day = pad_digit($c_day);
$c_month = pad_digit($c_month);
my $datestamp = "$c_year-$c_month-$c_day-$c_hour-$Settings::milestone";
if ( -e "last-built"){
($last_build_day) = (localtime((stat "last-built")[9]))[7];
} else {
$last_build_day = -1;
# hack for cygwin installs with "unix" filetypes
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "unix2dos $mozilla_build_dir/mozilla/LICENSE";
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "unix2dos $mozilla_build_dir/mozilla/README.txt";
my $upload_directory = "$ENV{COMPUTERNAME}";
my $cachebuild = 0;
if (cacheit($c_hour,$c_yday,$Settings::build_hour,$last_build_day)) {
TinderUtils::print_log "attempting to cache today's build\n";
$url_path = $url_path . "/$datestamp";
$upload_directory = "$datestamp";
$cachebuild = 1;
$url_path = "$ENV{COMPUTERNAME}";
$ftp_path = "/home/ftp/pub/mozilla/tinderbox-builds";
$upload_directory = $package_location . "/" . $upload_directory;
unless (packit($package_creation_path,$package_location,$url_path,$upload_directory)) {
return returnStatus("Packaging failed", ("testfailed"));
unless (pushit($Settings::ssh_server,
$ftp_path,$upload_directory, $cachebuild)) {
return returnStatus("Pushing package $upload_directory failed", ("testfailed"));
if (cacheit($c_hour,$c_yday,$Settings::build_hour,$last_build_day)) {
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "mv $upload_directory/../../symbols $upload_directory";
TinderUtils::run_shell_command "mv $upload_directory $mozilla_build_dir";
open BLAH, ">last-built";
close BLAH;
return reportRelease ("$url_path", "$datestamp");
} else {
return (("success"));
} # end main
# Need to end with a true value, (since we're using "require").