mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 08:09:15 +00:00
more toolbar expanding/collapsing work. Significant portions donated by Chris Lattner. Thanks, Chris!
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
// Mike Pinkerton
// Netscape Communications
// Significant portions of the collapse/expanding code donated by Chris Lattner
// (sabre@skylab.org). Thanks Chris!
// See documentation in associated header file
@ -34,29 +37,6 @@
#include "nsIWidget.h"
#include "nsINameSpaceManager.h"
#if 0
// class StRenderingContext
// A stack-based helper class that guarantees taht the state will be restored to it's
// previous state when the current scope finishes. It is exception safe.
class StRenderingContextSaver
StRenderingContextSaver ( nsIRenderingContext & inContext ) : mContext(&inContext) { mContext->PushState(); };
~StRenderingContextSaver ( )
PRBool ignored;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRenderingContext> mContext;
}; // class StRenderingContextSaver
// NS_NewToolboxFrame
@ -91,7 +71,6 @@ nsToolboxFrame :: nsToolboxFrame ( )
kCollapsedAtom(dont_AddRef( NS_NewAtom("collapsed"))),
kHiddenAtom(dont_AddRef( NS_NewAtom("hidden")))
//*** anything?
// we start off vertical
mHorizontal = PR_FALSE;
@ -104,7 +83,7 @@ nsToolboxFrame :: nsToolboxFrame ( )
nsToolboxFrame :: ~nsToolboxFrame ( )
//*** anything?
//¥¥¥ walk mGrippies and delete elements
@ -204,7 +183,6 @@ nsToolboxFrame :: Paint ( nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
// now draw what makes us special
DrawGrippies ( aPresContext, aRenderingContext );
// DrawCollapsedBar
return retVal;
@ -220,12 +198,11 @@ nsToolboxFrame :: Paint ( nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsToolboxFrame :: DrawGrippies ( nsIPresContext& aPresContext, nsIRenderingContext & aRenderingContext ) const
for ( PRUint32 i = 0; i < mNumToolbars; ++i ) {
const TabInfo & grippy = mGrippies[i];
PRBool hilight = (mGrippyHilighted == (PRInt32)i) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
DrawGrippy ( aPresContext, aRenderingContext, grippy.mBoundingRect, hilight );
for ( PRInt32 i = 0; i < mGrippies.Count(); ++i ) {
TabInfo* currGrippy = NS_STATIC_CAST(TabInfo*, mGrippies[i]);
PRBool hilight = (mGrippyHilighted == i) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
DrawGrippy ( aPresContext, aRenderingContext, currGrippy->mBoundingRect, hilight );
} // for each child
} // DrawGrippies
@ -260,271 +237,11 @@ nsToolboxFrame :: DrawGrippy ( nsIPresContext& aPresContext, nsIRenderingContex
} // DrawGrippy
// Reflow
// This is responsible for layout out its child elements one on top of the
// other in the order in which they appear in the DOM. It is mostly used for
// toolbars, but I guess they don't have to be, looking at the implementation.
// This doesn't have to explicitly worry about toolbars that grow because of
// too much content because Gecko handles all that for us (grin).
// If any toolbar is collapsed, we need to leave extra space at the bottom of
// the toolbox for a "expando area" in which the grippies that represent the
// collapsed toolbars reside.
nsToolboxFrame :: Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
// Pink you had code here to get you inital pseudo elements. Unfortunately it kind of
// messes up boxes. So I put it in the right place. Now the elements are initally
// loaded in the Init method. -EDV
mSumOfToolbarHeights = 0;
mNumToolbars = 0;
// compute amount (in twips) each toolbar will be offset from the right because of
// the grippy
float p2t;
nscoord onePixel = NSIntPixelsToTwips(1, p2t);
nsPoint offset ( kGrippyWidthInPixels * onePixel, 0 ); // remember to leave room for the grippy on the right
// Until I can handle incremental reflow correctly (or at all), I need to at
// least make sure that I don't be a bad citizen. This will certainly betray my
// complete lack of understanding of the reflow code, but I think I need to
// make sure that I advance to the next reflow command to make everything down
// the line matches up.
if ( aReflowState.reason == eReflowReason_Incremental ) {
nsIFrame* target;
if (this != target) {
// ignore the next reflow command and proceed as normal...
nsIFrame* ignore;
// Step One: How big can we be?
// Figure out our size. Are we intrinsic? Computed? Ignore any
// fixed height stuff. We are going to be as tall as we want to be. Width,
// on the other hand, should behave as told.
nsSize availableSize(0,0);
PRBool fixedWidthContent = aReflowState.HaveFixedContentWidth();
if ( aReflowState.computedWidth == NS_INTRINSICSIZE )
fixedWidthContent = PR_FALSE;
availableSize.width = fixedWidthContent ? aReflowState.computedWidth : aReflowState.availableWidth;
#if 0
// cvs-blame tells me that I wrote this code, but i have no idea why or what it does.
// chalk it up to superstition, i guess.
if ( aDesiredSize.maxElementSize ) {
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->width = 0;
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->height = 0;
// Get the first child of the toolbox content node and the first child frame of the toolbox
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> toolboxContent;
GetContent ( getter_AddRefs(toolboxContent) );
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> childContent;
toolboxContent->ChildAt(0, *getter_AddRefs(childContent));
unsigned int contentCounter = 0;
nsIFrame* childFrame = mFrames.FirstChild();
// Step Two: Layout the children
// iterate over the content nodes and the frames at the same time. If there is a content node for which there
// is no frame (we assume because the display is set to none), then we probably have a collapsed toolbar.
// There are several cases we need to look for:
// -- the current frame's content node is the current content node: We have a match, and the toolbar is
// visible. Layout like normal, and keep track of this in the grippy list. Advance both at the
// end of the loop body.
// -- the current content node and the frame's content node don't match: We have a toolbar which is
// not visible. There are two cases here:
// -- collapsed attribute set: Flip the flag that we have collapsed toolbars. Keep track of
// this in the grippy list, and advance the content node. Do not process the frame yet.
// -- hidden attribute set: This toolbar shouldn't have a grippy cuz it's hidden. Advance the
// content node. Do not process the frame yet.
unsigned int grippyIndex = 0;
PRBool anyCollapsedToolbars = PR_FALSE;
while ( childContent ) {
// true if we should advance to the next frame. Will be false if the frame doesn't match the content node
PRBool canAdvanceFrame = PR_FALSE;
// first determine if the current content node matches the current frame. Make sure we don't
// walk off the end of the frame list when we still have content nodes.
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> currentFrameContent;
if ( childFrame )
if ( childFrame && currentFrameContent && childContent == currentFrameContent ) {
// they are the same, so find the width/height desired by the toolbar frame,
// less the horizontal space for the grippy, up to the max given to us by our
// parent.
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
// *** Highlights bug 3505. The frame still exists even though the display:none attribute is set on
// *** the content node.
nsAutoString value;
childContent->GetAttribute ( kNameSpaceID_None, kCollapsedAtom, value );
if ( value == "true" )
printf("BUG 3505:: Found a collapsed toolbar (display:none) but the frame still exists!!!!\n");
// Pink had turns out the reason I was getting weird box problems was because
// the tool box was growing by its childs border height. Why? Well if you layout
// your children you must subtract out the childs border and margin before laying
// out. The child will automatically add its border back in. If you don't the
// toolbox will just keep growning. So here we go. -EDV
// subtract out the childs margin and border
const nsStyleSpacing* spacing;
nsresult rv = childFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Spacing,
(const nsStyleStruct*&) spacing);
nsMargin margin;
nsMargin border;
nsMargin total = margin + border;
nscoord w = availableSize.width;
nscoord h = aReflowState.availableHeight;
// only subrtact margin and border if the size is not intrinsic
// notice we do not subtract if INTRINSIC that would be bad.
w -= (total.left + total.right+ offset.x);
h -= (total.top + total.bottom);
const nsSize maxSize(w, h);
nsHTMLReflowState reflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, childFrame, maxSize);
nsIHTMLReflow* htmlReflow = nsnull; // can't use nsCOMPtr because of bad COM
if ( childFrame->QueryInterface(kIHTMLReflowIID, (void**)&htmlReflow) == NS_OK ) {
nsresult result = htmlReflow->Reflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, reflowState, aStatus);
NS_ASSERTION(NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(aStatus), "bad status");
htmlReflow->DidReflow(aPresContext, NS_FRAME_REFLOW_FINISHED);
// add the margin back in. The child should add its border automatically
aDesiredSize.height += (margin.top + margin.bottom);
aDesiredSize.width += (margin.left + margin.right);
// set toolbar to desired width/height
nsRect rect(offset.x, offset.y, aDesiredSize.width, aDesiredSize.height);
// set the grippy
nsRect grippyRect(0, offset.y, kGrippyWidthInPixels * onePixel, aDesiredSize.height);
mGrippies[grippyIndex].SetProperties (grippyRect, childContent, PR_FALSE );
offset.y += aDesiredSize.height;
canAdvanceFrame = PR_TRUE;
else {
// they are not the same (or we're out of frames), so we probably have a
// collapsed or hidden toolbar.
PRBool collapsed = PR_TRUE;
// Check if this toolbar is collapsed or hidden. If it's not hidden, we
// assume it is collapsed.
nsAutoString value;
childContent->GetAttribute ( kNameSpaceID_None, kHiddenAtom, value );
if ( value == "true" ) {
collapsed = PR_FALSE;
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
printf("nsToolboxFrame::Reflow -- found a hidden toolbar\n");
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
// double-check we're really dealing with a collapsed toolbar
if ( collapsed ) {
nsAutoString value;
childContent->GetAttribute ( kNameSpaceID_None, kCollapsedAtom, value );
if ( value == "true" )
printf("nsToolboxFrame::Reflow -- Found a collapsed toolbar, attribute verified\n");
printf("nsToolboxFrame::Reflow -- Problem! Toolbar neither collapsed nor hidden!!!\n");
// set the grippy if collapsed
if ( collapsed ) {
nsRect grippyRect(0, 0, kCollapsedGrippyWidthInPixels * onePixel, kCollapsedGrippyHeightInPixels * onePixel);
mGrippies[grippyIndex].SetProperties ( grippyRect, childContent, PR_TRUE );
anyCollapsedToolbars = PR_TRUE;
canAdvanceFrame = PR_FALSE;
// advance to the next child frame, if appropriate, and advance child content
if ( canAdvanceFrame )
toolboxContent->ChildAt(contentCounter, *getter_AddRefs(childContent));
} // for each child content node
mSumOfToolbarHeights = offset.y;
// If there are any collapsed toolbars, we need to fix up the positions of the
// tabs associated with them to lie horizontally
if ( anyCollapsedToolbars ) {
printf("There are collapsed toolbars!\n");
// Final step: setting our size
// let our toolbox be as wide as our parent says we can be and as tall
// as our child toolbars. If any of the toolbars are not visible (collapsed),
// we need to add some extra room for the bottom bar. Make sure to take borders
// into consideration.
const nsMargin& borderPadding = aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding;
aDesiredSize.width = availableSize.width;
aDesiredSize.width += borderPadding.left + borderPadding.right;
aDesiredSize.height = anyCollapsedToolbars ? offset.y + 200 : offset.y;
aDesiredSize.height += borderPadding.top + borderPadding.bottom;
// remember how many toolbars we have
mNumToolbars = grippyIndex;
return NS_OK;
} // Reflow
nsToolboxFrame :: Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
// compute amount (in twips) each toolbar will be offset from the right because of
// the grippy
@ -533,98 +250,200 @@ nsToolboxFrame :: Reflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nscoord onePixel = NSIntPixelsToTwips(1, p2t);
nscoord grippyWidth = kGrippyWidthInPixels * onePixel; // remember to leave room for the grippy on the right
nscoord collapsedGrippyHeight = kCollapsedGrippyHeightInPixels * onePixel;
nscoord collapsedGrippyWidth = kCollapsedGrippyWidthInPixels * onePixel;
// ----see how many collased bars there are ----
const PRBool isHorz = IsHorizontal();
// Leave room at the side for the grippies of visible toolbars. Make a margin
// of the appropriate dimensions.
mInset = nsMargin(0,0,0,0);
if ( isHorz ) // Set margins so we have a place for uncollapsed grippies
mInset.top = grippyWidth;
mInset.left = grippyWidth;
// Save old tabs so we can make newly collapsed bars as wide as they WERE tall. We will
// release the grippies in mGrippies at the very end when we dispose of |oldGrippies|
nsVoidArray oldGrippies, emptyList;
oldGrippies = mGrippies;
mGrippies = emptyList;
// ----- Calculate a new set of grippy states...
// iterate over each content node to see if we can find one with the "collapsed"
// attribute set. If so, we have a collapsed toolbar.
nsAutoString value;
int numCollapsedGrippies = 0;
nscoord grippyPos = 0;
// Get the first child of the toolbox content node
unsigned int contentCounter = 0;
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> childContent;
nsresult errCode = mContent->ChildAt(contentCounter, *getter_AddRefs(childContent));
NS_ASSERTION(errCode == NS_OK,"failed to get first child");
PRBool anyCollapsedToolbars = PR_FALSE;
// iterate over each content node to see if we can find one with the "collapsed"
// attribute set. If so, we have a collapsed toolbar.
while ( childContent ) {
// is this bar collapsed?
nsAutoString value;
childContent->GetAttribute ( kNameSpaceID_None, kCollapsedAtom, value );
if ( value == "true" )
anyCollapsedToolbars = PR_TRUE;
value = "";
childContent->GetAttribute(kNameSpaceID_None, kCollapsedAtom, value);
if (value == "true") { // The bar is collapsed!
nscoord grippyWidth;
nscoord grippyHeight;
if ( isHorz ) {
grippyWidth = collapsedGrippyHeight;
grippyHeight = collapsedGrippyWidth;
} else {
grippyWidth = collapsedGrippyWidth;
grippyHeight = collapsedGrippyHeight;
PRInt32 oldPos = 0;
if ( oldGrippies.Count() )
oldPos = oldGrippies.IndexOf(childContent);
if ( oldPos >= 0 ) { // Inherit the old size...
TabInfo* oldGrippy = NS_STATIC_CAST(TabInfo*, oldGrippies[oldPos]);
if ( isHorz ) { // If laying out children horizontally...
if ( oldGrippy->mCollapsed) // Did it used to be collapsed?
grippyHeight = oldGrippy->mBoundingRect.height; // Copy old width
grippyHeight = oldGrippy->mBoundingRect.width; // Else copy old height
} else { // If laying out children vertically...
if ( oldGrippy->mCollapsed ) // Did it used to be collapsed?
grippyWidth = oldGrippy->mBoundingRect.width; // Copy old width
grippyWidth = oldGrippy->mBoundingRect.height; // Else copy old height
if ( isHorz ) {
mGrippies.AppendElement( new TabInfo(childContent, PR_TRUE,
nsRect(0, grippyPos, grippyWidth, grippyHeight)) );
grippyPos += grippyHeight;
} else {
mGrippies.AppendElement( new TabInfo(childContent, PR_TRUE,
nsRect(grippyPos, 0, grippyWidth, grippyHeight)) );
grippyPos += grippyWidth;
} else // The bar is NOT collapsed!!
mGrippies.AppendElement( new TabInfo(childContent, PR_FALSE) );
// next!
errCode = mContent->ChildAt(contentCounter, *getter_AddRefs(childContent));
NS_ASSERTION(errCode == NS_OK,"failed to get next child");
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
//*** Highlights bug 3505. The frame still exists even though the display:none attribute is set on
//*** the content node.
if ( anyCollapsedToolbars ) {
printf("There are collapsed toolbars\n");
nsIFrame* childFrame = mFrames.FirstChild();
while ( childFrame ) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> currentFrameContent;
nsAutoString value;
currentFrameContent->GetAttribute ( kNameSpaceID_None, kCollapsedAtom, value );
if ( value == "true" )
printf("BUG 3505:: Found a collapsed toolbar (display:none) but the frame still exists!!!!\n");
// if there are any collapsed bars, we need to leave room at the bottom of
// the box for the grippies. Regardless, we need to leave room at the side for
// the grippies of visible toolbars. Make a margin of the appropriate dimensions.
//XXX FIX ME! -- bottom margins don't work!
mInset = nsMargin(0,0,0,0);
if (IsHorizontal()) {
mInset.top = grippyWidth;
mInset.left = anyCollapsedToolbars ? collapsedGrippyHeight : 0;
} else {
mInset.left = grippyWidth;
mInset.bottom = anyCollapsedToolbars ? collapsedGrippyHeight : 0;
// -----flow things-----
// the box for the grippies. Adjust the margins before we reflow the box.
if ( numCollapsedGrippies ) {
if ( isHorz )
mInset.left = collapsedGrippyHeight;
mInset.bottom = collapsedGrippyHeight;
// ===== Reflow things =====
errCode = nsBoxFrame::Reflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);
NS_ASSERTION(errCode == NS_OK,"box reflow failed");
// -----set all the grippy locations-----
//XXX FIX ME - also handle grippies that are collapsed....
// iterate over all visible toolbar frames, moving the associated grippy
// next to the toolbar
mNumToolbars = 0;
nsIFrame* childFrame = mFrames.FirstChild();
while ( childFrame ) {
while ( childFrame ) {
// get the childs rect and figure out the grippy size
nsRect rect(0,0,0,0);
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> childContent;
childFrame->GetContent ( getter_AddRefs(childContent) );
nsRect grippyRect(rect);
if (IsHorizontal()) {
nsRect grippyRect;
if ( isHorz ) {
grippyRect.y = 0;
grippyRect.height = grippyWidth;
} else {
grippyRect.x = 0;
grippyRect.width = grippyWidth;
mGrippies[mNumToolbars].SetProperties ( grippyRect, childContent, PR_FALSE );
TabInfo *grippyInfo = FindGrippyForToolbar(childContent);
NS_ASSERTION(grippyInfo != 0, "Grippy Info Struct dissapeared!");
NS_ASSERTION(grippyInfo->mCollapsed == 0, "Collapsed toolbar has frame!");
// Set the location of the grippy to the left...
errCode = childFrame->GetNextSibling(&childFrame);
NS_ASSERTION(errCode == NS_OK,"failed to get next child");
NS_ASSERTION(errCode == NS_OK, "failed to get next child");
// now move collapsed grippies to the bottom
for ( PRInt32 i = 0; i < mGrippies.Count(); ++i ) {
TabInfo* currGrippy = NS_STATIC_CAST(TabInfo*, mGrippies[i]);
if (currGrippy->mCollapsed) {
// remember we are just inverting the coord system here so in a
// horzontal toolbox our height is our width. Thats why we just use
// height here on both x and y coords.
if ( isHorz )
currGrippy->mBoundingRect.x = aDesiredSize.width - collapsedGrippyHeight;
currGrippy->mBoundingRect.y = aDesiredSize.height - collapsedGrippyHeight;
// make sure we now dispose of the old grippies since we have allocated
// new ones.
ClearGrippyList ( oldGrippies );
return errCode;
} // Reflow
nsToolboxFrame :: FindGrippyForToolbar ( const nsIContent* inContent ) const
for ( PRInt32 i = 0; i < mGrippies.Count(); ++i ) {
TabInfo* currGrippy = NS_STATIC_CAST(TabInfo*, mGrippies[i]);
if ( currGrippy->mToolbar == inContent )
return currGrippy;
return nsnull;
} // FindGrippyForToolbar
// ClearGrippyList
// Since we are assuming the array "owns" the grippies once they go in there,
// we need to make sure that when the list goes away that they are cleaned up. The
// nsVoidArray does not know how to do this, so we need to do it ourselves.
nsToolboxFrame :: ClearGrippyList ( nsVoidArray & inList )
for ( PRInt32 i = 0; i < inList.Count(); ++i ) {
TabInfo* currGrippy = NS_STATIC_CAST(TabInfo*, inList[i]);
delete currGrippy;
} // ClearGrippyList
// GetInset
@ -747,16 +566,19 @@ nsToolboxFrame :: OnMouseMove ( nsPoint & aMouseLoc )
nsPoint localMouseLoc = aMouseLoc;
ConvertToLocalPoint ( localMouseLoc );
for ( int i = 0; i < mNumToolbars; ++i ) {
if ( mGrippies[i].mBoundingRect.Contains(localMouseLoc) ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < mGrippies.Count(); ++i ) {
TabInfo* currGrippy = NS_STATIC_CAST(TabInfo*, mGrippies[i]);
if ( currGrippy->mBoundingRect.Contains(localMouseLoc) ) {
if ( i != mGrippyHilighted ) {
// unhilight the old one
if ( mGrippyHilighted != kNoGrippyHilighted )
Invalidate ( mGrippies[mGrippyHilighted].mBoundingRect, PR_FALSE );
// hilight the new one and remember it
mGrippyHilighted = i;
Invalidate ( mGrippies[i].mBoundingRect, PR_FALSE );
if ( mGrippyHilighted != kNoGrippyHilighted ) {
TabInfo* hilightedGrippy = NS_STATIC_CAST(TabInfo*, mGrippies[mGrippyHilighted]);
Invalidate ( hilightedGrippy->mBoundingRect, PR_FALSE );
// hilight the new one and remember it
mGrippyHilighted = i;
Invalidate ( currGrippy->mBoundingRect, PR_FALSE );
} // if in a new tab
} // for each toolbar
@ -776,13 +598,13 @@ nsToolboxFrame :: OnMouseLeftClick ( nsPoint & aMouseLoc )
nsPoint localMouseLoc = aMouseLoc;
ConvertToLocalPoint ( localMouseLoc );
for ( int i = 0; i < mNumToolbars; ++i ) {
if ( mGrippies[i].mBoundingRect.Contains(localMouseLoc) ) {
TabInfo & clickedTab = mGrippies[i];
if ( clickedTab.mCollapsed )
ExpandToolbar ( clickedTab );
for ( int i = 0; i < mGrippies.Count(); ++i ) {
TabInfo* currGrippy = NS_STATIC_CAST(TabInfo*, mGrippies[i]);
if ( currGrippy->mBoundingRect.Contains(localMouseLoc) ) {
if ( currGrippy->mCollapsed )
ExpandToolbar ( *currGrippy );
CollapseToolbar ( clickedTab );
CollapseToolbar ( *currGrippy );
// don't keep repeating this process since toolbars have now be
// relaid out and a new toolbar may be under the current mouse
@ -804,7 +626,8 @@ void
nsToolboxFrame :: OnMouseExit ( )
if ( mGrippyHilighted != kNoGrippyHilighted ) {
Invalidate ( mGrippies[mGrippyHilighted].mBoundingRect, PR_FALSE );
TabInfo* hilightedGrippy = NS_STATIC_CAST(TabInfo*, mGrippies[mGrippyHilighted]);
Invalidate ( hilightedGrippy->mBoundingRect, PR_FALSE );
mGrippyHilighted = kNoGrippyHilighted;
@ -844,7 +667,8 @@ nsToolboxFrame :: CollapseToolbar ( TabInfo & inTab )
nsToolboxFrame :: ExpandToolbar ( TabInfo & inTab )
nsresult errCode = mContent->UnsetAttribute ( kNameSpaceID_None, kCollapsedAtom, PR_TRUE );
// nsresult errCode = mContent->UnsetAttribute ( kNameSpaceID_None, kCollapsedAtom, PR_TRUE );
nsresult errCode = inTab.mToolbar->SetAttribute ( kNameSpaceID_None, kCollapsedAtom, "false", PR_TRUE );
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
if ( errCode )
printf("Problem clearing collapsed attribute while expanding toolbar\n");
@ -69,16 +69,16 @@ public:
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParent,
nsIStyleContext* aContext,
nsIFrame* aPrevInFlow);
nsIFrame* aPrevInFlow);
NS_IMETHOD ReResolveStyleContext ( nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIStyleContext* aParentContext,
PRInt32 aParentChange,
nsStyleChangeList* aChangeList,
PRInt32* aLocalChange) ;
NS_IMETHOD GetFrameForPoint(const nsPoint& aPoint, // Overridden to capture events
// Overridden to capture events
NS_IMETHOD GetFrameForPoint(const nsPoint& aPoint,
nsIFrame** aFrame);
@ -86,19 +86,15 @@ protected:
enum { kNoGrippyHilighted = -1 } ;
struct TabInfo {
TabInfo ( ) : mCollapsed(PR_TRUE) { };
void SetProperties ( const nsRect & inBounds, const nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> & inContent,
PRBool inCollapsed )
mToolbar = inContent;
mBoundingRect = inBounds;
mCollapsed = inCollapsed;
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mToolbar; // content object associated w/ toolbar frame
nsRect mBoundingRect;
PRBool mCollapsed;
TabInfo( nsIContent * inContent, PRBool inCollapsed,
const nsRect &inBounds = nsRect(0,0,0,0))
: mToolbar(inContent), mCollapsed(inCollapsed), mBoundingRect(inBounds) { }
void SetBounds(const nsRect &inBounds) { mBoundingRect = inBounds; }
nsIContent* mToolbar; // content object associated w/ toolbar frame. We don't own it.
nsRect mBoundingRect;
PRBool mCollapsed;
@ -116,13 +112,19 @@ protected:
void DrawGrippy ( nsIPresContext& aPresContext, nsIRenderingContext & aContext,
const nsRect & aBoundingRect, PRBool aDrawHilighted ) const ;
void CollapseToolbar ( TabInfo & inTab ) ;
void ExpandToolbar ( TabInfo & inTab ) ;
void ConvertToLocalPoint ( nsPoint & ioPoint ) ;
void OnMouseMove ( nsPoint & aMouseLoc ) ;
void OnMouseExit ( ) ;
void OnMouseLeftClick ( nsPoint & aMouseLoc ) ;
// utility routines
TabInfo* FindGrippyForToolbar ( const nsIContent* inContent ) const ;
void ClearGrippyList ( nsVoidArray & inList ) ;
// style context for the normal state and rollover state of grippies
nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> mGrippyNormalStyle;
nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> mGrippyRolloverStyle;
@ -131,7 +133,7 @@ protected:
virtual void GetInset(nsMargin& margin);
unsigned long mSumOfToolbarHeights;
TabInfo mGrippies[10]; //*** make this a list or something!!!!!!
nsVoidArray mGrippies; // list of all active grippies
unsigned short mNumToolbars;
short mGrippyHilighted; // used to indicate which grippy the mouse is inside
Reference in New Issue
Block a user