Bug 1007487 - Part 2: test patch - B2G RIL: incorrect isDisplayNetworkNameRequired for not matching both HPLMN and EF_SPDI. v2. r=HsinYi.

This commit is contained in:
Shawn Ku 2014-07-01 11:52:17 +08:00
parent f76cdb19ae
commit 2400e694be
2 changed files with 115 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -62,46 +62,6 @@ taskHelper.push(function basicTest() {
/* Test Gsm display condition change */
taskHelper.push(function testGsmDisplayConditionChange() {
function testSPN(mcc, mnc, expectedIsDisplayNetworkNameRequired,
expectedIsDisplaySpnRequired, callback) {
icc.addEventListener("iccinfochange", function handler() {
icc.removeEventListener("iccinfochange", handler);
// operatorchange will be ignored if we send commands too soon.
window.setTimeout(callback, 100);
// Send emulator command to change network mcc and mnc.
setEmulatorMccMnc(mcc, mnc);
let testCases = [
// [MCC, MNC, isDisplayNetworkNameRequired, isDisplaySpnRequired]
[123, 456, false, true], // Not in HPLMN.
[234, 136, true, true], // Not in HPLMN, but in PLMN specified in SPDI.
[123, 456, false, true], // Not in HPLMN. Triggering iccinfochange
[466, 92, true, true], // Not in HPLMN, but in another PLMN specified in SPDI.
[123, 456, false, true], // Not in HPLMN. Triggering iccinfochange
[310, 260, true, true], // inside HPLMN.
// Ignore this test if device is not in gsm mode.
if (!(icc.iccInfo instanceof Ci.nsIDOMMozGsmIccInfo)) {
(function do_call(index) {
let next = index < (testCases.length - 1) ? do_call.bind(null, index + 1) : taskHelper.runNext.bind(taskHelper);
testSPN.apply(null, testCases[index]);
/* Test iccInfo when card becomes undetected */
taskHelper.push(function testCardIsNotReady() {
// Turn off radio.

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@ -486,4 +486,119 @@ add_test(function test_read_new_sms_on_sim() {
* Verify the result of updateDisplayCondition after reading EF_SPDI | EF_SPN.
add_test(function test_update_display_condition() {
let worker = newUint8Worker();
let context = worker.ContextPool._contexts[0];
let record = context.SimRecordHelper;
let helper = context.GsmPDUHelper;
let ril = context.RIL;
let buf = context.Buf;
let io = context.ICCIOHelper;
function do_test_spdi() {
// No EF_SPN, but having EF_SPDI.
// It implies "ril.iccInfoPrivate.spnDisplayCondition = undefined;".
io.loadTransparentEF = function fakeLoadTransparentEF(options) {
// PLMN lists are : 234-136 and 466-92.
let spdi = [0xA3, 0x0B, 0x80, 0x09, 0x32, 0x64, 0x31, 0x64, 0x26, 0x9F,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF];
// Write data size.
buf.writeInt32(spdi.length * 2);
// Write data.
for (let i = 0; i < spdi.length; i++) {
// Write string delimiter.
buf.writeStringDelimiter(spdi.length * 2);
if (options.callback) {
do_check_eq(ril.iccInfo.isDisplayNetworkNameRequired, true);
do_check_eq(ril.iccInfo.isDisplaySpnRequired, false);
function do_test_spn(displayCondition,
expectedSpnDisplay) {
io.loadTransparentEF = function fakeLoadTransparentEF(options) {
// "Android" as Service Provider Name.
let spn = [0x41, 0x6E, 0x64, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x69, 0x64];
if (typeof displayCondition === 'number') {
// Write data size.
buf.writeInt32(spn.length * 2);
// Write data.
for (let i = 0; i < spn.length; i++) {
// Write string delimiter.
buf.writeStringDelimiter(spn.length * 2);
if (options.callback) {
do_check_eq(ril.iccInfo.isDisplayNetworkNameRequired, expectedPlmnNameDisplay);
do_check_eq(ril.iccInfo.isDisplaySpnRequired, expectedSpnDisplay);
// Create empty operator object.
ril.operator = {};
// Setup SIM MCC-MNC to 310-260 as home network.
ril.iccInfo.mcc = 310;
ril.iccInfo.mnc = 260;
// No network.
do_test_spn(0x00, true, true);
do_test_spn(0x01, true, true);
do_test_spn(0x02, true, false);
do_test_spn(0x03, true, false);
// Home network.
ril.operator.mcc = 310;
ril.operator.mnc = 260;
do_test_spn(0x00, false, true);
do_test_spn(0x01, true, true);
do_test_spn(0x02, false, true);
do_test_spn(0x03, true, true);
// Not HPLMN but in PLMN list.
ril.iccInfoPrivate.SPDI = [{"mcc":"234","mnc":"136"},{"mcc":"466","mnc":"92"}];
ril.operator.mcc = 466;
ril.operator.mnc = 92;
do_test_spn(0x00, false, true);
do_test_spn(0x01, true, true);
do_test_spn(0x02, false, true);
do_test_spn(0x03, true, true);
ril.iccInfoPrivate.SPDI = null; // reset SPDI to null;
// Non-Home network.
ril.operator.mcc = 466;
ril.operator.mnc = 01;
do_test_spn(0x00, true, true);
do_test_spn(0x01, true, true);
do_test_spn(0x02, true, false);
do_test_spn(0x03, true, false);