forget datas - If no basehref is specified in head but one is in the body use the one in the body.

bug 121481 r=harishd sr=jst a=asa
This commit is contained in: 2002-03-20 04:43:23 +00:00
parent 64cc8d0455
commit 25f30984be

View File

@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ static PRLogModuleInfo* gSinkLogModuleInfo;
#define NS_SINK_FLAG_CAN_INTERRUPT_PARSER 0x20 //Interrupt parsing when mMaxTokenProcessingTime is exceeded
#define NS_SINK_FLAG_DYNAMIC_LOWER_VALUE 0x40 // Lower the value for mNotificationInterval and mMaxTokenProcessingTime
#define NS_SINK_FLAG_IS_BASE_HREF_SET 0x80 //Set a flag as soon as Base Href is set for the document
#define NS_DELAY_FOR_WINDOW_CREATION 500000 // 1/2 second fudge factor for window creation
#define NS_MAX_TOKENS_DEFLECTED_IN_LOW_FREQ_MODE 200 //200 determined empirically to provide good user response without
@ -4151,12 +4152,18 @@ HTMLContentSink::ProcessBaseHref(const nsAReadableString& aBaseHref)
rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(baseHrefURI), aBaseHref, nsnull);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return;
if (nsnull == mBody) { // still in real HEAD
// Setting "BASE URL" from the last BASE tag appearing in HEAD or if there is
// no BASE tag inside HEAD, then the first one appearing in BODY, if there
// is any.
if (!(mFlags & NS_SINK_FLAG_IS_BASE_HREF_SET) || nsnull == mBody) { // Either it's a BASE tag inside HEAD
// or the first BASE tag inside BODY
rv = mDocument->SetBaseURL(baseHrefURI); // The document checks if it is legal to set this base
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
else { // NAV compatibility quirk
nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptSecurityManager> securityManager =