diff --git a/content/html/content/test/forms/test_input_number_data.js b/content/html/content/test/forms/test_input_number_data.js
index e17f452fee19..2fa6cf2d2bac 100644
--- a/content/html/content/test/forms/test_input_number_data.js
+++ b/content/html/content/test/forms/test_input_number_data.js
@@ -16,15 +16,6 @@ var tests = [
langTag: "de", inputWithGrouping: "123.456,78",
inputWithoutGrouping: "123456,78", value: 123456.78
- // Extra german test to check that a locale that uses '.' as its grouping
- // separator doesn't result in it being invalid (due to step mismatch) due
- // to the de-localization code mishandling numbers that look like other
- // numbers formatted for English speakers (i.e. treating this as 123.456
- // instead of 123456):
- { desc: "German (test 2)",
- langTag: "de", inputWithGrouping: "123.456",
- inputWithoutGrouping: "123456", value: 123456
- },
{ desc: "Hebrew",
langTag: "he", inputWithGrouping: "123,456.78",
inputWithoutGrouping: "123456.78", value: 123456.78
diff --git a/layout/forms/nsNumberControlFrame.cpp b/layout/forms/nsNumberControlFrame.cpp
index 66505a16b8ef..8813c5bea5b5 100644
--- a/layout/forms/nsNumberControlFrame.cpp
+++ b/layout/forms/nsNumberControlFrame.cpp
@@ -627,52 +627,23 @@ nsNumberControlFrame::GetValueOfAnonTextControl(nsAString& aValue)
- // Here we need to de-localize any number typed in by the user. That is, we
- // need to convert it from the number format of the user's language, region,
- // etc. to the format that the HTML 5 spec defines to be a "valid
- // floating-point number":
+ // Here we check if the text field's value is a localized serialization of a
+ // number. If it is we set aValue to the de-localize value, but only if the
+ // localized value isn't also a valid floating-point number according to the
+ // HTML 5 spec:
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/common-microsyntaxes.html#floating-point-numbers
- // so that it can be parsed by functions like HTMLInputElement::
- // StringToDecimal (the HTML-5-conforming parsing function) which don't know
- // how to handle numbers that are formatted differently (for example, with
- // non-ASCII digits, with grouping separator characters or with a decimal
- // separator character other than '.').
- //
- // We need to be careful to avoid normalizing numbers that are already
- // formatted for a locale that matches the format of HTML 5's "valid
- // floating-point number" and have no grouping separator characters. (In
- // other words we want to return the number as specified by the user, not the
- // de-localized serialization, since the latter will normalize the value.)
- // For example, if the user's locale is English and the user types in "2e2"
- // then inputElement.value should be "2e2" and not "100". This is because
- // content (and tests) expect us to avoid "normalizing" the number that the
- // user types in if it's not necessary in order to make sure it conforms to
- // HTML 5's "valid floating-point number" format.
- //
- // Note that we also need to be careful when trying to avoid normalization.
- // For example, just because "1.234" _looks_ like a valid floating-point
- // number according to the spec does not mean that it should be returned
- // as-is. If the user's locale is German, then this represents the value
- // 1234, not 1.234, so it still needs to be de-localized. Alternatively, if
- // the user's locale is English and they type in "1,234" we _do_ need to
- // normalize the number to "1234" because HTML 5's valid floating-point
- // number format does not allow the ',' grouping separator. We can detect all
- // the cases where we need to convert by seeing if the locale-specific
- // parsing function understands the user input to mean the same thing as the
- // HTML-5-conforming parsing function. If so, then we should return the value
- // as-is to avoid normalization. Otherwise, we return the de-localized
- // serialization.
+ // This is because content (and tests) expect us to avoid "normalizing" the
+ // number that the user types in if it's not necessary. (E.g. if the user
+ // types "2e2" then inputElement.value should be "2e2" and not "100".
ICUUtils::LanguageTagIterForContent langTagIter(mContent);
double value = ICUUtils::ParseNumber(aValue, langTagIter);
if (NS_finite(value) &&
- value != HTMLInputElement::StringToDecimal(aValue).toDouble()) {
+ !HTMLInputElement::StringToDecimal(aValue).isFinite()) {
- // else, we return whatever FromContent put into aValue (the number as typed
- // in by the user)