Bug 1352502 - Part 2. Add API to update the page meta info for Places. r=mak

MozReview-Commit-ID: K3SjQr3ayjS

extra : rebase_source : 8fda3d2d7ea5f5e1883b2a96e03175c7265f7e52
This commit is contained in:
Nan Jiang 2017-06-23 14:30:27 -04:00
parent eb809f32a5
commit 29b9ec51dc
6 changed files with 335 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,12 @@
* values.
* - title: (string)
* The title associated with the page, if any.
* - description: (string)
* The description of the page, if any.
* - previewImageURL: (URL)
* or (nsIURI)
* or (string)
* The preview image URL of the page, if any.
* - frecency: (number)
* The frecency of the page, if any.
* See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/Places/Frecency_algorithm
@ -89,7 +95,6 @@ const ONRESULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 300;
// This constant determines the maximum number of remove pages before we cycle.
* Sends a bookmarks notification through the given observers.
@ -119,6 +124,8 @@ this.History = Object.freeze({
* - `includeVisits` (boolean) set this to true if `visits` in the
* PageInfo needs to contain VisitInfo in a reverse chronological order.
* By default, `visits` is undefined inside the returned `PageInfo`.
* - `includeMeta` (boolean) set this to true to fetch page meta fields,
* i.e. `description` and `preview_image_url`.
* @return (Promise)
* A promise resolved once the operation is complete.
@ -147,6 +154,11 @@ this.History = Object.freeze({
throw new TypeError("includeVisits should be a boolean if exists");
let hasIncludeMeta = "includeMeta" in options;
if (hasIncludeMeta && typeof options.includeMeta !== "boolean") {
throw new TypeError("includeMeta should be a boolean if exists");
return PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection()
.then(db => fetch(db, guidOrURI, options));
@ -191,10 +203,6 @@ this.History = Object.freeze({
* If an element of `visits` has an invalid `transition`.
insert(pageInfo) {
if (typeof pageInfo != "object" || !pageInfo) {
throw new TypeError("pageInfo must be an object");
let info = PlacesUtils.validatePageInfo(pageInfo);
return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("History.jsm: insert",
@ -563,6 +571,61 @@ this.History = Object.freeze({
* Update information for a page.
* Currently, it supports updating the description and the preview image URL
* for a page, any other fields will be ignored.
* Note that this function will ignore the update if the target page has not
* yet been stored in the database. `History.fetch` could be used to check
* whether the page and its meta information exist or not. Beware that
* fetch&update might fail as they are not executed in a single transaction.
* @param pageInfo: (PageInfo)
* pageInfo must contain a URL of the target page. It will be ignored
* if a valid page `guid` is also provided.
* If a property `description` is provided, the description of the
* page is updated. Note that:
* 1). An empty string or null `description` will clear the existing
* value in the database.
* 2). Descriptions longer than DB_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_MAX will be
* truncated.
* If a property `previewImageURL` is provided, the preview image
* URL of the page is updated. Note that:
* 1). A null `previewImageURL` will clear the existing value in the
* database.
* 2). It throws if its length is greater than DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX
* defined in PlacesUtils.jsm.
* @return (Promise)
* A promise resolved once the update is complete.
* @rejects (Error)
* Rejects if the update was unsuccessful.
* @throws (Error)
* If `pageInfo` has an unexpected type.
* @throws (Error)
* If `pageInfo` has an invalid `url` or an invalid `guid`.
* @throws (Error)
* If `pageInfo` has neither `description` nor `previewImageURL`.
* @throws (Error)
* If the length of `pageInfo.previewImageURL` is greater than
* DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX defined in PlacesUtils.jsm.
update(pageInfo) {
let info = PlacesUtils.validatePageInfo(pageInfo, false);
if (info.description === undefined && info.previewImageURL === undefined) {
throw new TypeError("pageInfo object must at least have either a description or a previewImageURL property");
return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("History.jsm: update", db => update(db, info));
* Possible values for the `transition` property of `VisitInfo`
* objects.
@ -861,7 +924,13 @@ var fetch = async function(db, guidOrURL, options) {
visitOrderFragment = "ORDER BY v.visit_date DESC";
let query = `SELECT h.id, guid, url, title, frecency ${visitSelectionFragment}
let pageMetaSelectionFragment = "";
if (options.includeMeta) {
pageMetaSelectionFragment = ", description, preview_image_url";
let query = `SELECT h.id, guid, url, title, frecency
${pageMetaSelectionFragment} ${visitSelectionFragment}
FROM moz_places h ${joinFragment}
@ -879,6 +948,11 @@ var fetch = async function(db, guidOrURL, options) {
title: row.getResultByName("title") || ""
if (options.includeMeta) {
pageInfo.description = row.getResultByName("description") || ""
let previewImageURL = row.getResultByName("preview_image_url");
pageInfo.previewImageURL = previewImageURL ? new URL(previewImageURL) : null;
if (options.includeVisits) {
// On every row (not just the first), we need to collect visit data.
if (!("visits" in pageInfo)) {
@ -1254,3 +1328,32 @@ var insertMany = async function(db, pageInfos, onResult, onError) {
}, true);
// Inner implementation of History.update.
var update = async function(db, pageInfo) {
let updateFragments = [];
let whereClauseFragment = "";
let info = {};
// Prefer GUID over url if it's present
if (typeof pageInfo.guid === "string") {
whereClauseFragment = "WHERE guid = :guid";
info.guid = pageInfo.guid;
} else {
whereClauseFragment = "WHERE url_hash = hash(:url) AND url = :url";
info.url = pageInfo.url.href;
if (pageInfo.description || pageInfo.description === null) {
updateFragments.push("description = :description");
info.description = pageInfo.description;
if (pageInfo.previewImageURL || pageInfo.previewImageURL === null) {
updateFragments.push("preview_image_url = :previewImageURL");
info.previewImageURL = pageInfo.previewImageURL ? pageInfo.previewImageURL.href : null;
let query = `UPDATE moz_places
SET ${updateFragments.join(", ")}
await db.execute(query, info);

View File

@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ function serializeNode(aNode, aIsLivemark) {
// Imposed to limit database size.
const DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX = 65536;
const DB_TITLE_LENGTH_MAX = 4096;
* List of bookmark object validators, one per each known property.
@ -991,14 +992,20 @@ this.PlacesUtils = {
visits: [],
if (typeof pageInfo != "object" || !pageInfo) {
throw new TypeError("pageInfo must be an object");
if (!pageInfo.url) {
throw new TypeError("PageInfo object must have a url property");
info.url = this.normalizeToURLOrGUID(pageInfo.url);
if (!validateVisits) {
return info;
if (typeof pageInfo.guid === "string" && this.isValidGuid(pageInfo.guid)) {
info.guid = pageInfo.guid;
} else if (pageInfo.guid) {
throw new TypeError(`guid property of PageInfo object: ${pageInfo.guid} is invalid`);
if (typeof pageInfo.title === "string") {
@ -1007,6 +1014,32 @@ this.PlacesUtils = {
throw new TypeError(`title property of PageInfo object: ${pageInfo.title} must be a string if provided`);
if (typeof pageInfo.description === "string" || pageInfo.description === null) {
info.description = pageInfo.description ? pageInfo.description.slice(0, DB_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_MAX) : null;
} else if (pageInfo.description !== undefined) {
throw new TypeError(`description property of pageInfo object: ${pageInfo.description} must be either a string or null if provided`);
if (pageInfo.previewImageURL || pageInfo.previewImageURL === null) {
let previewImageURL = pageInfo.previewImageURL;
if (previewImageURL === null) {
info.previewImageURL = null;
} else if (typeof(previewImageURL) === "string" && previewImageURL.length <= DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX) {
info.previewImageURL = new URL(previewImageURL);
} else if (previewImageURL instanceof Ci.nsIURI && previewImageURL.spec.length <= DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX) {
info.previewImageURL = new URL(previewImageURL.spec);
} else if (previewImageURL instanceof URL && previewImageURL.href.length <= DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX) {
info.previewImageURL = previewImageURL;
} else {
throw new TypeError("previewImageURL property of pageInfo object: ${previewImageURL} is invalid");
if (!validateVisits) {
return info;
if (!pageInfo.visits || !Array.isArray(pageInfo.visits) || !pageInfo.visits.length) {
throw new TypeError("PageInfo object must have an array of visits");

View File

@ -77,6 +77,35 @@ add_task(async function test_fetch_existent() {
add_task(async function test_fetch_page_meta_info() {
await PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
let TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("http://mozilla.com/test_fetch_page_meta_info");
await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URI);
// Test fetching the null values
let includeMeta = true;
let pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(TEST_URI, {includeMeta});
Assert.strictEqual(null, pageInfo.previewImageURL, "fetch should return a null previewImageURL");
Assert.equal("", pageInfo.description, "fetch should return a empty string description");
// Now set the pageMetaInfo for this page
let description = "Test description";
let previewImageURL = "http://mozilla.com/test_preview_image.png";
await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URI, description, previewImageURL });
includeMeta = true;
pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(TEST_URI, {includeMeta});
Assert.equal(previewImageURL, pageInfo.previewImageURL.href, "fetch should return a previewImageURL");
Assert.equal(description, pageInfo.description, "fetch should return a description");
includeMeta = false;
pageInfo = await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(TEST_URI, {includeMeta});
Assert.ok(!("description" in pageInfo), "fetch should not return a description if includeMeta is false")
Assert.ok(!("previewImageURL" in pageInfo), "fetch should not return a previewImageURL if includeMeta is false")
add_task(async function test_fetch_nonexistent() {
await PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
@ -104,7 +133,11 @@ add_task(async function test_error_cases() {
/TypeError: options should be/
() => PlacesUtils.history.fetch("http://valid.uri.come", { includeVisits: "not a boolean"}),
() => PlacesUtils.history.fetch("http://valid.uri.come", {includeVisits: "not a boolean"}),
/TypeError: includeVisits should be a/
() => PlacesUtils.history.fetch("http://valid.uri.come", {includeMeta: "not a boolean"}),
/TypeError: includeMeta should be a/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
// Tests for `History.update` as implemented in History.jsm
"use strict";
add_task(async function test_error_cases() {
() => PlacesUtils.history.update("not an object"),
/TypeError: pageInfo must be/,
"passing a string as pageInfo should throw a TypeError"
() => PlacesUtils.history.update(null),
/TypeError: pageInfo must be/,
"passing a null as pageInfo should throw a TypeError"
() => PlacesUtils.history.update({url: "not a valid url string"}),
/TypeError: not a valid url string is/,
"passing an invalid url should throw a TypeError"
() => PlacesUtils.history.update({
url: "http://valid.uri.com",
description: 123
/TypeError: description property of/,
"passing a non-string description in pageInfo should throw a TypeError"
() => PlacesUtils.history.update({
url: "http://valid.uri.com",
guid: "invalid guid",
description: "Test description"
/TypeError: guid property of/,
"passing a invalid guid in pageInfo should throw a TypeError"
() => PlacesUtils.history.update({
url: "http://valid.uri.com",
previewImageURL: "not a valid url string"
/TypeError: not a valid url string is/,
"passing an invlid preview image url in pageInfo should throw a TypeError"
() => {
let imageName = "a-very-long-string".repeat(10000);
let previewImageURL = `http://valid.uri.com/${imageName}.png`;
url: "http://valid.uri.com",
/TypeError: previewImageURL property of/,
"passing an oversized previewImageURL in pageInfo should throw a TypeError"
() => PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: "http://valid.uri.com" }),
/TypeError: pageInfo object must at least/,
"passing a pageInfo with neither description nor previewImageURL should throw a TypeError"
add_task(async function test_description_change_saved() {
await PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
let TEST_URL = NetUtil.newURI("http://mozilla.org/test_description_change_saved");
await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URL);
let description = "Test description";
await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description });
let descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description");
Assert.equal(description, descriptionInDB, "description should be updated via URL as expected");
description = "";
await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description });
descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description");
Assert.strictEqual(null, descriptionInDB, "an empty description should set it to null in the database");
let guid = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "guid");
description = "Test description";
await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, guid, description });
descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description");
Assert.equal(description, descriptionInDB, "description should be updated via GUID as expected");
description = "Test descipriton".repeat(1000);
await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description });
descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description");
Assert.ok(0 < descriptionInDB.length < description.length, "a long description should be truncated");
description = null;
await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description});
descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description");
Assert.strictEqual(description, descriptionInDB, "a null description should set it to null in the database");
add_task(async function test_previewImageURL_change_saved() {
await PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
let TEST_URL = NetUtil.newURI("http://mozilla.org/test_previewImageURL_change_saved");
let IMAGE_URL = "http://mozilla.org/test_preview_image.png";
await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URL);
let previewImageURL = IMAGE_URL;
await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, previewImageURL });
let previewImageURLInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "preview_image_url");
Assert.equal(previewImageURL, previewImageURLInDB, "previewImageURL should be updated via URL as expected");
previewImageURL = null;
await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, previewImageURL});
previewImageURLInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "preview_image_url");
Assert.strictEqual(null, previewImageURLInDB, "a null previewImageURL should set it to null in the database");
let guid = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "guid");
previewImageURL = IMAGE_URL;
await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, guid, previewImageURL });
previewImageURLInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "preview_image_url");
Assert.equal(previewImageURL, previewImageURLInDB, "previewImageURL should be updated via GUID as expected");
add_task(async function test_change_both_saved() {
await PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
let TEST_URL = NetUtil.newURI("http://mozilla.org/test_change_both_saved");
await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URL);
let description = "Test description";
let previewImageURL = "http://mozilla.org/test_preview_image.png";
await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description, previewImageURL });
let descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description");
let previewImageURLInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "preview_image_url");
Assert.equal(description, descriptionInDB, "description should be updated via URL as expected");
Assert.equal(previewImageURL, previewImageURLInDB, "previewImageURL should be updated via URL as expected");
// Update description should not touch other fields
description = null;
await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, description });
descriptionInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "description");
previewImageURLInDB = await PlacesTestUtils.fieldInDB(TEST_URL, "preview_image_url");
Assert.strictEqual(description, descriptionInDB, "description should be updated via URL as expected");
Assert.equal(previewImageURL, previewImageURLInDB, "previewImageURL should not be updated");

View File

@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ head = head_history.js

View File

@ -11,33 +11,8 @@ add_task(function* database_is_valid() {
Assert.equal((yield db.getSchemaVersion()), CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION);
add_task(function* test_new_fields() {
let path = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, DB_FILENAME);
let db = yield Sqlite.openConnection({ path });
// Manually update these two fields for a places record.
yield db.execute(`
UPDATE moz_places
SET description = :description, preview_image_url = :previewImageURL
WHERE id = 1`, { description: "Page description",
previewImageURL: "https://example.com/img.png" });
let rows = yield db.execute(`SELECT description FROM moz_places
WHERE description IS NOT NULL
AND preview_image_url IS NOT NULL`);
Assert.equal(rows.length, 1,
"should fetch one record with not null description and preview_image_url");
// Reset them to the default value
yield db.execute(`
UPDATE moz_places
SET description = NULL,
preview_image_url = NULL
WHERE id = 1`);
rows = yield db.execute(`SELECT description FROM moz_places
WHERE description IS NOT NULL
AND preview_image_url IS NOT NULL`);
Assert.equal(rows.length, 0,
"should fetch 0 record with not null description and preview_image_url");
yield db.close();
add_task(function* test_select_new_fields() {
let db = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
yield db.execute(`SELECT description, preview_image_url FROM moz_places`);
Assert.ok(true, "should be able to select description and preview_image_url");