mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 16:22:53 +00:00
53259 - min-width and max-width not supported on form control
53457 - multiple items can be selected in select size=1 or in single select listbox 50376 - Cannot select with DOM option on dynamically created SELECT element 62442 - Incorrect extended selection behavior in listboxes First big change is getting rid of local variables for border and padding and use the ones in the reflow state Changed "IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE && mComboboxFrame" to "IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE" Fix for regression from changing of how key events work (no bug assigned), this fix enabled the user to hit 'f' or 'F' and get to the first item that start with 'f' or 'F' r=kmcclusk sr=buster
This commit is contained in:
@ -616,29 +616,16 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nscoord scrollbarWidth = NSToCoordRound(sbWidth);
//nscoord scrollbarHeight = NSToCoordRound(sbHeight);
// Subtract out the borders
nsMargin border;
if (!aReflowState.mStyleSpacing->GetBorder(border)) {
NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("percentage border");
border.SizeTo(0, 0, 0, 0);
nsMargin padding;
if (!aReflowState.mStyleSpacing->GetPadding(padding)) {
NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("percentage padding");
padding.SizeTo(0, 0, 0, 0);
mMaxWidth -= (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
mMaxHeight -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
mMaxWidth -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
mMaxHeight -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
// Now the scrolledAreaWidth and scrolledAreaHeight are exactly
// wide and high enough to enclose their contents
PRBool isInDropDownMode = IsInDropDownMode();
scrolledAreaWidth -= (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
scrolledAreaHeight -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
scrolledAreaWidth -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
scrolledAreaHeight -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
nscoord visibleWidth = 0;
if (isInDropDownMode) {
@ -646,16 +633,13 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
visibleWidth = scrolledAreaWidth;
} else {
visibleWidth = aReflowState.mComputedWidth;
visibleWidth -= (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
//scrolledAreaHeight -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
visibleWidth -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
} else {
if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aReflowState.mComputedWidth) {
visibleWidth = scrolledAreaWidth;
} else {
visibleWidth = aReflowState.mComputedWidth;// - scrollbarWidth;
// XXX rods - this hould not be subtracted in
//visibleWidth -= (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
@ -671,7 +655,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
// of option elements. The reason is that their may be option groups in addition to
// option elements. Either of which may be visible or invisible.
PRInt32 heightOfARow = scrolledAreaDesiredSize.maxElementSize->height;
heightOfARow -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
heightOfARow -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
// Check to see if we have zero items
PRInt32 length = 0;
@ -741,9 +725,9 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nscoord screenHeight = NSIntPixelsToTwips(screenHeightInPixels, p2t);
nscoord availDropHgt = (screenHeight / 2) - (heightOfARow*2); // approx half screen minus combo size
availDropHgt -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
availDropHgt -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
nscoord hgt = visibleHeight + border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom;
nscoord hgt = visibleHeight + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
if (heightOfARow > 0) {
if (hgt > availDropHgt) {
visibleHeight = (availDropHgt / heightOfARow) * heightOfARow;
@ -762,7 +746,6 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
// Calculate the visible height of the listbox
if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.mComputedHeight) {
visibleHeight = aReflowState.mComputedHeight;
visibleHeight -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
} else {
mNumDisplayRows = 1;
@ -816,7 +799,29 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aReflowState.mComputedWidth) {
visibleWidth += (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
visibleWidth += aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
// When in dropdown mode make sure we obey min/max-width and min/max-height
if (!isInDropDownMode) {
nscoord fullWidth = visibleWidth + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
if (fullWidth > aReflowState.mComputedMaxWidth) {
visibleWidth = aReflowState.mComputedMaxWidth - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
if (fullWidth < aReflowState.mComputedMinWidth) {
visibleWidth = aReflowState.mComputedMinWidth - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
// calculate full height for comparison
// must add in Border & Padding twice because the scrolled area also inherits Border & Padding
nscoord fullHeight = visibleHeight + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
// + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
if (fullHeight > aReflowState.mComputedMaxHeight) {
visibleHeight = aReflowState.mComputedMaxHeight - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
if (fullHeight < aReflowState.mComputedMinHeight) {
visibleHeight = aReflowState.mComputedMinHeight - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
// Do a second reflow with the adjusted width and height settings
@ -853,11 +858,11 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
if (aReflowState.availableWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
mCachedAvailableSize.width = aDesiredSize.width - (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
mCachedAvailableSize.width = aDesiredSize.width - (aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right);
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG2("** nsLCF Caching AW: %d\n", PX(mCachedAvailableSize.width));
if (aReflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
mCachedAvailableSize.height = aDesiredSize.height - (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
mCachedAvailableSize.height = aDesiredSize.height - (aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom);
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG2("** nsLCF Caching AH: %d\n", PX(mCachedAvailableSize.height));
@ -1152,8 +1157,17 @@ nsListControlFrame::MultipleSelection(PRBool aIsShift, PRBool aIsControl)
// Shift is held down
SetContentSelected(mSelectedIndex, PR_TRUE);
if (mEndExtendedIndex == kNothingSelected) {
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
ExtendedSelection(mStartExtendedIndex, mEndExtendedIndex, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
if (mOldSelectedIndex == kNothingSelected) {
mStartExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
mEndExtendedIndex = kNothingSelected;
} else {
if (mSelectedIndex == mOldSelectedIndex) {
mEndExtendedIndex = kNothingSelected;
} else {
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
ExtendedSelection(mStartExtendedIndex, mEndExtendedIndex, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
} else {
if (mStartExtendedIndex < mEndExtendedIndex) {
if (mSelectedIndex < mStartExtendedIndex) {
@ -1164,7 +1178,11 @@ nsListControlFrame::MultipleSelection(PRBool aIsShift, PRBool aIsControl)
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
} else if (mSelectedIndex < mEndExtendedIndex) {
ExtendedSelection(mSelectedIndex+1, mEndExtendedIndex, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
if (mSelectedIndex == mStartExtendedIndex) {
mEndExtendedIndex = kNothingSelected;
} else {
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
} else if (mStartExtendedIndex > mEndExtendedIndex) {
if (mSelectedIndex > mStartExtendedIndex) {
@ -1175,7 +1193,11 @@ nsListControlFrame::MultipleSelection(PRBool aIsShift, PRBool aIsControl)
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
} else if (mSelectedIndex > mEndExtendedIndex) {
ExtendedSelection(mEndExtendedIndex, mSelectedIndex-1, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
if (mSelectedIndex == mStartExtendedIndex) {
mEndExtendedIndex = kNothingSelected;
} else {
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
@ -1195,7 +1217,12 @@ nsListControlFrame::MultipleSelection(PRBool aIsShift, PRBool aIsControl)
#ifdef DEBUG_rods
printf("mSelectedIndex: %d\n", mSelectedIndex);
printf("mOldSelectedIndex: %d\n", mOldSelectedIndex);
printf("mStartExtendedIndex: %d\n", mStartExtendedIndex);
printf("mEndExtendedIndex: %d\n", mEndExtendedIndex);
@ -1716,19 +1743,21 @@ nsListControlFrame::SetContentSelected(PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool aSelected)
if (content != nsnull) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell;
nsIFrame * childframe;
nsresult result = presShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(content, &childframe);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && childframe != nsnull) {
if (aSelected) {
// Now that it is selected scroll to it
if (presShell) {
nsIFrame * childframe;
nsresult result = presShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(content, &childframe);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && childframe != nsnull) {
if (aSelected) {
// Now that it is selected scroll to it
} else {
} else {
mDelayedIndexSetting = aIndex;
mDelayedValueSetting = aSelected;
} else {
mDelayedIndexSetting = aIndex;
mDelayedValueSetting = aSelected;
@ -1867,13 +1896,21 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reset(nsIPresContext* aPresContext)
if (selected) {
mSelectedIndex = i;
SetContentSelected(i, PR_TRUE);
if (multiple) {
mStartExtendedIndex = i;
if (mEndExtendedIndex == kNothingSelected) {
mEndExtendedIndex = i;
if (mSelectedIndex == kNothingSelected ||
(mSelectedIndex != kNothingSelected && multiple)) {
mSelectedIndex = i;
SetContentSelected(i, PR_TRUE);
if (multiple) {
mStartExtendedIndex = i;
if (mEndExtendedIndex == kNothingSelected) {
mEndExtendedIndex = i;
} else {
SetContentSelected(mSelectedIndex, PR_FALSE);
mSelectionCache->ReplaceElementAt((void*)PR_FALSE, mSelectedIndex);
mSelectedIndex = i;
SetContentSelected(i, PR_TRUE);
@ -2330,6 +2367,119 @@ nsListControlFrame::RemoveOption(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, PRInt32 aIndex)
return NS_OK;
#ifdef FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
nsresult nsListControlFrame::GetPresStateAndValueArray(nsISupportsArray ** aSuppArray)
// Basically we need to check for and/or create
// both the PresState and the Supports Array
// There may already be a no PresState and no Supports Array
// or there may be PresState and no Supports Array
// or there may be both
// So assume we need to create the supports array and
//flip it off if we don't
PRBool createSupportsArray = PR_TRUE;
nsresult res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
if (mPresState) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> supp;
mPresState->GetStatePropertyAsSupports(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("selecteditems"), getter_AddRefs(supp));
if (supp) {
res = supp->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsArray), (void**)aSuppArray);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) {
return res;
createSupportsArray = PR_FALSE;
} else {
if (createSupportsArray) {
res = NS_NewISupportsArray(aSuppArray);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
res = mPresState->SetStatePropertyAsSupports(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("selecteditems"), *aSuppArray);
return res;
nsresult nsListControlFrame::SetSelectionInPresState(PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool aValue)
// if there is no PresState and we ned to remove it
// from the PresState, then there is nothing to do
if (!mPresState && !aValue) {
return NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> suppArray;
nsresult res = GetPresStateAndValueArray(getter_AddRefs(suppArray));
if (NS_FAILED(res) || !suppArray)
return res;
if (aValue) {
PRUint32 count;
return SetOptionIntoPresState(suppArray, aIndex, count);
} else {
return RemoveOptionFromPresState(suppArray, aIndex);
nsresult nsListControlFrame::RemoveOptionFromPresState(nsISupportsArray * aSuppArray,
PRInt32 aIndex)
nsresult res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
PRUint32 count;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsPRInt32> thisVal;
for (PRUint32 i=0; i<count; i++) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> suppval = getter_AddRefs(aSuppArray->ElementAt(i));
thisVal = do_QueryInterface(suppval);
if (thisVal) {
PRInt32 optIndex;
res = thisVal->GetData(&optIndex);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
if (optIndex == aIndex) {
return NS_OK;
} else {
if (NS_FAILED(res)) break;
return res;
nsresult nsListControlFrame::SetOptionIntoPresState(nsISupportsArray * aSuppArray,
PRInt32 aIndex,
PRInt32 anItemNum)
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsPRInt32> thisVal;
nsresult res = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_PRINT32_CONTRACTID,
nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsPRInt32), (void**)getter_AddRefs(thisVal));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && thisVal) {
res = thisVal->SetData(aIndex);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
PRBool okay = aSuppArray->InsertElementAt((nsISupports *)thisVal, anItemNum);
if (!okay) res = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // Most likely cause;
return res;
#endif // FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
// Select the specified item in the listbox using control logic.
// If it a single selection listbox the previous selection will be
@ -2337,6 +2487,12 @@ nsListControlFrame::RemoveOption(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, PRInt32 aIndex)
nsListControlFrame::SetOptionSelected(PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool aValue)
#ifdef FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
if (!mIsAllFramesHere && !mHasBeenInitialized) {
return SetSelectionInPresState(aIndex, aValue);
#endif // FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
PRBool multiple;
nsresult rv = GetMultiple(&multiple);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
@ -2688,10 +2844,12 @@ nsListControlFrame::AboutToDropDown()
// We are about to be rolledup from the outside (ComboboxFrame)
// this is a "cancelled" action not a selected action
// XXX By uncommenting this line below the "act" of rolling up
// will reset the the contents of the combobox to it's original contents
// (i.e. the contents before it was dropped down
return NS_OK;
@ -2824,6 +2982,9 @@ void nsListControlFrame::ResetSelectedItem()
if (mIsAllFramesHere) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
mComboboxFrame->ListWasSelected(mPresContext, PR_TRUE);
@ -2862,7 +3023,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::MouseUp(nsIDOMEvent* aMouseEvent)
// if a right button click is on the combobox itself
// or on the select when in listbox mode, then let the click through
if (!IsLeftButton(aMouseEvent)) {
if (IsInDropDownMode()) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
if (!IsClickingInCombobox(aMouseEvent)) {
@ -2887,14 +3048,15 @@ nsListControlFrame::MouseUp(nsIDOMEvent* aMouseEvent)
PRBool optionIsDisabled;
if (NS_OK == IsTargetOptionDisabled(optionIsDisabled)) {
if (optionIsDisabled) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE && mComboboxFrame) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
mComboboxFrame->ListWasSelected(mPresContext, PR_FALSE);
} else {
SetContentSelected(mSelectedIndex, PR_FALSE);
mSelectedIndex = kNothingSelected;
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG(">>>>>> Option is disabled");
mButtonDown = PR_FALSE;
CaptureMouseEvents(mPresContext, PR_FALSE);
SetContentSelected(mSelectedIndex, PR_FALSE);
return NS_OK;
@ -3165,7 +3327,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::MouseMove(nsIDOMEvent* aMouseEvent)
NS_ASSERTION(aMouseEvent != nsnull, "aMouseEvent is null.");
if (mComboboxFrame) { // Synonym for IsInDropDownMode()
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
PRBool isDroppedDown = PR_FALSE;
if (isDroppedDown) {
@ -3198,7 +3360,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::DragMove(nsIDOMEvent* aMouseEvent)
NS_ASSERTION(aMouseEvent != nsnull, "aMouseEvent is null.");
if (!mComboboxFrame) { // Synonym for IsInDropDownMode()
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_FALSE) {
// check to make sure we are a mulitple select list
PRBool multipleSelections = PR_FALSE;
@ -3477,9 +3639,26 @@ nsListControlFrame::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent)
PRBool isAlt = PR_FALSE;
PRBool isMeta = PR_FALSE;
if (isControl || isAlt || isMeta) {
if (isControl || isMeta) {
return NS_OK;
// Fix for Bug 62425
if (isAlt) {
#ifdef FIX_FOR_BUG_62425
if (code == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_UP || code == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_DOWN) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
PRBool isDroppedDown;
return NS_OK;
@ -3543,9 +3722,9 @@ nsListControlFrame::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent)
case nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_RETURN: {
if (mComboboxFrame != nsnull) {
PRBool isDroppedDown;
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE && mComboboxFrame) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
PRBool isDroppedDown;
mComboboxFrame->ListWasSelected(mPresContext, isDroppedDown);
} else {
UpdateSelection(PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE, mContent);
@ -3554,9 +3733,8 @@ nsListControlFrame::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent)
} break;
case nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_ESCAPE: {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE && mComboboxFrame) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
mComboboxFrame->ListWasSelected(mPresContext, PR_FALSE);
} break;
@ -3600,6 +3778,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent)
default: { // Select option with this as the first character
// XXX Not I18N compliant
code = (PRUint32)nsCRT::ToLower((PRUnichar)code);
PRInt32 selectedIndex = (mSelectedIndex == kNothingSelected ? 0 : mSelectedIndex+1) % numOptions;
PRInt32 startedAtIndex = selectedIndex;
PRBool loopedAround = PR_FALSE;
@ -3665,7 +3844,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent)
// XXX - Are we cover up a problem here???
// Why aren't they getting flushed each time?
// because this isn't needed for Gfx
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE && mComboboxFrame) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell;
@ -3704,6 +3883,9 @@ nsListControlFrame::SaveStateInternal(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresState
PRBool selected = PR_FALSE;
res = GetOptionSelected(i, &selected);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && selected) {
#ifdef FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
res = SetOptionIntoPresState(value, i, j++);
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsPRInt32> thisVal;
res = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_PRINT32_CONTRACTID,
nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsPRInt32), (void**)getter_AddRefs(thisVal));
@ -3714,6 +3896,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::SaveStateInternal(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresState
if (!okay) res = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // Most likely cause;
if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) break;
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ protected:
* Frame-based listbox.
#define FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
class nsListControlFrame : public nsScrollFrame,
public nsIFormControlFrame,
@ -293,6 +295,16 @@ protected:
void AdjustIndexForDisabledOpt(PRInt32 &anNewIndex, PRInt32 &anOldIndex,
PRBool &aDoSetNewIndex, PRBool &aWasDisabled,
PRInt32 aNumOptions, PRInt32 aDoAdjustInc, PRInt32 aDoAdjustIncNext);
#ifdef FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
// PresState Helper Methods
nsresult GetPresStateAndValueArray(nsISupportsArray ** aSuppArray);
nsresult SetOptionIntoPresState(nsISupportsArray * aSuppArray,
PRInt32 aIndex,
PRInt32 anItemNum);
nsresult SetSelectionInPresState(PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool aValue);
nsresult RemoveOptionFromPresState(nsISupportsArray * aSuppArray,
PRInt32 aIndex);
virtual ~nsListControlFrame();
@ -616,29 +616,16 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nscoord scrollbarWidth = NSToCoordRound(sbWidth);
//nscoord scrollbarHeight = NSToCoordRound(sbHeight);
// Subtract out the borders
nsMargin border;
if (!aReflowState.mStyleSpacing->GetBorder(border)) {
NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("percentage border");
border.SizeTo(0, 0, 0, 0);
nsMargin padding;
if (!aReflowState.mStyleSpacing->GetPadding(padding)) {
NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("percentage padding");
padding.SizeTo(0, 0, 0, 0);
mMaxWidth -= (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
mMaxHeight -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
mMaxWidth -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
mMaxHeight -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
// Now the scrolledAreaWidth and scrolledAreaHeight are exactly
// wide and high enough to enclose their contents
PRBool isInDropDownMode = IsInDropDownMode();
scrolledAreaWidth -= (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
scrolledAreaHeight -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
scrolledAreaWidth -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
scrolledAreaHeight -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
nscoord visibleWidth = 0;
if (isInDropDownMode) {
@ -646,16 +633,13 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
visibleWidth = scrolledAreaWidth;
} else {
visibleWidth = aReflowState.mComputedWidth;
visibleWidth -= (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
//scrolledAreaHeight -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
visibleWidth -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
} else {
if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aReflowState.mComputedWidth) {
visibleWidth = scrolledAreaWidth;
} else {
visibleWidth = aReflowState.mComputedWidth;// - scrollbarWidth;
// XXX rods - this hould not be subtracted in
//visibleWidth -= (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
@ -671,7 +655,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
// of option elements. The reason is that their may be option groups in addition to
// option elements. Either of which may be visible or invisible.
PRInt32 heightOfARow = scrolledAreaDesiredSize.maxElementSize->height;
heightOfARow -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
heightOfARow -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
// Check to see if we have zero items
PRInt32 length = 0;
@ -741,9 +725,9 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nscoord screenHeight = NSIntPixelsToTwips(screenHeightInPixels, p2t);
nscoord availDropHgt = (screenHeight / 2) - (heightOfARow*2); // approx half screen minus combo size
availDropHgt -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
availDropHgt -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
nscoord hgt = visibleHeight + border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom;
nscoord hgt = visibleHeight + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
if (heightOfARow > 0) {
if (hgt > availDropHgt) {
visibleHeight = (availDropHgt / heightOfARow) * heightOfARow;
@ -762,7 +746,6 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
// Calculate the visible height of the listbox
if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.mComputedHeight) {
visibleHeight = aReflowState.mComputedHeight;
visibleHeight -= (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
} else {
mNumDisplayRows = 1;
@ -816,7 +799,29 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aReflowState.mComputedWidth) {
visibleWidth += (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
visibleWidth += aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
// When in dropdown mode make sure we obey min/max-width and min/max-height
if (!isInDropDownMode) {
nscoord fullWidth = visibleWidth + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
if (fullWidth > aReflowState.mComputedMaxWidth) {
visibleWidth = aReflowState.mComputedMaxWidth - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
if (fullWidth < aReflowState.mComputedMinWidth) {
visibleWidth = aReflowState.mComputedMinWidth - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
// calculate full height for comparison
// must add in Border & Padding twice because the scrolled area also inherits Border & Padding
nscoord fullHeight = visibleHeight + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
// + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
if (fullHeight > aReflowState.mComputedMaxHeight) {
visibleHeight = aReflowState.mComputedMaxHeight - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
if (fullHeight < aReflowState.mComputedMinHeight) {
visibleHeight = aReflowState.mComputedMinHeight - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top - aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
// Do a second reflow with the adjusted width and height settings
@ -853,11 +858,11 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
if (aReflowState.availableWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
mCachedAvailableSize.width = aDesiredSize.width - (border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right);
mCachedAvailableSize.width = aDesiredSize.width - (aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right);
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG2("** nsLCF Caching AW: %d\n", PX(mCachedAvailableSize.width));
if (aReflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
mCachedAvailableSize.height = aDesiredSize.height - (border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom);
mCachedAvailableSize.height = aDesiredSize.height - (aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom);
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG2("** nsLCF Caching AH: %d\n", PX(mCachedAvailableSize.height));
@ -1152,8 +1157,17 @@ nsListControlFrame::MultipleSelection(PRBool aIsShift, PRBool aIsControl)
// Shift is held down
SetContentSelected(mSelectedIndex, PR_TRUE);
if (mEndExtendedIndex == kNothingSelected) {
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
ExtendedSelection(mStartExtendedIndex, mEndExtendedIndex, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
if (mOldSelectedIndex == kNothingSelected) {
mStartExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
mEndExtendedIndex = kNothingSelected;
} else {
if (mSelectedIndex == mOldSelectedIndex) {
mEndExtendedIndex = kNothingSelected;
} else {
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
ExtendedSelection(mStartExtendedIndex, mEndExtendedIndex, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
} else {
if (mStartExtendedIndex < mEndExtendedIndex) {
if (mSelectedIndex < mStartExtendedIndex) {
@ -1164,7 +1178,11 @@ nsListControlFrame::MultipleSelection(PRBool aIsShift, PRBool aIsControl)
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
} else if (mSelectedIndex < mEndExtendedIndex) {
ExtendedSelection(mSelectedIndex+1, mEndExtendedIndex, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
if (mSelectedIndex == mStartExtendedIndex) {
mEndExtendedIndex = kNothingSelected;
} else {
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
} else if (mStartExtendedIndex > mEndExtendedIndex) {
if (mSelectedIndex > mStartExtendedIndex) {
@ -1175,7 +1193,11 @@ nsListControlFrame::MultipleSelection(PRBool aIsShift, PRBool aIsControl)
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
} else if (mSelectedIndex > mEndExtendedIndex) {
ExtendedSelection(mEndExtendedIndex, mSelectedIndex-1, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
if (mSelectedIndex == mStartExtendedIndex) {
mEndExtendedIndex = kNothingSelected;
} else {
mEndExtendedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
@ -1195,7 +1217,12 @@ nsListControlFrame::MultipleSelection(PRBool aIsShift, PRBool aIsControl)
#ifdef DEBUG_rods
printf("mSelectedIndex: %d\n", mSelectedIndex);
printf("mOldSelectedIndex: %d\n", mOldSelectedIndex);
printf("mStartExtendedIndex: %d\n", mStartExtendedIndex);
printf("mEndExtendedIndex: %d\n", mEndExtendedIndex);
@ -1716,19 +1743,21 @@ nsListControlFrame::SetContentSelected(PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool aSelected)
if (content != nsnull) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell;
nsIFrame * childframe;
nsresult result = presShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(content, &childframe);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && childframe != nsnull) {
if (aSelected) {
// Now that it is selected scroll to it
if (presShell) {
nsIFrame * childframe;
nsresult result = presShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(content, &childframe);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && childframe != nsnull) {
if (aSelected) {
// Now that it is selected scroll to it
} else {
} else {
mDelayedIndexSetting = aIndex;
mDelayedValueSetting = aSelected;
} else {
mDelayedIndexSetting = aIndex;
mDelayedValueSetting = aSelected;
@ -1867,13 +1896,21 @@ nsListControlFrame::Reset(nsIPresContext* aPresContext)
if (selected) {
mSelectedIndex = i;
SetContentSelected(i, PR_TRUE);
if (multiple) {
mStartExtendedIndex = i;
if (mEndExtendedIndex == kNothingSelected) {
mEndExtendedIndex = i;
if (mSelectedIndex == kNothingSelected ||
(mSelectedIndex != kNothingSelected && multiple)) {
mSelectedIndex = i;
SetContentSelected(i, PR_TRUE);
if (multiple) {
mStartExtendedIndex = i;
if (mEndExtendedIndex == kNothingSelected) {
mEndExtendedIndex = i;
} else {
SetContentSelected(mSelectedIndex, PR_FALSE);
mSelectionCache->ReplaceElementAt((void*)PR_FALSE, mSelectedIndex);
mSelectedIndex = i;
SetContentSelected(i, PR_TRUE);
@ -2330,6 +2367,119 @@ nsListControlFrame::RemoveOption(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, PRInt32 aIndex)
return NS_OK;
#ifdef FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
nsresult nsListControlFrame::GetPresStateAndValueArray(nsISupportsArray ** aSuppArray)
// Basically we need to check for and/or create
// both the PresState and the Supports Array
// There may already be a no PresState and no Supports Array
// or there may be PresState and no Supports Array
// or there may be both
// So assume we need to create the supports array and
//flip it off if we don't
PRBool createSupportsArray = PR_TRUE;
nsresult res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
if (mPresState) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> supp;
mPresState->GetStatePropertyAsSupports(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("selecteditems"), getter_AddRefs(supp));
if (supp) {
res = supp->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsArray), (void**)aSuppArray);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) {
return res;
createSupportsArray = PR_FALSE;
} else {
if (createSupportsArray) {
res = NS_NewISupportsArray(aSuppArray);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
res = mPresState->SetStatePropertyAsSupports(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("selecteditems"), *aSuppArray);
return res;
nsresult nsListControlFrame::SetSelectionInPresState(PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool aValue)
// if there is no PresState and we ned to remove it
// from the PresState, then there is nothing to do
if (!mPresState && !aValue) {
return NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> suppArray;
nsresult res = GetPresStateAndValueArray(getter_AddRefs(suppArray));
if (NS_FAILED(res) || !suppArray)
return res;
if (aValue) {
PRUint32 count;
return SetOptionIntoPresState(suppArray, aIndex, count);
} else {
return RemoveOptionFromPresState(suppArray, aIndex);
nsresult nsListControlFrame::RemoveOptionFromPresState(nsISupportsArray * aSuppArray,
PRInt32 aIndex)
nsresult res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
PRUint32 count;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsPRInt32> thisVal;
for (PRUint32 i=0; i<count; i++) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> suppval = getter_AddRefs(aSuppArray->ElementAt(i));
thisVal = do_QueryInterface(suppval);
if (thisVal) {
PRInt32 optIndex;
res = thisVal->GetData(&optIndex);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
if (optIndex == aIndex) {
return NS_OK;
} else {
if (NS_FAILED(res)) break;
return res;
nsresult nsListControlFrame::SetOptionIntoPresState(nsISupportsArray * aSuppArray,
PRInt32 aIndex,
PRInt32 anItemNum)
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsPRInt32> thisVal;
nsresult res = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_PRINT32_CONTRACTID,
nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsPRInt32), (void**)getter_AddRefs(thisVal));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && thisVal) {
res = thisVal->SetData(aIndex);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
PRBool okay = aSuppArray->InsertElementAt((nsISupports *)thisVal, anItemNum);
if (!okay) res = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // Most likely cause;
return res;
#endif // FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
// Select the specified item in the listbox using control logic.
// If it a single selection listbox the previous selection will be
@ -2337,6 +2487,12 @@ nsListControlFrame::RemoveOption(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, PRInt32 aIndex)
nsListControlFrame::SetOptionSelected(PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool aValue)
#ifdef FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
if (!mIsAllFramesHere && !mHasBeenInitialized) {
return SetSelectionInPresState(aIndex, aValue);
#endif // FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
PRBool multiple;
nsresult rv = GetMultiple(&multiple);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
@ -2688,10 +2844,12 @@ nsListControlFrame::AboutToDropDown()
// We are about to be rolledup from the outside (ComboboxFrame)
// this is a "cancelled" action not a selected action
// XXX By uncommenting this line below the "act" of rolling up
// will reset the the contents of the combobox to it's original contents
// (i.e. the contents before it was dropped down
return NS_OK;
@ -2824,6 +2982,9 @@ void nsListControlFrame::ResetSelectedItem()
if (mIsAllFramesHere) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
mComboboxFrame->ListWasSelected(mPresContext, PR_TRUE);
@ -2862,7 +3023,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::MouseUp(nsIDOMEvent* aMouseEvent)
// if a right button click is on the combobox itself
// or on the select when in listbox mode, then let the click through
if (!IsLeftButton(aMouseEvent)) {
if (IsInDropDownMode()) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
if (!IsClickingInCombobox(aMouseEvent)) {
@ -2887,14 +3048,15 @@ nsListControlFrame::MouseUp(nsIDOMEvent* aMouseEvent)
PRBool optionIsDisabled;
if (NS_OK == IsTargetOptionDisabled(optionIsDisabled)) {
if (optionIsDisabled) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE && mComboboxFrame) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
mComboboxFrame->ListWasSelected(mPresContext, PR_FALSE);
} else {
SetContentSelected(mSelectedIndex, PR_FALSE);
mSelectedIndex = kNothingSelected;
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG(">>>>>> Option is disabled");
mButtonDown = PR_FALSE;
CaptureMouseEvents(mPresContext, PR_FALSE);
SetContentSelected(mSelectedIndex, PR_FALSE);
return NS_OK;
@ -3165,7 +3327,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::MouseMove(nsIDOMEvent* aMouseEvent)
NS_ASSERTION(aMouseEvent != nsnull, "aMouseEvent is null.");
if (mComboboxFrame) { // Synonym for IsInDropDownMode()
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
PRBool isDroppedDown = PR_FALSE;
if (isDroppedDown) {
@ -3198,7 +3360,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::DragMove(nsIDOMEvent* aMouseEvent)
NS_ASSERTION(aMouseEvent != nsnull, "aMouseEvent is null.");
if (!mComboboxFrame) { // Synonym for IsInDropDownMode()
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_FALSE) {
// check to make sure we are a mulitple select list
PRBool multipleSelections = PR_FALSE;
@ -3477,9 +3639,26 @@ nsListControlFrame::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent)
PRBool isAlt = PR_FALSE;
PRBool isMeta = PR_FALSE;
if (isControl || isAlt || isMeta) {
if (isControl || isMeta) {
return NS_OK;
// Fix for Bug 62425
if (isAlt) {
#ifdef FIX_FOR_BUG_62425
if (code == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_UP || code == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_DOWN) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
PRBool isDroppedDown;
return NS_OK;
@ -3543,9 +3722,9 @@ nsListControlFrame::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent)
case nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_RETURN: {
if (mComboboxFrame != nsnull) {
PRBool isDroppedDown;
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE && mComboboxFrame) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
PRBool isDroppedDown;
mComboboxFrame->ListWasSelected(mPresContext, isDroppedDown);
} else {
UpdateSelection(PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE, mContent);
@ -3554,9 +3733,8 @@ nsListControlFrame::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent)
} break;
case nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_ESCAPE: {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE && mComboboxFrame) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
mComboboxFrame->ListWasSelected(mPresContext, PR_FALSE);
} break;
@ -3600,6 +3778,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent)
default: { // Select option with this as the first character
// XXX Not I18N compliant
code = (PRUint32)nsCRT::ToLower((PRUnichar)code);
PRInt32 selectedIndex = (mSelectedIndex == kNothingSelected ? 0 : mSelectedIndex+1) % numOptions;
PRInt32 startedAtIndex = selectedIndex;
PRBool loopedAround = PR_FALSE;
@ -3665,7 +3844,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent* aKeyEvent)
// XXX - Are we cover up a problem here???
// Why aren't they getting flushed each time?
// because this isn't needed for Gfx
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE && mComboboxFrame) {
if (IsInDropDownMode() == PR_TRUE) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell;
@ -3704,6 +3883,9 @@ nsListControlFrame::SaveStateInternal(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresState
PRBool selected = PR_FALSE;
res = GetOptionSelected(i, &selected);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && selected) {
#ifdef FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
res = SetOptionIntoPresState(value, i, j++);
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsPRInt32> thisVal;
res = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_PRINT32_CONTRACTID,
nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsPRInt32), (void**)getter_AddRefs(thisVal));
@ -3714,6 +3896,7 @@ nsListControlFrame::SaveStateInternal(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresState
if (!okay) res = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // Most likely cause;
if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) break;
@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ protected:
* Frame-based listbox.
#define FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
class nsListControlFrame : public nsScrollFrame,
public nsIFormControlFrame,
@ -293,6 +295,16 @@ protected:
void AdjustIndexForDisabledOpt(PRInt32 &anNewIndex, PRInt32 &anOldIndex,
PRBool &aDoSetNewIndex, PRBool &aWasDisabled,
PRInt32 aNumOptions, PRInt32 aDoAdjustInc, PRInt32 aDoAdjustIncNext);
#ifdef FIX_FOR_BUG_50376
// PresState Helper Methods
nsresult GetPresStateAndValueArray(nsISupportsArray ** aSuppArray);
nsresult SetOptionIntoPresState(nsISupportsArray * aSuppArray,
PRInt32 aIndex,
PRInt32 anItemNum);
nsresult SetSelectionInPresState(PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool aValue);
nsresult RemoveOptionFromPresState(nsISupportsArray * aSuppArray,
PRInt32 aIndex);
virtual ~nsListControlFrame();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user