Bug 851611 - Part 1: Refactor profiler interface. r=jrmuizel

extra : rebase_source : 4eac969fd5c1d40d96a2223104336709d62a3148
This commit is contained in:
Benoit Girard 2013-03-15 15:17:50 -04:00
parent 97635a6419
commit 2dc8e495e1
3 changed files with 271 additions and 169 deletions

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@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ bool mozilla_sampler_is_active1()
static double sResponsivenessTimes[100];
static unsigned int sResponsivenessLoc = 0;
void mozilla_sampler_responsiveness1(TimeStamp aTime)
void mozilla_sampler_responsiveness1(const TimeStamp& aTime)
if (!sLastTracerEvent.IsNull()) {
if (sResponsivenessLoc == 100) {

View File

@ -49,42 +49,95 @@
#ifndef SAMPLER_H
#define SAMPLER_H
// Redefine the macros for platforms where SPS is supported.
#include "jsfriendapi.h"
#include "mozilla/NullPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "sps_sampler.h"
// Insert a RAII in this scope to active a pseudo label. Any samples collected
// in this scope will contain this annotation. For dynamic strings use
// PROFILER_LABEL_PRINTF. Arguments must be string literals.
#define PROFILER_LABEL(name_space, info) do {} while (0)
// Format a dynamic string as a pseudo label. These labels will a considerable
// storage size in the circular buffer compared to regular labels. This function
// can be used to annotate custom information such as URL for the resource being
// decoded or the size of the paint.
#define PROFILER_LABEL_PRINTF(name_space, info, format, ...) do {} while (0)
// Insert a marker in the profile timeline. This is useful to delimit something
// important happening such as the first paint. Unlike profiler_label that are
// only recorded if a sample is collected while it is active, marker will always
// be collected.
#define PROFILER_MARKER(info) do {} while (0)
// Main thread specilization to avoid TLS lookup for performance critical use.
#define PROFILER_MAIN_THREAD_LABEL(name_space, info) do {} while (0)
#define PROFILER_MAIN_THREAD_LABEL_PRINTF(name_space, info, format, ...) do {} while (0)
// Initilize the profiler TLS, signal handlers on linux. If MOZ_PROFILER_STARTUP
// is set the profiler will be started. This call must happen before any other
// sampler calls. Particularly sampler_label/sampler_marker.
static inline void profiler_init() {};
// Clean up the profiler module, stopping it if required. This function may
// also save a shutdown profile if requested. No profiler calls should happen
// after this point and all pseudo labels should have been popped.
static inline void profiler_shutdown() {};
// Start the profiler with the selected options. The samples will be
// recorded in a circular buffer.
// "aProfileEntries" is an abstract size indication of how big
// the profile's circular buffer should be. Multiply by 4
// words to get the cost.
// "aInterval" the sampling interval. The profiler will do its
// best to sample at this interval. The profiler visualization
// should represent the actual sampling accuracy.
static inline void profiler_start(int aProfileEntries, int aInterval,
const char** aFeatures, uint32_t aFeatureCount) {}
// Stop the profiler and discard the profile. Call 'profiler_save' before this
// to retrieve the profile.
static inline void profiler_stop() {}
static inline bool profiler_is_active() { return false; }
// Internal-only. Used by the event tracer.
static inline void profiler_responsinveness(const TimeStamp& aTime) {}
// Internal-only. Used by the event tracer.
static inline double* profiler_get_responsiveness() { return nullptr; }
// Internal-only.
static inline void profile_set_frame_number(int frameNumber) {}
// Get the profile encoded as a JSON string.
static inline char* profiler_get_profile() { return nullptr; }
// Get the profile encoded as a JSON object.
static inline JSObject* profiler_get_profile_object() { return nullptr; }
// Get the features supported by the profiler that are accepted by profiler_init.
// Returns a null terminated char* array.
static inline char** profiler_get_features() { return nullptr; }
// Print the current location to the console. This functill will do it best effort
// to show the profiler's combined js/c++ if the profiler is running. Note that
// printing the location require symbolicating which is very slow.
static inline void profiler_print_location() {}
// Discard the profile, throw away the profile and notify 'profiler-locked'.
// This function is to be used when entering private browsing to prevent
// the profiler from collecting sensitive data.
static inline void profiler_lock() {}
// Re-enable the profiler and notify 'profiler-unlocked'.
static inline void profiler_unlock() {}
// Initialize the sampler. Any other calls will be silently discarded
// before the sampler has been initialized (i.e. early start-up code)
#define SAMPLER_INIT()
#define SAMPLER_START(entries, interval, features, featureCount)
#define SAMPLER_STOP()
#define SAMPLER_IS_ACTIVE() false
#define SAMPLER_SAVE()
// Returned string must be free'ed
#define SAMPLER_FRAME_NUMBER(frameNumber)
#define SAMPLE_LABEL(name_space, info)
// Provide a default literal string to use if profiling is disabled
// and a printf argument to be computed if profiling is enabled.
// NOTE: This will store the formated string on the stack and consume
// over 128 bytes on the stack.
#define SAMPLE_LABEL_PRINTF(name_space, info, format, ...)
#define SAMPLE_LABEL_FN(name_space, info)
#define SAMPLE_MARKER(info)
#define SAMPLE_MAIN_THREAD_LABEL_PRINTF(name_space, info, format, ...)
#define SAMPLE_MAIN_THREAD_LABEL_FN(name_space, info)
// Tracing features
#include "sps_sampler.h"

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@ -51,72 +51,197 @@ extern bool stack_key_initialized;
# endif
// Returns a handle to pass on exit. This can check that we are popping the
// correct callstack.
inline void* mozilla_sampler_call_enter(const char *aInfo, void *aFrameAddress = NULL,
bool aCopy = false, uint32_t line = 0);
inline void mozilla_sampler_call_exit(void* handle);
inline void mozilla_sampler_add_marker(const char *aInfo);
void mozilla_sampler_start1(int aEntries, int aInterval, const char** aFeatures,
uint32_t aFeatureCount);
void mozilla_sampler_start2(int aEntries, int aInterval, const char** aFeatures,
uint32_t aFeatureCount);
void mozilla_sampler_stop1();
void mozilla_sampler_stop2();
bool mozilla_sampler_is_active1();
bool mozilla_sampler_is_active2();
void mozilla_sampler_responsiveness1(TimeStamp time);
void mozilla_sampler_responsiveness2(TimeStamp time);
void mozilla_sampler_frame_number1(int frameNumber);
void mozilla_sampler_frame_number2(int frameNumber);
const double* mozilla_sampler_get_responsiveness1();
const double* mozilla_sampler_get_responsiveness2();
void mozilla_sampler_save1();
void mozilla_sampler_save2();
char* mozilla_sampler_get_profile1();
char* mozilla_sampler_get_profile2();
JSObject *mozilla_sampler_get_profile_data1(JSContext *aCx);
JSObject *mozilla_sampler_get_profile_data2(JSContext *aCx);
const char** mozilla_sampler_get_features1();
const char** mozilla_sampler_get_features2();
void mozilla_sampler_init1();
void mozilla_sampler_init2();
void mozilla_sampler_shutdown1();
void mozilla_sampler_shutdown2();
void mozilla_sampler_print_location1();
void mozilla_sampler_print_location2();
// Lock the profiler. When locked the profiler is (1) stopped,
// (2) profile data is cleared, (3) profiler-locked is fired.
// This is used to lock down the profiler during private browsing
void mozilla_sampler_lock1();
void mozilla_sampler_lock2();
// Unlock the profiler, leaving it stopped and fires profiler-unlocked.
void mozilla_sampler_unlock1();
void mozilla_sampler_unlock2();
/* Returns true if env var SPS_NEW is set to anything, else false. */
extern bool sps_version2();
#define SAMPLER_INIT() \
do { \
if (!sps_version2()) mozilla_sampler_init1(); \
else mozilla_sampler_init2(); \
} while (0)
static inline
void profiler_init()
if (!sps_version2()) {
} else {
do { \
if (!sps_version2()) mozilla_sampler_shutdown1(); \
else mozilla_sampler_shutdown2(); \
} while (0)
static inline
void profiler_shutdown()
if (!sps_version2()) {
} else {
#define SAMPLER_START(entries, interval, features, featureCount) \
do { \
if (!sps_version2()) \
mozilla_sampler_start1(entries, interval, features, featureCount); \
else \
mozilla_sampler_start2(entries, interval, features, featureCount); \
} while (0)
static inline
void profiler_start(int aProfileEntries, int aInterval,
const char** aFeatures, uint32_t aFeatureCount)
if (!sps_version2()) {
mozilla_sampler_start1(aProfileEntries, aInterval, aFeatures, aFeatureCount);
} else {
mozilla_sampler_start2(aProfileEntries, aInterval, aFeatures, aFeatureCount);
#define SAMPLER_STOP() \
do { \
if (!sps_version2()) mozilla_sampler_stop1(); \
else mozilla_sampler_stop2(); \
} while (0)
static inline
void profiler_stop()
if (!sps_version2()) {
} else {
(!sps_version2() ? mozilla_sampler_is_active1() \
: mozilla_sampler_is_active2() )
static inline
bool profiler_is_active()
if (!sps_version2()) {
return mozilla_sampler_is_active1();
} else {
return mozilla_sampler_is_active2();
do { \
if (!sps_version2()) mozilla_sampler_responsiveness1(time); \
else mozilla_sampler_responsiveness2(time); \
} while (0)
static inline
void profiler_responsiveness(const TimeStamp& aTime)
if (!sps_version2()) {
} else {
(!sps_version2() ? mozilla_sampler_get_responsiveness1() \
: mozilla_sampler_get_responsiveness2() )
static inline
const double* profiler_get_responsiveness()
if (!sps_version2()) {
return mozilla_sampler_get_responsiveness1();
} else {
return mozilla_sampler_get_responsiveness2();
#define SAMPLER_FRAME_NUMBER(frameNumber) \
do { \
if (!sps_version2()) mozilla_sampler_frame_number1(frameNumber); \
else mozilla_sampler_frame_number2(frameNumber); \
} while (0)
static inline
void profiler_set_frame_number(int frameNumber)
if (!sps_version2()) {
return mozilla_sampler_frame_number1(frameNumber);
} else {
return mozilla_sampler_frame_number2(frameNumber);
#define SAMPLER_SAVE() \
do { \
if (!sps_version2()) mozilla_sampler_save1(); \
else mozilla_sampler_save2(); \
} while (0)
static inline
char* profiler_get_profile()
if (!sps_version2()) {
return mozilla_sampler_get_profile1();
} else {
return mozilla_sampler_get_profile2();
(!sps_version2() ? mozilla_sampler_get_profile1() \
: mozilla_sampler_get_profile2() )
static inline
const char** profiler_get_features()
if (!sps_version2()) {
return mozilla_sampler_get_features1();
} else {
return mozilla_sampler_get_features2();
(!sps_version2() ? mozilla_sampler_get_profile_data1(ctx) \
: mozilla_sampler_get_profile_data2(ctx) )
static inline
void profiler_print_location()
if (!sps_version2()) {
return mozilla_sampler_print_location1();
} else {
return mozilla_sampler_print_location2();
(!sps_version2() ? mozilla_sampler_get_features1() \
: mozilla_sampler_get_features2() )
static inline
void profiler_lock()
if (!sps_version2()) {
return mozilla_sampler_lock1();
} else {
return mozilla_sampler_lock2();
static inline
void profiler_unlock()
if (!sps_version2()) {
return mozilla_sampler_unlock1();
} else {
return mozilla_sampler_unlock2();
// we want the class and function name but can't easily get that using preprocessor macros
// __func__ doesn't have the class name and __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ has the parameters
@ -125,30 +250,12 @@ extern bool sps_version2();
#define SAMPLE_LABEL(name_space, info) mozilla::SamplerStackFrameRAII SAMPLER_APPEND_LINE_NUMBER(sampler_raii)(name_space "::" info, __LINE__)
#define SAMPLE_LABEL_PRINTF(name_space, info, ...) mozilla::SamplerStackFramePrintfRAII SAMPLER_APPEND_LINE_NUMBER(sampler_raii)(name_space "::" info, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SAMPLE_MARKER(info) mozilla_sampler_add_marker(info)
#define SAMPLE_MAIN_THREAD_LABEL(name_space, info) MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); mozilla::SamplerStackFrameRAII SAMPLER_APPEND_LINE_NUMBER(sampler_raii)(name_space "::" info, __LINE__)
#define SAMPLE_MAIN_THREAD_LABEL_PRINTF(name_space, info, ...) MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); mozilla::SamplerStackFramePrintfRAII SAMPLER_APPEND_LINE_NUMBER(sampler_raii)(name_space "::" info, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SAMPLE_MAIN_THREAD_MARKER(info) MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); mozilla_sampler_add_marker(info)
do { \
if (!sps_version2()) mozilla_sampler_print_location1(); \
else mozilla_sampler_print_location2(); \
} while (0)
#define SAMPLER_LOCK() \
do { \
if (!sps_version2()) mozilla_sampler_lock1(); \
else mozilla_sampler_lock2(); \
} while (0)
#define SAMPLER_UNLOCK() \
do { \
if (!sps_version2()) mozilla_sampler_unlock1(); \
else mozilla_sampler_unlock2(); \
} while (0)
#define PROFILER_LABEL(name_space, info) mozilla::SamplerStackFrameRAII SAMPLER_APPEND_LINE_NUMBER(sampler_raii)(name_space "::" info, __LINE__)
#define PROFILER_LABEL_PRINTF(name_space, info, ...) mozilla::SamplerStackFramePrintfRAII SAMPLER_APPEND_LINE_NUMBER(sampler_raii)(name_space "::" info, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PROFILER_MARKER(info) mozilla_sampler_add_marker(info)
#define PROFILER_MAIN_THREAD_LABEL(name_space, info) MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); mozilla::SamplerStackFrameRAII SAMPLER_APPEND_LINE_NUMBER(sampler_raii)(name_space "::" info, __LINE__)
#define PROFILER_MAIN_THREAD_LABEL_PRINTF(name_space, info, ...) MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); mozilla::SamplerStackFramePrintfRAII SAMPLER_APPEND_LINE_NUMBER(sampler_raii)(name_space "::" info, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PROFILER_MAIN_THREAD_MARKER(info) MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); mozilla_sampler_add_marker(info)
/* we duplicate this code here to avoid header dependencies
* which make it more difficult to include in other places */
@ -243,64 +350,6 @@ LinuxKernelMemoryBarrierFunc pLinuxKernelMemoryBarrier __attribute__((weak)) =
# error "Memory clobber not supported for your platform."
// Returns a handle to pass on exit. This can check that we are popping the
// correct callstack.
inline void* mozilla_sampler_call_enter(const char *aInfo, void *aFrameAddress = NULL,
bool aCopy = false, uint32_t line = 0);
inline void mozilla_sampler_call_exit(void* handle);
inline void mozilla_sampler_add_marker(const char *aInfo);
void mozilla_sampler_start1(int aEntries, int aInterval, const char** aFeatures,
uint32_t aFeatureCount);
void mozilla_sampler_start2(int aEntries, int aInterval, const char** aFeatures,
uint32_t aFeatureCount);
void mozilla_sampler_stop1();
void mozilla_sampler_stop2();
bool mozilla_sampler_is_active1();
bool mozilla_sampler_is_active2();
void mozilla_sampler_responsiveness1(TimeStamp time);
void mozilla_sampler_responsiveness2(TimeStamp time);
void mozilla_sampler_frame_number1(int frameNumber);
void mozilla_sampler_frame_number2(int frameNumber);
const double* mozilla_sampler_get_responsiveness1();
const double* mozilla_sampler_get_responsiveness2();
void mozilla_sampler_save1();
void mozilla_sampler_save2();
char* mozilla_sampler_get_profile1();
char* mozilla_sampler_get_profile2();
JSObject *mozilla_sampler_get_profile_data1(JSContext *aCx);
JSObject *mozilla_sampler_get_profile_data2(JSContext *aCx);
const char** mozilla_sampler_get_features1();
const char** mozilla_sampler_get_features2();
void mozilla_sampler_init1();
void mozilla_sampler_init2();
void mozilla_sampler_shutdown1();
void mozilla_sampler_shutdown2();
void mozilla_sampler_print_location1();
void mozilla_sampler_print_location2();
// Lock the profiler. When locked the profiler is (1) stopped,
// (2) profile data is cleared, (3) profiler-locked is fired.
// This is used to lock down the profiler during private browsing
void mozilla_sampler_lock1();
void mozilla_sampler_lock2();
// Unlock the profiler, leaving it stopped and fires profiler-unlocked.
void mozilla_sampler_unlock1();
void mozilla_sampler_unlock2();
namespace mozilla {
class NS_STACK_CLASS SamplerStackFrameRAII {
@ -321,7 +370,7 @@ class NS_STACK_CLASS SamplerStackFramePrintfRAII {
// we only copy the strings at save time, so to take multiple parameters we'd need to copy them then.
SamplerStackFramePrintfRAII(const char *aDefault, uint32_t line, const char *aFormat, ...) {
if (profiler_is_active()) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, aFormat);
@ -580,7 +629,7 @@ inline void mozilla_sampler_add_marker(const char *aMarker)
// Don't insert a marker if we're not profiling to avoid
// the heap copy (malloc).
if (!profiler_is_active()) {