Bug 1268962 - Add load / error event to prefetch link. r=bz

This commit is contained in:
Samael Wang 2016-08-09 14:28:17 +08:00
parent d0642b046a
commit 319c7870ef
25 changed files with 238 additions and 93 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
// Test server for bug 1268962
'use strict';
const HTTPStatus = new Map([
[100, 'Continue'],
[101, 'Switching Protocol'],
[200, 'OK'],
[201, 'Created'],
[202, 'Accepted'],
[203, 'Non-Authoritative Information'],
[204, 'No Content'],
[205, 'Reset Content'],
[206, 'Partial Content'],
[300, 'Multiple Choice'],
[301, 'Moved Permanently'],
[302, 'Found'],
[303, 'See Other'],
[304, 'Not Modified'],
[305, 'Use Proxy'],
[306, 'unused'],
[307, 'Temporary Redirect'],
[308, 'Permanent Redirect'],
[400, 'Bad Request'],
[401, 'Unauthorized'],
[402, 'Payment Required'],
[403, 'Forbidden'],
[404, 'Not Found'],
[405, 'Method Not Allowed'],
[406, 'Not Acceptable'],
[407, 'Proxy Authentication Required'],
[408, 'Request Timeout'],
[409, 'Conflict'],
[410, 'Gone'],
[411, 'Length Required'],
[412, 'Precondition Failed'],
[413, 'Request Entity Too Large'],
[414, 'Request-URI Too Long'],
[415, 'Unsupported Media Type'],
[416, 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable'],
[417, 'Expectation Failed'],
[500, 'Internal Server Error'],
[501, 'Not Implemented'],
[502, 'Bad Gateway'],
[503, 'Service Unavailable'],
[504, 'Gateway Timeout'],
[505, 'HTTP Version Not Supported']
function handleRequest(request, response) {
const queryMap = new URLSearchParams(request.queryString);
if (queryMap.has('statusCode')) {
let statusCode = parseInt(queryMap.get('statusCode'));
let statusText = HTTPStatus.get(statusCode);
response.setStatusLine('1.1', statusCode, statusText);
if (queryMap.has('cacheControl')) {
let cacheControl = queryMap.get('cacheControl');
response.setHeader('Cache-Control', cacheControl);
if (queryMap.has('allowOrigin')) {
let allowOrigin = queryMap.get('allowOrigin');
response.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', allowOrigin);

View File

@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ support-files =
@ -627,6 +628,7 @@ skip-if = buildapp == 'b2g'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
<title>Test for Bug 1268962</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1268962">Mozilla Bug 1268962</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
/** Test for Bug 1268962 **/
function testPrefetchEvent(url, crossorigin, expectLoad) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
var link = document.createElement("LINK");
link.setAttribute("rel", "prefetch");
link.setAttribute("href", url);
if (crossorigin) {
link.setAttribute("crossorigin", "");
link.addEventListener("load", () => {
ok(expectLoad, "not expecting load event for " + url);
link.addEventListener("error", () => {
ok(!expectLoad, "not expecting error event for " + url);
const SJS_PATH = window.location.pathname.replace(/[^/]+$/, "file_bug1268962.sjs");
const SAME_ORIGIN = "http://mochi.test:8888" + SJS_PATH;
const CROSS_ORIGIN = "http://example.com" + SJS_PATH;
new Promise(resolve =>
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["network.prefetch-next.aggressive", true]]}, resolve))
// test same origin
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(SAME_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=200&cacheControl=no-cache", false, false))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(SAME_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=404&cacheControl=no-cache", false, false))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(SAME_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=200&cacheControl=max-age%3D120", false, true))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(SAME_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=404&cacheControl=max-age%3D120", false, false))
// test cross origin without CORS
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=200&cacheControl=no-cache", false, true))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=404&cacheControl=no-cache", false, true))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=200&cacheControl=max-age%3D120", false, true))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=404&cacheControl=max-age%3D120", false, true))
// test cross origin with CORS request but no CORS response
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=200&cacheControl=no-cache", true, true))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=404&cacheControl=no-cache", true, true))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=200&cacheControl=max-age%3D120", true, true))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=404&cacheControl=max-age%3D120", true, true))
// test cross origin with CORS request and CORS response
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=200&cacheControl=no-cache&allowOrigin=*", true, false))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=404&cacheControl=no-cache&allowOrigin=*", true, false))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=200&cacheControl=max-age%3D120&allowOrigin=*", true, true))
.then(() => testPrefetchEvent(CROSS_ORIGIN + "?statusCode=404&cacheControl=max-age%3D120&allowOrigin=*", true, false))
.catch((err) => ok(false, "promise rejected: " + err))
.then(() => SimpleTest.finish());

View File

@ -160,17 +160,6 @@
<script type="application/javascript;version=1.7" src="/tests/dom/base/test/referrer_helper.js"></script>
<body onload="tests.next();">
<script type="application/javascript;version=1.7">
* Listen for notifications that pretching finishes.
* XXX Bug 1268962 - Fire load/error events on <link rel="prefetch">
* Because there's no onload/onerror event fired, we catch prefetch-load-completed
* to test
* Simply remove this after bug 1268962 is fixed
SpecialPowers.Services.obs.addObserver(function() { tests.next(); }, "prefetch-load-completed", false);
<iframe id="testframe"></iframe>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: http-csp\n origin: same-host-https\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: keep-scheme-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: allowed]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: FAIL
bug: the test case uses "no-cache" HTTP header. send an error until we have conclusion at https://github.com/w3c/resource-hints/issues/62

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: http-csp\n origin: same-host-https\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: no-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: allowed]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: FAIL
bug: the test case uses "no-cache" HTTP header. send an error until we have conclusion at https://github.com/w3c/resource-hints/issues/62

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: meta-csp\n origin: same-host-https\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: no-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: allowed]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: FAIL
bug: the test case uses "no-cache" HTTP header. send an error until we have conclusion at https://github.com/w3c/resource-hints/issues/62

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: no-opt-in\n origin: same-host-https\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: keep-scheme-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: allowed]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: FAIL
bug: the test case uses "no-cache" HTTP header. send an error until we have conclusion at https://github.com/w3c/resource-hints/issues/62

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: no-opt-in\n origin: same-host-https\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: no-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: allowed]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: FAIL
bug: the test case uses "no-cache" HTTP header. send an error until we have conclusion at https://github.com/w3c/resource-hints/issues/62

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: http-csp\n origin: cross-origin-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: keep-scheme-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: blocked]
expected: NOTRUN

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: http-csp\n origin: cross-origin-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: no-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: blocked]
expected: NOTRUN

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: http-csp\n origin: cross-origin-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: swap-scheme-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: blocked]
expected: NOTRUN

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: http-csp\n origin: same-host-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: keep-scheme-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: blocked]
expected: NOTRUN

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: http-csp\n origin: same-host-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: no-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: blocked]
expected: NOTRUN

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: http-csp\n origin: same-host-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: swap-scheme-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: blocked]
expected: NOTRUN

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: meta-csp\n origin: cross-origin-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: no-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: blocked]
expected: NOTRUN

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: meta-csp\n origin: same-host-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: no-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: blocked]
expected: NOTRUN

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: no-opt-in\n origin: cross-origin-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: keep-scheme-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: allowed]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: FAIL
bug: haven't implement prefetch link as an optionally blockable item

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: no-opt-in\n origin: cross-origin-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: no-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: allowed]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: FAIL
bug: haven't implement prefetch link as an optionally blockable item

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: no-opt-in\n origin: cross-origin-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: swap-scheme-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: allowed]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: FAIL
bug: haven't implement prefetch link as an optionally blockable item

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: no-opt-in\n origin: same-host-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: keep-scheme-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: allowed]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: FAIL
bug: haven't implement prefetch link as an optionally blockable item

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: no-opt-in\n origin: same-host-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: no-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: allowed]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: FAIL
bug: haven't implement prefetch link as an optionally blockable item

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
type: testharness
expected: TIMEOUT
[opt_in_method: no-opt-in\n origin: same-host-http\n source_scheme: https\n context_nesting: top-level\n redirection: swap-scheme-redirect\n subresource: link-prefetch-tag\n expectation: allowed]
expected: NOTRUN
expected: FAIL
bug: haven't implement prefetch link as an optionally blockable item

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ static LazyLogModule gPrefetchLog("nsPrefetch");
#define PREFETCH_PREF "network.prefetch-next"
#define PARALLELISM_PREF "network.prefetch-next.parallelism"
#define AGGRESSIVE_PREF "network.prefetch-next.aggressive"
// helpers
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ nsPrefetchNode::nsPrefetchNode(nsPrefetchService *aService,
, mService(aService)
, mChannel(nullptr)
, mBytesRead(0)
, mShouldFireLoadEvent(false)
nsCOMPtr<nsIWeakReference> source = do_GetWeakReference(aSource);
@ -187,6 +189,25 @@ nsPrefetchNode::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest *aRequest,
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> httpChannel =
do_QueryInterface(aRequest, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
// if the load is cross origin without CORS, or the CORS access is rejected,
// always fire load event to avoid leaking site information.
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo = mChannel->GetLoadInfo();
mShouldFireLoadEvent = loadInfo->GetTainting() == LoadTainting::Opaque ||
(loadInfo->GetTainting() == LoadTainting::CORS &&
(NS_FAILED(mChannel->GetStatus(&rv)) ||
// no need to prefetch http error page
bool requestSucceeded;
if (NS_FAILED(httpChannel->GetRequestSucceeded(&requestSucceeded)) ||
!requestSucceeded) {
nsCOMPtr<nsICacheInfoChannel> cacheInfoChannel =
do_QueryInterface(aRequest, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
@ -196,6 +217,8 @@ nsPrefetchNode::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest *aRequest,
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(cacheInfoChannel->IsFromCache(&fromCache)) &&
fromCache) {
LOG(("document is already in the cache; canceling prefetch\n"));
// although it's canceled we still want to fire load event
mShouldFireLoadEvent = true;
@ -245,6 +268,7 @@ nsPrefetchNode::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest *aRequest,
mService->DispatchEvent(this, mShouldFireLoadEvent || NS_SUCCEEDED(aStatus));
return NS_OK;
@ -336,6 +360,7 @@ nsPrefetchService::nsPrefetchService()
, mStopCount(0)
, mHaveProcessed(false)
, mDisabled(true)
, mAggressive(false)
@ -343,6 +368,7 @@ nsPrefetchService::~nsPrefetchService()
Preferences::RemoveObserver(this, PREFETCH_PREF);
Preferences::RemoveObserver(this, PARALLELISM_PREF);
Preferences::RemoveObserver(this, AGGRESSIVE_PREF);
// cannot reach destructor if prefetch in progress (listener owns reference
// to this service)
@ -363,6 +389,9 @@ nsPrefetchService::Init()
Preferences::AddWeakObserver(this, PARALLELISM_PREF);
mAggressive = Preferences::GetBool(AGGRESSIVE_PREF, false);
Preferences::AddWeakObserver(this, AGGRESSIVE_PREF);
// Observe xpcom-shutdown event
nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> observerService =
@ -408,11 +437,14 @@ nsPrefetchService::ProcessNextURI(nsPrefetchNode *aFinished)
// if opening the channel fails, then just skip to the next uri
// if opening the channel fails (e.g. security check returns an error),
// send an error event and then just skip to the next uri
rv = node->OpenChannel();
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
} else {
DispatchEvent(node, false);
while (NS_FAILED(rv));
@ -442,6 +474,23 @@ nsPrefetchService::NotifyLoadCompleted(nsPrefetchNode *node)
"prefetch-load-completed", nullptr);
nsPrefetchService::DispatchEvent(nsPrefetchNode *node, bool aSuccess)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < node->mSources.Length(); i++) {
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> domNode = do_QueryReferent(node->mSources.ElementAt(i));
if (domNode && domNode->IsInComposedDoc()) {
aSuccess ?
/* aCanBubble = */ false,
/* aCancelable = */ false);
// nsPrefetchService <private>
@ -775,6 +824,11 @@ nsPrefetchService::OnStateChange(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress,
uint32_t progressStateFlags,
nsresult aStatus)
if (mAggressive) {
LOG(("Document load state is ignored in aggressive mode"));
return NS_OK;
if (progressStateFlags & STATE_IS_DOCUMENT) {
if (progressStateFlags & STATE_STOP)
@ -862,6 +916,13 @@ nsPrefetchService::Observe(nsISupports *aSubject,
while (!mQueue.empty() && mCurrentNodes.Length() < static_cast<uint32_t>(mMaxParallelism)) {
} else if (!strcmp(pref, AGGRESSIVE_PREF)) {
mAggressive = Preferences::GetBool(AGGRESSIVE_PREF, false);
// in aggressive mode, clear stop count and start prefetching immediately
if (mAggressive) {
mStopCount = 0;

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ public:
void NotifyLoadRequested(nsPrefetchNode *node);
void NotifyLoadCompleted(nsPrefetchNode *node);
void DispatchEvent(nsPrefetchNode *node, bool aSuccess);
@ -70,6 +71,12 @@ private:
// true if pending document loads have ever reached zero.
int32_t mHaveProcessed;
bool mDisabled;
// In usual case prefetch does not start until all normal loads are done.
// Aggressive mode ignores normal loads and just start prefetch ASAP.
// It's mainly for testing purpose and discoraged for normal use;
// see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1281415 for details.
bool mAggressive;
@ -108,6 +115,7 @@ private:
nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> mChannel;
nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> mRedirectChannel;
int64_t mBytesRead;
bool mShouldFireLoadEvent;
#endif // !nsPrefetchService_h__