Backed out changeset ff8ebfcf68ff (bug 980074) for Android 2.3 testSelectionHandler crashes.

This commit is contained in:
Ryan VanderMeulen 2014-04-27 18:03:07 -04:00
parent cfd536708f
commit 322d459604
5 changed files with 0 additions and 351 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ package org.mozilla.gecko;
import org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell;
import org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoEvent;
import org.mozilla.gecko.mozglue.RobocopTarget;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.EventCallback;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.GeckoEventListener;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.NativeEventListener;
@ -209,7 +208,6 @@ public final class EventDispatcher {
public static void sendResponse(JSONObject message, Object response) {
sendResponseHelper(STATUS_SUCCESS, message, response);

View File

@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ public class StringHelper {
public static final String ROBOCOP_SEARCH_TITLE = "Robocop Search Engine";
public static final String ROBOCOP_TEXT_PAGE_TITLE = "Robocop Text Page";
public static final String ROBOCOP_INPUT_TITLE = "Robocop Input";
public static final String ROBOCOP_SELECTION_HANDLER_TITLE = "Automated Text Selection tests for Mobile";
// Settings menu strings
// Section labels - ordered as found in the settings menu

View File

@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ skip-if = android_version == "10"
# disabled on x86 only; bug 957185
skip-if = processor == "x86"
# [testReaderMode] # see bug 913254, 936224

View File

@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
<title>Automated Text Selection tests for Mobile</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0"/>
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript">
const DIV_POINT_TEXT = "Under";
const INPUT_TEXT = "Text for select all in an <input>";
const TEXTAREA_TEXT = "Text for select all in a <textarea>";
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu } = Components;
/* =================================================================================
* Start of all text selection tests, check initialization state.
function startTests() {
then(finishTests, function(err) {
ok(false, "Error in selection test " + err);
/* =================================================================================
* "Select all" text selection tests, for <div> (non-editable) fields.
function testSelectAllDivs() {
var sh = getSelectionHandler();
var selDiv = document.getElementById("selDiv");
var nonSelDiv = document.getElementById("nonSelDiv");
// Check the initial state of the selection handler, and selectable/non-selectable <div>s.
return Promise.all([
ok(!sh.isSelectionActive(), "Selection should not be active at start of testSelectAllDivs"),
ok(sh.canSelect(selDiv), "Can select selectable <div>"),
ok(!sh.canSelect(nonSelDiv), "Can't select non-selectable <div>"),
]).then(function() {
// Select all on a non-editable text node selects all the text in the page.
var selection = sh._getSelection();
return Promise.all([
ok(sh.isSelectionActive(), "Selection should be active now"),
is(selection.anchorNode, document.documentElement, "Anchor Node should be start of document"),
is(selection.anchorOffset, 0, "Anchor offset should be 0"),
is(selection.focusNode, document.body.lastChild, "Focus node should be lastChild of document"),
is(selection.focusOffset, document.body.lastChild.textContent.length, "Focus offset should be it's length"),
/* =================================================================================
* "Select word-at-point" text selection test, for <div> (non-editable) field.
* "collapseToStart" test closes selection (Bug 864589).
function testSelectDivAtPoint() {
var sh = getSelectionHandler();
var selDiv = document.getElementById("selDiv");
// Select word at point in <div>
var rect = selDiv.getBoundingClientRect();
sh.startSelection(selDiv, {
x: rect.left + 1,
y: + 1
var selection = sh._getSelection();
// Check the state of the selection handler after selecting at a point.
return Promise.all([
ok(sh.isSelectionActive(), "Selection should be active at start of testSelectDivAtPoint"),
is(selection.toString(), DIV_POINT_TEXT, "The first word in the <div> was selected"),
]).then(function() {
// Check the state of the selection handler after collapsing a selection.
return Promise.all([
ok(selection.getRangeAt(0).collapsed, "Selection should be collapsed"),
ok(!sh.isSelectionActive(), "Selection should not be active"),
/* =================================================================================
* "Select all" text selection test, for <input> (editable) field.
function testSelectInput() {
var sh = getSelectionHandler();
var inputNode = document.getElementById("inputNode");
inputNode.value = INPUT_TEXT;
// Test that calling startSelection with an input selects all the text in the input.
return Promise.all([
ok(!sh.isSelectionActive(), "Selection should not be active at start of testSelectInput"),
ok(sh.canSelect(inputNode), "Can select selectable <input>"),
]).then(function() {
// Check the state of the selection handler after calling startSelection on it.
var selection = sh._getSelection();
return Promise.all([
ok(sh.isSelectionActive(), "Selection should be active"),
ok((sh._targetElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNSEditableElement), "Selected element is editable"),
is(selection.toString(), INPUT_TEXT, "All text in the <input> was selected"),
/* =================================================================================
* "Select all" text selection test, for <textarea> (editable) field.
function testSelectTextarea() {
var sh = getSelectionHandler();
var textareaNode = document.getElementById("textareaNode");
textareaNode.value = TEXTAREA_TEXT;
// Change (still-active) selection from previous <input> field to <textarea>
var selection = sh._getSelection();
return Promise.all([
ok(sh.isSelectionActive(), "Selection should be active at start of testSelectTextarea"),
ok((sh._targetElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement), "Selected element is editable, and a <textarea>"),
is(selection.toString(), TEXTAREA_TEXT, "All text in the <textarea> was selected"),
]).then(function() {
// Collpase the selection to close it again.
return Promise.all([
ok(!sh.isSelectionActive(), "Selection should not be active"),
/* =================================================================================
* Various text selection tests to end active selections, including:
* 1.) Clicking outside the selection.
* 2.) SelectionEnd or Tab:Selected messages from java.
function testCloseSelection() {
var sh = getSelectionHandler();
var inputNode = document.getElementById("inputNode");
inputNode.value = INPUT_TEXT;
// Check the initial state of the selection handler.
return Promise.all([
ok(!sh.isSelectionActive(), "Selection should not be active at start of testCloseSelection"),
]).then(function() {
// Start by selecting all in an <input>.
return is(sh._activeType, sh.TYPE_SELECTION, "Selection should be active in <input> before Gesture:SingleTap");
}).then(function() {
// Tap outside <input> to close active selection.
sh.observe(null, "Gesture:SingleTap", JSON.stringify({
x: 1,
y: 1
return ok(!sh.isSelectionActive(), "Gesture:SingleTap outside <input> should close active selection");
// Various other ways to close an active selection.
}).then(function() {
sh.observe(null, "TextSelection:End", {});
return ok(!sh.isSelectionActive(), "TextSelection:End should close active selection");
}).then(function() {
sh.observe(null, "Tab:Selected", {});
return ok(!sh.isSelectionActive(), "Tab:Selected should close active selection");
}).then(function() {
sh.handleEvent({ type: "pagehide" });
return ok(!sh.isSelectionActive(), "pagehide should close active selection");
}).then(function() {
sh.handleEvent({ type: "blur" });
return ok(!sh.isSelectionActive(), "blur should close active selection");
/* =================================================================================
* After finish of all selection tests, wrap up and go home.
function finishTests() {
type: "Robocop:testSelectionHandler",
result: true,
msg: "Done!",
done: true
/* ============================== Utility functions ======================
* Common functions available to all tests.
function getSelectionHandler() {
return (!this._selectionHandler) ?
this._selectionHandler = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser").SelectionHandler :
function ok(one, msg) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
type: "Robocop:testSelectionHandler",
result: one,
msg: msg
function (res, err) {
(err) ? reject(err) : resolve(res);
function is(one, two, msg) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
type: "Robocop:testSelectionHandler",
result: one === two,
msg: msg + " : " + one + " === " + two
function (res, err) {
(err) ? reject(err) : resolve(res);
/* =================================================================================
* Page definition for all tests.
<body onload="startTests();">
<div id="selDiv">Under sufficiently extreme conditions, quarks may become
deconfined and exist as free particles. In the course of asymptotic freedom,
the strong interaction becomes weaker at higher temperatures. Eventually,
color confinement would be lost and an extremely hot plasma of freely moving
quarks and gluons would be formed. This theoretical phase of matter is called
quark-gluon plasma.[81] The exact conditions needed to give rise to this state
are unknown and have been the subject of a great deal of speculation and
experimentation. A recent estimate puts the needed temperature at
(1.90±0.02)×1012 Kelvin. While a state of entirely free quarks and gluons has
never been achieved (despite numerous attempts by CERN in the 1980s and 1990s),
recent experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider have yielded evidence
for liquid-like quark matter exhibiting "nearly perfect" fluid motion.</div><br>
<div id="nonSelDiv" style="-moz-user-select: none;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in blandit magna, non porttitor augue.
Nam in neque sagittis, varius augue at, ornare velit. Vestibulum eget nisl
congue odio molestie scelerisque. Pellentesque ut augue orci. In hac habitasse
platea dictumst. Sed placerat tellus quis lacus condimentum, quis luctus elit
pellentesque. Mauris cursus neque diam, sit amet gravida quam porta ac.
Aliquam aliquam feugiat vestibulum. Proin commodo nulla ligula, in bibendum
massa euismod a. Ut ac lobortis dui. Ut id augue id arcu ornare suscipit eu
ornare lorem. Pellentesque nec dictum ante. Nam quis ligula ultricies, auctor
nunc vel, fringilla turpis. Nulla lacinia, leo ut egestas hendrerit, risus
ligula interdum enim, vel varius libero sem ut ligula.</div><br>
<input id="inputNode" type="text"><br>
<textarea id="textareaNode"></textarea><br>

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package org.mozilla.gecko.tests;
import org.mozilla.gecko.Actions;
import org.mozilla.gecko.EventDispatcher;
import org.mozilla.gecko.tests.helpers.GeckoHelper;
import org.mozilla.gecko.tests.helpers.NavigationHelper;
import android.util.Log;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public class testSelectionHandler extends UITest {
public void testSelectionHandler() {
Actions.EventExpecter robocopTestExpecter = getActions().expectGeckoEvent("Robocop:testSelectionHandler");
while (!test(robocopTestExpecter)) {
// do nothing
private boolean test(Actions.EventExpecter expecter) {
final JSONObject eventData;
try {
eventData = new JSONObject(expecter.blockForEventData());
} catch(Exception ex) {
// Log and ignore
getAsserter().ok(false, "JS Test", "Error decoding data " + ex);
return false;
if (eventData.has("result")) {
getAsserter().ok(eventData.optBoolean("result"), "JS Test", eventData.optString("msg"));
EventDispatcher.sendResponse(eventData, new JSONObject());
return eventData.optBoolean("done", false);