Landing Gerv and Adam's changes for bug #6682

This commit is contained in: 2000-10-30 23:02:41 +00:00
parent f0fc64531d
commit 3347f61971
2 changed files with 630 additions and 567 deletions

View File

@ -27,11 +27,16 @@
use DB_File;
use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars @::legal_product,
use vars @::legal_product;
require "";
# tidy up after graphing module
unlink <*.gif>;
unlink <*.png>;
@ -71,32 +76,36 @@ sub collect_stats {
if (open DATA, ">>$file") {
push my @row, &today;
foreach my $status (@::legal_bug_status) {
if( $product eq "-All-" ) {
SendSQL("select count(bug_status) from bugs where bug_status='$status'");
} else {
SendSQL("select count(bug_status) from bugs where bug_status='$status' and product='$product'");
push @row, FetchOneColumn();
if (! $exists)
print DATA <<FIN;
# Bugzilla daily bug stats
# do not edit me! this file is generated.
# product: $product
# created: $when
print DATA "# field: DATE";
foreach my $status (@::legal_bug_status) {
print DATA "|$status";
foreach my $resolution ('FIXED', 'INVALID', 'WONTFIX', 'LATER', 'REMIND', 'DUPLICATE', 'WORKSFORME', 'MOVED') {
if( $product eq "-All-" ) {
SendSQL("select count(resolution) from bugs where resolution='$resolution'");
} else {
SendSQL("select count(resolution) from bugs where resolution='$resolution' and product='$product'");
print DATA "\n";
push @row, FetchOneColumn();
if (! $exists) {
print DATA <<FIN;
# Bugzilla Daily Bug Stats
# Do not edit me! This file is generated.
# Product: $product
# Created: $when
print DATA (join '|', @row) . "\n";
close DATA;
} else {

View File

@ -28,19 +28,28 @@
# Joe Robins <>,
# If using the usebuggroups parameter, users shouldn't be able to see
# reports for products they don't have access to.
# Gervase Markham <> and Adam Spiers <>
# Added ability to chart any combination of resolutions/statuses.
# Derive the choice of resolutions/statuses from the -All- data file
# Removed hardcoded order of resolutions/statuses when reading from
# daily stats file, so now works independently of
# version
# Added image caching by date and datasets
use diagnostics;
use strict;
use GD;
eval "use Chart::Lines";
require "";
require "";
use vars qw(%FORM); # globals from
use vars @::legal_product;
require "";
use vars qw(@legal_product); # globals from er,
my $dir = "data/mining";
my $week = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
my @status = qw (NEW ASSIGNED REOPENED);
my %bugsperperson;
@ -66,14 +75,12 @@ print "Content-type: text/html\n";
print "Content-disposition: inline; filename=bugzilla_report.html\n\n";
# If we're here for the first time, give a banner. Else respect the banner flag.
if ( (!defined $::FORM{'product'}) || ($::FORM{'banner'}) )
if ( (!defined $FORM{'product'}) || ($FORM{'banner'}) ) {
PutHeader ("Bug Reports")
else {
print("<html><head><title>Bug Reports</title></head><body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">");
@ -82,7 +89,7 @@ GetVersionTable();
my @myproducts;
if(Param("usebuggroups")) {
push( @myproducts, "-All-");
foreach my $this_product (@::legal_product) {
foreach my $this_product (@legal_product) {
if(GroupExists($this_product) && !UserInGroup($this_product)) {
} else {
@ -90,22 +97,21 @@ if(Param("usebuggroups")) {
} else {
push( @myproducts, "-All-", @::legal_product );
push( @myproducts, "-All-", @legal_product );
$::FORM{'output'} = $::FORM{'output'} || "most_doomed"; # a reasonable default
$FORM{'output'} ||= "most_doomed"; # a reasonable default
if (! defined $::FORM{'product'})
if (! defined $FORM{'product'}) {
else {
# If usebuggroups is on, we don't want people to be able to view
# reports for products they don't have permissions for...
if(Param("usebuggroups") &&
GroupExists($::FORM{'product'}) &&
!UserInGroup($::FORM{'product'})) {
GroupExists($FORM{'product'}) &&
print "<H1>Permission denied.</H1>\n";
print "Sorry; you do not have the permissions necessary to view\n";
print "reports for this product.\n";
@ -118,41 +124,37 @@ else
# can be called from outside. modify %reports
# accordingly when a new report type is added
if (! exists $reports{$::FORM{'output'}})
$::FORM{'output'} = "most_doomed"; # a reasonable default
if (! exists $reports{$FORM{'output'}}) {
$FORM{'output'} = "most_doomed"; # a reasonable default
my $f = $reports{$::FORM{'output'}};
my $f = $reports{$FORM{'output'}};
if (! defined $f)
if (! defined $f) {
print "start over, your form data was all messed up.<p>\n";
foreach (keys %::FORM)
foreach (keys %::FORM) {
print "<font color=blue>$_</font> : " .
($::FORM{$_} ? $::FORM{$_} : "undef") . "<br>\n";
($FORM{$_} ? $FORM{$_} : "undef") . "<br>\n";
PutFooter() if $::FORM{banner};
PutFooter() if $FORM{banner};
print <<FIN;
PutFooter() if $::FORM{banner};
PutFooter() if $FORM{banner};
# user came in with no form data #
sub choose_product
sub choose_product {
my $product_popup = make_options (\@myproducts, $myproducts[0]);
my $charts = defined $Chart::Lines::VERSION && -d $dir ? "<option value=\"show_chart\">Bug Charts" : "";
# get rid of warning:
@ -185,11 +187,45 @@ FIN
<td align=center><b>Chart datasets:</b></td>
<td align=center>
<select name="datasets" multiple size=5>
my @datasets = ();
my $datafile = daily_stats_filename('-All-');
if (! open(DATA, "$dir/$datafile")) {
die_politely("Couldn't read daily statistics file");
while (<DATA>) {
if (/^# fields?: (.+)\s*$/) {
@datasets = grep ! /date/i, (split /\|/, $1);
my %default_sel = map { $_ => 1 }
foreach my $dataset (@datasets) {
my $sel = $default_sel{$dataset} ? ' selected' : '';
print qq{<option value="$dataset:"$sel>$dataset</option>\n};
print <<FIN;
<td align=center><b>Switches:</b></td>
<td align=left>
<input type=checkbox name=links checked value=1>&nbsp;Links to Bugs<br>
<input type=checkbox name=banner checked value=1>&nbsp;Banner<br>
if (Param('usequip')) {
print "<input type=checkbox name=quip value=1>&nbsp;Quip<br>";
} else {
@ -210,16 +246,15 @@ FIN
#Add this above to get a control for showing the SQL query:
#<input type=checkbox name=showsql value=1>&nbsp;Show SQL<br>
sub most_doomed
sub most_doomed {
my $when = localtime (time);
print <<FIN;
Bug Report for $::FORM{'product'}
Bug Report for $FORM{'product'}
@ -242,8 +277,8 @@ where bugs.assigned_to = assign.userid
and bugs.reporter = report.userid
if( $::FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
$query .= "and bugs.product=".SqlQuote($::FORM{'product'});
if ($FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
$query .= "and bugs.product=".SqlQuote($FORM{'product'});
$query .= <<FIN;
@ -257,7 +292,7 @@ FIN
# End build up $query string
print "<font color=purple><tt>$query</tt></font><p>\n"
unless (! exists $::FORM{'showsql'});
unless (! exists $FORM{'showsql'});
SendSQL ($query);
@ -277,8 +312,8 @@ FIN
# suck contents of database #
while (my ($bid, $a, $sev, $st, $prod, $who, $rep, $ts) = FetchSQLData())
my $week = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
while (my ($bid, $a, $sev, $st, $prod, $who, $rep, $ts) = FetchSQLData()) {
next if (exists $bugs_lookup{$bid});
$bugs_lookup{$bid} ++;
@ -292,13 +327,10 @@ FIN
$bugs_totals{$who}{$st} ++;
if ($::FORM{'quip'})
if (open (COMMENTS, "<data/comments"))
if ($FORM{'quip'}) {
if (open (COMMENTS, "<data/comments")) {
my @cdata;
while (<COMMENTS>)
while (<COMMENTS>) {
push @cdata, $_;
@ -345,10 +377,9 @@ FIN
if ($bugs_count == 0)
if ($bugs_count == 0) {
print "No bugs found!\n";
PutFooter() if $::FORM{banner};
PutFooter() if $FORM{banner};
@ -364,16 +395,14 @@ FIN
foreach my $who (sort keys %bugs_summary)
foreach my $who (sort keys %bugs_summary) {
my $bugz = 0;
print <<FIN;
<td align=left><tt>$who</tt></td>
foreach my $st (@status)
foreach my $st (@status) {
$bugs_totals{$who}{$st} += 0;
print <<FIN;
<td align=center>$bugs_totals{$who}{$st}
@ -407,25 +436,20 @@ FIN
foreach my $who (sort keys %bugs_summary)
foreach my $who (sort keys %bugs_summary) {
print <<FIN;
<td align=left><tt>$who</tt></td>
foreach my $st (@status)
foreach my $st (@status) {
my @l;
foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } @{$bugs_summary{$who}{$st}})
if ($::FORM{'links'})
foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } @{$bugs_summary{$who}{$st}}) {
if ($FORM{'links'}) {
push @l, "<a href=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$_\">$_</a>\n";
else {
push @l, $_;
@ -447,119 +471,167 @@ FIN
sub is_legal_product
sub is_legal_product {
my $product = shift;
return grep { $_ eq $product} @myproducts;
sub daily_stats_filename {
my ($prodname) = @_;
$prodname =~ s/\//-/gs;
return $prodname;
sub show_chart {
if (! is_legal_product ($FORM{'product'})) {
&die_politely ("Unknown product: $FORM{'product'}");
sub show_chart
my $when = localtime (time);
if (! is_legal_product ($::FORM{'product'}))
&die_politely ("Unknown product: $::FORM{'product'}");
if (! $FORM{datasets}) {
die_politely("You didn't select any datasets to plot");
print <<FIN;
my @dates;
my @open; my @assigned; my @reopened;
my @resolved; my @verified; my @closed;
my $type = chart_image_type();
my $data_file = daily_stats_filename($FORM{product});
my $image_file = chart_image_name($data_file, $type);
my $url_image = "$dir/" . url_quote($image_file);
my $prodname = $::FORM{'product'};
$prodname =~ s/\//-/gs;
my $testimg = Chart::Lines->new(2,2);
my $x = '$testimg->gif()';
eval $x;
my $type = ($@ =~ /Can't locate object method/) ? "png" : "gif";
my $file = join '/', $dir, $prodname;
my $image = "$file.$type";
my $url_image = $dir . "/" . url_quote($prodname) . ".$type";
if (! open FILE, $file)
&die_politely ("The tool which gathers bug counts has not been run yet.");
if (! -e "$dir/$image_file") {
generate_chart("$dir/$data_file", "$dir/$image_file", $type);
while (<FILE>)
next if ($_ =~ /^#/ or ! $_);
my ($date, $open, $assigned, $reopened,
$resolved, $verified, $closed) = split /\|/, $_;
my ($yy, $mm, $dd) = $date =~ /^\d{2}(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/;
push @dates, "$mm/$dd/$yy";
push @open, $open;
push @assigned, $assigned;
push @reopened, $reopened;
push @resolved, $resolved;
push @verified, $verified;
push @closed, $closed;
close FILE;
if ($#dates < 1)
&die_politely ("We don't have enough data points to make a graph (yet)");
my $img = Chart::Lines->new (800, 600);
my @labels = qw (New Assigned Reopened Resolved Verified Closed);
my @when;
my $i = 0;
my @data;
push @data, \@dates;
push @data, \@open;
push @data, \@assigned;
push @data, \@reopened;
push @data, \@resolved;
push @data, \@verified;
push @data, \@closed;
my $MAXTICKS = 20; # Try not to show any more x ticks than this.
my $skip = 1;
if (@dates > $MAXTICKS) {
$skip = int((@dates + $MAXTICKS - 1) / $MAXTICKS);
my %settings =
"title" => "Status Counts for $::FORM{'product'}",
"x_label" => "Dates",
"y_label" => "Bug Counts",
"legend_labels" => \@labels,
"skip_x_ticks" => $skip,
"y_grid_lines" => "true",
"grey_background" => "false"
$img->set (%settings);
open IMAGE, ">$image" or die "$image: $!";
$img->$type (*IMAGE, \@data);
close IMAGE;
print <<FIN;
<img src="$url_image">
<br clear=left>
sub chart_image_type {
# what chart type should we be generating?
my $testimg = Chart::Lines->new(2,2);
my $type = $testimg->can('gif') ? "gif" : "png";
undef $testimg;
return $type;
sub chart_image_name {
my ($data_file, $type) = @_;
my $id = datasets_id($FORM{datasets});
my $doy = day_of_year();
return "${data_file}_${id}.$type";
# Cache charts by generating a unique filename based on what they
# show. Charts should be deleted by nightly.
sub datasets_id {
# Current method is very long filenames...
my $longname = "";
foreach (@_) {
$longname .= $_;
return $longname;
sub day_of_year {
my ($mday, $month, $year) = (localtime())[3 .. 5];
$month += 1;
$year += 1900;
my $date = sprintf "%02d%02d%04d", $mday, $month, $year;
sub generate_chart {
my ($data_file, $image_file, $type) = @_;
if (! open FILE, $data_file) {
&die_politely ("The tool which gathers bug counts has not been run yet.");
sub die_politely
my @fields;
my @labels = qw(DATE);
my %datasets = map { $_ => 1 } split /:/, $FORM{datasets};
my %data = ();
while (<FILE>) {
next unless $_;
if (/^#/) {
if (/^# fields?: (.*)\s*$/) {
@fields = split /\|/, $1;
&die_politely("`# fields: ' line didn't start with DATE, but with $fields[0]")
unless $fields[0] =~ /date/i;
push @labels, grep($datasets{$_}, @fields);
&die_politely("`# fields: ' line was not found before start of data")
unless @fields;
my @line = split /\|/;
my $date = $line[0];
my ($yy, $mm, $dd) = $date =~ /^\d{2}(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/;
push @{$data{DATE}}, "$mm/$dd/$yy";
for my $i (1 .. $#fields) {
my $field = $fields[$i];
if (! defined $line[$i] or $line[$i] eq '') {
# no data point given, don't plot (this will probably
# generate loads of Chart::Base warnings, but that's not
# our fault.
push @{$data{$field}}, undef;
else {
push @{$data{$field}}, $line[$i];
shift @labels;
close FILE;
if (! @{$data{DATE}}) {
&die_politely ("We don't have enough data points to make a graph (yet)");
my $img = Chart::Lines->new (800, 600);
my $i = 0;
my $MAXTICKS = 20; # Try not to show any more x ticks than this.
my $skip = 1;
if (@{$data{DATE}} > $MAXTICKS) {
$skip = int((@{$data{DATE}} + $MAXTICKS - 1) / $MAXTICKS);
my %settings =
"title" => "Status Counts for $FORM{'product'}",
"x_label" => "Dates",
"y_label" => "Bug Counts",
"legend_labels" => \@labels,
"skip_x_ticks" => $skip,
"y_grid_lines" => "true",
"grey_background" => "false",
"colors" => {
# default dataset colours are too alike
dataset4 => [0, 0, 0], # black
$img->set (%settings);
$img->$type($image_file, [ @data{('DATE', @labels)} ]);
sub die_politely {
my $msg = shift;
print <<FIN;
@ -569,35 +641,32 @@ sub die_politely
<td align=center>
<font color=blue>Sorry, but ...</font>
There is no graph available for <b>$::FORM{'product'}</b><p>
There is no graph available for <b>$FORM{'product'}</b><p>
<font size=-1>
PutFooter() if $::FORM{banner};
PutFooter() if $FORM{banner};
sub bybugs {
$bugsperperson{$a} <=> $bugsperperson{$b}
sub most_doomed_for_milestone
sub most_doomed_for_milestone {
my $when = localtime (time);
my $ms = "M" . Param("curmilestone");
my $quip = "Summary";
print "<center>\n<h1>";
if( $::FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
print "Most Doomed for $ms ($::FORM{'product'})";
if( $FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
print "Most Doomed for $ms ($FORM{'product'})";
} else {
print "Most Doomed for $ms";
@ -607,25 +676,22 @@ sub most_doomed_for_milestone
# start painting report #
if ($::FORM{'quip'})
if (open (COMMENTS, "<data/comments"))
if ($FORM{'quip'}) {
if (open (COMMENTS, "<data/comments")) {
my @cdata;
while (<COMMENTS>)
while (<COMMENTS>) {
push @cdata, $_;
$quip = "<i>" . $cdata[int(rand($#cdata + 1))] . "</i>"; }
$quip = "<i>" . $cdata[int(rand($#cdata + 1))] . "</i>";
# Build up $query string
my $query;
$query = "select distinct assigned_to from bugs where target_milestone=\"$ms\"";
if( $::FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
$query .= "and bugs.product=".SqlQuote($::FORM{'product'});
if ($FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
$query .= "and bugs.product=".SqlQuote($FORM{'product'});
$query .= <<FIN;
@ -639,8 +705,7 @@ FIN
SendSQL ($query);
my @people = ();
while (my ($person) = FetchSQLData())
while (my ($person) = FetchSQLData()) {
push @people, $person;
@ -649,11 +714,10 @@ FIN
my $person = "";
my $bugtotal = 0;
foreach $person (@people)
foreach $person (@people) {
my $query = "select count(bug_id) from bugs,profiles where target_milestone=\"$ms\" and userid=assigned_to and userid=\"$person\"";
if( $::FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
$query .= "and bugs.product=".SqlQuote($::FORM{'product'});
if( $FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
$query .= "and bugs.product=".SqlQuote($FORM{'product'});
$query .= <<FIN;
@ -678,15 +742,14 @@ FIN
print "$totalpeople engineers have $bugtotal $ms bugs and features.\n";
print "</TD></TR>\n";
while (@people)
while (@people) {
$person = pop @people;
print "<TR><TD>\n";
SendSQL("select login_name from profiles where userid=$person");
my $login_name= FetchSQLData();
print("<A HREF=\"buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&target_milestone=$ms&assigned_to=$login_name");
if( $::FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
print "&product=" . url_quote($::FORM{'product'});
if ($FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
print "&product=" . url_quote($FORM{'product'});
print("$bugsperperson{$person} bugs and features");
@ -712,20 +775,17 @@ FIN
print "</TABLE>\n";
sub most_recently_doomed
sub most_recently_doomed {
my $when = localtime (time);
my $ms = "M" . Param("curmilestone");
my $quip = "Summary";
print "<center>\n<h1>";
if( $::FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
print "Most Recently Doomed ($::FORM{'product'})";
if( $FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
print "Most Recently Doomed ($FORM{'product'})";
} else {
print "Most Recently Doomed";
@ -735,33 +795,29 @@ sub most_recently_doomed
# start painting report #
if ($::FORM{'quip'})
if (open (COMMENTS, "<data/comments"))
if ($FORM{'quip'}) {
if (open (COMMENTS, "<data/comments")) {
my @cdata;
while (<COMMENTS>)
while (<COMMENTS>) {
push @cdata, $_;
$quip = "<i>" . $cdata[int(rand($#cdata + 1))] . "</i>"; }
$quip = "<i>" . $cdata[int(rand($#cdata + 1))] . "</i>";
# Build up $query string
my $query;
$query = "select distinct assigned_to from bugs where bugs.bug_status='NEW' and target_milestone='' and bug_severity!='enhancement' and status_whiteboard='' and (product='Browser' or product='MailNews')";
if( $::FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
$query .= "and bugs.product=".SqlQuote($::FORM{'product'});
my $query = "select distinct assigned_to from bugs where bugs.bug_status='NEW' and target_milestone='' and bug_severity!='enhancement' and status_whiteboard='' and (product='Browser' or product='MailNews')";
if ($FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
$query .= "and bugs.product=".SqlQuote($FORM{'product'});
# End build up $query string
SendSQL ($query);
my @people = ();
while (my ($person) = FetchSQLData())
while (my ($person) = FetchSQLData()) {
push @people, $person;
@ -770,11 +826,10 @@ sub most_recently_doomed
my $person = "";
my $bugtotal = 0;
foreach $person (@people)
foreach $person (@people) {
my $query = "select count(bug_id) from bugs,profiles where bugs.bug_status='NEW' and userid=assigned_to and userid='$person' and target_milestone='' and bug_severity!='enhancement' and status_whiteboard='' and (product='Browser' or product='MailNews')";
if( $::FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
$query .= "and bugs.product='$::FORM{'product'}'";
if( $FORM{'product'} ne "-All-" ) {
$query .= "and bugs.product='$FORM{'product'}'";
SendSQL ($query);
my $bugcount = FetchSQLData();
@ -798,8 +853,7 @@ sub most_recently_doomed
print "</TD></TR>\n";
while (@people)
while (@people) {
$person = pop @people;
print "<TR><TD>\n";
SendSQL("select login_name from profiles where userid=$person");
@ -829,4 +883,4 @@ sub most_recently_doomed
print "</TABLE>\n";