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synced 2025-02-28 05:10:49 +00:00
Bug 989137 - Part 17: Add browser chrome testing of Experiments. r=unfocused,gfritzsche
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ user_pref("font.size.inflation.minTwips", 0);
user_pref("experiments.enabled", true);
user_pref("experiments.supported", true);
user_pref("experiments.logging.level", "Trace");
// Point the manifest at something local so we don't risk it hitting production
// data and installing experiments that may vary over time.
user_pref("experiments.manifest.uri", "http://%(server)s/experiments-dummy/manifest");
// Only load extensions from the application and user profile
@ -2,27 +2,44 @@
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
let {AddonTestUtils} = Components.utils.import("resource://testing-common/AddonManagerTesting.jsm", {});
let {HttpServer} = Components.utils.import("resource://testing-common/httpd.js", {});
let gManagerWindow;
let gCategoryUtilities;
let gInstalledAddons = [];
let gContext = this;
let gExperiments;
let gHttpServer;
function getExperimentAddons() {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["experiment"], (addons) => {
return deferred.promise;
add_task(function* initializeState() {
gManagerWindow = yield open_manager();
gCategoryUtilities = new CategoryUtilities(gManagerWindow);
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
if (gHttpServer) {
gHttpServer.stop(() => {});
// The Experiments Manager will interfere with us by preventing installs
// of experiments it doesn't know about. We remove it from the equation
// because here we are only concerned with core Addon Manager operation,
// not the superset Experiments Manager has imposed.
if ("@mozilla.org/browser/experiments-service;1" in Components.classes) {
Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/experiments/Experiments.jsm", gContext);
let tmp = {};
Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/experiments/Experiments.jsm", tmp);
// There is a race condition between XPCOM service initialization and
// this test running. We have to initialize the instance first, then
// uninitialize it to prevent this.
let instance = gContext.Experiments.instance();
yield instance.uninit();
gExperiments = tmp.Experiments.instance();
yield gExperiments.uninit();
@ -30,7 +47,6 @@ add_task(function* initializeState() {
// should be hidden.
add_task(function* testInitialState() {
Assert.ok(gCategoryUtilities.get("experiment", false), "Experiment tab is defined.");
Assert.ok(!gCategoryUtilities.isTypeVisible("experiment"), "Experiment tab hidden by default.");
@ -44,7 +60,6 @@ add_task(function* testExperimentInfoNotVisible() {
// and that tab should have some messages.
add_task(function* testActiveExperiment() {
let addon = yield install_addon("addons/browser_experiment1.xpi");
Assert.ok(addon.userDisabled, "Add-on is disabled upon initial install.");
Assert.equal(addon.isActive, false, "Add-on is not active.");
@ -143,14 +158,127 @@ add_task(function* testButtonPresence() {
is_element_hidden(el, "Enable button not visible.");
// Remove the add-on we've been testing with.
add_task(function* testCleanup() {
for (let addon of gInstalledAddons) {
yield AddonTestUtils.uninstallAddonByID("test-experiment1@experiments.mozilla.org");
// Verify some conditions, just in case.
let addons = yield getExperimentAddons();
Assert.equal(addons.length, 0, "No experiment add-ons are installed.");
// We need to initialize the experiments service for the following tests.
add_task(function* initializeExperiments() {
if (!gExperiments) {
// We need to remove the cache file to help ensure consistent state.
yield OS.File.remove(gExperiments._cacheFilePath);
info("Initializing experiments service.");
yield gExperiments.init();
info("Experiments service finished first run.");
// Check conditions, just to be sure.
let experiments = yield gExperiments.getExperiments();
Assert.equal(experiments.length, 0, "No experiments known to the service.");
// The following tests should ideally live in browser/experiments/. However,
// they rely on some of the helper functions from head.js, which can't easily
// be consumed from other directories. So, they live here.
add_task(function* testActivateExperiment() {
if (!gExperiments) {
info("Skipping experiments test because that feature isn't available.");
gHttpServer = new HttpServer();
let root = "http://localhost:" + gHttpServer.identity.primaryPort + "/";
gHttpServer.registerPathHandler("/manifest", (request, response) => {
response.setStatusLine(null, 200, "OK");
"version": 1,
"experiments": [
id: "experiment-1",
xpiURL: TESTROOT + "addons/browser_experiment1.xpi",
xpiHash: "IRRELEVANT",
startTime: Date.now() / 1000 - 3600,
endTime: Date.now() / 1000 + 3600,
maxActiveSeconds: 600,
appName: [Services.appinfo.name],
channel: [gExperiments._policy.updatechannel()],
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("experiments.manifest.cert.checkAttributes", false);
Services.prefs.setCharPref("experiments.manifest.uri", root + "manifest");
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
// This makes testing easier.
gExperiments._policy.ignoreHashes = true;
registerCleanupFunction(() => { gExperiments._policy.ignoreHashes = false; });
info("Manually updating experiments manifest.");
yield gExperiments.updateManifest();
info("Experiments update complete.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
gHttpServer.stop(() => {
gHttpServer = null;
info("getting experiment by ID");
AddonManager.getAddonByID("test-experiment1@experiments.mozilla.org", (addon) => {
Assert.ok(addon, "Add-on installed via Experiments manager.");
yield deferred.promise;
Assert.ok(gCategoryUtilities.isTypeVisible, "experiment", "Experiment tab visible.");
yield gCategoryUtilities.openType("experiment");
let el = gManagerWindow.document.getElementsByClassName("experiment-info-container")[0];
is_element_visible(el, "Experiment info is visible on experiment tab.");
add_task(function testDeactivateExperiment() {
if (!gExperiments) {
yield gExperiments._updateExperiments({
"version": 1,
"experiments": [],
yield gExperiments.disableExperiment("testing");
add_task(function* testCleanup() {
if (gExperiments) {
// We perform the uninit/init cycle to purge any leftover state.
yield OS.File.remove(gExperiments._cacheFilePath);
yield gExperiments.uninit();
yield gExperiments.init();
// Check post-conditions.
let addons = yield getExperimentAddons();
Assert.equal(addons.length, 0, "No experiment add-ons are installed.");
yield close_manager(gManagerWindow);
if ("@mozilla.org/browser/experiments-service;1" in Components.classes) {
yield gContext.Experiments.instance().init();
Reference in New Issue
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