This commit is contained in:
Andreas Gal 2009-03-17 21:51:19 -07:00
commit 390f5bce99
3 changed files with 46 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ TraceRecorder::TraceRecorder(JSContext* cx, VMSideExit* _anchor, Fragment* _frag
TreeInfo* ti, unsigned stackSlots, unsigned ngslots, uint8* typeMap,
VMSideExit* innermostNestedGuard, jsbytecode* outer)
JS_ASSERT(!_fragment->vmprivate && ti && cx->fp->regs->pc == (jsbytecode*)_fragment->ip);
JS_ASSERT(!_fragment->vmprivate && ti);
this->cx = cx;
this->traceMonitor = &JS_TRACE_MONITOR(cx);
@ -1219,9 +1219,6 @@ TraceRecorder::TraceRecorder(JSContext* cx, VMSideExit* _anchor, Fragment* _frag
this->terminate = false;
this->wasRootFragment = _fragment == _fragment->root;
this->outer = outer;
this->pendingTraceableNative = NULL;
this->pendingBoxedValue = JSVAL_HOLE;
this->pendingBoxedIns = NULL;
debug_only_v(printf("recording starting from %s:%u@%u\n",
ti->treeFileName, ti->treeLineNumber, ti->treePCOffset);)
@ -1254,14 +1251,6 @@ TraceRecorder::TraceRecorder(JSContext* cx, VMSideExit* _anchor, Fragment* _frag
/* read into registers all values on the stack and all globals we know so far */
import(treeInfo, lirbuf->sp, stackSlots, ngslots, callDepth, typeMap);
/* unbox any boxed values we imported as jsvals */
if (pendingBoxedIns) {
JS_ASSERT(fragment != fragment->root);
unbox_jsval(pendingBoxedValue, pendingBoxedIns, snapshot(BRANCH_EXIT));
pendingBoxedValue = JSVAL_NULL;
pendingBoxedIns = NULL;
if (fragment == fragment->root) {
* We poll the operation callback request flag. It is updated asynchronously whenever
@ -1749,7 +1738,7 @@ TraceRecorder::import(LIns* base, ptrdiff_t offset, jsval* p, uint8& t,
ins = lir->insLoadi(base, offset);
ins = lir->ins1(LIR_i2f, ins);
} else {
JS_ASSERT_IF(t != JSVAL_BOXED, isNumber(*p) == (t == JSVAL_DOUBLE));
JS_ASSERT(t == JSVAL_BOXED || isNumber(*p) == (t == JSVAL_DOUBLE));
if (t == JSVAL_DOUBLE) {
ins = lir->insLoad(LIR_ldq, base, offset);
} else if (t == JSVAL_BOOLEAN) {
@ -1760,17 +1749,6 @@ TraceRecorder::import(LIns* base, ptrdiff_t offset, jsval* p, uint8& t,
tracker.set(p, ins);
* If we are attaching a branch to an unbox operation that failed, make a note to unbox
* the value as soon as we imported everything.
if (t == JSVAL_BOXED) {
pendingBoxedValue = *p;
pendingBoxedIns = ins;
#ifdef DEBUG
char name[64];
JS_ASSERT(strlen(prefix) < 10);
@ -2124,14 +2102,9 @@ TraceRecorder::snapshot(ExitType exitType)
/* Check for a return-value opcode that needs to restart at the next instruction. */
const JSCodeSpec& cs = js_CodeSpec[*pc];
* When calling a _FAIL native, make the snapshot's pc point to the next
* instruction after the CALL or APPLY. Even on failure, a _FAIL native must not
* be called again from the interpreter.
/* WARNING: don't return before restoring the original pc if (resumeAfter). */
bool resumeAfter = (pendingTraceableNative &&
JSTN_ERRTYPE(pendingTraceableNative) == FAIL_STATUS);
if (resumeAfter) {
pc += cs.length;
@ -2160,15 +2133,13 @@ TraceRecorder::snapshot(ExitType exitType)
JS_ASSERT(unsigned(m - typemap) == ngslots + stackSlots);
* If we are currently executing a traceable native or we are attaching a second trace
* to it, the value on top of the stack is boxed. Make a note of this in the typemap.
if ((pendingTraceableNative && (pendingTraceableNative->flags & JSTN_UNBOX_AFTER)) || pendingBoxedIns)
typemap[stackSlots - 1] = JSVAL_BOXED;
/* Now restore the the original pc (after which early returns are ok). */
/* If we are capturing the stack state on a specific instruction, the value on
the top of the stack is a boxed value. */
if (resumeAfter) {
if (pendingTraceableNative->flags & JSTN_UNBOX_AFTER)
typemap[stackSlots - 1] = JSVAL_BOXED;
/* Now restore the the original pc (after which early returns are ok). */
regs->pc = pc - cs.length;
} else {
@ -2259,34 +2230,22 @@ TraceRecorder::snapshot(ExitType exitType)
/* Emit a guard for condition (cond), expecting to evaluate to boolean result (expected)
and using the supplied side exit if the conditon doesn't hold. */
TraceRecorder::guard(bool expected, LIns* cond, LIns* exit)
if (!cond->isCond()) {
expected = !expected;
cond = lir->ins_eq0(cond);
#ifdef DEBUG
LIns* guard =
lir->insGuard(expected ? LIR_xf : LIR_xt, cond, exit);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (guard) {
GuardRecord* lr = guard->record();
VMSideExit* e = (VMSideExit*)lr->exit;
debug_only_v(printf(" lr=%p exitType=%d\n", (SideExit*)e, e->exitType);)
} else {
debug_only_v(printf(" redundant guard, eliminated\n");)
return lir->insGuard(expected ? LIR_xf : LIR_xt, cond, exit);
/* Emit a guard for condition (cond), expecting to evaluate to boolean result (expected)
and generate a side exit with type exitType to jump to if the condition does not hold. */
TraceRecorder::guard(bool expected, LIns* cond, ExitType exitType)
guard(expected, cond, snapshot(exitType));
return guard(expected, cond, snapshot(exitType));
/* Try to match the type of a slot to type t. checkType is used to verify that the type of
@ -2682,12 +2641,14 @@ TraceRecorder::closeLoop(JSTraceMonitor* tm, bool& demote)
} else {
exit->target = fragment->root;
fragment->lastIns = lir->insGuard(LIR_loop, lir->insImm(1), exitIns);
if (fragmento->assm()->error() != nanojit::None)
return false;
@ -2881,7 +2842,6 @@ TraceRecorder::emitTreeCall(Fragment* inner, VMSideExit* exit)
/* Read back all registers, in case the called tree changed any of them. */
import(ti, inner_sp_ins, exit->numStackSlots, exit->numGlobalSlots,
exit->calldepth, getFullTypeMap(exit));
/* Restore sp and rp to their original values (we still have them in a register). */
if (callDepth > 0) {
lir->insStorei(lirbuf->sp, lirbuf->state, offsetof(InterpState, sp));
@ -5942,7 +5902,7 @@ TraceRecorder::box_jsval(jsval v, LIns*& v_ins)
TraceRecorder::unbox_jsval(jsval v, LIns*& v_ins, LIns* exit)
TraceRecorder::unbox_jsval(jsval v, LIns*& v_ins)
if (isNumber(v)) {
@ -5953,7 +5913,7 @@ TraceRecorder::unbox_jsval(jsval v, LIns*& v_ins, LIns* exit)
lir->ins2(LIR_piand, v_ins,
LIns* args[] = { v_ins };
v_ins = lir->insCall(&js_UnboxDouble_ci, args);
@ -5964,15 +5924,16 @@ TraceRecorder::unbox_jsval(jsval v, LIns*& v_ins, LIns* exit)
lir->ins2(LIR_piand, v_ins, INS_CONST(JSVAL_TAGMASK)),
v_ins = lir->ins2i(LIR_ush, v_ins, JSVAL_TAGBITS);
if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(v)) {
// JSVAL_NULL maps to type JSVAL_TNULL, so insist that v_ins == 0 here.
guard(true, lir->ins_eq0(v_ins), exit);
guard(true, lir->ins_eq0(v_ins), MISMATCH_EXIT);
} else {
// We must guard that v_ins has JSVAL_OBJECT tag but is not JSVAL_NULL.
LIns* exit = snapshot(MISMATCH_EXIT);
lir->ins2(LIR_piand, v_ins, INS_CONST(JSVAL_TAGMASK)),
@ -5987,7 +5948,7 @@ TraceRecorder::unbox_jsval(jsval v, LIns*& v_ins, LIns* exit)
lir->ins2(LIR_piand, v_ins, INS_CONST(JSVAL_TAGMASK)),
v_ins = lir->ins2(LIR_piand, v_ins, INS_CONST(~JSVAL_TAGMASK));
@ -6035,11 +5996,10 @@ TraceRecorder::guardDenseArrayIndex(JSObject* obj, jsint idx, LIns* obj_ins,
bool cond = (jsuint(idx) < jsuint(obj->fslots[JSSLOT_ARRAY_LENGTH]) && jsuint(idx) < capacity);
if (cond) {
LIns* exit = snapshot(exitType);
/* Guard array length */
lir->ins2(LIR_ult, idx_ins, stobj_get_fslot(obj_ins, JSSLOT_ARRAY_LENGTH)),
LIns* exit = guard(true,
lir->ins2(LIR_ult, idx_ins, stobj_get_fslot(obj_ins, JSSLOT_ARRAY_LENGTH)),
/* dslots must not be NULL */
@ -7613,25 +7573,23 @@ TraceRecorder::record_FastNativeCallComplete()
because that would cause the interpreter to re-execute the native
function, which might have side effects.
Instead, the snapshot() call below sees that we are currently parked on
a traceable native's JSOP_CALL instruction, and it will advance the pc
to restore by the length of the current opcode. If the native's return
type is jsval, snapshot() will also indicate in the type map that the
element on top of the stack is a boxed value which doesn't need to be
boxed if the type guard generated by unbox_jsval() fails. */
LIns* exit = NULL;
Instead, snapshot(), which is invoked from unbox_jsval() below, will see
that we are currently parked on a traceable native's JSOP_CALL
instruction, and it will advance the pc to restore by the length of the
current opcode. If the native's return type is jsval, snapshot() will
also indicate in the type map that the element on top of the stack is a
boxed value which doesn't need to be boxed if the type guard generated
by unbox_jsval() fails. */
if (JSTN_ERRTYPE(pendingTraceableNative) == FAIL_STATUS) {
#ifdef DEBUG
// Keep cx->bailExit null when it's invalid.
lir->insStorei(INS_CONSTPTR(NULL), cx_ins, (int) offsetof(JSContext, bailExit));
exit = snapshot(STATUS_EXIT);
lir->insLoad(LIR_ld, cx_ins, (int) offsetof(JSContext, builtinStatus))),
JS_ASSERT(*cx->fp->regs->pc == JSOP_CALL ||
@ -7642,7 +7600,7 @@ TraceRecorder::record_FastNativeCallComplete()
bool ok = true;
if (pendingTraceableNative->flags & JSTN_UNBOX_AFTER) {
unbox_jsval(v, v_ins, exit ? exit : snapshot(BRANCH_EXIT));
unbox_jsval(v, v_ins);
set(&v, v_ins);
} else if (JSTN_ERRTYPE(pendingTraceableNative) == FAIL_NEG) {
/* Already added i2f in functionCall. */
@ -7758,8 +7716,7 @@ TraceRecorder::prop(JSObject* obj, LIns* obj_ins, uint32& slot, LIns*& v_ins)
v_ins = lir->insCall(&js_CallGetter_ci, args);
guard(false, lir->ins2(LIR_eq, v_ins, INS_CONST(JSVAL_ERROR_COOKIE)), OOM_EXIT);
unbox_jsval((sprop->shortid == REGEXP_SOURCE) ? JSVAL_STRING : JSVAL_BOOLEAN,
JS_ASSERT(cs.ndefs == 1);
stack(-cs.nuses, v_ins);
return true;
@ -7791,7 +7748,7 @@ TraceRecorder::prop(JSObject* obj, LIns* obj_ins, uint32& slot, LIns*& v_ins)
v_ins = stobj_get_slot(obj_ins, slot, dslots_ins);
unbox_jsval(STOBJ_GET_SLOT(obj, slot), v_ins, snapshot(BRANCH_EXIT));
unbox_jsval(STOBJ_GET_SLOT(obj, slot), v_ins);
return true;
@ -7854,7 +7811,7 @@ TraceRecorder::elem(jsval& oval, jsval& idx, jsval*& vp, LIns*& v_ins, LIns*& ad
/* Load the value and guard on its type to unbox it. */
v_ins = lir->insLoad(LIR_ldp, addr_ins, 0);
unbox_jsval(*vp, v_ins, snapshot(BRANCH_EXIT));
unbox_jsval(*vp, v_ins);
// Optimize to guard for a hole only after untagging, so we know that

View File

@ -412,8 +412,6 @@ class TraceRecorder : public avmplus::GCObject {
Queue<jsbytecode*> cfgMerges;
jsval* global_dslots;
JSTraceableNative* pendingTraceableNative;
jsval pendingBoxedValue;
nanojit::LIns* pendingBoxedIns;
bool terminate;
jsbytecode* terminate_pc;
jsbytecode* terminate_imacpc;
@ -433,8 +431,9 @@ class TraceRecorder : public avmplus::GCObject {
JS_REQUIRES_STACK bool isValidSlot(JSScope* scope, JSScopeProperty* sprop);
JS_REQUIRES_STACK bool lazilyImportGlobalSlot(unsigned slot);
JS_REQUIRES_STACK void guard(bool expected, nanojit::LIns* cond, ExitType exitType);
JS_REQUIRES_STACK void guard(bool expected, nanojit::LIns* cond, nanojit::LIns* exit);
JS_REQUIRES_STACK nanojit::LIns* guard(bool expected, nanojit::LIns* cond,
ExitType exitType);
nanojit::LIns* guard(bool expected, nanojit::LIns* cond, nanojit::LIns* exit);
nanojit::LIns* addName(nanojit::LIns* ins, const char* name);
@ -528,7 +527,7 @@ class TraceRecorder : public avmplus::GCObject {
JS_REQUIRES_STACK bool getThis(nanojit::LIns*& this_ins);
JS_REQUIRES_STACK void box_jsval(jsval v, nanojit::LIns*& v_ins);
JS_REQUIRES_STACK void unbox_jsval(jsval v, nanojit::LIns*& v_ins, nanojit::LIns* exit);
JS_REQUIRES_STACK void unbox_jsval(jsval v, nanojit::LIns*& v_ins);
JS_REQUIRES_STACK bool guardClass(JSObject* obj, nanojit::LIns* obj_ins, JSClass* clasp,
nanojit::LIns* exit);
JS_REQUIRES_STACK bool guardDenseArray(JSObject* obj, nanojit::LIns* obj_ins,

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@ -48,17 +48,11 @@ function testmath(funcname, args, expected) {
} = funcname + "(" + args + ")";
testfunc.expected = expected;
// Disable jitstats check. This never worked right. The actual part of the
// loop we cared about was never traced. We traced the filler parts early
// and then took a mismatch side exit on every subequent array read with
// a different type (gal, discovered when fixing bug 479110).
// testfunc.jitstats = {
// recorderStarted: 1,
// recorderAborted: 0,
// traceTriggered: 1
// };
testfunc.jitstats = {
recorderStarted: 1,
recorderAborted: 0,
traceTriggered: 1