NNTP test harness. This code was moved here from news\tests.

This commit is contained in:
mscott%netscape.com 1999-02-18 00:54:06 +00:00
parent d469b784b6
commit 3ca3e64f0e
2 changed files with 757 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
PROGRAM = .\$(OBJDIR)\nntpTest.exe
OBJS = \
.\$(OBJDIR)\nntpTest.obj \
LINCS=-I$(PUBLIC)\raptor -I$(PUBLIC)\xpcom -I$(PUBLIC)\netlib -I$(PUBLIC)\mailnews -I$(PUBLIC)\security -I$(PUBLIC)\pref -I$(PUBLIC)\rdf
$(DIST)\lib\xpcom32.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\raptorbase.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\raptorgfxwin.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\raptorwidget.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\netlib.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\libplc21.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\nntp.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\nntpTest.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\msgcore.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\xplib.lib \
include <$(DEPTH)\config\rules.mak>
install:: $(PROGRAM)
rm -f $(DIST)\bin\Mailer.exe

View File

@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
* This test program is designed to test netlib's implementation of nsITransport.
* In particular, it is currently geared towards testing their socket implemnation.
* When the test program starts up, you are prompted for a port and domain
* (I may have these hard coded right now to be nsmail-2 and port 143).
* After entering this information, we'll build a connection to the host name.
* You can then enter raw protocol text (i.e. "1 capability") and watch the data
* that comes back from the socket. After data is returned, you can enter another
* line of protocol.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef XP_PC
#include <windows.h>
#include "plstr.h"
#include "plevent.h"
#include "nsIStreamListener.h"
#include "nsIInputStream.h"
#include "nsITransport.h"
#include "nsIURL.h"
#include "nsINetService.h"
#include "nsRepository.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsNNTPNewsgroupPost.h"
#include "nntpCore.h"
#include "nsNNTPProtocol.h"
#include "nsNntpUrl.h"
// include the event sinks for the protocol you are testing
#include "nsINNTPHost.h"
#include "nsINetService.h"
#include "nsIServiceManager.h"
#include "nsIEventQueueService.h"
#include "nsXPComCIID.h"
#ifdef XP_PC
#define NETLIB_DLL "netlib.dll"
#define XPCOM_DLL "xpcom32.dll"
#ifdef XP_MAC
#include "nsMacRepository.h"
#define NETLIB_DLL "libnetlib.so"
#define XPCOM_DLL "libxpcom.so"
// Define keys for all of the interfaces we are going to require for this test
// Define default values to be used to drive the test
#define DEFAULT_HOST "zia.mcom.com"
#define DEFAULT_PORT NEWS_PORT /* we get this value from nntpCore.h */
#define DEFAULT_URL_TYPE "news://" /* do NOT change this value until netlib re-write is done...*/
//extern NET_StreamClass *MIME_MessageConverter(int format_out, void *closure,
// URL_Struct *url, MWContext *context);
#ifdef XP_UNIX
extern "C" char *fe_GetConfigDir(void) {
printf("XXX: return /tmp for fe_GetConfigDir\n");
return PL_strdup("/tmp");
#endif /* XP_UNIX */
// temporary hack...we don't have escape search url in the new world yet....
char *MSG_EscapeSearchUrl (const char *nntpCommand)
char *result = NULL;
// max escaped length is two extra characters for every character in the cmd.
char *scratchBuf = (char*) PR_Malloc (3*PL_strlen(nntpCommand) + 1);
if (scratchBuf)
char *scratchPtr = scratchBuf;
while (1)
char ch = *nntpCommand++;
if (!ch)
if (ch == '#' || ch == '?' || ch == '@' || ch == '\\')
*scratchPtr++ = '\\';
sprintf (scratchPtr, "%X", ch);
scratchPtr += 2;
*scratchPtr++ = ch;
*scratchPtr = '\0';
result = PL_strdup (scratchBuf); // realloc down to smaller size
return result;
/* strip out non-printable characters */
static void strip_nonprintable(char *string) {
char *dest, *src;
while (*src) {
if (isprint(*src)) {
src++; dest++;
} else {
// The nsNntpTestDriver is a class that I envision could be generalized to form the
// building block of a protocol test harness. To configure it, you would list all of
// the events you know how to handle and when one of those events is triggered, you
// would be asked to process it....right now it is just NNTP specific....
class nsNntpTestDriver
nsNntpTestDriver(nsINetService * pService, PLEventQueue *queue);
virtual ~nsNntpTestDriver();
// run driver initializes the instance, lists the commands, runs the command and when
// the command is finished, it reads in the next command and continues...theoretically,
// the client should only ever have to call RunDriver(). It should do the rest of the
// work....
nsresult RunDriver();
// User drive commands
void InitializeTestDriver(); // will end up prompting the user for things like host, port, etc.
nsresult ListCommands(); // will list all available commands to the user...i.e. "get groups, get article, etc."
nsresult ReadAndDispatchCommand(); // reads a command number in from the user and calls the appropriate command generator
nsresult PromptForUserDataAndBuildUrl(const char * userPrompt);
// The following are event generators. They convert all of the available user commands into
// URLs and then run the urls.
nsresult OnListAllGroups(); // lists all the groups on the host
nsresult OnListIDs();
nsresult OnGetGroup(); // lists the status of the user specified group...
nsresult OnListArticle();
nsresult OnSearch();
nsresult OnReadNewsRC();
nsresult OnPostMessage();
nsresult OnExit();
PLEventQueue *m_eventQueue;
char m_urlSpec[200]; // "sockstub://hostname:port" it does not include the command specific data...
char m_urlString[500]; // string representing the current url being run. Includes host AND command specific data.
char m_userData[250]; // generic string buffer for storing the current user entered data...
// host and port info...
PRUint32 m_port;
char m_host[200];
nsINntpUrl * m_url;
nsNNTPProtocol * m_nntpProtocol; // running protocol instance
nsITransport * m_transport; // a handle on the current transport object being used with the protocol binding...
PRBool m_runningURL; // are we currently running a url? this flag is set to false on exit...
void InitializeProtocol(const char * urlSpec);
nsresult SetupUrl(char *group);
PRBool m_protocolInitialized;
nsNntpTestDriver::nsNntpTestDriver(nsINetService * pNetService,
PLEventQueue *queue)
m_urlSpec[0] = '\0';
m_urlString[0] = '\0';
m_url = nsnull;
m_protocolInitialized = PR_FALSE;
m_runningURL = PR_TRUE;
m_eventQueue = queue;
InitializeTestDriver(); // prompts user for initialization information...
// create a transport socket...
pNetService->CreateSocketTransport(&m_transport, m_port, m_host);
m_nntpProtocol = nsnull; // we can't create it until we have a url...
void nsNntpTestDriver::InitializeProtocol(const char * urlString)
// this is called when we don't have a url nor a protocol instance yet...
NS_NewNntpUrl(&m_url, urlString);
// now create a protocl instance...
m_nntpProtocol = new nsNNTPProtocol(m_url, m_transport);
m_protocolInitialized = PR_TRUE;
if (m_nntpProtocol) delete m_nntpProtocol;
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::RunDriver()
nsresult status = NS_OK;
while (m_runningURL)
// if we haven't gotten started (and created a protocol) or
// if the protocol instance is currently not busy, then read in a new command
// and process it...
if ((!m_nntpProtocol) || m_nntpProtocol->IsRunningUrl() == PR_FALSE) // if we aren't running the url anymore, ask ueser for another command....
status = ReadAndDispatchCommand();
} // if running url
#ifdef XP_UNIX
#ifdef XP_PC
MSG msg;
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
} // until the user has stopped running the url (which is really the test session.....
return status;
void nsNntpTestDriver::InitializeTestDriver()
// prompt the user for port and host name
char portString[20]; // used to read in the port string
char hostString[200];
portString[0] = '\0';
hostString[0] = '\0';
m_host[0] = '\0';
m_port = DEFAULT_PORT;
// load default host name and set the start of the url
PL_strcpy(m_host, DEFAULT_HOST);
PL_strcpy(m_urlSpec, DEFAULT_URL_TYPE); // copy "sockstub://" part into url spec...
// prompt user for port...
printf("Enter port to use [%d]: ", m_port);
fgets(portString, sizeof(portString), stdin);
if (portString && *portString)
m_port = atoi(portString);
// now prompt for the host name....
printf("Enter host name to use [%s]: ", m_host);
fgets(hostString, sizeof(hostString), stdin);
if(hostString && *hostString)
PL_strcpy(m_host, hostString);
PL_strcat(m_urlSpec, m_host);
// we'll actually build the url (spec + user data) once the user has specified a command they want to try...
// prints the userPrompt and then reads in the user data. Assumes urlData has already been allocated.
// it also reconstructs the url string in m_urlString but does NOT reload it....
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::PromptForUserDataAndBuildUrl(const char * userPrompt)
char tempBuffer[500];
tempBuffer[0] = '\0';
if (userPrompt)
printf("Enter data for command: ");
fgets(tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer), stdin);
// only replace m_userData if the user actually entered a valid line...
// this allows the command function to set a default value on m_userData before
// calling this routine....
if (tempBuffer && *tempBuffer)
PL_strcpy(m_userData, tempBuffer);
return NS_OK;
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::ReadAndDispatchCommand()
nsresult status = NS_OK;
PRInt32 command = 0;
char commandString[5];
commandString[0] = '\0';
printf("Enter command number: ");
fgets(commandString, sizeof(commandString), stdin);
if (commandString && *commandString)
command = atoi(commandString);
// now switch on command to the appropriate
switch (command)
case 0:
status = ListCommands();
case 1:
status = OnListAllGroups();
case 2:
status = OnGetGroup();
case 3:
status = OnListIDs();
case 4:
status = OnListArticle();
case 5:
status = OnSearch();
case 6:
status = OnReadNewsRC();
case 7:
status = OnPostMessage();
status = OnExit();
return status;
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::ListCommands()
printf("Commands currently available: \n");
printf("0) List available commands. \n");
printf("1) List all news groups. \n");
printf("2) Get (and subscribe) to a group. \n");
printf("3) List ids. \n");
printf("4) Get an article. \n");
printf("5) Perform Search. \n");
printf("6) Read NewsRC file. \n");
printf("7) Post a message. \n");
printf("9) Exit the test application. \n");
return NS_OK;
// Begin protocol specific command url generation code...gee that's a mouthful....
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::OnExit()
printf("Terminating NNTP test harness....\n");
m_runningURL = PR_FALSE; // next time through the test driver loop, we'll kick out....
return NS_OK;
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::OnListAllGroups()
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
printf("Listing all groups..\n");
// no prompt for url data....just append a '*' to the url data and run it...
m_urlString[0] = '\0';
PL_strcpy(m_urlString, m_urlSpec);
PL_strcat(m_urlString, "/");
PL_strcat(m_urlString, "*");
if (m_protocolInitialized == PR_FALSE)
m_url->SetSpec(m_urlString); // reset spec
printf("Running %s\n", m_urlString);
rv = m_nntpProtocol->LoadURL(m_url, nsnull /* display stream */);
return rv;
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::OnListIDs()
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// no prompt for url data....just append a '*' to the url data and run it...
m_urlString[0] = '\0';
PL_strcpy(m_urlString, m_urlSpec);
PL_strcat(m_urlString, "/");
rv = PromptForUserDataAndBuildUrl("Group to fetch IDs for: ");
PL_strcat(m_urlString, m_userData);
PL_strcat(m_urlString, "?list-ids");
// load the correct newsgroup interface as an event sink...
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
printf("Running %s\n", m_urlString);
rv = m_nntpProtocol->LoadURL(m_url, nsnull /* display stream */);
return rv;
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::OnListArticle()
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// first, prompt the user for the name of the group to fetch
// prime article number with a default value...
m_userData[0] = '\0';
PL_strcpy(m_userData, "35D8A048.3C0F0C7A@zia.mcom.com");
rv = PromptForUserDataAndBuildUrl("Article Number to Fetch: ");
// no prompt for url data....just append a '*' to the url data and run it...
m_urlString[0] = '\0';
PL_strcpy(m_urlString, m_urlSpec);
PL_strcat(m_urlString, "/");
PL_strcat(m_urlString, m_userData);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
printf("Running %s\n", m_urlString);
rv = m_nntpProtocol->LoadURL(m_url);
return rv;
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::OnSearch()
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// first, prompt the user for the name of the group to fetch
rv = PromptForUserDataAndBuildUrl("Group to search: ");
m_urlString[0] = '\0';
PL_strcpy(m_urlString, m_urlSpec);
PL_strcat(m_urlString, "/");
PL_strcat(m_urlString, m_userData);
// now append "?search" to the end...
PL_strcat(m_urlString, "?search/");
rv = PromptForUserDataAndBuildUrl("Search criteria: ");
if (m_userData[0]) // did the user enter in something???
char * escapedBuffer = MSG_EscapeSearchUrl(m_userData);
PL_strcat(m_urlString, escapedBuffer);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
printf("Running %s\n", m_urlString);
rv = m_nntpProtocol->LoadURL(m_url, nsnull /* display stream */);
return rv;
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
char *subject;
char *message;
char *newsgroup;
rv = PromptForUserDataAndBuildUrl("Newsgroup: ");
newsgroup =PL_strdup(m_userData);
m_urlString[0] = '\0';
PL_strcpy(m_urlString, m_urlSpec);
PL_strcat(m_urlString, "/");
PL_strcat(m_urlString, m_userData);
// now we need to attach a message
rv = PromptForUserDataAndBuildUrl("Subject: ");
subject = PL_strdup(m_userData);
printf("Enter your message below. End with a blank line.\n");
rv = PromptForUserDataAndBuildUrl("");
int messagelen = 0;
message = NULL;
while (m_userData[0]) {
int linelen = PL_strlen(m_userData);
char *newMessage = (char *)PR_Malloc(linelen+messagelen+2);
messagelen = linelen+messagelen+2;
if (message) PL_strcpy(newMessage, message);
PL_strcat(newMessage, m_userData);
PL_strcat(newMessage, "\n");
message = newMessage;
rv = PromptForUserDataAndBuildUrl("");
printf("Ready to post the message:\n");
printf("Subject: %s\n", subject);
printf("Message:\n %s\n", message);
nsINNTPNewsgroupPost *post;
rv = NS_NewNewsgroupPost(&post);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// fake out these headers so that it's a valid post
printf("Running %s\n", m_urlString);
rv = m_nntpProtocol->LoadURL(m_url, nsnull /* display stream */);
return rv;
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::OnGetGroup()
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// first, prompt the user for the name of the group to fetch
rv = PromptForUserDataAndBuildUrl("Group to fetch: ");
// no prompt for url data....just append a '*' to the url data and run it...
m_urlString[0] = '\0';
PL_strcpy(m_urlString, m_urlSpec);
PL_strcat(m_urlString, "/");
PL_strcat(m_urlString, m_userData);
if (m_protocolInitialized == PR_FALSE)
m_url->SetSpec(m_urlString); // reset spec
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
printf("Running %s\n", m_urlString);
rv = m_nntpProtocol->LoadURL(m_url, nsnull /* displayStream */);
} // if user provided the data...
return rv;
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::OnReadNewsRC()
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
m_urlString[0] = '\0';
PL_strcpy(m_urlString, m_urlSpec);
if (m_protocolInitialized == PR_FALSE)
m_url->SetSpec(m_urlString); // reset spec
// a read newsrc url is of the form: news://
// or news://HOST
printf("Running %s\n", m_urlString);
rv = m_nntpProtocol->LoadURL(m_url);
return rv;
nsresult nsNntpTestDriver::SetupUrl(char *groupname)
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
if (m_protocolInitialized == PR_FALSE)
rv = m_url->SetSpec(m_urlString); // reset spec
// before we re-load, assume it is a group command and configure our nntpurl correctly...
nsINNTPHost * host = nsnull;
nsINNTPNewsgroup * group = nsnull;
nsINNTPNewsgroupList * list = nsnull;
rv = m_url->GetNntpHost(&host);
if (host)
rv = host->FindGroup(groupname, &group);
if (group)
rv = m_url->SetNewsgroup(group);
rv = m_url->SetNewsgroupList(list);
return rv;
} // if user provided the data...
// End on command handlers for news
int main()
nsINetService * pNetService;
PLEventQueue *queue;
nsresult result;
nsRepository::RegisterFactory(kNetServiceCID, NETLIB_DLL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
nsRepository::RegisterFactory(kEventQueueServiceCID, XPCOM_DLL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
// Create the Event Queue for this thread...
nsIEventQueueService *pEventQService = nsnull;
result = nsServiceManager::GetService(kEventQueueServiceCID,
(nsISupports **)&pEventQService);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
// XXX: What if this fails?
result = pEventQService->CreateThreadEventQueue();
// ask the net lib service for a nsINetStream:
result = NS_NewINetService(&pNetService, NULL);
if (NS_FAILED(result) || !pNetService)
printf("unable to initialize net serivce. \n");
return 1;
result =
if (NS_FAILED(result) || !queue) {
printf("unable to get event queue.\n");
return 1;
// now register a mime converter....
// NET_RegisterContentTypeConverter (MESSAGE_RFC822, FO_NGLAYOUT, NULL, MIME_MessageConverter);
// NET_RegisterContentTypeConverter (MESSAGE_RFC822, FO_CACHE_AND_NGLAYOUT, NULL, MIME_MessageConverter);
// okay, everything is set up, now we just need to create a test driver and run it...
nsNntpTestDriver * driver = new nsNntpTestDriver(pNetService,queue);
if (driver)
// when it kicks out...it is done....so delete it...
delete driver;
// shut down:
return 0;