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synced 2025-03-01 05:48:26 +00:00
Checked in patch for bug 264447: Export into vCalendar format has illegal newlines
This commit is contained in:
@ -797,6 +797,7 @@ function saveEventsToFile( calendarEventArray )
case 6 : // vcs
aDataStream = eventArrayToICalString( calendarEventArray, true );
aDataStream = patchICalStringForVCal( aDataStream );
extension = extensionvCalendar;
charset = "UTF-8";
@ -904,6 +905,184 @@ function patchICalStringForExport( sTextiCalendar )
return sTextiCalendar;
* patchICalStringForVCal:
* iCal (v2.0) [rfc2445sec4.1] says lines can be broken anywhere
* to comply with 75-octet line length (SHOULD NOT be longer)
* vCal (v1.0) [vCalendar1.0sec 2.1.3] says lines can only be broken
* at places where there may be linear white space, and does not give
* a general max line length, though says quoted-printable lines should be
* less than 76 characters.
* Quoted-printable lines are continued with an = just before the crlf.
* So approach is to eliminate breaks in lines except quoted-printable ones.
* Replace DESCRIPTION:line1\nline2
* line1=0D=0A=
* line2
* Also breaks single long values in aribrary text values
* using quoted-printable line breaks (end line with =), and
* replaces \, with , in these values.
* Converts version number to 1.0, as ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE is not
* part of the version 2.0 standard (it defers to transport MIME encoding).
function patchICalStringForVCal( sTextiCalendar )
// replace "\r\n " or "\r\n\t" with "" except when it follows "=".
// i.e., replace [char-other-than-"="] followed by \r\n then [space-or-tab],
// with just the captured ([char-other-than-"="])
var unfolded = sTextiCalendar.replace(/([^=])\r\n[ \t]/g, "$1");
var lines = unfolded.split("\r\n");
// Replace "\\n" in TEXT values with "=0D=0A\r\n ":
// - look for (property name and params) folowed by colon
// followed by (text with 'n' immediately preceded by an odd number of '\').
// Assumes params may not contain a colon.
// Assumes only text values contain "\\n"
var multilinePropertyRegExp = /^([^:]+):((?:.*[^\\](?:[\\][\\])*)?\\n.*)$/;
var longTextPropertyRegExp =
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
var matchedMultiLineParts = lines[i].match(multilinePropertyRegExp);
if (matchedMultiLineParts)
var propertyAndParams = matchedMultiLineParts[1];
propertyAndParams = propertyAndParams+";ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE";
var value = matchedMultiLineParts[2];
// Replace "\\n" in text values with "=0D=0A\r\n ":
value = value.replace(/\\n/g,
//replace if odd number of backslashes precede n
function(match, offset, whole) {
if (hasOddBackslashCount(whole, offset)){
return "=0D=0A=\r\n "; // odd, so replace
} else {
return match; // even, so keep \n
// trim if ends with "=0D=0A=\r\n ", to "=0D=0A"
if (endsWith(value, "=0D=0A=\r\n "))
value = value.substring(0, value.length - "=\r\n ".length);
// Replace "\\," in text values with ",":
value = replaceBackslashComma(value);
// limit line length
value = breakIntoContinuationLines(value, true);
lines[i] = propertyAndParams + ":=\r\n " + value;
var matchedLongTextParts = lines[i].match(longTextPropertyRegExp);
if (matchedLongTextParts) // maxlen
/*var*/ propertyAndParams = matchedLongTextParts[1];
/*var*/ value = matchedLongTextParts[2];
value = replaceBackslashComma(value);
if (propertyAndParams.length + ":".length + value.length > 75)
value = "\r\n "+breakIntoContinuationLines(value, false);
lines[i] = propertyAndParams + ":" + value;
if (lines[i]=="VERSION:2.0")
lines[i] = "VERSION:1.0";
return lines.join("\r\n")+"\r\n";
/** Replace \, with , if there is an odd number of backslashes. */
function replaceBackslashComma(value)
return value.replace(/\\,/g,
//replace if odd number of backslashes precede n
function(match, offset, whole) {
if (hasOddBackslashCount(whole, offset)){
return ","; // odd, so replace
} else {
return match; // even, so keep \,
/** whole is string. Offset is position to look for last backslash.
Returns true if there are an odd number of preceding backslashes,
ending with the one at offset. Returns false if offset does not
point to a backslash, or there are an even number before offset inclusive.
function hasOddBackslashCount(whole, offset)
var backSlashCount = 0;
for (var i = offset; i >= 0; i--) {
if (whole.charAt(i) == "\\")
return backSlashCount & 1;
* Break long lines in string value into shorter continuations.
* If useQuotedPrintable, then lines are delimited by "=0D=0A=\r\n ",
* else they are delimited by "\r\n ";
* If useQUotedPrintable, then continuations are separated with "=\r\n ",
* else they are separated with "\r\n ";
function breakIntoContinuationLines(value, useQuotedPrintable)
var lineDelimiter = (useQuotedPrintable? "=0D=0A=\r\n " : "\r\n ");
var lineContinuer = (useQuotedPrintable? "=\r\n " : "\r\n ");
// leave room to add "=\r\n " or "\r\n " and still be 75 chars or less.
var maxLen = 75 - lineContinuer.length;
if (value.length > maxLen) {
var lines = value.split(lineDelimiter); // existing split
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.length > maxLen) {
var lineParts = new Array();
var start = 0; // start of part of line
for (var end = maxLen; end < line.length; end+=maxLen) {
// for clarity, try to break on whitespace.
for(; end > 0; end--) {
var c = line.charAt(end - 1);
if (c == " " || c == "\t")
if (end == start) // line was filled with nonbreaks
end = start + maxLen;
lineParts[lineParts.length] = line.substring(start, end);
start = end;
lineParts[lineParts.length] = line.substring(start);
lines[i] = lineParts.join(lineContinuer);
value = lines.join(lineDelimiter);
return value;
function endsWith(whole, part) {
if (part.length <= whole.length) {
for (var i = 1; i <=part.length; i++)
if (part[part.length - i] != whole[whole.length - i])
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Converts a array of events to a block of HTML code
Reference in New Issue
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