mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 15:51:37 +00:00
More proxy auto config work.
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ CPPSRCS = \
nsDirectoryIndexStream.cpp \
nsStreamLoader.cpp \
nsProtocolProxyService.cpp \
nsProxyAutoConfigUtils.cpp \
# we don't want the shared lib, but we want to force the creation of a
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ CPP_OBJS = \
.\$(OBJDIR)\nsDirectoryIndexStream.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\nsStreamLoader.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\nsProtocolProxyService.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\nsProxyAutoConfigUtils.obj \
INCS = $(INCS) \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
Script for simple URI based filtering.
To add a new filter scroll down to the
last function (FilterMain) in this file.
- Gagan Saksena 05/04/00
const kFILTERS_PROGID = "component://mozilla/network/filters";
const kFILTERS_CID = Components.ID("{4677ea1e-1dd2-11b2-8654-e836efb6995c}");
const nsIWebFilters = Components.interfaces.nsIWebFilters;
const nsIURI = Components.interfaces.nsIURI;
function debug(msg)
dump(msg + "\n");
function nsFilterManager() {};
nsFilterManager.prototype = {
allowLoading: function(uri) {
return FilterMain(uri);
var filterModule = new Object();
filterModule.registerSelf =
function (compMgr, fileSpec, location, type) {
dump("*** Registering Web Filters (a Javascript module!)\n");
"Javascript Web Filters",
fileSpec, location,
true, true, type);
filterModule.getClassObject =
function (compMgr, cid, iid) {
if (!cid.equals(kFILTERS_CID))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFactory))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
return filtersFactory;
filterModule.canUnload =
function(compMgr) {
dump("*** Unloading Web Filters...\n");
return true;
var filtersFactory = new Object();
filtersFactory.CreateInstance =
function (outer, iid) {
if (outer != null)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
if (!iid.equals(nsIWebFilters) &&
!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) {
// shouldn't this be NO_INTERFACE?
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
return FilterMan;
function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) {
return filterModule;
var FilterMan= new nsFilterManager();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Sample block hosts list...
var blockHosts = new Array(
// The main filter function! Use the arrays above to build more...
// @return true if you want it to load.
// @return false if you don't like that uri.
function FilterMain(url) {
uri = url.QueryInterface(nsIURI);
try {
/* Commented since currently only HTTP asks for filters...
// Always let the non-relevant ones go...!
// otherwise it would mess up your skin (chrome/resource and such...)
if ((uri.scheme).search("http") == -1)
return true;
// Sample host matches- uri.host
for (var i=0; i < blockHosts.length; ++i) {
if (String(uri.host).search(blockHosts[i]) != -1)
return false;
catch (ex) { // any problems just continue
return true;
return true;
@ -23,8 +23,10 @@
#include "nsProtocolProxyService.h"
#include "nsIServiceManager.h"
#include "nsXPIDLString.h"
#include "nsIProxyAutoConfig.h"
static NS_DEFINE_CID(kPrefServiceCID, NS_PREF_CID);
static const char PROXY_PREFS[] = "network.proxy";
PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK ProxyPrefsCallback(const char* pref, void* instance)
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsProtocolProxyService, nsIProtocolProxyService);
@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ nsProtocolProxyService::PrefsChanged(const char* pref) {
PRInt32 type = -1;
rv = mPrefs->GetIntPref("network.proxy.type",&type);
mUseProxy = (type == 1); // type == 2 is autoconfig stuff
mUseProxy = type; // type == 2 is autoconfig stuff
if (!pref || !PL_strcmp(pref, "network.proxy.http"))
@ -216,7 +218,8 @@ nsProtocolProxyService::ExamineForProxy(nsIURI *aURI, nsIProxy *aProxy) {
// if proxies are enabled and this host:port combo is
// supposed to use a proxy, check for a proxy.
if (!mUseProxy || !CanUseProxy(aURI)) {
if ((0 == mUseProxy) ||
((1 == mUseProxy) && !CanUseProxy(aURI))) {
rv = aProxy->SetProxyHost(nsnull);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
rv = aProxy->SetProxyPort(-1);
@ -224,6 +227,29 @@ nsProtocolProxyService::ExamineForProxy(nsIURI *aURI, nsIProxy *aProxy) {
return NS_OK;
// Proxy auto config magic...
if (2 == mUseProxy)
// later on put this in a member variable TODO
nsCOMPtr<nsIProxyAutoConfig> pac =
do_CreateInstance(NS_PROXY_AUTO_CONFIG_PROGID, &rv);
nsXPIDLCString p_host;
PRInt32 p_port;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv = pac->ProxyForURL(
aURI, getter_Copies(p_host), &p_port)))
if (NS_FAILED(rv = aProxy->SetProxyHost(p_host)))
return rv;
if (NS_FAILED(rv = aProxy->SetProxyPort(p_port)))
return rv;
return NS_OK;
return rv;
nsXPIDLCString scheme;
rv = aURI->GetScheme(getter_Copies(scheme));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
@ -337,7 +363,8 @@ nsProtocolProxyService::LoadFilters(const char* filters)
char* endproxy = np+1; // at least that...
char* portLocation = 0;
PRInt32 nport = 0; // no proxy port
while (*endproxy && (*endproxy != ',' && !nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*endproxy)))
while (*endproxy && (*endproxy != ',' &&
if (*endproxy == ':')
portLocation = endproxy;
@ -359,4 +386,3 @@ nsProtocolProxyService::LoadFilters(const char* filters)
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ protected:
PRBool CanUseProxy(nsIURI* aURI);
nsCOMPtr<nsIPref> mPrefs;
PRBool mUseProxy;
PRUint16 mUseProxy;
nsXPIDLCString mHTTPProxyHost;
PRInt32 mHTTPProxyPort;
@ -21,107 +21,193 @@
Script for the proxy auto config in the new world order.
Script for Proxy Auto Config in the new world order.
- Gagan Saksena 04/24/00
var pac_progid= "component://mozilla/network/proxy_autoconfig";
const kPAC_PROGID = "component://mozilla/network/proxy_autoconfig";
const kPAC_CID = Components.ID("{63ac8c66-1dd2-11b2-b070-84d00d3eaece}");
const nsIProxyAutoConfig = Components.interfaces.nsIProxyAutoConfig;
function debug(msg)
function testSelf() {
try {
var pacMan =
catch (e) {
debug("oh oh...");
function Init()
debug("nsProxyAutoConfig.js: Init()\n");
PacMan = new nsProxyAutoConfig();
dump(msg + "\n");
// implementor of nsIProxyAutoConfig
function nsProxyAutoConfig() {};
nsProxyAutoConfig.prototype = {
ProxyForURL: function(url, host, port) {
uri = url.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIURI);
print("PAC.js uri= " + uri.spec);
// Call the original function-
var proxy = FindProxyForURL(uri.spec, uri.host);
debug("Proxy = " + proxy);
// TODO add code here that parses stupid PAC return strings
// to host and port pair...
// TODO warn about SOCKS
// test dummy for now...
host = "localhost";
port = 4321;
host.value = "localhost";
port.value = 4444;
var pacModule = {
firstTime: true,
var pacModule = new Object();
registerSelf: function (compMgr, fileSpec, location, type) {
if (this.firstTime) {
dump("*** Deferring registration of Proxy Auto Config\n");
this.firstTime = false;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FACTORY_REGISTER_AGAIN;
dump("*** Registering Proxy Auto Config\n");
pacModule.registerSelf =
function (compMgr, fileSpec, location, type) {
dump("*** Registering Proxy Auto Config (a Javascript module!) \n");
"Proxy Auto Config",
fileSpec, location,
true, true, type);
getClassObject: function (compMgr, cid, iid) {
if (!cid.equals(this.pacCID))
pacModule.getClassObject =
function (compMgr, cid, iid) {
if (!cid.equals(kPAC_CID))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFactory))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
return this.pacFactory;
return pacFactory;
pacCID: Components.ID("{63ac8c66-1dd2-11b2-b070-84d00d3eaece}"),
pacFactory: {
CreateInstance: function (outer, iid) {
if (outer != null)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIProxyAutoConfig) &&
!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) {
// shouldn't this be NO_INTERFACE?
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
return PacMan;
canUnload: function (compMgr) {
pacModule.canUnload =
function (compMgr) {
dump("*** Unloading Proxy Auto Config...\n");
return true;
var pacFactory = new Object();
pacFactory.CreateInstance =
function (outer, iid) {
if (outer != null)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
if (!iid.equals(nsIProxyAutoConfig) &&
!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) {
// shouldn't this be NO_INTERFACE?
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
return PacMan;
function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) {
return pacModule;
var PacMan;
var PacMan = new nsProxyAutoConfig() ;
// dumb hacks for "special" functions that should have long been
// taken out and shot, and shot again... most of them.
var date = new Date();
function dateRange(dmy) {
var intval = parseInt(dmy, 10);
if (isNaN(intval)) { // it's a month
return (date.toString().toLowerCase().search(dmy.toLowerCase()) != -1);
if (intval <= 31) { // it's a day
return (date.getDate() == intval);
else { // it's an year
return (date.getFullYear() == intval);
function dateRange(dmy1, dmy2) {
return false;
function dateRange(d1, m1, y1, d2, m2, y2) {
var date1 = new Date(y1,m1,d1);
var date2 = new Date(y2,m2,d2);
return (date >= date1) && (date <= date2);
function dnsDomainIs(host, domain) {
return (host.search("/" + domain + "$/") != -1);
function dnsDomainLevels(host) {
return host.split('.').length-1;
function dnsResolve(host) {
// call back into IOService... TODO
return "";
function isInNet(host, pattern, mask) {
return false;
function isPlainHostName(host) {
return (host.search("\.") == -1);
function isResolvable(host) {
// call back into IOService and get the result... TODO
return false;
function localHostOrDomainIs(host, hostdom) {
if (isPlainHostName(host)) {
return (hostdom.search("/^" + host + "/") != -1);
else {
return (host == hostdom); //TODO check
function myIpAddress() {
// call into IOService ... TODO
return "";
function shExpMatch(str, shexp) {
return false;
function timeRange(hour) {
return false;
function timeRange(h1, h2) {
return false;
function timeRange(h1, m1, h2, m2) {
return false;
function timeRange(h1, m1, s1, h2, m2, s2) {
return false;
function timeRange(h1, m1, s1, h2, m2, s2, gmt) {
return false;
function weekdayRange(wd1, wd2, gmt) {
return false;
///--------- replace everything below with your existing pac file ...
// Sample implementation ...
function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
if (isPlainHostName(host) ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".mozilla.org") ||
return "DIRECT";
return "PROXY tegu.mozilla.org:3130; DIRECT";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user