fixing bug 150678 - native installer progress bar looks choppy. r=curt, sr=dveditz. affects windows platforms only

This commit is contained in: 2002-06-11 23:03:52 +00:00
parent 0815789c7a
commit 40f81e9c4f

View File

@ -178,6 +178,24 @@ char *GetErrorString(DWORD dwError, char *szErrorString, DWORD dwErrorStringSize
/* function that clears the file progress bar of the xpinstall progress
* dialog.
void InvalidateBarberBarArea()
HWND hWndGauge;
RECT rect;
/* get the file progress bar gauge */
hWndGauge = GetDlgItem(dlgInfo.hWndDlg, IDC_GAUGE_FILE);
/* get the dimensions of the gauge */
GetClientRect(hWndGauge, &rect);
/* invalidate the rect area of the gauge */
InvalidateRect(hWndGauge, &rect, FALSE);
/* update the dialog */
HRESULT SmartUpdateJars()
DWORD dwIndex0;
@ -362,6 +380,7 @@ void cbXPIProgress(const char* msg, PRInt32 val, PRInt32 max)
dlgInfo.nFileBars = 0;
bBarberBar = FALSE;
@ -434,7 +453,10 @@ UpdateGaugeFileBarber()
hWndGauge = GetDlgItem(dlgInfo.hWndDlg, IDC_GAUGE_FILE);
if(dwBarberDirection == BDIR_RIGHT)
if(lBarberCounter < 151)
// 121 is the (number of bars) + (number bars in barber bar).
// this number determines how far to the right to draw the barber bat
// so as to make it look like it disappears off the progress meter area.
if(lBarberCounter < 121)
dwBarberDirection = BDIR_LEFT;