Incomplete attempt to define bit-set and restricted-set semantic types and to define the set-field record/tuple constructor

This commit is contained in: 2002-02-04 21:08:18 +00:00
parent 1366001d0e
commit 419c8dc84b
2 changed files with 288 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -12,10 +12,23 @@
;;; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
;;; Corporation. Portions created by Netscape Communications Corporation are
;;; Copyright (C) 1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
;;; Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
;;; Rights Reserved.
;;; Contributor(s): Waldemar Horwat <>
;;; Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
;;; either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
;;; the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
;;; in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
;;; of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
;;; under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
;;; use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
;;; decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
;;; and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
;;; the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
;;; the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
;;; ECMAScript semantic calculus
@ -1052,23 +1065,25 @@
(deftype typekind ()
'(member ;tag ;parameters
:bottom ;nil ;nil
:void ;nil ;nil
:boolean ;nil ;nil
:integer ;nil ;nil
:rational ;nil ;nil
:finite64 ;nil ;nil ;All non-zero finite 64-bit double-precision floating-point numbers
:character ;nil ;nil
:-> ;nil ;(result-type arg1-type arg2-type ... argn-type)
:string ;nil ;(character)
:vector ;nil ;(element-type)
:list-set ;nil ;(element-type)
:range-set ;nil ;(element-type)
:tag ;tag ;nil
:denormalized-tag ;tag ;nil
:union ;nil ;(type ... type) sorted by ascending serial numbers
:writable-cell)) ;nil ;(element-type)
'(member ;tag ;parameters
:bottom ;nil ;nil
:void ;nil ;nil
:boolean ;nil ;nil
:integer ;nil ;nil
:rational ;nil ;nil
:finite64 ;nil ;nil ;All non-zero finite 64-bit double-precision floating-point numbers
:character ;nil ;nil
:-> ;nil ;(result-type arg1-type arg2-type ... argn-type)
:string ;nil ;(character)
:vector ;nil ;(element-type)
:list-set ;nil ;(element-type)
:range-set ;nil ;(element-type)
:bit-set ;(tag ... tag) ;(element-type) ;element-type is the type of the union of the tags
:restricted-set ;(n ... n) ;(bit-set-type) ;n's are in ascending numerical order; use :bottom or :bit-set insetad for the trivial cases
:tag ;tag ;nil
:denormalized-tag ;tag ;nil
:union ;nil ;(type ... type) sorted by ascending serial numbers
:writable-cell)) ;nil ;(element-type)
;A denormalized-tag is a singleton tag type whose value carries no meaning.
@ -1088,7 +1103,8 @@
(name nil :type symbol) ;This type's name; nil if this type is anonymous
(serial-number nil :type integer) ;This type's unique serial number
(kind nil :type typekind :read-only t) ;This type's kind
(tag nil :type (or null tag) :read-only t) ;This type's tag
(tag nil :read-only t) ;This type's tag; ordered list of tags for bit-set;
; ; set of included subsets represented as a sorted list of integers for restricted-set
(parameters nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of parameter types (either types or symbols if forward-referenced) describing a compound type
(=-name nil :type symbol) ;Lazily computed name of a function that compares two values of this type for equality; nil if not known yet
(/=-name nil :type symbol)) ;Name of a function that complements = or nil if none
@ -1129,16 +1145,57 @@
(defun make-range-set-type (world element-type)
(make-type world :range-set nil (list element-type) intset=-name nil))
(declaim (inline set-element-type))
(defun make-bit-set-type (world tags)
(let ((element-type (make-union-type world (mapcar #'(lambda (tag) (make-tag-type world tag)) tags))))
(make-type world :bit-set tags (list element-type) '= '/=)))
; values must be sorted in ascending numerical order.
(defun make-restricted-set-type (world bit-set-type values)
(assert-true (bit-set-type? bit-set-type))
(if (endp values)
(world-bottom-type world)
(when *value-asserts*
(let ((prev -1))
(dolist (v values)
(unless (and (integerp v) (> v prev))
(error "Bad restricted-set set of values: ~S" values))
(setq prev v))
(unless (< prev (ash 1 (length (type-tag bit-set-type))))
(error "Bad restricted-set set of values: ~S" values))))
(if (= (length values) (ash 1 (length (type-tag bit-set-type))))
(make-type world :restricted-set values (list bit-set-type) '= '/=)))))
; Return the bit-set type underlying a bit-set or restricted-set.
(defun underlying-bit-set-type (type)
(ecase (type-kind type)
(:bit-set type)
(:restricted-set (first (type-parameters type)))))
; Return the ordered list of keywords in a bit-set or restricted-set type.
(defun set-type-keywords (type)
(ecase (type-kind type)
(:bit-set (mapcar #'tag-name (type-tag type)))
(:restricted-set (set-type-keywords (first (type-parameters type))))))
(defun bit-set-type? (v)
(and (type? v) (eq (type-kind v) :bit-set)))
(defun set-element-type (type)
(assert-true (member (type-kind type) '(:list-set :range-set)))
(car (type-parameters type)))
(ecase (type-kind type)
((:list-set :range-set :bit-set) (first (type-parameters type)))
(:restricted-set (set-element-type (first (type-parameters type))))))
(declaim (inline collection-element-type))
(defun collection-element-type (type)
(assert-true (member (type-kind type) '(:vector :string :list-set :range-set)))
(car (type-parameters type)))
(ecase (type-kind type)
((:vector :string :list-set :range-set :bit-set) (first (type-parameters type)))
(:restricted-set (set-element-type (first (type-parameters type))))))
(declaim (inline make-tag-type))
@ -1599,6 +1656,21 @@
(:range-set (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
(format stream "range-set ~@_")
(print-type (set-element-type type) stream)))
(:bit-set (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
(format stream "bit-set")
(dolist (keyword (set-type-keywords type))
(format stream " ~:_~A" keyword))))
(:restricted-set (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
(format stream "restricted-set")
(dolist (keyword (set-type-keywords type))
(format stream " ~:_~A" keyword))
(format stream " ~_")
(pprint-logical-block (stream (type-tag type) :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
(print-value (pprint-pop) type stream)
(format stream " ~:_")))))
(:tag (let ((tag (type-tag type)))
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
(format stream "tag ~@_~A" (tag-name tag)))))
@ -1720,11 +1792,39 @@
(defun scan-list-set (world allow-forward-references element-type)
(make-list-set-type world (scan-type world element-type allow-forward-references)))
; (range-set <element-type>)
(defun scan-range-set (world allow-forward-references element-type)
(make-range-set-type world (scan-type world element-type allow-forward-references)))
; (bit-set <tag> ... <tag>)
(defun scan-bit-set (world allow-forward-references &rest tag-names)
(declare (ignore allow-forward-references))
(make-bit-set-type world (mapcar #'(lambda (tag-name)
(let ((tag (scan-tag world tag-name)))
(unless (tag-keyword tag)
(error "Only singleton tags may be part of a bit-set"))
; (restricted-set <bit-set-type> <value-expr> ... <value-expr>)
(defun scan-restricted-set (world allow-forward-references bit-set-type-expr &rest value-exprs)
(let ((bit-set-type (scan-type world bit-set-type-expr allow-forward-references)))
(unless (bit-set-type? bit-set-type)
(error "~S must be a bit-set" bit-set-type-expr))
(let ((values (mapcar #'(lambda (value-expr)
(assert-type (eval-typed-value world value-expr bit-set-type) integer))
(setq values (sort values #'<))
(let ((length1 (length values)))
(delete-adjacent-duplicates values :test #'=)
(unless (= (length values) length1)
(error "Duplicate restricted-set value in ~S" value-exprs)))
(make-restricted-set-type world bit-set-type values))))
; (tag <tag> ... <tag>)
(defun scan-tag-type (world allow-forward-references tag-name &rest tag-names)
(if tag-names
@ -2235,6 +2335,22 @@
(type-env-add-binding type-env name type (type-env-local-mode binding) t)))
; Nondestructively unshadow the type of the binding of name in type-env and return two values:
; the previous binding of name;
; the new type-env.
(defun type-env-unnarrow-binding (type-env name)
(let* ((bindings (type-env-bindings type-env))
(shadow-tail (assert-non-null (member name bindings :test #'eq :key #'car)))
(tail (cdr shadow-tail))
(old-binding (assoc name tail :test #'eq)))
(unless old-binding
(error "Can't unshadow ~S" name))
(let ((unshadowed-bindings (nconc (ldiff bindings shadow-tail) tail)))
(make-type-env unshadowed-bindings (type-env-live type-env))))))
; Mark name as an initialized variable. It should have been declared as :uninitialized.
(defun type-env-initialize-var (type-env name)
(if (type-env-initialized type-env name)
@ -2322,12 +2438,25 @@
;;; A vector (represented by a list)
;;; A list-set (represented by an unordered list of its elements)
;;; A range-set of integers or characters (represented by an intset of its elements converted to integers)
;;; A bit-set (represented by an integer with 1's in bits corresponding to present tags) ***** Not implemented yet *****
;;; A restricted-set (represented by an integer with 1's in bits corresponding to present tags) ***** Not implemented yet *****
;;; A tag (represented by either a keyword or a list (keyword [serial-num] field-value1 ... field-value n));
;;; serial-num is a unique integer present only on mutable tag instances.
;;; A writable-cell (represented by a cons whose car is a flag that is true if the cell is initialized
;;; and cdr is nil or the value)
; Return the bit-set value as a list of tag keywords.
(defun bit-set-to-list (value bit-set-type)
(assert-true (and (bit-set-type? bit-set-type) (integerp value) (>= value 0) (< value (ash 1 (length (type-tag bit-set-type))))))
(let ((tags-present nil))
(dolist (tag (type-tag bit-set-type))
(when (oddp value)
(push (assert-non-null (tag-keyword tag)) tags-present))
(setq value (ash value -1)))
(nreverse tags-present)))
; Return true if the value appears to have the given tag. This function
; may return false positives (return true when the value doesn't actually
; have the given type) but never false negatives.
@ -2370,6 +2499,8 @@
(:vector (value-list-has-type value (vector-element-type type) shallow))
(:list-set (value-list-has-type value (set-element-type type) shallow))
(:range-set (valid-intset? value))
(:bit-set (and (integerp value) (<= 0 value) (< value (ash 1 (length (type-tag type))))))
(:restricted-set (member value (type-tag type)))
(:tag (value-has-tag value (type-tag type) shallow))
(:union (some #'(lambda (subtype) (value-has-type value subtype shallow))
(type-parameters type)))
@ -2391,6 +2522,16 @@
(value-list-has-type (cdr values) type shallow))))
; Print the values list using set notation.
(defun print-set-of-values (values element-type stream)
(pprint-logical-block (stream values :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
(print-value (pprint-pop) element-type stream)
(format stream " ~:_"))))
; Print the value nicely on the given stream. type is the value's type.
(defun print-value (value type &optional (stream t))
(assert-true (value-has-type value type t))
@ -2408,17 +2549,7 @@
(print-value (pprint-pop) element-type stream)
(format stream " ~:_")))))
(let ((element-type (set-element-type type))
(elements (if (eq (type-kind type) :list-set)
(hash-table-keys value))))
(pprint-logical-block (stream elements :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
(print-value (pprint-pop) element-type stream)
(format stream " ~:_")))))
(:list-set (print-set-of-values value (set-element-type type) stream))
(:range-set (let ((converter (range-set-out-converter (set-element-type type))))
(pprint-logical-block (stream value :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
@ -2431,6 +2562,7 @@
(write (list (funcall converter value1) (funcall converter value2)) :stream stream))))
(format stream " ~:_"))))
((:bit-set :restricted-set) (print-set-of-values (bit-set-to-list value (underlying-bit-set-type type)) (set-element-type type) stream))
(:tag (let ((tag (type-tag type)))
(if (tag-keyword tag)
(write value :stream stream)
@ -2678,6 +2810,10 @@
(values (widening-coercion-code world expected-type type value value-expr) annotated-expr)))
(defun eval-typed-value (world value-expr expected-type)
(eval (scan-typed-value world *null-type-env* value-expr expected-type)))
; Same as scan-value except that ensure that the value has type bottom or void.
; Return three values:
; The expression's value (a lisp expression)
@ -2713,7 +2849,7 @@
; The annotated value-expr
(defun scan-set-value (world type-env value-expr)
(multiple-value-bind (value type annotated-expr) (scan-value world type-env value-expr)
(unless (member (type-kind type) '(:list-set :range-set))
(unless (member (type-kind type) '(:list-set :range-set :bit-set :restricted-set))
(error "Value ~S:~A should be a set" value-expr (print-type-to-string type)))
(values value type annotated-expr)))
@ -2727,7 +2863,7 @@
(defun scan-collection-value (world type-env value-expr)
(multiple-value-bind (value type annotated-expr) (scan-value world type-env value-expr)
(let ((kind (type-kind type)))
(unless (member kind '(:string :vector :list-set :range-set))
(unless (member kind '(:string :vector :list-set :range-set :bit-set :restricted-set))
(error "Value ~S:~A should be a vector or a set" value-expr (print-type-to-string type)))
(values value kind (collection-element-type type) annotated-expr))))
@ -3421,6 +3557,13 @@
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form set1-annotated-expr set2-annotated-expr)))))
(defun bit-set-index-code (type elt-code)
(let ((keywords (set-type-keywords type)))
(if (keywordp elt-code)
(position elt-code keywords)
(list 'position elt-code (list 'quote keywords)))))
; (set-in <elt-expr> <set-expr>)
; Returns true if <elt-expr> is a member of the set <set-expr>.
(defun scan-set-in (world type-env special-form elt-expr set-expr)
@ -3430,7 +3573,8 @@
(ecase (type-kind set-type)
(:list-set (list* 'member elt-code set-code (element-test world elt-type)))
(:range-set (list 'intset-member? (range-set-in-converter-expr elt-type elt-code) set-code)))
(:range-set (list 'intset-member? (range-set-in-converter-expr elt-type elt-code) set-code))
((:bit-set :restricted-set) (list 'logbitp (bit-set-index-code set-type elt-code) set-code)))
(world-boolean-type world)
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form :member-10 elt-annotated-expr set-annotated-expr))))))
@ -3444,7 +3588,8 @@
(ecase (type-kind set-type)
(:list-set (list 'not (list* 'member elt-code set-code (element-test world elt-type))))
(:range-set (list 'not (list 'intset-member? (range-set-in-converter-expr elt-type elt-code) set-code))))
(:range-set (list 'not (list 'intset-member? (range-set-in-converter-expr elt-type elt-code) set-code)))
((:bit-set :restricted-set) (list 'not (list 'logbitp (bit-set-index-code set-type elt-code) set-code))))
(world-boolean-type world)
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form :not-member-10 elt-annotated-expr set-annotated-expr))))))
@ -3458,6 +3603,13 @@
(or (intset-min set)
(error "elt-of called on empty set")))
(defun bit-set-elt-of (set keywords)
(dolist (keyword keywords)
(when (oddp set)
(return-from bit-set-elt-of keyword))
(setq set (ash set -1)))
(error "bit-set-elt-of called on empty set"))
; (elt-of <elt-expr>)
; Returns any element of <set-expr>, which must be a nonempty set.
(defun scan-elt-of (world type-env special-form set-expr)
@ -3466,7 +3618,8 @@
(ecase (type-kind set-type)
(:list-set (list 'elt-of set-code))
(:range-set (range-set-out-converter-expr elt-type (list 'range-set-elt-of set-code))))
(:range-set (range-set-out-converter-expr elt-type (list 'range-set-elt-of set-code)))
((:bit-set :restricted-set) (list 'bit-set-elt-of set-code (list 'quote (set-type-keywords set-type)))))
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form set-annotated-expr)))))
@ -3483,7 +3636,8 @@
(ecase collection-kind
(:string `(zerop (length ,collection-code)))
((:vector :list-set) (list 'endp collection-code))
(:range-set (list 'intset-empty collection-code)))
(:range-set (list 'intset-empty collection-code))
((:bit-set :restricted-set) (list '= collection-code 0)))
(world-boolean-type world)
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form collection-kind collection-annotated-expr))))
@ -3498,7 +3652,8 @@
(ecase collection-kind
(:string `(/= (length ,collection-code) 0))
((:vector :list-set) collection-code)
(:range-set `(not (intset-empty ,collection-code))))
(:range-set `(not (intset-empty ,collection-code)))
((:bit-set :restricted-set) (list '/= collection-code 0)))
(world-boolean-type world)
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form collection-kind collection-annotated-expr))))
@ -3511,7 +3666,8 @@
(ecase collection-kind
((:string :vector :list-set) (list 'length collection-code))
(:range-set (list 'intset-length collection-code)))
(:range-set (list 'intset-length collection-code))
((:bit-set :restricted-set) (list 'logcount collection-code)))
(world-integer-type world)
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form collection-annotated-expr))))
@ -3540,7 +3696,8 @@
(local-type-env (if define-true
(type-env-unreserve-binding type-env var element-type)
(type-env-add-binding type-env var element-type :const))))
(multiple-value-bind (condition-code condition-annotated-expr) (scan-typed-value world local-type-env condition-expr (world-boolean-type world))
(multiple-value-bind (condition-code condition-annotated-expr true-type-env false-type-env) (scan-condition world local-type-env condition-expr)
(declare (ignore false-type-env))
(let ((result-annotated-expr (list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form 'some collection-annotated-expr var condition-annotated-expr))
(coerced-collection-code (if (eq collection-kind :string) `(coerce ,collection-code 'list) collection-code)))
(if define-true
@ -3551,7 +3708,7 @@
(setq ,var ,v)
(return t))))
`(some #'(lambda (,var) ,condition-code) ,coerced-collection-code)
@ -3590,10 +3747,10 @@
(let* ((source-is-vector (member collection-kind '(:string :vector)))
(source-is-string (eq collection-kind :string))
(destination-is-string (and source-is-vector (eq value-type (world-character-type world))))
(result-type (ecase collection-kind
(result-type (case collection-kind
((:string :vector) (make-vector-type world value-type))
(:list-set (make-list-set-type world value-type))
(:range-set (error "Map not implemented on range-sets"))))
(t (error "Map not implemented on this kind of a set"))))
(destination-sequence-type (if destination-is-string 'string 'list))
(result-annotated-expr (list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form collection-kind collection-annotated-expr var value-annotated-expr condition-annotated-expr)))
@ -3684,6 +3841,49 @@
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form record-type label record-annotated-expr))))))
; (set-field <expr> <label> <field-expr> ... <label> <field-expr>)
; Return a new tuple or record with its fields the same as in <expr> except for the specified ones.
(defun scan-set-field (world type-env special-form record-expr &rest labels-and-exprs)
(multiple-value-bind (record-code record-type record-annotated-expr) (scan-value world type-env record-expr)
(let ((n-replaced-fields (length labels-and-exprs)))
(when (oddp n-replaced-fields)
(error "Label without a field value in set-field"))
(setq n-replaced-fields (/ n-replaced-fields 2))
(unless (eq (type-kind record-type) :tag)
(error "Value ~S:~A should be a tuple or a record" record-expr (print-type-to-string record-type)))
(let* ((tag (type-tag record-type))
(mutable (tag-mutable tag))
(fields (tag-fields tag))
(record-var (gen-local-var record-code))
(n-fields (length fields))
(replacements nil)
(annotated-fields nil))
(unless (> n-fields n-replaced-fields)
(error "set-field replaces all fields in the tuple or record"))
(dotimes (i n-fields)
(push (gen-nth-code (+ i (if mutable 2 1)) record-var) replacements))
(when mutable
(push '(incf *record-counter*) replacements))
(push (list 'quote (tag-name tag)) replacements)
(do ((replacement-mask 0))
((endp labels-and-exprs))
(let ((label (pop labels-and-exprs))
(field-expr (pop labels-and-exprs)))
(multiple-value-bind (position field-type mutable) (scan-label tag label)
(declare (ignore mutable))
(when (logbitp position replacement-mask)
(error "Duplicate set-field label ~S" label))
(setq replacement-mask (dpb 1 (byte 1 position) replacement-mask))
(multiple-value-bind (field-code field-annotated-expr)
(scan-typed-value world type-env field-expr field-type)
(setf (nth position replacements) field-code)
(push (list label field-annotated-expr) annotated-fields)))))
(cons 'list replacements)
(list* 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form record-type record-annotated-expr annotated-fields))))))
;;; Unions
@ -4090,28 +4290,38 @@
(cons (list* special-form name-and-arg-binding-exprs result-type-expr body-annotated-stmts) rest-annotated-stmts)))))))
; (<- <name> <value>)
; (<- <name> <value> [:end-narrow])
; Mutate the local or global variable.
(defun scan-<- (world type-env rest-statements last special-form name value-expr)
(defun scan-<- (world type-env rest-statements last special-form name value-expr &optional end-narrow)
(unless (member end-narrow '(nil :end-narrow))
(error "Bad flag ~S given to <-"))
(let* ((symbol (scan-name world name))
(symbol-binding (type-env-get-local type-env symbol))
(type-env2 type-env)
(if symbol-binding
(case (type-env-local-mode symbol-binding)
(:var (setq type (type-env-local-type symbol-binding)))
(when end-narrow
(multiple-value-setq (symbol-binding type-env2) (type-env-unnarrow-binding type-env symbol)))
(setq type (type-env-local-type symbol-binding)))
(when end-narrow
(error ":end-narrow not applicable to uninitialized variables"))
(setq type (type-env-local-type symbol-binding))
(setq type-env (type-env-initialize-var type-env symbol)))
(setq type-env2 (type-env-initialize-var type-env2 symbol)))
(t (error "Local variable ~A not writable" name)))
(setq type (symbol-type symbol))
(unless type
(error "Unknown local or global variable ~A" name))
(unless (get symbol :mutable)
(error "Global variable ~A not writable" name))))
(error "Global variable ~A not writable" name))
(when end-narrow
(error ":end-narrow not applicable to global variables"))))
(multiple-value-bind (value-code value-annotated-expr) (scan-typed-value world type-env value-expr type)
(multiple-value-bind (rest-codes rest-live rest-annotated-stmts)
(scan-statements world type-env rest-statements last)
(scan-statements world type-env2 rest-statements last)
(cons (if symbol-binding
(list 'setq (type-env-local-name symbol-binding) value-code)
@ -4731,6 +4941,7 @@
;;Tuples and Records
(new scan-new depict-new)
(& scan-& depict-&)
(set-field scan-set-field depict-set-field)
(in scan-in depict-in)

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@ -12,10 +12,22 @@
;;; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
;;; Corporation. Portions created by Netscape Communications Corporation are
;;; Copyright (C) 1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
;;; Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
;;; Rights Reserved.
;;; Contributor(s): Waldemar Horwat <>
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;;; either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
;;; the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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;;; ECMAScript semantic calculus markup emitters
@ -898,6 +910,16 @@
(depict-label-name markup-stream record-type label :reference)))
; (set-field <expr> <label> <field-expr> ... <label> <field-expr>)
(defun depict-set-field (markup-stream world level record-type record-annotated-expr annotated-fields)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %prefix%)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream 'copy :after))))
***** Not implemented yet.
;;; Unions
(defun depict-in-or-not-in (markup-stream world level value-annotated-expr type type-expr op single-op)