mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 15:51:37 +00:00
Remove conflicts in static builds
Thanks to Roland Mainz <Roland.Mainz@informatik.med.uni-giessen.de> for the patch. Bug #86291 part of static build carpool
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,12 +38,8 @@ else
DIRS = ps
DIRS += xprint
# Build xlibrgb only for X toolkits
ifneq (,$(filter motif xlib,$(MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT))$(MOZ_ENABLE_XLIB))
ifneq (,$(filter motif xlib,$(MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT))$(MOZ_ENABLE_XLIB) $(MOZ_ENABLE_XPRINT))
DIRS += xlibrgb
@ -69,6 +65,10 @@ DIRS += photon
DIRS += xprint
nsBlender.cpp \
nsColor.cpp \
@ -90,72 +90,72 @@ static PRLogModuleInfo * FontMetricsXlibLM = PR_NewLogModule("FontMetricsXlib");
#define USER_DEFINED "x-user-def"
/* Prototype some structs */
struct nsFontCharSetMap;
struct nsFontFamilyName;
struct nsFontPropertyName;
struct nsFontStyle;
struct nsFontWeight;
struct FontLangGroup;
struct nsFontCharSetMapXlib;
struct nsFontFamilyNameXlib;
struct nsFontPropertyNameXlib;
struct nsFontStyleXlib;
struct nsFontWeightXlib;
struct nsFontLangGroupXlib;
class nsFontNodeArray : public nsVoidArray
class nsFontNodeArrayXlib : public nsVoidArray
nsFontNode* GetElement(PRInt32 aIndex)
nsFontNodeXlib* GetElement(PRInt32 aIndex)
return (nsFontNode*) ElementAt(aIndex);
return (nsFontNodeXlib*) ElementAt(aIndex);
struct nsFontCharSetInfo
struct nsFontCharSetXlibInfo
const char* mCharSet;
nsFontCharSetConverter Convert;
nsFontCharSetXlibConverter Convert;
PRUint8 mSpecialUnderline;
PRUint32* mMap;
nsIUnicodeEncoder* mConverter;
nsIAtom* mLangGroup;
struct nsFontCharSetMap
struct nsFontCharSetMapXlib
char* mName;
FontLangGroup* mFontLangGroup;
nsFontCharSetInfo* mInfo;
nsFontLangGroupXlib* mnsFontLangGroupXlib;
nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* mInfo;
struct nsFontFamily
struct nsFontFamilyXlib
nsFontNodeArray mNodes;
nsFontNodeArrayXlib mNodes;
struct nsFontFamilyName
struct nsFontFamilyNameXlib
char* mName;
char* mXName;
struct nsFontNode
struct nsFontNodeXlib
void FillStyleHoles(void);
nsCAutoString mName;
nsFontCharSetInfo* mCharSetInfo;
nsFontStyle* mStyles[3];
nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* mCharSetInfo;
nsFontStyleXlib* mStyles[3];
PRUint8 mHolesFilled;
PRUint8 mDummy;
struct nsFontPropertyName
struct nsFontPropertyNameXlib
char* mName;
int mValue;
struct nsFontStretch
struct nsFontStretchXlib
@ -169,22 +169,22 @@ struct nsFontStretch
nsVoidArray mScaledFonts;
struct nsFontStyle
struct nsFontStyleXlib
void FillWeightHoles(void);
nsFontWeight* mWeights[9];
nsFontWeightXlib* mWeights[9];
struct nsFontWeight
struct nsFontWeightXlib
void FillStretchHoles(void);
nsFontStretch* mStretches[9];
nsFontStretchXlib* mStretches[9];
@ -210,122 +210,122 @@ static nsHashtable* gSpecialCharSets = nsnull;
static nsHashtable* gStretches = nsnull;
static nsHashtable* gWeights = nsnull;
static nsFontNodeArray* gGlobalList = nsnull;
static nsFontNodeArrayXlib* gGlobalList = nsnull;
static nsIAtom* gUnicode = nsnull;
static nsIAtom* gUserDefined = nsnull;
static nsIAtom* gUsersLocale = nsnull;
static int SingleByteConvert(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
static int SingleByteConvert(nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
const PRUnichar* aSrcBuf, PRInt32 aSrcLen,
char* aDestBuf, PRInt32 aDestLen);
static int DoubleByteConvert(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
static int DoubleByteConvert(nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
const PRUnichar* aSrcBuf, PRInt32 aSrcLen,
char* aDestBuf, PRInt32 aDestLen);
static int ISO10646Convert(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
static int ISO10646Convert(nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
const PRUnichar* aSrcBuf, PRInt32 aSrcLen,
char* aDestBuf, PRInt32 aDestLen);
static nsFontCharSetInfo Unknown = { nsnull };
static nsFontCharSetInfo Special = { nsnull };
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo Unknown = { nsnull };
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo Special = { nsnull };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CP1251 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CP1251 =
{ "windows-1251", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO88591 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO88591 =
{ "ISO-8859-1", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO88592 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO88592 =
{ "ISO-8859-2", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO88593 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO88593 =
{ "ISO-8859-3", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO88594 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO88594 =
{ "ISO-8859-4", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO88595 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO88595 =
{ "ISO-8859-5", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO88596 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO88596 =
{ "ISO-8859-6", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO88597 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO88597 =
{ "ISO-8859-7", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO88598 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO88598 =
{ "ISO-8859-8", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
// change from
// { "ISO-8859-8", SingleByteConvertReverse, 0 };
// untill we fix the layout and ensure we only call this with pure RTL text
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO88599 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO88599 =
{ "ISO-8859-9", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO885913 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO885913 =
{ "ISO-8859-13", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO885915 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO885915 =
{ "ISO-8859-15", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo JISX0201 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo JISX0201 =
{ "jis_0201", SingleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo KOI8R =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo KOI8R =
{ "KOI8-R", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo KOI8U =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo KOI8U =
{ "KOI8-U", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo TIS620 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo TIS620 =
{ "TIS-620", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo Big5 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo Big5 =
{ "x-x-big5", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CNS116431 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CNS116431 =
{ "x-cns-11643-1", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CNS116432 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CNS116432 =
{ "x-cns-11643-2", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CNS116433 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CNS116433 =
{ "x-cns-11643-3", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CNS116434 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CNS116434 =
{ "x-cns-11643-4", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CNS116435 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CNS116435 =
{ "x-cns-11643-5", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CNS116436 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CNS116436 =
{ "x-cns-11643-6", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CNS116437 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CNS116437 =
{ "x-cns-11643-7", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo GB2312 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo GB2312 =
{ "gb_2312-80", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo GB18030_0 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo GB18030_0 =
{ "gb18030.2000-0", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo GB18030_1 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo GB18030_1 =
{ "gb18030.2000-1", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo GBK =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo GBK =
{ "x-gbk-noascii", DoubleByteConvert, 1};
static nsFontCharSetInfo HKSCS =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo HKSCS =
{ "hkscs-1", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo JISX0208 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo JISX0208 =
{ "jis_0208-1983", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo JISX0212 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo JISX0212 =
{ "jis_0212-1990", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo KSC5601 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo KSC5601 =
{ "ks_c_5601-1987", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo X11Johab =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo X11Johab =
{ "x-x11johab", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo Johab =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo Johab =
{ "x-johab", DoubleByteConvert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo ISO106461 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo ISO106461 =
{ nsnull, ISO10646Convert, 1 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo AdobeSymbol =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo AdobeSymbol =
{ "Adobe-Symbol-Encoding", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CMCMEX =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CMCMEX =
{ "x-t1-cmex", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CMCMSY =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CMCMSY =
{ "x-t1-cmsy", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CMCMR =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CMCMR =
{ "x-t1-cmr", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo CMCMMI =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo CMCMMI =
{ "x-t1-cmmi", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo Mathematica1 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo Mathematica1 =
{ "x-mathematica1", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo Mathematica2 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo Mathematica2 =
{ "x-mathematica2", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo Mathematica3 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo Mathematica3 =
{ "x-mathematica3", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo Mathematica4 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo Mathematica4 =
{ "x-mathematica4", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
static nsFontCharSetInfo Mathematica5 =
static nsFontCharSetXlibInfo Mathematica5 =
{ "x-mathematica5", SingleByteConvert, 0 };
@ -336,17 +336,17 @@ static nsFontCharSetInfo Mathematica5 =
* encodings to look at when searching for glyphs
typedef struct FontLangGroup {
typedef struct nsFontLangGroupXlib {
const char *mLangGroupName;
nsIAtom* mLangGroup;
} FontLangGroup;
FontLangGroup FLG_WESTERN = { "x-western", nsnull };
FontLangGroup FLG_ZHCN = { "zh-CN", nsnull };
FontLangGroup FLG_ZHTW = { "zh-TW", nsnull };
FontLangGroup FLG_JA = { "ja", nsnull };
FontLangGroup FLG_KO = { "ko", nsnull };
FontLangGroup FLG_NONE = { "" , nsnull };
nsFontLangGroupXlib FLG_WESTERN = { "x-western", nsnull };
nsFontLangGroupXlib FLG_ZHCN = { "zh-CN", nsnull };
nsFontLangGroupXlib FLG_ZHTW = { "zh-TW", nsnull };
nsFontLangGroupXlib FLG_JA = { "ja", nsnull };
nsFontLangGroupXlib FLG_KO = { "ko", nsnull };
nsFontLangGroupXlib FLG_NONE = { nsnull , nsnull };
* Normally, the charset of an X font can be determined simply by looking at
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ FontLangGroup FLG_NONE = { "" , nsnull };
* These cases can be distinguished by looking at the FOUNDRY field, but a
* better way is to look at XFontStruct.min_byte1.
static nsFontCharSetMap gCharSetMap[] =
static nsFontCharSetMapXlib gCharSetMap[] =
{ "-ascii", &FLG_NONE, &Unknown },
{ "-ibm pc", &FLG_NONE, &Unknown },
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ static nsFontCharSetMap gCharSetMap[] =
{ nsnull, nsnull, nsnull }
static nsFontFamilyName gFamilyNameTable[] =
static nsFontFamilyNameXlib gFamilyNameTable[] =
{ "arial", "helvetica" },
{ "courier new", "courier" },
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ static nsFontFamilyName gFamilyNameTable[] =
{ nsnull, nsnull }
static nsFontCharSetMap gSpecialCharSetMap[] =
static nsFontCharSetMapXlib gSpecialCharSetMap[] =
{ "symbol-adobe-fontspecific", &FLG_NONE, &AdobeSymbol },
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ static nsFontCharSetMap gSpecialCharSetMap[] =
{ nsnull, nsnull }
static nsFontPropertyName gStretchNames[] =
static nsFontPropertyNameXlib gStretchNames[] =
{ "block", 5 }, // XXX
{ "bold", 7 }, // XXX
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ static nsFontPropertyName gStretchNames[] =
{ nsnull, 0 }
static nsFontPropertyName gWeightNames[] =
static nsFontPropertyNameXlib gWeightNames[] =
{ "black", 900 },
{ "bold", 700 },
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ static PRUint32 gUserDefinedMap[2048];
static PRBool
FreeCharSet (nsHashKey* aKey, void* aData, void* aClosure)
nsFontCharSetInfo* charset = (nsFontCharSetInfo*) aData;
nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* charset = (nsFontCharSetXlibInfo*) aData;
@ -575,13 +575,13 @@ FreeCharSet (nsHashKey* aKey, void* aData, void* aClosure)
static PRBool
FreeFamily(nsHashKey* aKey, void* aData, void* aClosure)
delete (nsFontFamily*) aData;
delete (nsFontFamilyXlib*) aData;
return PR_TRUE;
static void
FreeStretch(nsFontStretch* aStretch)
FreeStretch(nsFontStretchXlib* aStretch)
@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ FreeStretch(nsFontStretch* aStretch)
static void
FreeWeight(nsFontWeight* aWeight)
FreeWeight(nsFontWeightXlib* aWeight)
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (aWeight->mStretches[i]) {
@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ FreeWeight(nsFontWeight* aWeight)
static void
FreeStyle(nsFontStyle* aStyle)
FreeStyle(nsFontStyleXlib* aStyle)
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (aStyle->mWeights[i]) {
@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ FreeStyle(nsFontStyle* aStyle)
static PRBool
FreeNode(nsHashKey* aKey, void* aData, void* aClosure)
nsFontNode* node = (nsFontNode*) aData;
nsFontNodeXlib* node = (nsFontNodeXlib*) aData;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (node->mStyles[i]) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < 3; j++) {
@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ FreeNode(nsHashKey* aKey, void* aData, void* aClosure)
static PRBool
FreeNodeArray(nsHashKey* aKey, void* aData, void* aClosure)
nsFontNodeArray* nodes = (nsFontNodeArray*) aData;
nsFontNodeArrayXlib* nodes = (nsFontNodeArrayXlib*) aData;
delete nodes;
return PR_TRUE;
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ InitGlobals(void)
nsFontFamilyName* f = gFamilyNameTable;
nsFontFamilyNameXlib* f = gFamilyNameTable;
while (f->mName) {
nsCStringKey key(f->mName);
gAliases->Put(&key, f->mXName);
@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ InitGlobals(void)
nsFontPropertyName* p = gWeightNames;
nsFontPropertyNameXlib* p = gWeightNames;
while (p->mName) {
nsCStringKey key(p->mName);
gWeights->Put(&key, (void*) p->mValue);
@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ InitGlobals(void)
nsFontCharSetMap* charSetMap = gCharSetMap;
nsFontCharSetMapXlib* charSetMap = gCharSetMap;
while (charSetMap->mName) {
nsCStringKey key(charSetMap->mName);
gCharSets->Put(&key, charSetMap->mInfo);
@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ InitGlobals(void)
nsFontCharSetMap* specialCharSetMap = gSpecialCharSetMap;
nsFontCharSetMapXlib* specialCharSetMap = gSpecialCharSetMap;
while (specialCharSetMap->mName) {
nsCStringKey key(specialCharSetMap->mName);
gSpecialCharSets->Put(&key, specialCharSetMap->mInfo);
@ -1418,7 +1418,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsFontMetricsXlib::GetFontHandle(nsFontHandle &aHandle)
static int
SingleByteConvert(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
SingleByteConvert(nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
const PRUnichar* aSrcBuf, PRInt32 aSrcLen,
char* aDestBuf, PRInt32 aDestLen)
@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ ReverseBuffer(char* aBuf, int count)
static int
SingleByteConvertReverse(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf, const PRUnichar* aSrcBuf,
SingleByteConvertReverse(nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* aSelf, const PRUnichar* aSrcBuf,
PRInt32 aSrcLen, char* aDestBuf, PRInt32 aDestLen)
int count = SingleByteConvert(aSelf, aSrcBuf,
@ -1460,7 +1460,7 @@ SingleByteConvertReverse(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf, const PRUnichar* aSrcBuf,
static int
DoubleByteConvert(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
DoubleByteConvert(nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
const PRUnichar* aSrcBuf, PRInt32 aSrcLen, char* aDestBuf,
PRInt32 aDestLen)
@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@ DoubleByteConvert(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
static int
ISO10646Convert(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
ISO10646Convert(nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
const PRUnichar* aSrcBuf, PRInt32 aSrcLen,
char* aDestBuf, PRInt32 aDestLen)
@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@ ISO10646Convert(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf, XFontStruct* aFont,
static void
SetUpFontCharSetInfo(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf)
SetUpFontCharSetInfo(nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* aSelf)
nsresult res;
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> charset = getter_AddRefs(NS_NewAtom(aSelf->mCharSet));
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ static PRIntn
DumpCharSet(PLHashEntry* he, PRIntn i, void* arg)
PR_LOG(FontMetricsXlibLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, (" %s\n", (char*) he->key));
nsFontCharSet* charSet = (nsFontCharSet*) he->value;
nsFontCharSetXlib* charSet = (nsFontCharSetXlib*) he->value;
for (int sizeIndex = 0; sizeIndex < charSet->mSizesCount; sizeIndex++) {
nsFontXlib* size = &charSet->mSizes[sizeIndex];
PR_LOG(FontMetricsXlibLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, (" %d %s\n", size->mSize, size->mName));
@ -1590,18 +1590,18 @@ DumpCharSet(PLHashEntry* he, PRIntn i, void* arg)
static void
DumpFamily(nsFontFamily* aFamily)
DumpFamily(nsFontFamilyXlib* aFamily)
for (int styleIndex = 0; styleIndex < 3; styleIndex++) {
nsFontStyle* style = aFamily->mStyles[styleIndex];
nsFontStyleXlib* style = aFamily->mStyles[styleIndex];
if (style) {
PR_LOG(FontMetricsXlibLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, (" style: %s\n", gDumpStyles[styleIndex]));
for (int weightIndex = 0; weightIndex < 8; weightIndex++) {
nsFontWeight* weight = style->mWeights[weightIndex];
nsFontWeightXlib* weight = style->mWeights[weightIndex];
if (weight) {
PR_LOG(FontMetricsXlibLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, (" weight: %d\n", (weightIndex + 1) * 100));
for (int stretchIndex = 0; stretchIndex < 9; stretchIndex++) {
nsFontStretch* stretch = weight->mStretches[stretchIndex];
nsFontStretchXlib* stretch = weight->mStretches[stretchIndex];
if (stretch) {
PR_LOG(FontMetricsXlibLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, (" stretch: %d\n", stretchIndex + 1));
PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(stretch->mCharSets, DumpCharSet,
@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ DumpFamilyEnum(PLHashEntry* he, PRIntn i, void* arg)
char buf[256];
((nsString*) he->key)->ToCString(buf, sizeof(buf));
PR_LOG(FontMetricsXlibLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("family: %s\n", buf));
nsFontFamily* family = (nsFontFamily*) he->value;
nsFontFamilyXlib* family = (nsFontFamilyXlib*) he->value;
@ -2243,8 +2243,8 @@ nsFontXlibUserDefined::GetBoundingMetrics(const PRUnichar* aString,
// Continue nsFontMetricsXlib Implementation
nsFontMetricsXlib::PickASizeAndLoad(nsFontStretch* aStretch,
nsFontCharSetInfo* aCharSet,
nsFontMetricsXlib::PickASizeAndLoad(nsFontStretchXlib* aStretch,
nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* aCharSet,
PRUnichar aChar)
nsFontXlib* font = nsnull;
@ -2378,13 +2378,13 @@ CompareSizes(const void* aArg1, const void* aArg2, void *data)
NS_QuickSort(mSizes, mSizesCount, sizeof(*mSizes), CompareSizes, NULL);
int i, j;
@ -2450,7 +2450,7 @@ nsFontWeight::FillStretchHoles(void)
int i, j;
@ -2521,7 +2521,7 @@ nsFontStyle::FillWeightHoles(void)
if (mHolesFilled) {
@ -2584,12 +2584,12 @@ nsFontNode::FillStyleHoles(void)
} while (0)
nsFontMetricsXlib::SearchNode(nsFontNode* aNode, PRUnichar aChar)
nsFontMetricsXlib::SearchNode(nsFontNodeXlib* aNode, PRUnichar aChar)
if (aNode->mDummy)
return nsnull;
nsFontCharSetInfo* charSetInfo = aNode->mCharSetInfo;
nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* charSetInfo = aNode->mCharSetInfo;
* mCharSet is set if we know which glyphs will be found in these fonts.
@ -2623,9 +2623,9 @@ nsFontMetricsXlib::SearchNode(nsFontNode* aNode, PRUnichar aChar)
nsFontStyle* style = aNode->mStyles[mStyleIndex];
nsFontStyleXlib* style = aNode->mStyles[mStyleIndex];
nsFontWeight** weights = style->mWeights;
nsFontWeightXlib** weights = style->mWeights;
int weight = mFont->weight;
int steps = (weight % 100);
int weightIndex;
@ -2634,7 +2634,7 @@ nsFontMetricsXlib::SearchNode(nsFontNode* aNode, PRUnichar aChar)
int base = (weight - steps);
GET_WEIGHT_INDEX(weightIndex, base);
while (steps--) {
nsFontWeight* prev = weights[weightIndex];
nsFontWeightXlib* prev = weights[weightIndex];
for (weightIndex++; weightIndex < 9; weightIndex++) {
if (weights[weightIndex] != prev) {
@ -2650,7 +2650,7 @@ nsFontMetricsXlib::SearchNode(nsFontNode* aNode, PRUnichar aChar)
int base = (weight + steps);
GET_WEIGHT_INDEX(weightIndex, base);
while (steps--) {
nsFontWeight* prev = weights[weightIndex];
nsFontWeightXlib* prev = weights[weightIndex];
for (weightIndex--; weightIndex >= 0; weightIndex--) {
if (weights[weightIndex] != prev) {
@ -2674,7 +2674,7 @@ nsFontMetricsXlib::SearchNode(nsFontNode* aNode, PRUnichar aChar)
static void
GetFontNames(const char* aPattern, nsFontNodeArray* aNodes)
GetFontNames(const char* aPattern, nsFontNodeArrayXlib* aNodes)
nsCAutoString previousNodeName;
@ -2755,15 +2755,15 @@ GetFontNames(const char* aPattern, nsFontNodeArray* aNodes)
nsCStringKey charSetKey(charSetName);
nsFontCharSetInfo* charSetInfo =
(nsFontCharSetInfo*) gCharSets->Get(&charSetKey);
nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* charSetInfo =
(nsFontCharSetXlibInfo*) gCharSets->Get(&charSetKey);
// indirection for font specific charset encoding
if (charSetInfo == &Special) {
nsCAutoString familyCharSetName(familyName);
nsCStringKey familyCharSetKey(familyCharSetName);
charSetInfo = (nsFontCharSetInfo*) gSpecialCharSets->Get(&familyCharSetKey);
charSetInfo = (nsFontCharSetXlibInfo*) gSpecialCharSets->Get(&familyCharSetKey);
if (!charSetInfo) {
@ -2793,10 +2793,10 @@ GetFontNames(const char* aPattern, nsFontNodeArray* aNodes)
nsCStringKey key(nodeName);
nsFontNode* node = (nsFontNode*) gNodes->Get(&key);
nsFontNodeXlib* node = (nsFontNodeXlib*) gNodes->Get(&key);
if (!node) {
node = new nsFontNode;
node = new nsFontNodeXlib;
if (!node)
gNodes->Put(&key, node);
@ -2834,9 +2834,9 @@ GetFontNames(const char* aPattern, nsFontNodeArray* aNodes)
nsFontStyle* style = node->mStyles[styleIndex];
nsFontStyleXlib* style = node->mStyles[styleIndex];
if (!style) {
style = new nsFontStyle;
style = new nsFontStyleXlib;
if (!style) {
@ -2851,9 +2851,9 @@ GetFontNames(const char* aPattern, nsFontNodeArray* aNodes)
int weightIndex = WEIGHT_INDEX(weightNumber);
nsFontWeight* weight = style->mWeights[weightIndex];
nsFontWeightXlib* weight = style->mWeights[weightIndex];
if (!weight) {
weight = new nsFontWeight;
weight = new nsFontWeightXlib;
if (!weight) {
@ -2868,9 +2868,9 @@ GetFontNames(const char* aPattern, nsFontNodeArray* aNodes)
stretchIndex = 5;
nsFontStretch* stretch = weight->mStretches[stretchIndex];
nsFontStretchXlib* stretch = weight->mStretches[stretchIndex];
if (!stretch) {
stretch = new nsFontStretch;
stretch = new nsFontStretchXlib;
if (!stretch) {
@ -2950,7 +2950,7 @@ static nsresult
if (!gGlobalList) {
gGlobalList = new nsFontNodeArray();
gGlobalList = new nsFontNodeArrayXlib();
if (!gGlobalList) {
@ -2960,13 +2960,13 @@ GetAllFontNames(void)
return NS_OK;
static nsFontFamily*
static nsFontFamilyXlib*
FindFamily(nsCString* aName)
nsCStringKey key(*aName);
nsFontFamily* family = (nsFontFamily*) gFamilies->Get(&key);
nsFontFamilyXlib* family = (nsFontFamilyXlib*) gFamilies->Get(&key);
if (!family) {
family = new nsFontFamily();
family = new nsFontFamilyXlib();
if (family) {
char pattern[256];
PR_snprintf(pattern, sizeof(pattern), "-*-%s-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
@ -2995,7 +2995,7 @@ nsFontMetricsXlib::FamilyExists(const nsString& aName)
nsFontFamily* family = FindFamily(&name);
nsFontFamilyXlib* family = FindFamily(&name);
if (family && family->mNodes.Count())
return NS_OK;
@ -3039,11 +3039,11 @@ nsFontXlib*
nsFontMetricsXlib::TryNodes(nsAWritableCString &aFFREName, PRUnichar aChar)
nsCStringKey key(PromiseFlatCString(aFFREName).get());
nsFontNodeArray* nodes = (nsFontNodeArray*) gCachedFFRESearches->Get(&key);
nsFontNodeArrayXlib* nodes = (nsFontNodeArrayXlib*) gCachedFFRESearches->Get(&key);
if (!nodes) {
nsCAutoString pattern;
FFREToXLFDPattern(aFFREName, pattern);
nodes = new nsFontNodeArray;
nodes = new nsFontNodeArrayXlib;
if (!nodes)
return nsnull;
GetFontNames(pattern.get(), nodes);
@ -3051,7 +3051,7 @@ nsFontMetricsXlib::TryNodes(nsAWritableCString &aFFREName, PRUnichar aChar)
int i, cnt = nodes->Count();
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
nsFontNode* node = nodes->GetElement(i);
nsFontNodeXlib* node = nodes->GetElement(i);
nsFontXlib* font;
font = SearchNode(node, aChar);
if (font && font->SupportsChar(aChar))
@ -3067,11 +3067,11 @@ nsFontMetricsXlib::TryNode(nsCString* aName, PRUnichar aChar)
nsFontXlib* font;
nsCStringKey key(*aName);
nsFontNode* node = (nsFontNode*) gNodes->Get(&key);
nsFontNodeXlib* node = (nsFontNodeXlib*) gNodes->Get(&key);
if (!node) {
nsCAutoString pattern;
FFREToXLFDPattern(*aName, pattern);
nsFontNodeArray nodes;
nsFontNodeArrayXlib nodes;
GetFontNames(pattern.get(), &nodes);
// no need to call gNodes->Put() since GetFontNames already did
if (nodes.Count() > 0) {
@ -3080,7 +3080,7 @@ nsFontMetricsXlib::TryNode(nsCString* aName, PRUnichar aChar)
else {
// add a dummy node to the hash table to avoid calling XListFonts again
node = new nsFontNode();
node = new nsFontNodeXlib();
if (!node) {
return nsnull;
@ -3121,9 +3121,9 @@ nsFontMetricsXlib::TryLangGroup(nsIAtom* aLangGroup, nsCString* aName, PRUnichar
nsFontMetricsXlib::TryFamily(nsCString* aName, PRUnichar aChar)
nsFontFamily* family = FindFamily(aName);
nsFontFamilyXlib* family = FindFamily(aName);
if (family) {
nsFontNodeArray* nodes = &family->mNodes;
nsFontNodeArrayXlib* nodes = &family->mNodes;
PRInt32 n = nodes->Count();
for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < n; i++) {
nsFontXlib* font = SearchNode(nodes->GetElement(i), aChar);
@ -3476,18 +3476,18 @@ nsFontMetricsXlib::FindLangGroupFont(nsIAtom* aLangGroup, PRUnichar aChar, nsCSt
nsFontXlib* font;
/* scan gCharSetMap for encodings with matching lang groups */
nsFontCharSetMap* charSetMap;
nsFontCharSetMapXlib* charSetMap;
for (charSetMap = gCharSetMap; charSetMap->mName; charSetMap++) {
FontLangGroup* mFontLangGroup = charSetMap->mFontLangGroup;
nsFontCharSetInfo* charSetInfo = charSetMap->mInfo;
nsFontLangGroupXlib* mnsFontLangGroupXlib = charSetMap->mnsFontLangGroupXlib;
nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* charSetInfo = charSetMap->mInfo;
if (!charSetInfo->mCharSet) {
if (!mFontLangGroup->mLangGroup) {
if (!mnsFontLangGroupXlib->mLangGroup) {
if (charSetInfo->mLangGroup) {
mFontLangGroup->mLangGroup = charSetInfo->mLangGroup;
mnsFontLangGroupXlib->mLangGroup = charSetInfo->mLangGroup;
else {
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> charset;
@ -3498,15 +3498,15 @@ nsFontMetricsXlib::FindLangGroupFont(nsIAtom* aLangGroup, PRUnichar aChar, nsCSt
res = gCharSetManager->GetCharsetLangGroup(charset, &charSetInfo->mLangGroup);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
mFontLangGroup->mLangGroup = charSetInfo->mLangGroup;
mnsFontLangGroupXlib->mLangGroup = charSetInfo->mLangGroup;
else {
mFontLangGroup->mLangGroup = NS_NewAtom(mFontLangGroup->mLangGroupName);
mnsFontLangGroupXlib->mLangGroup = NS_NewAtom(mnsFontLangGroupXlib->mLangGroupName);
if (aLangGroup != mFontLangGroup->mLangGroup) {
if (aLangGroup != mnsFontLangGroupXlib->mLangGroup) {
// look for a font with this charset (registry-encoding) & char
@ -3614,7 +3614,7 @@ typedef struct EnumerateNodeInfo
static PRIntn
EnumerateNode(void* aElement, void* aData)
nsFontNode* node = (nsFontNode*) aElement;
nsFontNodeXlib* node = (nsFontNodeXlib*) aElement;
EnumerateNodeInfo* info = (EnumerateNodeInfo*) aData;
if (info->mLangGroup != gUserDefined) {
if (node->mCharSetInfo == &Unknown) {
@ -49,16 +49,16 @@
#define FONT_HAS_GLYPH(map, char) IS_REPRESENTABLE(map, char)
typedef struct nsFontCharSetInfo nsFontCharSetInfo;
typedef struct nsFontCharSetXlibInfo nsFontCharSetXlibInfo;
typedef int (*nsFontCharSetConverter)(nsFontCharSetInfo* aSelf,
typedef int (*nsFontCharSetXlibConverter)(nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* aSelf,
XFontStruct* aFont, const PRUnichar* aSrcBuf, PRInt32 aSrcLen,
char* aDestBuf, PRInt32 aDestLen);
struct nsFontCharSet;
struct nsFontFamily;
struct nsFontNode;
struct nsFontStretch;
struct nsFontCharSetXlib;
struct nsFontFamilyXlib;
struct nsFontNodeXlib;
struct nsFontStretchXlib;
class nsFontXlibUserDefined;
class nsFontMetricsXlib;
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public:
XFontStruct *mFont;
PRUint32 *mMap;
nsFontCharSetInfo *mCharSetInfo;
nsFontCharSetXlibInfo *mCharSetInfo;
char *mName;
nsFontXlibUserDefined *mUserDefinedFont;
PRUint16 mSize;
@ -146,15 +146,15 @@ public:
nsFontXlib* FindAnyFont(PRUnichar aChar);
nsFontXlib* FindSubstituteFont(PRUnichar aChar);
nsFontXlib* SearchNode(nsFontNode* aNode, PRUnichar aChar);
nsFontXlib* SearchNode(nsFontNodeXlib* aNode, PRUnichar aChar);
nsFontXlib* TryAliases(nsCString* aName, PRUnichar aChar);
nsFontXlib* TryFamily(nsCString* aName, PRUnichar aChar);
nsFontXlib* TryNode(nsCString* aName, PRUnichar aChar);
nsFontXlib* TryNodes(nsAWritableCString &aFFREName, PRUnichar aChar);
nsFontXlib* TryLangGroup(nsIAtom* aLangGroup, nsCString* aName, PRUnichar aChar);
nsFontXlib* PickASizeAndLoad(nsFontStretch* aStretch,
nsFontCharSetInfo* aCharSet,
nsFontXlib* PickASizeAndLoad(nsFontStretchXlib* aStretch,
nsFontCharSetXlibInfo* aCharSet,
PRUnichar aChar);
static nsresult FamilyExists(const nsString& aFontName);
@ -3448,9 +3448,9 @@ xlib_draw_rgb_image_core (Drawable drawable,
NS_ERROR("xlib_draw_rgb_image_core: XInitImage() failure - should not happen...\n");
#endif /* USE_MOZILLA_TYPES */
return; /* error - should not happen... */
@ -23,20 +23,20 @@
DEPTH = ../../..
topsrcdir = @top_srcdir@
srcdir = @srcdir@
VPATH = @srcdir@
VPATH = @srcdir@ @srcdir@/../xlib
include $(DEPTH)/config/autoconf.mk
MODULE = layout
LIBRARY_NAME = gfxxprint
MODULE_NAME = nsGfxXprintModule
REQUIRES = xpcom string widget view img util dom pref locale uconv unicharutil gfx2 necko imglib2 intl
CSRCS = ../xlibrgb/xlibrgb.c \
xprintutil.c \
xprintutil_printtofile.c \
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ CPPSRCS = \
nsRenderingContextXP.cpp \
nsGfxFactoryXP.cpp \
nsXPrintContext.cpp \
../xlib/nsRegionXlib.cpp \
nsRegionXlib.cpp \
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ CXXFLAGS += $(TK_CFLAGS)
-L$(DIST)/bin \
-L$(DIST)/lib \
-lxlibrgb \
Reference in New Issue
Block a user