mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 02:57:38 +00:00
Moved to network/mimetype. Aleks claims this should just work on
the Mac. We'll see.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
#--Netscape Communications Corporation MIME Information
# Do not delete the above line. It is used to identify the file type.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
# This file defines all of the default file extensions recognised by Netscape.
# See also mime.types-unix and mime.types-nonunix for some platform-specific
# stuff.
# If you add a new non-"text/" type to this file, and it's primarily a
# line-based textual type, you may also want to update the list of
# application-types-that-are-really-textual in mime_type_requires_b64_p()
# in libmsg/compose.c, so that docs of that type don't always get base64
# encoded when mailed.
# Text
exts="txt,text" type=text/plain \
desc="Plain Text" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="html,htm" type=text/html \
desc="Hypertext Markup Language" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="xml" type=text/xml \
desc="Extensible Markup Language" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="rtf" type=application/rtf \
desc="Rich Text Format" icon=internal-gopher-text
# note: text/richtext is *not the same format*
exts="pdf" type=application/pdf \
desc="Portable Document Format" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="tex" type=application/x-tex \
desc="TeX Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="latex" type=application/x-latex \
desc="LaTeX Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="dvi" type=application/x-dvi \
desc="TeX DVI Data" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="texi,texinfo" type=application/x-texinfo \
desc="GNU TeXinfo Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="vcf" type=text/x-vcard \
desc="VCard" icon=internal-gopher-unknown
# Images
exts="gif" type=image/gif \
desc="GIF Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
exts="jpeg,jpg,jpe,jfif,pjpeg,pjp" type=image/jpeg \
desc="JPEG Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
exts="tiff,tif" type=image/tiff \
desc="TIFF Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
exts="ras" type=image/x-cmu-raster \
desc="CMU Raster Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
exts="xbm" type=image/x-xbitmap \
desc="X Bitmap" icon=internal-gopher-image
# note: have also seen "image/x-bitmap"
exts="xpm" type=image/x-xpixmap \
desc="X Pixmap" icon=internal-gopher-image
# note: have also seen "image/x-xpm"
exts="xwd" type=image/x-xwindowdump \
desc="X Window Dump Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
# note: have also seen "image/x-xwd"
exts="pnm" type=image/x-portable-anymap \
desc="PBM Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
exts="pbm" type=image/x-portable-bitmap \
desc="PBM Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
exts="pgm" type=image/x-portable-graymap \
desc="PGM Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
exts="ppm" type=image/x-portable-pixmap \
desc="PPM Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
# note: have also seen "image/x-pbm", "image/x-pgm", "image/x-ppm".
exts="rgb" type=image/x-rgb \
desc="RGB Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
exts="bmp" type=image/x-MS-bmp \
desc="Windows Bitmap" icon=internal-gopher-image
exts="pcd" type=image/x-photo-cd \
desc="PhotoCD Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
exts="png" type=image/x-png \
desc="PNG Image" icon=internal-gopher-image
exts="ief" type=image/ief \
desc="" icon=internal-gopher-image
# What is "ief"?
exts="fif" type=application/fractals \
desc="Fractal Image Format" icon=internal-gopher-image
# Audio
exts="au,snd" type=audio/basic \
desc="ULAW Audio" icon=internal-gopher-sound
exts="aif,aiff,aifc" type=audio/x-aiff \
desc="AIFF Audio" icon=internal-gopher-sound
exts="wav" type=audio/x-wav \
desc="WAV Audio" icon=internal-gopher-sound
exts="mp2,mpa,abs,mpega" type=audio/x-mpeg \
desc="MPEG Audio" icon=internal-gopher-sound
exts="ra,ram" type=audio/x-pn-realaudio \
desc="RealAudio" icon=internal-gopher-sound
# Video
exts="mpeg,mpg,mpe,mpv,vbs,mpegv" type=video/mpeg \
desc="MPEG Video" icon=internal-gopher-movie
exts="mpv2,mp2v" type=video/x-mpeg2 \
desc="MPEG2 Video" icon=internal-gopher-movie
exts="qt,mov,moov" type=video/quicktime \
desc="Quicktime Video" icon=internal-gopher-movie
exts="avi" type=video/x-msvideo \
desc="Microsoft Video" icon=internal-gopher-movie
# Archives
exts="hqx" type=application/mac-binhex40 \
desc="Macintosh BinHex Archive" icon=internal-gopher-binary
# note: have also seen "application/x-macbinhex40"
exts="sit" type=application/x-stuffit \
desc="Macintosh StuffIt Archive" icon=internal-gopher-binary
exts="zip" type=application/x-zip-compressed \
desc="Zip Compressed Data" icon=internal-gopher-binary
exts="shar" type=application/x-shar \
desc="Unix Shell Archive" icon=internal-gopher-unknown
exts="tar" type=application/x-tar \
desc="Unix Tape Archive" icon=internal-gopher-binary
exts="gtar" type=application/x-gtar \
desc="GNU Tape Archive" icon=internal-gopher-binary
exts="cpio" type=application/x-cpio \
desc="Unix CPIO Archive" icon=internal-gopher-binary
# note: have also seen "application/x-sv4cpio"
# and "application/x-bcpio" for ".bcpio" files -- what's that?
# and "application/x-sv4crc" for ".sv4crc" -- what's that?
exts="jar" type=application/java-archive \
desc="Java Archive" icon=internal-gopher-binary
# Programs
exts="exe,bin" type=application/octet-stream \
desc="Binary Executable" icon=internal-gopher-binary
exts="ai,eps,ps" type=application/postscript \
desc="Postscript Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="csh" type=application/x-csh \
desc="C Shell Program" icon=internal-gopher-unknown
exts="sh" type=application/x-sh \
desc="Bourne Shell Program" icon=internal-gopher-unknown
exts="tcl" type=application/x-tcl \
desc="TCL Program" icon=internal-gopher-unknown
exts="pl" type=application/x-perl \
desc="Perl Program" icon=internal-gopher-unknown
exts="js,mocha" type=application/x-javascript \
desc="JavaScript Program" icon=internal-gopher-unknown
exts="pac" type=application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig \
desc="Proxy Auto-Config" icon=internal-gopher-unknown
exts="jsc" type=application/x-javascript-config \
desc="JavaScript Config" icon=internal-gopher-unknown
exts="p7m,p7c" type=application/x-pkcs7-mime \
desc="PKCS7 Encrypted Data" icon=internal-gopher-binary
exts="p7s" type=application/x-pkcs7-signature \
desc="PKCS7 Signature" icon=internal-gopher-binary
exts="enc" type=application/pre-encrypted \
desc="Pre-encrypted Data" icon=internal-gopher-binary
exts="crl" type=application/x-pkcs7-crl \
desc="Certificate Revocation List" icon=internal-gopher-binary
exts="ckl" type=application/x-fortezza-ckl \
desc="Compromised Key List" icon=internal-gopher-binary
# This is too ambiguous an extension. Those losers.
#exts="src" type=application/x-wais-source \
#desc="WAIS Source" icon=internal-gopher-unknown
# Encodings
exts="uu,uue" enc=x-uuencode \
desc="UUEncoded Data" icon=internal-gopher-binary
# Documents
exts="doc,dot" type=application/msword \
desc="Microsoft Word Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="xls,xlt,xlm,xld,xla,xlc,xlw,xll" type=application/vnd.ms-excel \
desc="Microsoft Excel Worksheet" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="mdb,mda,mde" type=application/vnd.ms-access \
desc="Microsoft Access Database" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="ppt,pot,ppa,pps,pwz" type=application/vnd.ms-powerpoint \
desc="Microsoft PowerPoint Show" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="scd,sch,sc2" type=application/vnd.ms-schedule \
desc="Microsoft Schedule+ Application" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="lwp,sam" type=application/vnd.lotus-wordpro \
desc="Lotus WordPro Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="123,wk4,wk3,wk1" type=application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 \
desc="Lotus 123 Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="apr,vew" type=application/vnd.lotus-approach \
desc="Lotus Approach Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="prz,pre" type=application/vnd.lotus-freelance \
desc="Lotus Freelance Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="or3,or2,org" type=application/vnd.lotus-organizer \
desc="Lotus Organizer Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="scm" type=application/vnd.lotus-screencam \
desc="Lotus ScreenCam Movie" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="wpd,wp6" type=application/wordperfect5.1 \
desc="WordPerfect Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
#--Netscape Communications Corporation MIME Information
# Do not delete the above line. It is used to identify the file type.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
# This file defines all of the default file extensions recognised by Netscape
# on non-Unix platforms. See also mime.types and mime.types-unix.
# Archives
exts="Z" type=application/x-compress \
desc="Compressed Data" icon=internal-gopher-binary
exts="gz" enc=x-gzip \
desc="GNU Zip Compressed Data" icon=internal-gopher-binary
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
#--Netscape Communications Corporation MIME Information
# Do not delete the above line. It is used to identify the file type.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
# This file defines all of the default file extensions recognised by Netscape
# on Unix platforms. See also mime.types and mime.types-nonunix.
# Text
exts="t,tr,roff" type=application/x-troff \
desc="TROFF Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="me" type=application/x-troff-me \
desc="TROFF Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="ms" type=application/x-troff-ms \
desc="TROFF Document" icon=internal-gopher-text
exts="man" type=application/x-troff-man \
desc="Unix Manual Page" icon=internal-gopher-text
# Video
exts="movie" type=video/x-sgi-movie \
desc="SGI Video" icon=internal-gopher-movie
# Encodings
exts="Z" enc=x-compress \
desc="Compressed Data" icon=internal-gopher-binary
exts="gz" enc=x-gzip \
desc="GNU Zip Compressed Data" icon=internal-gopher-binary
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
* cinfo.h: Content Information for a file, i.e. its type, etc.
* See cinfo.c for dependency information.
* Rob McCool
#ifndef MKFORMAT_H
#define MKFORMAT_H
#ifndef MKSTREAM_H
#include "mkstream.h"
#endif /* MKSTREAM_H */
/* ------------------------------ Constants ------------------------------- */
* This will be the first string in the file, followed by x.x version
* where x is an integer.
* If this magic string is not found, cinfo_merge will try to parse
* the file as a NCSA httpd mime.types file.
#define MCC_MT_MAGIC "#--MCOM MIME Information"
#define MCC_MT_MAGIC_LEN 24
#define NCC_MT_MAGIC "#--Netscape Communications Corporation MIME Information"
#define NCC_MT_MAGIC_LEN 40 /* Don't bother to check it all */
/* The character which separates extensions with cinfo_find */
/* The maximum length of a line in this file */
#define CINFO_MAX_LEN 1024
/* The hash function for the database. Hashed on extension. */
#include <ctype.h>
#define CINFO_HASH(s) (isalpha(s[0]) ? tolower(s[0]) - 'a' : 26)
/* The hash table size for that function */
/* ------------------------------ Structures ------------------------------ */
/* see ../include/net.h for the NET_cinfo struct */
/* ------------------------------ Prototypes ------------------------------ */
* cinfo_find finds any content information for the given uri. The file name
* is the string following the last / in the uri. Multiple extensions are
* separated by CINFO_SEPARATOR. You may pass in a filename instead of uri.
* Returns a newly allocated cinfo structure with the information it
* finds. The elements of this structure are coming right out of the types
* database and so if you change it or want to keep it around for long you
* should strdup it. You should free only the structure itself when finished
* with it.
* If there is no information for any one of the extensions it
* finds, it will ignore that extension. If it cannot find information for
* any of the extensions, it will return NULL.
extern NET_cinfo *NET_cinfo_find(char *uri);
extern NET_cinfo *NET_cinfo_find_type(char *uri);
extern NET_cinfo *NET_cinfo_find_enc (char *uri);
* cinfo_lookup finds the information about the given content-type, and
* returns a cinfo structure so you can look up description and icon.
NET_cinfo *NET_cinfo_lookup(char *type);
#endif /* MKFORMAT_H */
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
/* Generated file - do not edit! */
"exts=\"txt,text\" type=text/plain \
desc=\"Plain Text\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"html,htm\" type=text/html \
desc=\"Hypertext Markup Language\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"xml\" type=text/xml \
desc=\"Extensible Markup Language\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"rtf\" type=application/rtf \
desc=\"Rich Text Format\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"pdf\" type=application/pdf \
desc=\"Portable Document Format\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"tex\" type=application/x-tex \
desc=\"TeX Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"latex\" type=application/x-latex \
desc=\"LaTeX Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"dvi\" type=application/x-dvi \
desc=\"TeX DVI Data\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"texi,texinfo\" type=application/x-texinfo \
desc=\"GNU TeXinfo Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"vcf\" type=text/x-vcard \
desc=\"VCard\" icon=internal-gopher-unknown",
"exts=\"gif\" type=image/gif \
desc=\"GIF Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"jpeg,jpg,jpe,jfif,pjpeg,pjp\" type=image/jpeg \
desc=\"JPEG Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"tiff,tif\" type=image/tiff \
desc=\"TIFF Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"ras\" type=image/x-cmu-raster \
desc=\"CMU Raster Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"xbm\" type=image/x-xbitmap \
desc=\"X Bitmap\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"xpm\" type=image/x-xpixmap \
desc=\"X Pixmap\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"xwd\" type=image/x-xwindowdump \
desc=\"X Window Dump Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"pnm\" type=image/x-portable-anymap \
desc=\"PBM Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"pbm\" type=image/x-portable-bitmap \
desc=\"PBM Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"pgm\" type=image/x-portable-graymap \
desc=\"PGM Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"ppm\" type=image/x-portable-pixmap \
desc=\"PPM Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"rgb\" type=image/x-rgb \
desc=\"RGB Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"bmp\" type=image/x-MS-bmp \
desc=\"Windows Bitmap\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"pcd\" type=image/x-photo-cd \
desc=\"PhotoCD Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"png\" type=image/x-png \
desc=\"PNG Image\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"ief\" type=image/ief \
desc=\"\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"fif\" type=application/fractals \
desc=\"Fractal Image Format\" icon=internal-gopher-image",
"exts=\"au,snd\" type=audio/basic \
desc=\"ULAW Audio\" icon=internal-gopher-sound",
"exts=\"aif,aiff,aifc\" type=audio/x-aiff \
desc=\"AIFF Audio\" icon=internal-gopher-sound",
"exts=\"wav\" type=audio/x-wav \
desc=\"WAV Audio\" icon=internal-gopher-sound",
"exts=\"mp2,mpa,abs,mpega\" type=audio/x-mpeg \
desc=\"MPEG Audio\" icon=internal-gopher-sound",
"exts=\"ra,ram\" type=audio/x-pn-realaudio \
desc=\"RealAudio\" icon=internal-gopher-sound",
"exts=\"mpeg,mpg,mpe,mpv,vbs,mpegv\" type=video/mpeg \
desc=\"MPEG Video\" icon=internal-gopher-movie",
"exts=\"mpv2,mp2v\" type=video/x-mpeg2 \
desc=\"MPEG2 Video\" icon=internal-gopher-movie",
"exts=\"qt,mov,moov\" type=video/quicktime \
desc=\"Quicktime Video\" icon=internal-gopher-movie",
"exts=\"avi\" type=video/x-msvideo \
desc=\"Microsoft Video\" icon=internal-gopher-movie",
"exts=\"hqx\" type=application/mac-binhex40 \
desc=\"Macintosh BinHex Archive\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"sit\" type=application/x-stuffit \
desc=\"Macintosh StuffIt Archive\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"zip\" type=application/x-zip-compressed \
desc=\"Zip Compressed Data\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"shar\" type=application/x-shar \
desc=\"Unix Shell Archive\" icon=internal-gopher-unknown",
"exts=\"tar\" type=application/x-tar \
desc=\"Unix Tape Archive\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"gtar\" type=application/x-gtar \
desc=\"GNU Tape Archive\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"cpio\" type=application/x-cpio \
desc=\"Unix CPIO Archive\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"jar\" type=application/java-archive \
desc=\"Java Archive\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"exe,bin\" type=application/octet-stream \
desc=\"Binary Executable\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"ai,eps,ps\" type=application/postscript \
desc=\"Postscript Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"csh\" type=application/x-csh \
desc=\"C Shell Program\" icon=internal-gopher-unknown",
"exts=\"sh\" type=application/x-sh \
desc=\"Bourne Shell Program\" icon=internal-gopher-unknown",
"exts=\"tcl\" type=application/x-tcl \
desc=\"TCL Program\" icon=internal-gopher-unknown",
"exts=\"pl\" type=application/x-perl \
desc=\"Perl Program\" icon=internal-gopher-unknown",
"exts=\"js,mocha\" type=application/x-javascript \
desc=\"JavaScript Program\" icon=internal-gopher-unknown",
"exts=\"pac\" type=application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig \
desc=\"Proxy Auto-Config\" icon=internal-gopher-unknown",
"exts=\"jsc\" type=application/x-javascript-config \
desc=\"JavaScript Config\" icon=internal-gopher-unknown",
"exts=\"p7m,p7c\" type=application/x-pkcs7-mime \
desc=\"PKCS7 Encrypted Data\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"p7s\" type=application/x-pkcs7-signature \
desc=\"PKCS7 Signature\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"enc\" type=application/pre-encrypted \
desc=\"Pre-encrypted Data\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"crl\" type=application/x-pkcs7-crl \
desc=\"Certificate Revocation List\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"ckl\" type=application/x-fortezza-ckl \
desc=\"Compromised Key List\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"uu,uue\" enc=x-uuencode \
desc=\"UUEncoded Data\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"doc,dot\" type=application/msword \
desc=\"Microsoft Word Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"xls,xlt,xlm,xld,xla,xlc,xlw,xll\" type=application/vnd.ms-excel \
desc=\"Microsoft Excel Worksheet\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"mdb,mda,mde\" type=application/vnd.ms-access \
desc=\"Microsoft Access Database\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"ppt,pot,ppa,pps,pwz\" type=application/vnd.ms-powerpoint \
desc=\"Microsoft PowerPoint Show\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"scd,sch,sc2\" type=application/vnd.ms-schedule \
desc=\"Microsoft Schedule+ Application\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"lwp,sam\" type=application/vnd.lotus-wordpro \
desc=\"Lotus WordPro Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"123,wk4,wk3,wk1\" type=application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 \
desc=\"Lotus 123 Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"apr,vew\" type=application/vnd.lotus-approach \
desc=\"Lotus Approach Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"prz,pre\" type=application/vnd.lotus-freelance \
desc=\"Lotus Freelance Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"or3,or2,org\" type=application/vnd.lotus-organizer \
desc=\"Lotus Organizer Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"scm\" type=application/vnd.lotus-screencam \
desc=\"Lotus ScreenCam Movie\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"wpd,wp6\" type=application/wordperfect5.1 \
desc=\"WordPerfect Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
#ifdef XP_UNIX
"exts=\"t,tr,roff\" type=application/x-troff \
desc=\"TROFF Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"me\" type=application/x-troff-me \
desc=\"TROFF Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"ms\" type=application/x-troff-ms \
desc=\"TROFF Document\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"man\" type=application/x-troff-man \
desc=\"Unix Manual Page\" icon=internal-gopher-text",
"exts=\"movie\" type=video/x-sgi-movie \
desc=\"SGI Video\" icon=internal-gopher-movie",
"exts=\"Z\" enc=x-compress \
desc=\"Compressed Data\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"gz\" enc=x-gzip \
desc=\"GNU Zip Compressed Data\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
#else /* !XP_UNIX */
"exts=\"Z\" type=application/x-compress \
desc=\"Compressed Data\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
"exts=\"gz\" enc=x-gzip \
desc=\"GNU Zip Compressed Data\" icon=internal-gopher-binary",
#endif /* !XP_UNIX */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user