Added list of resolved Bugzilla reports

This commit is contained in: 2003-01-26 14:30:47 +00:00
parent fc428993dd
commit 47d2d76ac2

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ This is a log of significant changes since the release of Rhino 1.5 Release 3.
A new, incompatible Rhino debug API gives an option to monitor
entering/leaving of script functions while decreasing the amount of code to
implement the API in the Rhino core. Details are available <a href="rhino15R4-debugger.html">here</a>.
implement the API in the Rhino core. Details are available <a href="rhino15R4-debugger.html">here</a>. With the new API <a href="debugger.html">Rhino Debugger</a> provides options to break on function enter/exit, can debug scripts defined by eval and Function construction and scripts loaded prior the debugger were started.
<h3>WrapFactory introduced, WrapHandler deprecated</h3>
A design flaw in the WrapHandler interface (a call to a Java contructor from
@ -52,6 +52,155 @@ var obj = new fooJar.Foo(1, 2, 3);
<h3>Resolved Bugzilla reports</h3>
The following Rhino reports in <a href="">Bugzilla</a> where resolved for Rhino 1.5 Release 4.
<a href="">61579</a> -
context.decompileScript doesn't work.
<br><a href="">72021</a> -
The ScriptRuntime class tries to convert even the String values to JavaNativeObject
<br><a href="">83051</a> -
A function defined under a with block can't be invoked outside it
<br><a href="">104089</a> -
Cannot reattach context to its thread because of the bug in Context class
<br><a href="">105438</a> -
SourceName and lineNumbers of syntax errors in Javascript files not dispalyed.
<br><a href="">106548</a> -
/^.*?$/ will not match anything
<br><a href="">114583</a> -
script compile/decompile bug
<br><a href="">114969</a> -
[], [^] are valid RegExp conditions
<br><a href="">115717</a> -
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on with/try/finally
<br><a href="">120194</a> -
JS toInt32(x) conversion doesn't match ECMAScript definition
<br><a href="">122167</a> -
string.replace() placeholder '$1' not working
<br><a href="">123439</a> -
Backreferences /(a)? etc./ must hold |undefined| if not used
<br><a href="">124508</a> -
regexp.lastIndex should be integer-valued double, not uint32
<br><a href="">124900</a> -
arguments object storing duplicate parameter values
<br><a href="">125562</a> -
Regexp performance improvement
<br><a href="">126317</a> -
Crash on re.exec(str) if re.lastIndex set to certain values
<br><a href="">126722</a> -
(undefined === null) evaluating to true in Rhino compiled mode
<br><a href="">128468</a> - org.mozilla.javascript.NativeError
<br><a href="">129365</a> -
Incorrect licensing in
<br><a href="">132217</a> -
delete on global function should not delete the function
<br><a href="">136893</a> -
Rhino treatment of |for(i in undefined)|, |for(i in null)|
<br><a href="">137181</a> -
delete on an arguments[i] not working correctly
<br><a href="">145791</a> -
ECMA conformance: Function.prototype.apply(),
<br><a href="">149285</a> -
Complier does not report the correct line number on SyntaxError:Invalid assignment left-hand side.
<br><a href="">151337</a> -
EcmaError.getLineSource() returns 0x0 characters.
<br><a href="">153223</a> -
New RegExp engine in Rhino
<br><a href="">154693</a> -
Interpreted mode doesn't grok different functions on different objects
<br><a href="">156510</a> -
for (i in undefined) {} should not throw TypeError
<br><a href="">157196</a> -
ScriptableObject needs custom serialization implementation
<br><a href="">157509</a> -
No error on invalid usage of \ in identifiers
<br><a href="">159334</a> -
The javascript functions size is limited by a bug
<br><a href="">166530</a> -
ClassCostException in FunctionObject static initializer
<br><a href="">169830</a> -
Array.concat(function) doesn't add function to the array
<br><a href="">173180</a> -
Rhino UTF-8 decoder accepts overlong sequences
<br><a href="">173906</a> -
Dynamic scope not working correctly with optimzation level >= 1
<br><a href="">175383</a> -
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in string.replace()
<br><a href="">177314</a> -
Rhino should allow '\400' to mean ' 0'
<br><a href="">179068</a> -
String literals in Rhino are limited to 64K
<br><a href="">179366</a> -
--&gt; after whitespace after line start should mean comments to line end
<br><a href="">181654</a> -
Calling toString for an object derived from the Error class throws TypeError
<br><a href="">181834</a> -
wrong scope used for inner functions when compiling functions with dynamic scopes (interpreted only)
<br><a href="">181909</a> -
some regression tests for Error invalid
<br><a href="">182028</a> -
Calling has() in get() of a ScriptableObject causes getter function to not be called
<br><a href="">184107</a> -
with(...) { function f ...} should set f in the global scope
<br><a href="">184111</a> -
ArrayOutOfBounds Exception thrown when using Rhino Javascript Debugger
<br><a href="">185165</a> -
Decompilation of "\\" gives broken "\"
<br><a href="">189183</a> -
Debugger source frame window layering fix
<br><a href="">189898</a> -
Broken String.replace: "XaXY".replace("XY", "--") gives --aXY
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