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synced 2025-03-05 08:09:15 +00:00
# Not a part of SeaMonkey
Added expression node building stuff.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,18 +1,3 @@
import java.io.*;
// Test program
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
JSLexer lexer = new JSLexer(new DataInputStream(System.in));
JSParser parser = new JSParser(lexer);
parser.expression(true, true);
} catch(Exception e) {
System.err.println("exception: "+e);
class JSParser extends Parser;
@ -39,15 +24,16 @@ options {
// ********* Identifiers **********
| "version"
| "override"
| "method"
| "getter"
| "setter"
| "traditional"
| "constructor"
identifier returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: opI:IDENT { e = new JSValue("object", opI.getText()); }
| "version" { e = new JSValue("object", "version"); }
| "override" { e = new JSValue("object", "override"); }
| "method" { e = new JSValue("object", "method"); }
| "getter" { e = new JSValue("object", "getter"); }
| "setter" { e = new JSValue("object", "setter"); }
| "traditional" { e = new JSValue("object", "traditional"); }
| "constructor" { e = new JSValue("object", "constructor"); }
@ -55,35 +41,39 @@ qualified_identifier
| identifier ("::" identifier)*
: (parenthesized_expression | identifier) ("::" identifier)*
qualified_identifier_or_parenthesized_expression returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: (e = parenthesized_expression | e = identifier) ("::" identifier)*
// ********* Primary Expressions **********
primary_expression[boolean initial]
primary_expression[boolean initial] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: {initial}?
| object_literal
| simple_expression
| e = simple_expression
: "null"
| "true"
| "false"
| "this"
| "super"
| qualified_identifier_or_parenthesized_expression
simple_expression returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: "null" { e = new JSValue("object", "null"); }
| "true" { e = new JSValue("boolean", "true"); }
| "false" { e = new JSValue("boolean", "false"); }
| opN:NUMBER { e = new JSValue("number", opN.getText()); }
| opS:STRING { e = new JSValue("number", opS.getText()); }
| "this" { e = new JSValue("object", "this"); }
| "super" { e = new JSValue("object", "super"); }
| e = qualified_identifier_or_parenthesized_expression
| array_literal
| e = array_literal
: "(" expression[false, true] ")" ;
parenthesized_expression returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: "(" e = expression[false, true] ")" ;
// ********* Function Expressions **********
@ -102,7 +92,8 @@ literal_field
// ********* Array Literals **********
array_literal returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: "[" (element_list)? "]" ;
@ -112,26 +103,28 @@ literal_element
: assignment_expression[false, true] ;
// ********* Postfix Unary Operators **********
postfix_expression[boolean initial]
postfix_expression[boolean initial] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; ExpressionNode r = null; }
( primary_expression[initial]
| new_expression
( e = primary_expression[initial]
| e = new_expression
| arguments
| "++"
| "--"
r = member_operator { e = new BinaryNode(".", e, r); }
| r = arguments { e = new BinaryNode("()", e, r); }
| "++" { e = new UnaryNode("++", e); }
| "--" { e = new UnaryNode("--", e); }
: "new"
new_expression returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: "new"
| (
// There's an ambiguity here:
// Consider the input 'new f.x'. Is that equivalent to '(new f).x' or 'new (f.x)' ?
// Assume the latter by using ANTLR's default behavior of consuming input as
@ -156,48 +149,63 @@ new_expression
: "[" argument_list "]"
| DOT qualified_identifier_or_parenthesized_expression
| "@" qualified_identifier_or_parenthesized_expression
member_operator returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: "[" e = argument_list "]" { e = new UnaryNode("[]", e); }
| DOT e = qualified_identifier_or_parenthesized_expression { e = new UnaryNode(".", e); }
| "@" e = qualified_identifier_or_parenthesized_expression { e = new UnaryNode("@", e); }
arguments returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: "(" argument_list ")" ;
argument_list returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: (assignment_expression[false, true] ("," assignment_expression[false, true])*)? ;
// ********* Prefix Unary Operators **********
unary_expression[boolean initial]
: postfix_expression[initial]
| "delete" postfix_expression[false]
| "typeof" unary_expression[false]
| "eval" unary_expression[false]
| "++" postfix_expression[false]
| "--" postfix_expression[false]
| "+" unary_expression[false]
| "-" unary_expression[false]
| "~" unary_expression[false]
| "!" unary_expression[false]
unary_expression[boolean initial] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: e = postfix_expression[initial]
| "delete" e = postfix_expression[false] { e = new UnaryNode("delete", e); }
| "typeof" e = unary_expression[false] { e = new UnaryNode("typeof", e); }
| "eval" e = unary_expression[false] { e = new UnaryNode("eval", e); }
| "++" e = postfix_expression[false] { e = new UnaryNode("++", e); }
| "--" e = postfix_expression[false] { e = new UnaryNode("--", e); }
| "+" e = unary_expression[false] { e = new UnaryNode("+", e); }
| "-" e = unary_expression[false] { e = new UnaryNode("-", e); }
| "~" e = unary_expression[false] { e = new UnaryNode("~", e); }
| "!" e = unary_expression[false] { e = new UnaryNode("!", e); }
// ********* Multiplicative Operators **********
multiplicative_expression[boolean initial]
: unary_expression[initial]
(("*" | "/" | "%") unary_expression[false])*
multiplicative_expression[boolean initial] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; ExpressionNode r = null; }
: e = unary_expression[initial] (
("*" r = unary_expression[false] { e = new ArithmeticNode("*", e, r); } )
| ("/" r = unary_expression[false] { e = new ArithmeticNode("/", e, r); } )
| ("%" r = unary_expression[false] { e = new ArithmeticNode("%", e, r); } )
// ********* Additive Operators **********
additive_expression[boolean initial]
: multiplicative_expression[initial]
(("+" | "-") multiplicative_expression[false])*
additive_expression[boolean initial] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; ExpressionNode r = null; }
: e = multiplicative_expression[initial] (
("+" r = multiplicative_expression[false] { e = new ArithmeticNode("+", e, r); } )
| ("-" r = multiplicative_expression[false] { e = new ArithmeticNode("-", e, r); } )
// ********* Bitwise Shift Operators **********
shift_expression[boolean initial]
: additive_expression[initial]
(("<<" | ">>" | ">>>") additive_expression[false])*
shift_expression[boolean initial] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; ExpressionNode r = null; }
: e = additive_expression[initial] (
("<<" r = additive_expression[false] { e = new ArithmeticNode("<<", e, r); } )
| (">>" r = additive_expression[false] { e = new ArithmeticNode(">>", e, r); } )
| (">>>" r = additive_expression[false] { e = new ArithmeticNode(">>>", e, r); } )
// ********* Relational Operators **********
@ -210,8 +218,9 @@ relational_operator[boolean allowIn]
| "instanceof"
relational_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
: shift_expression[initial]
relational_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: e = shift_expression[initial]
// ANTLR reports an ambiguity here because the FOLLOW set of a relational_expression
// includes the "in" token (from the for-in statement), but there's no real ambiguity
@ -223,39 +232,46 @@ relational_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
// ********* Equality Operators **********
equality_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
: relational_expression[initial, allowIn]
equality_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: e = relational_expression[initial, allowIn]
(("==" | "!=" | "===" | "!==") relational_expression[false, allowIn])*
// ********* Binary Bitwise Operators **********
bitwise_and_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
: equality_expression[initial, allowIn]
bitwise_and_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: e = equality_expression[initial, allowIn]
("&" equality_expression[false, allowIn])*
bitwise_xor_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
: bitwise_and_expression[initial, allowIn]
bitwise_xor_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: e = bitwise_and_expression[initial, allowIn]
("^" (bitwise_and_expression[false, allowIn] | "*" | "?"))*
bitwise_or_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
: bitwise_xor_expression[initial, allowIn]
bitwise_or_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: e = bitwise_xor_expression[initial, allowIn]
("|" (bitwise_xor_expression[false, allowIn] | "*" | "?"))*
// ********* Binary Logical Operators **********
logical_and_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
: bitwise_or_expression[initial, allowIn] ("&&" bitwise_or_expression[false, allowIn])*
logical_and_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: e = bitwise_or_expression[initial, allowIn] ("&&" bitwise_or_expression[false, allowIn])*
logical_or_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
: logical_and_expression[initial, allowIn] ("||" logical_and_expression[false, allowIn])*
logical_or_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: e = logical_and_expression[initial, allowIn] ("||" logical_and_expression[false, allowIn])*
// ********* Conditional Operators **********
conditional_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
: logical_or_expression[initial, allowIn]
conditional_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: e = logical_or_expression[initial, allowIn]
// There's an ambiguity here:
// Consider the input 'a ? b : c ? d : e'. Is that equivalent to '(a ? b : c) ? d : e' or
// should it be interpreted as 'a ? b : (c ? d : e)' ?
@ -267,8 +283,9 @@ conditional_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
non_assignment_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
: logical_or_expression[initial, allowIn]
non_assignment_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: e = logical_or_expression[initial, allowIn]
// There's an ambiguity here:
// Consider the input 'a ? b : c ? d : e'. Is that equivalent to '(a ? b : c) ? d : e' or
// should it be interpreted as 'a ? b : (c ? d : e)' ?
@ -285,10 +302,11 @@ non_assignment_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
// ********* Assignment Operators **********
// FIXME - Can we get rid of lookahead ?
assignment_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
assignment_expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: (postfix_expression[initial] ("=" | compound_assignment)) =>
postfix_expression[initial] ("=" | compound_assignment) assignment_expression[false, allowIn]
| conditional_expression[false, allowIn]
| e = conditional_expression[false, allowIn]
@ -306,8 +324,9 @@ compound_assignment
// ********* Expressions **********
expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn]
: assignment_expression[initial, allowIn] ("," assignment_expression[false, allowIn])*
expression[boolean initial, boolean allowIn] returns [ExpressionNode e]
{ e = null; }
: e = assignment_expression[initial, allowIn] ("," assignment_expression[false, allowIn] { e = new UnaryNode(",", e); })*
@ -376,7 +395,6 @@ labeled_statement[boolean non_empty]
: identifier ":" code_statement[non_empty]
// ********* If statement **********
if_statement[boolean non_empty]
: "if" parenthesized_expression code_statement[non_empty]
@ -592,7 +610,7 @@ named_function
function[boolean nameRequired]
: "function"
: "function"
{nameRequired}? identifier
| identifier
@ -620,7 +638,7 @@ parameter
: "..." (identifier)?
: (
@ -666,7 +684,7 @@ constructor_definition
// ********* Class Definition **********
: "class"
: "class"
"extends" type_expression[true, true]
| identifier ("extends" type_expression[true, true])?
@ -696,49 +714,49 @@ OPERATORS
options {testLiterals=true;}
: '?'
| '('
| ')'
| '['
| ']'
| '{'
| '}'
| ':'
| ','
| ')'
| '['
| ']'
| '{'
| '}'
| ':'
| ','
// | '.' FIXME - conflict w/ NUMBER
| '='
| "=="
| '!'
| '~'
| "!="
| '='
| "=="
| '!'
| '~'
| "!="
// | '/' FIXME - conflict w/ REGEXP
// | "/="
| '+'
| "+="
| "++"
| '-'
| "-="
| "--"
| '*'
| "*="
| '%'
| "%="
| ">>"
| ">>="
| ">>>"
| ">>>="
| ">="
| ">"
| "<<"
| "<<="
| "<="
| '<'
| '^'
| "^="
| '|'
| "|="
| "||"
| '&'
| "&="
| "&&"
// | "/="
| '+'
| "+="
| "++"
| '-'
| "-="
| "--"
| '*'
| "*="
| '%'
| "%="
| ">>"
| ">>="
| ">>>"
| ">>>="
| ">="
| ">"
| "<<"
| "<<="
| "<="
| '<'
| '^'
| "^="
| '|'
| "|="
| "||"
| '&'
| "&="
| "&&"
| ";"
// | "..."
@ -820,14 +838,14 @@ ESC
| '"'
| '\''
| '\\'
| ('0'..'3')
options {
warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
: ('0'..'7')
options {
warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
@ -872,7 +890,7 @@ NUMBER
| ('1'..'9') ('0'..'9')* {isDecimal=true;} // non-zero decimal
// only check to see if it's a float if looks like decimal so far
( {isDecimal}?
( '.' ('0'..'9')* (EXPONENT)?
Reference in New Issue
Block a user