Back out bug 390425 to fix performance regression.

This commit is contained in: 2007-08-10 15:55:21 -07:00
parent 185d0a35f7
commit 4a6e81a98b
4 changed files with 315 additions and 122 deletions

View File

@ -451,22 +451,23 @@ IsFrameSpecial(nsIFrame* aFrame)
return (aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_SPECIAL) != 0;
static nsIFrame* GetSpecialSibling(nsIFrame* aFrame)
static void
GetSpecialSibling(nsFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIFrame** aResult)
// We only store the "special sibling" annotation with the first
// frame in the continuation chain. Walk back to find that frame now.
aFrame = aFrame->GetFirstContinuation();
// frame in the flow. Walk back to find that frame now.
aFrame = aFrame->GetFirstInFlow();
void* value = aFrame->GetProperty(nsGkAtoms::IBSplitSpecialSibling);
return static_cast<nsIFrame*>(value);
*aResult = static_cast<nsIFrame*>(value);
static nsIFrame*
GetLastSpecialSibling(nsIFrame* aFrame)
GetLastSpecialSibling(nsFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIFrame* aFrame)
for (nsIFrame *frame = aFrame, *next; ; frame = next) {
next = GetSpecialSibling(frame);
GetSpecialSibling(aFrameManager, frame, &next);
if (!next)
return frame;
@ -536,18 +537,10 @@ IsInlineOutside(nsIFrame* aFrame)
return aFrame->GetStyleDisplay()->IsInlineOutside();
* True if aFrame is an actual inline frame in the sense of non-replaced
* display:inline CSS boxes. In other words, it can be affected by {ib}
* splitting and can contain first-letter frames. Basically, this is either an
* inline frame (positioned or otherwise) or an line frame (this last because
* it can contain first-letter and because inserting blocks in the middle of it
* needs to terminate it).
static PRBool
IsInlineFrame(const nsIFrame* aFrame)
IsBlockOutside(nsIFrame* aFrame)
return aFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eLineParticipant);
return aFrame->GetStyleDisplay()->IsBlockOutside();
@ -1423,7 +1416,7 @@ nsFrameConstructorState::AddChild(nsIFrame* aNewFrame,
// Now add the special siblings too.
nsIFrame* specialSibling = aNewFrame;
while (specialSibling && IsFrameSpecial(specialSibling)) {
specialSibling = GetSpecialSibling(specialSibling);
GetSpecialSibling(mFrameManager, specialSibling, &specialSibling);
if (specialSibling) {
NS_ASSERTION(frameItems == &aFrameItems,
"IB split ending up in an out-of-flow childlist?");
@ -7965,7 +7958,8 @@ FindPreviousAnonymousSibling(nsIPresShell* aPresShell,
// The frame may be a special frame (a split inline frame that
// contains a block). Get the last part of that split.
if (IsFrameSpecial(prevSibling)) {
prevSibling = GetLastSpecialSibling(prevSibling);
prevSibling = GetLastSpecialSibling(aPresShell->FrameManager(),
// The frame may have a continuation. If so, we want the
@ -8150,7 +8144,8 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::FindPreviousSibling(nsIContent* aContainer,
// The frame may be a special frame (a split inline frame that
// contains a block). Get the last part of that split.
if (IsFrameSpecial(prevSibling)) {
prevSibling = GetLastSpecialSibling(prevSibling);
prevSibling = GetLastSpecialSibling(mPresShell->FrameManager(),
// The frame may have a continuation. Get the last continuation
@ -8423,7 +8418,7 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended(nsIContent* aContainer,
if (item == child)
// Call ContentInserted with this index.
ContentInserted(aContainer, child,
iter.index(), mTempFrameTreeState);
iter.index(), mTempFrameTreeState, PR_FALSE);
@ -8450,9 +8445,20 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended(nsIContent* aContainer,
return NS_OK;
// If the frame we are manipulating is a ``special'' frame (that is, one
// that's been created as a result of a block-in-inline situation) then we
// need to append to the last special sibling, not to the frame itself.
// If the frame we are manipulating is a ``special'' frame (that
// is, one that's been created as a result of a block-in-inline
// situation) then do something different instead of just
// appending newly created frames. Note that only the
// first-in-flow is marked so we check before getting to the
// last-in-flow.
// We run into this situation occasionally while loading web
// pages, typically when some content generation tool has
// sprinkled invalid markup into the document. More often than
// not, we'll be able to just use the normal fast-path frame
// construction code, because the frames will be appended to the
// ``anonymous'' block that got created to parent the block
// children of the inline.
if (IsFrameSpecial(parentFrame)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (gNoisyContentUpdates) {
@ -8464,7 +8470,37 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended(nsIContent* aContainer,
// Since we're appending, we'll walk to the last anonymous frame
// that was created for the broken inline frame.
parentFrame = GetLastSpecialSibling(parentFrame);
nsFrameManager *frameManager = mPresShell->FrameManager();
while (1) {
nsIFrame* sibling;
GetSpecialSibling(frameManager, parentFrame, &sibling);
if (! sibling)
parentFrame = sibling;
// If this frame is the anonymous block frame, then all's well:
// just append frames as usual.
const nsStyleDisplay* display = parentFrame->GetStyleDisplay();
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK != display->mDisplay) {
// Nope, it's an inline, so just reframe the entire stinkin' mess if the
// content is a block. We _could_ do better here with a little more work...
// find out if the child is a block or inline, an inline means we don't have to reframe
nsIContent *child = aContainer->GetChildAt(aNewIndexInContainer);
PRBool needReframe = !child;
if (child && child->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eELEMENT)) {
nsRefPtr<nsStyleContext> styleContext;
styleContext = ResolveStyleContext(parentFrame, child);
// XXX since the block child goes in the last inline of the sacred triad, frames would
// need to be moved into the 2nd triad (block) but that is more work, for now bail.
needReframe = styleContext->GetStyleDisplay()->IsBlockOutside();
if (needReframe)
return ReframeContainingBlock(parentFrame);
// Get the parent frame's last continuation
@ -8560,7 +8596,8 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended(nsIContent* aContainer,
// Perform special check for diddling around with the frames in
// a special inline frame.
if (WipeContainingBlock(state, containingBlock, parentFrame, frameItems)) {
if (WipeContainingBlock(state, containingBlock, parentFrame,
frameItems.childList)) {
return NS_OK;
@ -8604,6 +8641,121 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended(nsIContent* aContainer,
return NS_OK;
// Return TRUE if the insertion of aChild into aParent1,2 should force a reframe. aParent1 is
// the special inline container which contains a block. aParentFrame is approximately aParent1's
// primary frame and will be set to the correct parent of aChild if a reframe is not necessary.
// aParent2 is aParentFrame's content. aPrevSibling will be set to the correct prev sibling of
// aChild if a reframe is not necessary.
nsCSSFrameConstructor::NeedSpecialFrameReframe(nsIContent* aParent1,
nsIContent* aParent2,
nsIFrame*& aParentFrame,
nsIContent* aChild,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer,
nsIFrame*& aPrevSibling,
nsIFrame* aNextSibling)
// XXXbz aNextSibling is utterly unused. Why?
if (IsBlockOutside(aParentFrame))
return PR_FALSE;
// find out if aChild is a block or inline
PRBool childIsBlock = PR_FALSE;
if (aChild->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eELEMENT)) {
nsRefPtr<nsStyleContext> styleContext;
styleContext = ResolveStyleContext(aParentFrame, aChild);
const nsStyleDisplay* display = styleContext->GetStyleDisplay();
childIsBlock = display->IsBlockOutside();
nsIFrame* prevParent; // parent of prev sibling
nsIFrame* nextParent; // parent of next sibling
if (childIsBlock) {
if (aPrevSibling) {
prevParent = aPrevSibling->GetParent();
NS_ASSERTION(prevParent, "program error - null parent frame");
if (!IsBlockOutside(prevParent)) { // prevParent is an inline
// XXX we need to find out if prevParent is the 1st inline or the last. If it
// is the 1st, then aChild and the frames after aPrevSibling within the 1st inline
// need to be moved to the block(inline). If it is the last, then aChild and the
// frames before aPrevSibling within the last need to be moved to the block(inline).
return PR_TRUE; // For now, bail.
aParentFrame = prevParent; // prevParent is a block, put aChild there
else {
// XXXbz see comments in ContentInserted about this being wrong in many
// cases! Why doesn't this just use aNextSibling anyway? Why are we
// looking sometimes in aParent1 and sometimes in aParent2?
nsIFrame* nextSibling = (aIndexInContainer >= 0)
? FindNextSibling(aParent2, aParentFrame,
: FindNextAnonymousSibling(mPresShell, mDocument,
aParent1, aChild);
if (nextSibling) {
nextParent = nextSibling->GetParent();
NS_ASSERTION(nextParent, "program error - null parent frame");
if (!IsBlockOutside(nextParent)) {
// XXX we need to move aChild, aNextSibling and all the frames after aNextSibling within
// the 1st inline to the block(inline).
return PR_TRUE; // for now, bail
// put aChild in nextParent which is the block(inline) and leave aPrevSibling null
aParentFrame = nextParent;
else { // aChild is an inline
if (aPrevSibling) {
prevParent = aPrevSibling->GetParent();
NS_ASSERTION(prevParent, "program error - null parent frame");
if (!IsBlockOutside(prevParent)) { // prevParent is an inline
// aChild goes into the same inline frame as aPrevSibling
aParentFrame = aPrevSibling->GetParent();
NS_ASSERTION(aParentFrame, "program error - null parent frame");
else { // prevParent is a block
// XXXbz see comments in ContentInserted about this being wrong in many
// cases! Why doesn't this just use aNextSibling anyway? Why are we
// looking sometimes in aParent1 and sometimes in aParent2?
nsIFrame* nextSibling = (aIndexInContainer >= 0)
? FindNextSibling(aParent2, aParentFrame,
: FindNextAnonymousSibling(mPresShell,
mDocument, aParent1,
if (nextSibling) {
nextParent = nextSibling->GetParent();
NS_ASSERTION(nextParent, "program error - null parent frame");
if (!IsBlockOutside(nextParent)) {
// nextParent is the ending inline frame. Put aChild there and
// set aPrevSibling to null so aChild is its first element.
aParentFrame = nextSibling->GetParent();
NS_ASSERTION(aParentFrame, "program error - null parent frame");
aPrevSibling = nsnull;
else { // nextParent is a block
// prevParent and nextParent should be the same, and aChild goes there
NS_ASSERTION(prevParent == nextParent, "special frame error");
aParentFrame = prevParent;
else {
// The child has no next sibling, so we can't find the ending inline
// frame (which might not exist in this case anyway!), but aChild
// should go in there. Force a reframe.
// XXXbz wouldn't getting prevParent's special sibling work, with
// reframing only needed if that's null?
return PR_TRUE;
// else aChild goes into the 1st inline frame which is aParentFrame
return PR_FALSE;
#ifdef MOZ_XUL
enum content_operation
@ -8676,7 +8828,8 @@ nsresult
nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aChild,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer,
nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState)
nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState,
PRBool aInReinsertContent)
AUTO_LAYOUT_PHASE_ENTRY_POINT(mPresShell->GetPresContext(), FrameC);
// XXXldb Do we need to re-resolve style to handle the CSS2 + combinator and
@ -8802,14 +8955,18 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted(nsIContent* aContainer,
: FindNextAnonymousSibling(mPresShell, mDocument, aContainer, aChild);
PRBool handleSpecialFrame = IsFrameSpecial(parentFrame) && !aInReinsertContent;
// Now, find the geometric parent so that we can handle
// continuations properly. Use the prev sibling if we have it;
// otherwise use the next sibling.
if (prevSibling) {
parentFrame = prevSibling->GetParent()->GetContentInsertionFrame();
if (!handleSpecialFrame)
parentFrame = prevSibling->GetParent()->GetContentInsertionFrame();
else if (nextSibling) {
parentFrame = nextSibling->GetParent()->GetContentInsertionFrame();
if (!handleSpecialFrame)
parentFrame = nextSibling->GetParent()->GetContentInsertionFrame();
else {
// No previous or next sibling, so treat this like an appended frame.
@ -8834,6 +8991,26 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted(nsIContent* aContainer,
return NS_OK;
// If the frame we are manipulating is a special frame then see if we need to reframe
// NOTE: if we are in ReinsertContent, then don't reframe as we are already doing just that!
if (handleSpecialFrame) {
// a special inline frame has propagated some of its children upward to be children
// of the block and those frames may need to move around. Sometimes we may need to reframe
#ifdef DEBUG
if (gNoisyContentUpdates) {
printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted: parentFrame=");
nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, parentFrame);
printf(" is special\n");
// if we don't need to reframe then set parentFrame and prevSibling to the correct values
if (NeedSpecialFrameReframe(aContainer, container, parentFrame,
aChild, aIndexInContainer, prevSibling,
nextSibling)) {
return ReframeContainingBlock(parentFrame);
nsFrameConstructorState state(mPresShell, mFixedContainingBlock,
@ -8846,6 +9023,8 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted(nsIContent* aContainer,
// is not the normal structure and requires custom updating
// logic.
nsIFrame* containingBlock = state.mFloatedItems.containingBlock;
nsStyleContext* blockSC;
nsIContent* blockContent = nsnull;
PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle = PR_FALSE;
PRBool haveFirstLineStyle = PR_FALSE;
@ -8898,6 +9077,33 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted(nsIContent* aContainer,
? FindNextSibling(container, parentFrame, aIndexInContainer, aChild)
: FindNextAnonymousSibling(mPresShell, mDocument, aContainer, aChild);
handleSpecialFrame = IsFrameSpecial(parentFrame) && !aInReinsertContent;
if (handleSpecialFrame &&
NeedSpecialFrameReframe(aContainer, container, parentFrame,
aChild, aIndexInContainer, prevSibling,
nextSibling)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
nsIContent* parentContainer = blockContent->GetParent();
if (gNoisyContentUpdates) {
printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted: parentFrame=");
nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, parentFrame);
printf(" is special inline\n");
printf(" ==> blockContent=%p, parentContainer=%p\n",
NS_ASSERTION(GetFloatContainingBlock(parentFrame) == containingBlock,
"Unexpected block ancestor for parentFrame");
// Note that in this case we're guaranteed that the closest block
// containing parentFrame is |containingBlock|. So
// ReframeContainingBlock(parentFrame) will make sure to rebuild the
// first-letter stuff we just blew away.
return ReframeContainingBlock(parentFrame);
@ -8939,7 +9145,8 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted(nsIContent* aContainer,
// Perform special check for diddling around with the frames in
// a special inline frame.
if (WipeContainingBlock(state, containingBlock, parentFrame, frameItems))
if (WipeContainingBlock(state, containingBlock, parentFrame,
return NS_OK;
if (haveFirstLineStyle && parentFrame == containingBlock) {
@ -9057,7 +9264,7 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ReinsertContent(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsresult res = ContentRemoved(aContainer, aChild, ix, PR_TRUE);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
res = ContentInserted(aContainer, aChild, ix, nsnull);
res = ContentInserted(aContainer, aChild, ix, nsnull, PR_TRUE);
return res;
@ -9280,9 +9487,21 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentRemoved(nsIContent* aContainer,
// frames.
// NOTE: if we are in ReinsertContent,
// then do not reframe as we are already doing just that!
if (!aInReinsertContent &&
MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame(childFrame, &rv)) {
return rv;
if (IsFrameSpecial(childFrame) && !aInReinsertContent) {
// We are pretty harsh here (and definitely not optimal) -- we
// wipe out the entire containing block and recreate it from
// scratch. The reason is that because we know that a special
// inline frame has propagated some of its children upward to be
// children of the block and that those frames may need to move
// around. This logic guarantees a correct answer.
#ifdef DEBUG
if (gNoisyContentUpdates) {
printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentRemoved: childFrame=");
nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, childFrame);
printf(" is special\n");
return ReframeContainingBlock(childFrame);
// Get the childFrame's parent frame
@ -10691,7 +10910,9 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::FindPrimaryFrameFor(nsFrameManager* aFrameManager,
// that's been split because it contained a block), we need to
// follow the out-of-flow "special sibling" link, and search
// *that* subtree as well.
parentFrame = GetSpecialSibling(parentFrame);
nsIFrame* specialSibling = nsnull;
GetSpecialSibling(aFrameManager, parentFrame, &specialSibling);
parentFrame = specialSibling;
else {
@ -10835,49 +11056,19 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::MaybeRecreateFramesForContent(nsIContent* aContent)
nsCSSFrameConstructor::MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsresult* aResult)
nsCSSFrameConstructor::MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame, nsresult* aResult)
NS_PRECONDITION(aFrame, "Must have a frame");
NS_PRECONDITION(aFrame->GetParent(), "Frame shouldn't be root");
NS_PRECONDITION(aResult, "Null out param?");
NS_PRECONDITION(aFrame == aFrame->GetFirstContinuation(),
"aFrame not the result of GetPrimaryFrameFor()?");
if (IsFrameSpecial(aFrame)) {
// The removal functions can't handle removal of an {ib} split directly; we
// need to rebuild the containing block.
#ifdef DEBUG
if (gNoisyContentUpdates) {
printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame: "
nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aFrame);
printf(" is special\n");
*aResult = ReframeContainingBlock(aFrame);
return PR_TRUE;
// We might still need to reconstruct things if the parent of aFrame is
// special, since in that case the removal of aFrame might affect the
// splitting of its parent.
nsIFrame* parent = aFrame->GetParent();
if (!IsFrameSpecial(parent)) {
if (!aFrame || !IsFrameSpecial(aFrame))
return PR_FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (gNoisyContentUpdates || 1) {
printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame: "
nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, parent);
if (gNoisyContentUpdates) {
printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::RecreateFramesForContent: frame=");
nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aFrame);
printf(" is special\n");
*aResult = ReframeContainingBlock(parent);
*aResult = ReframeContainingBlock(aFrame);
return PR_TRUE;
@ -10895,15 +11086,23 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::RecreateFramesForContent(nsIContent* aContent)
// block *here*, rather than trying to remove and re-insert the
// content (which would otherwise result in *two* nested reframe
// containing block from ContentRemoved() and ContentInserted(),
// below!). We'd really like to optimize away one of those
// containing block reframes, hence the code here.
// below!)
nsIFrame* frame = mPresShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent);
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
if (frame && MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame(frame, &rv)) {
return rv;
if (frame) {
// If the frame is an anonymous frame created as part of inline-in-block
// splitting --- or if its parent is such an anonymous frame (i.e., this
// frame might have been the cause of such splitting), then recreate the
// containing block. Note that if |frame| is an inline, then it can't
// possibly have caused the splitting, and if the inline is changing to a
// block, any reframing that's needed will happen in ContentInserted.
if (MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame(frame, &rv) ||
(!IsInlineOutside(frame) &&
MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame(frame->GetParent(), &rv)))
return rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> container = aContent->GetParent();
@ -10922,7 +11121,7 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::RecreateFramesForContent(nsIContent* aContent)
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// Now, recreate the frames associated with this content object.
rv = ContentInserted(container, aContent,
indexInContainer, mTempFrameTreeState);
indexInContainer, mTempFrameTreeState, PR_FALSE);
} else {
// The content is the root node, so just rebuild the world.
@ -11752,7 +11951,8 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame(
while (frame) {
nsIFrame* nextFrame = frame->GetNextSibling();
if (nsGkAtoms::textFrame == frame->GetType()) {
nsIAtom* frameType = frame->GetType();
if (nsGkAtoms::textFrame == frameType) {
// Wrap up first-letter content in a letter frame
nsIContent* textContent = frame->GetContent();
if (IsFirstLetterContent(textContent)) {
@ -11771,7 +11971,9 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame(
return NS_OK;
else if (IsInlineFrame(frame)) {
else if ((nsGkAtoms::inlineFrame == frameType) ||
(nsGkAtoms::lineFrame == frameType) ||
(nsGkAtoms::positionedInlineFrame == frameType)) {
nsIFrame* kids = frame->GetFirstChild(nsnull);
WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame(aState, aBlockFrame, frame, kids,
aModifiedParent, aTextFrame,
@ -11924,7 +12126,8 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::RemoveFirstLetterFrames(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIFrame* kid = aFrame->GetFirstChild(nsnull);
while (kid) {
if (nsGkAtoms::letterFrame == kid->GetType()) {
nsIAtom* frameType = kid->GetType();
if (nsGkAtoms::letterFrame == frameType) {
// Bingo. Found it. First steal away the text frame.
nsIFrame* textFrame = kid->GetFirstChild(nsnull);
if (!textFrame) {
@ -11958,7 +12161,9 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::RemoveFirstLetterFrames(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
*aStopLooking = PR_TRUE;
else if (IsInlineFrame(kid)) {
else if ((nsGkAtoms::inlineFrame == frameType) ||
(nsGkAtoms::lineFrame == frameType) ||
(nsGkAtoms::positionedInlineFrame == frameType)) {
// Look inside child inline frame for the letter frame
RemoveFirstLetterFrames(aPresContext, aPresShell, aFrameManager, kid,
@ -12316,9 +12521,6 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructInline(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* inlineFrame = nsnull;
if (list3) {
// If we ever start constructing a second inline in the split even when
// list3 is null, the logic in MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame
// needs to be adjusted.
if (aIsPositioned) {
inlineFrame = NS_NewPositionedInlineFrame(mPresShell, aStyleContext);
@ -12473,34 +12675,24 @@ PRBool
nsCSSFrameConstructor::WipeContainingBlock(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aContainingBlock,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
const nsFrameItems& aFrameList)
nsIFrame* aFrameList)
if (!aFrameList.childList) {
return PR_FALSE;
// Before we go and append the frames, check for a special
// situation: an inline frame that will now contain block
// frames. This is a no-no and the frame construction logic knows
// how to fix this. See defition of IsInlineFrame() for what "an
// inline" is. Whether we have "a block" is tested for by
// AreAllKidsInline.
// how to fix this.
// We also need to check for an append of
// content ending in an inline to the block in an {ib} split. If
// that happens, we also need to reframe, since that content
// needs to go into the following inline in the split.
if (IsInlineFrame(aFrame)) {
// Nothing to do if all kids are inline
if (AreAllKidsInline(aFrameList.childList)) {
return PR_FALSE;
} else if (!IsFrameSpecial(aFrame) ||
!aFrameList.lastChild->GetStyleDisplay()->IsInlineOutside()) {
// Nothing to do if aFrame is not special or if the last kid is not inline
// If we don't have a block within an inline, just return false. Here
// "an inline" is an actual inline frame (positioned or not) or a lineframe
// (corresponding to :first-line), since the latter should stop at the first
// block it runs into and we might be inserting one in the middle of it.
// Whether we have "a block" is tested for by AreAllKidsInline.
nsIAtom* frameType = aFrame->GetType();
if ((frameType != nsGkAtoms::inlineFrame &&
frameType != nsGkAtoms::positionedInlineFrame &&
frameType != nsGkAtoms::lineFrame) ||
return PR_FALSE;
// Ok, reverse tracks: wipe out the frames we just created
nsFrameManager *frameManager = aState.mFrameManager;
@ -12509,7 +12701,7 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::WipeContainingBlock(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
// or entries in the undisplayed content map are removed
CleanupFrameReferences(frameManager, aFrameList.childList);
CleanupFrameReferences(frameManager, aFrameList);
if (aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList) {
CleanupFrameReferences(frameManager, aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList);
@ -12524,7 +12716,7 @@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::WipeContainingBlock(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
CleanupFrameReferences(frameManager, aState.mPopupItems.childList);
nsFrameList tmp(aFrameList.childList);
nsFrameList tmp(aFrameList);

View File

@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ public:
nsresult ContentInserted(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aChild,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer,
nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState);
nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState,
PRBool aInReinsertContent);
nsresult ContentRemoved(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aChild,
@ -753,16 +754,7 @@ private:
nsresult RecreateFramesForContent(nsIContent* aContent);
// If removal of aFrame from the frame tree requires reconstruction of some
// containing block (either of aFrame or of its parent) due to {ib} splits,
// recreate the relevant containing block. The return value indicates
// whether this happened. If this method returns true, *aResult is the
// return value of ReframeContainingBlock. If this method returns false, the
// value of *aResult is no affected. aFrame and aResult must not be null.
// aFrame must be the result of a GetPrimaryFrameFor() call (which means its
// parent is also not null).
PRBool MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsresult* aResult);
PRBool MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame, nsresult* aResult);
nsresult CreateContinuingOuterTableFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell,
nsPresContext* aPresContext,
@ -846,9 +838,17 @@ private:
PRBool AreAllKidsInline(nsIFrame* aFrameList);
PRBool WipeContainingBlock(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aContainingBlock,
nsIFrame* blockContent,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
const nsFrameItems& aFrameList);
nsIFrame* aFrameList);
PRBool NeedSpecialFrameReframe(nsIContent* aParent1,
nsIContent* aParent2,
nsIFrame*& aParentFrame,
nsIContent* aChild,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer,
nsIFrame*& aPrevSibling,
nsIFrame* aNextSibling);
nsresult ReframeContainingBlock(nsIFrame* aFrame);

View File

@ -2366,7 +2366,8 @@ PresShell::InitialReflow(nscoord aWidth, nscoord aHeight)
// Have the style sheet processor construct frame for the root
// content object down
mFrameConstructor->ContentInserted(nsnull, root, 0, nsnull);
mFrameConstructor->ContentInserted(nsnull, root, 0,
nsnull, PR_FALSE);
MOZ_TIMER_DEBUGLOG(("Stop: Frame Creation: PresShell::InitialReflow(), this=%p\n",
@ -4538,7 +4539,7 @@ PresShell::ContentInserted(nsIDocument* aDocument,
mFrameConstructor->ContentInserted(aContainer, aChild,
aIndexInContainer, nsnull);
aIndexInContainer, nsnull, PR_FALSE);

View File

@ -63,4 +63,4 @@ include columns/reftest.list
include image-region/reftest.list
# block-inside-inline splits
include ib-split/reftest.list
#include ib-split/reftest.list